More in europe Are Turning to Islam

Read the subtitles in the video....what they are describing sounds a lot what the left is attempting in the US

Spot on.

This video was shown to our daughter's class today, some parents would be upset, not me, I'm tickled they viewed it

Our organisation know the people who produced and directed the video....naturally they're "racist" and "Nazi", just like the young Germans in the video are ALL "racist" and "Nazi".

Racist? I don't view them as racist at all, that's very sad
Danni, as you are no doubt aware (but will probably taqiyya about with endless happy kumbaya pics), apostasy from Islam carries the death penalty unless it can be proved the apostate is mentally ill. For this reason, apostates keep their turning away from Islam quiet, even from family and friends. Even though this is a problem, a few up years ago a Pew study indicated that there is no net gain to Islam from its European imbecilic and prison reverts. It is all more than balanced out by the African converts to Christianity alone.

i cant undrestand some of ..... because of my bad english.
please when you quote me....don't write hard english :bow3:
My apologies. I'm just saying that researches believe as many Muslims leave Islam as new ones join. Plus, the more education Muslims get, especially women, the higher the apostasy rates.
yes. i agree.
in middle east.
based on source.95 % of iranian are moslem.
but im sure that more than 20% of iranian are atheist or.......

but europe is in danger.

european dont like children.
but arabs and pakistani love children very much.maybe 3 or 4 or more
for example 20 years ago.we have 15% moslem in europe.and they can vote...!!!!!

CRÉTEIL, France — The spacious and elegant modern building, in the heart of this middle-class suburb of Paris, is known as “the mosque of the converts.”
Every year about 150 Muslim conversion ceremonies are performed in the snow-white structure of the Sahaba mosque in Créteil, with its intricate mosaics and a stunning 81-foot minaret, built in 2008 and a symbol of Islam’s growing presence in France. Among those who come here for Friday Prayer are numerous young former Roman Catholics, wearing the traditional Muslim prayer cap and long robe.


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i dont understand why she ...........
its not normal/
1 million refugges isnt normal
she is smart woman.she is not idiot.
maybe we dont know something......!!!!!

This video was shown to our daughter's class today, some parents would be upset, not me, I'm tickled they viewed it
Wow. I can hardly believe it! Must have normal un PC staff there? Yay. It's private, isn't it? What was the context in which it was shown?

It's a private school. They discuss current events, politics, etc. and they viewed the video as part of a discussion group on refugees and the impact on nations they go to. Actually the teacher is new this semester and already making a name for herself, she's well liked, tells it how it is and pushes the students to excel.

Traitor Bitch Merkel has blocked German's from viewing this film....but we've helped our cousins around her filthy tactic.

Are you serious?

Darling you DON'T KNOW THE HALF of it. We've even now had the inevitable "death threats" from filthy Antifa Traitors, but we have discovered that filthy Commie's who are Linkspartei, are ACTUALLY PAYING these POS € 50 AN HOUR to do all sorts of typical Commie fashion, being idiots, they have now given us THE weapon, our various legal teams are now going to prepare criminal charges against the filthy Commie Traitor Party.

We are more educated than they, we are nearly ALL professionals....they are idiot Traitor bastards.

Here, read about the POS Party - Old East German Communist Party they are, read their history. They THINK they're really something....yes, that's why more than 60,000 members abandoned them in 2014 already.


The Left (Germany) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This video was shown to our daughter's class today, some parents would be upset, not me, I'm tickled they viewed it
Wow. I can hardly believe it! Must have normal un PC staff there? Yay. It's private, isn't it? What was the context in which it was shown?

It's a private school. They discuss current events, politics, etc. and they viewed the video as part of a discussion group on refugees and the impact on nations they go to. Actually the teacher is new this semester and already making a name for herself, she's well liked, tells it how it is and pushes the students to excel.

Traitor Bitch Merkel has blocked German's from viewing this film....but we've helped our cousins around her filthy tactic.

Are you serious?

Darling you DON'T KNOW THE HALF of it. We've even now had the inevitable "death threats" from filthy Antifa Traitors, but we have discovered that filthy Commie's who are Linkspartei, are ACTUALLY PAYING these POS € 50 AN HOUR to do all sorts of typical Commie fashion, being idiots, they have now given us THE weapon, our various legal teams are now going to prepare criminal charges against the filthy Commie Traitor Party.

We are more educated than they, we are nearly ALL professionals....they are idiot Traitor bastards.

Here, read about the POS Party - Old East German Communist Party they are, read their history. They THINK they're really something....yes, that's why more than 60,000 members abandoned them in 2014 already.


The Left (Germany) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Thank you, I'll look into this further and have a discussion with our twin's teacher, she seems to know a lot about this
Read the subtitles in the video....what they are describing sounds a lot what the left is attempting in the US

Spot on.

This video was shown to our daughter's class today, some parents would be upset, not me, I'm tickled they viewed it

Our organisation know the people who produced and directed the video....naturally they're "racist" and "Nazi", just like the young Germans in the video are ALL "racist" and "Nazi".

Racist? I don't view them as racist at all, that's very sad

EVERYONE is a "racist" and "Nazi", this is the Leftist memo. The thing is being morons in general, they are using these words so much, that we are literally inches away from them being rendered meaningless, which of course is good for our team!

I think collectively our organisations combined across Europa and Mitteleuropa have worked the campaign brilliantly and in the old-fashioned way ie. ground troops out there day in day out, meeting our European peoples, talking with them, giving them leaflets, booklets and DVDs that have been mass produced by several of the in-house and Not-For-Profit publishers and Independent film makers.

Months ago, during one of our Central Committee meetings, this was like 1,200 people, the agreement was we COULDN'T take the programme Over Ground, we HAD to do it Under Ground, this way avoiding Traitors in MSM, who would have become hysterical in their Dis-Information Propaganda Campaign against us.

So, the project is working from Denmark to Lithuania. We will save Europa, we will make History....and this time we're KEEPING it, it's not going to be taken away from us ever again.
Read the subtitles in the video....what they are describing sounds a lot what the left is attempting in the US

Spot on.

This video was shown to our daughter's class today, some parents would be upset, not me, I'm tickled they viewed it

Our organisation know the people who produced and directed the video....naturally they're "racist" and "Nazi", just like the young Germans in the video are ALL "racist" and "Nazi".

Racist? I don't view them as racist at all, that's very sad

Traitor Bitch Merkel has actually called children....CHILDREN...."collaborators". An entire school of 14 year-old children in Leipzig were referred to as "Neo-Nazi's" by Traitor MSM.

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