More job destruction coming from Obama with his war on the middle class

Obama will destroy more good jobs with his global warming bullcrap:mad:. This is how Obama sides with the working people right? Shutting down power plants, increasing energy bills for everyone. He won't allow us to exploit our energy reserves or build keystone increasing the costs of fuel for everyone. Anyone been to the grocery store lately? Food prices are though the roof. While Obama and the liberal, nutjob, environmentalist, fascist, shut down our farmers in California and elsewhere. China's economy is still growing. Ours not so much. So while we shut down our coal plants, China builds them at a feverish pace. all this equals the downsizing of the U.S. economy, fewer jobs, less wealth, and a lower standard of living for we working Americans trying to make a decent living...Obama is an impediment to that.
Exactly. Global Warming is an excuse for government infringement on privacy of its citizens.

The War on Terror covered that already. Try to keep up

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