More Jobs Created.

What a pity you were too anti-American to celebrate like that when Obama was breaking employment growth for many of ghd months during the 86 consecutive months of job growth on his watch.

In a previous life, I was a troubleshooter for a major retail chain. When a store manager was fired, I went in to get the store turned around. I used to kid some of my bosses that some of the stores just required that the doors be opened on time!

The Democrat caused housing/mortgage/financial meltdown lowered our employment numbers so far it could only go up. That fact resulted in the slowest recovery in history since the Great Depression.
Liar. Bush and Republicans caused the meltdown. The meltdown was due to the bursting of the real estate bubble; and here's the leader of the Republican party at that time bragging about home ownership...

"Thanks to our policies, home ownership in America is at an all time high" ~ George Bush, 2004 RNC acceptance speech
We had full employment. record job growth. record wage growth. record DOW Nasdaq and S&P under Obama. Don't you miss those days when you mutters called those numbers fake?

Record wage growth? Link please. He is known as the food stamp President.
When caught , Trumpettes blame Obama for the effects of the Bush recession.

I do not care what others say. BHO inherited a shit storm from Bush. I agree 100%.

Yeah, well -

If you look, or remember back, to that time, the first 6 years of the Bush Presidency were solid economically, it was only after the Media installed the Democrats back into House Leadership that the economy went badly.

It was Greenspan and the "everyone should own a house BS"


The everyone should own a home idea is a good one, like don't do drugs and stay in school.

It was the Democrats actions of demanding that people who could never afford it be loaned the money to do it - is where the wheels came off.
What a pity you were too anti-American to celebrate like that when Obama was breaking employment growth for many of ghd months during the 86 consecutive months of job growth on his watch.

In a previous life, I was a troubleshooter for a major retail chain. When a store manager was fired, I went in to get the store turned around. I used to kid some of my bosses that some of the stores just required that the doors be opened on time!

The Democrat caused housing/mortgage/financial meltdown lowered our employment numbers so far it could only go up. That fact resulted in the slowest recovery in history since the Great Depression.
Liar. Bush and Republicans caused the meltdown. The meltdown was due to the bursting of the real estate bubble; and here's the leader of the Republican party at that time bragging about home ownership...

"Thanks to our policies, home ownership in America is at an all time high" ~ George Bush, 2004 RNC acceptance speech

I swear to allah, you have to be the most misled person in North America.
Record wage growth? Link please. He is known as the food stamp President.
When caught , Trumpettes blame Obama for the effects of the Bush recession.

I do not care what others say. BHO inherited a shit storm from Bush. I agree 100%.

Yeah, well -

If you look, or remember back, to that time, the first 6 years of the Bush Presidency were solid economically, it was only after the Media installed the Democrats back into House Leadership that the economy went badly.

It was Greenspan and the "everyone should own a house BS"


The everyone should own a home idea is a good one, like don't do drugs and stay in school.

It was the Democrats actions of demanding that people who could never afford it be loaned the money to do it - is where the wheels came off.

Was it the Democrats or the stupid banks who bought sub prime mortgages and then stupid AIG for not insuring them properly and stupid Moodys and S&P for not rating the investment securities properly? Both parties dropped the ball there!
We had full employment. record job growth. record wage growth. record DOW Nasdaq and S&P under Obama. Don't you miss those days when you mutters called those numbers fake?

I never saw anyone call those numbers fake.

What I did see, hear, and was proven is that the recovery by President Barack Hussein Obama was the slowest in history. Malaise was the word used, the same as the economy during the Carter years.

"I never saw anyone call those numbers fake."

Then you're willfully blind.

View attachment 299531

Donald Trump was right! The FIVE PERCENT unemployment figure was fake. What was not publicized was the fact that much of that reduction was due to people becoming discouraged and dropping out of the job market altogether. In addition, claims for disability skyrocketed.
Liar. The BLS calculates the unemployment rate exactly the same way today as it did then. If the numbers were fake then, then they're fake now.

Regardless, you idiotically claimed you hadn't seen anyone calling them fake, as though no one did. Shown someone who did, and your first response is to fluff him.

It sure does!

The difference is that the labor participation rate dropped the entire time President Trump was in office. Those were the people who had been looking for a job and quit looking. Many went on permanent disability. Because they went from unemployment to not looking they weren't counted as being unemployed. That labor participation rate has not continued to drop since President Donald Trump took office, in fact, it has increased slightly.
Liar. The LFPR is not much higher (0.5) today than it was when Impeached Trump called the numbers fake.
What a pity you were too anti-American to celebrate like that when Obama was breaking employment growth for many of ghd months during the 86 consecutive months of job growth on his watch.

In a previous life, I was a troubleshooter for a major retail chain. When a store manager was fired, I went in to get the store turned around. I used to kid some of my bosses that some of the stores just required that the doors be opened on time!

The Democrat caused housing/mortgage/financial meltdown lowered our employment numbers so far it could only go up. That fact resulted in the slowest recovery in history since the Great Depression.
Liar. Bush and Republicans caused the meltdown. The meltdown was due to the bursting of the real estate bubble; and here's the leader of the Republican party at that time bragging about home ownership...

"Thanks to our policies, home ownership in America is at an all time high" ~ George Bush, 2004 RNC acceptance speech

I swear to allah, you have to be the most misled person in North America.

Have you seen RealStupidDave? JoeB? Faun is an idiot but is a genius compared to those two.
Full employment. record job growth. record wage growth. record DOW Nasdaq and S&P. When did Obama have more jobs available than people to work them? Please tell me or admit he sucked.
We had full employment. record job growth. record wage growth. record DOW Nasdaq and S&P under Obama. Don't you miss those days when you mutters called those numbers fake?

Record wage growth? Link please. He is known as the food stamp President.
When caught , Trumpettes blame Obama for the effects of the Bush recession.

I do not care what others say. BHO inherited a shit storm from Bush. I agree 100%.

Yeah, well -

If you look, or remember back, to that time, the first 6 years of the Bush Presidency were solid economically, it was only after the Media installed the Democrats back into House Leadership that the economy went badly.
Due to toxic loans written mostly during Bush's early years.
"The Democrat caused housing/mortgage/financial meltdown lowered our employment numbers so far it could only go up. That fact resulted in the slowest recovery in history since the Great Depression."

It was literally known as "a jobless recovery" and was a phenomrnon until the revisionist got to work,
What a pity you were too anti-American to celebrate like that when Obama was breaking employment growth for many of ghd months during the 86 consecutive months of job growth on his watch.

In a previous life, I was a troubleshooter for a major retail chain. When a store manager was fired, I went in to get the store turned around. I used to kid some of my bosses that some of the stores just required that the doors be opened on time!

The Democrat caused housing/mortgage/financial meltdown lowered our employment numbers so far it could only go up. That fact resulted in the slowest recovery in history since the Great Depression.
Liar. Bush and Republicans caused the meltdown. The meltdown was due to the bursting of the real estate bubble; and here's the leader of the Republican party at that time bragging about home ownership...

"Thanks to our policies, home ownership in America is at an all time high" ~ George Bush, 2004 RNC acceptance speech

I swear to allah, you have to be the most misled person in North America.

Quoting Republicans taking credit for the housing boom is misleading??
"The Democrat caused housing/mortgage/financial meltdown lowered our employment numbers so far it could only go up. That fact resulted in the slowest recovery in history since the Great Depression."

It was literally known as "a jobless recovery" and was a phenomrnon until the revisionist got to work,
It was also the deepest recession since the Great Depression. And Republicans took credit for it before it collapsed and blamed Democrats after it did.
Ok, show me where the article I posted is speaking of this specific study...

Here is the link again just to make it super easy for you to highlight....

Nearly 95% of all new jobs during Obama era were part-time, or contract
Your article from December, 2016 cites a new study "by economists Lawrence Katz of Harvard University and Alan Krueger at Princeton University..." [falsely] claiming the study states "nearly 95% of all new jobs during Obama era were part-time, or contract."

I posted a link to the actual study, you fucking retard, from September, 2016, "by Lawrence F. Katz Harvard University and NBER and Alan B. Krueger Princeton University and NBER...." showing they actually said that nearly 95% of all new jobs that were part-time, or contract, were actually during the years, 2005-2015.

The Rise and Nature of Alternative Work Arrangements in the United States, 1995-2015

A striking implication of these estimates is that 94 percent of the net employment growth in the U.S. economy from 2005 to 2015 appears to have occurred in alternative work arrangements.

Now stop lying.

I think you are thinking that the study you found was the one in the article...But, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt since the article doesn't link to the study....

That being said, I think it is significant that your study which spans 3 presidents, Clinton, Bush, and Obama, the trend of counting non traditional jobs as jobs that impact the reports, even when these jobs are temp at best is just proof for my argument that the stats are skewed....

Shit, don't give me the benefit of the doubt. Post a link to another study in late 2016 by Lawrence F. Katz of Harvard University and Alan B. Krueger of Princeton University stating what you claimed.


And the stats were not skewed. They were never meant to be applied to presidents.

See, now you can go fuck yourself...If you in front of me in person, I'd have slapped you by now....You're not here for serious discussion...I already conceded that the article I cited was likely using the study you dug up, what the fuck more do you want you asshole....And the fact that you say they were never meant to be applied to Presidents, then what the fuck are you arguing about then in terms of Trump? You dipshit! You're just so damned partisan that having a conversation with you is like driving needles into my eyes....In fact I am surprised you can feed yourself you drooling shitbag...Now go off and die somewhere painfully.
Dumbfuck, that study was never meant to be applied to presidents. I never said anything else was not.

And you're concession was bullshit. You give me the benefit if doubt. I told you, I don't want that from you. I want you to post the actual article if you think there's a chance that's not it.

You can't because, as the forum sees, you blindly accepted that fake news article as fact for no reason other than you liked what it said; and there is no other article other than the one I posted.

Now you're swinging your purse at me because I proved you posted 100% unadulterated bullshit.


Labor market is thriving far better under Trump than under Obama

The Truth About Obama's Job Record | RealClearPolitics

Wow, even CNN called his inflated claims "spin", and "not very good"....

How good were the 10.9 million jobs under Obama?
Ok, show me where the article I posted is speaking of this specific study...

Here is the link again just to make it super easy for you to highlight....

Nearly 95% of all new jobs during Obama era were part-time, or contract
So what's ther deal about contract?

Unions work under contract. They have expiration dates.

Jesus! Really? By "contract" workers, I am referring to those that work not as employees of a particular company, but rather are contract workers like a temp services....
Where I work, there are contractors who have been here as long as 8 years. And they're still working here.

Who gives a shit? You're a dumbass....
A dumbshit who schooled you. So what does that say about you? :mm:

Meanwhile, while you're trying to make it sound like contract jobs are short term, while many may be, many are not.

LOL....I give that I was sloppy in the article I posted...But "schooled?" Nah....You're just another arrogant dipshit....Nothing new.
Well, welcome to the world where history started before Trump...However, Notice that wages from 2017 to 2019 are higher than from 2009 to 2016....Hmmmm.....Do you know how to read charts?
Look, you assfucks run around claiming how how wages are just now rising. That is a lie.

You assfucks claim Trump is the best job creator ever, That is a fucking lie.

Trump is a piece of shit lying fuck whose only skill is duping feeble minded fools like you.

It must really suck to be as God Damned stupid as you are.

So what other skill does Trump have?
Apparently making a room full of Russian models squirt lol
Trump's money can buy anything but I see you think the Russian pissing on the bed is actually true.
Yes I think he 5 some with his wife and he satisfied alL of them! Like a real
Man would
That's right...

"President Reagan added 16.5 million jobs during his eight-year term, a 16.5 percent increase."

Which President Created the Most Jobs?

The answer to that question is Clinton.

And Trump isn’t likely to approach Reagan’s numbers. Let’s be realistic, shall we?

Exactly Clinton created nearly 23 million jobs while president.

Reagan did crate the worst economy since the last republican great depression. He didn't have a historic job creation rate.

I was eight in 1988. LOL. Why are we discussing the 80s? Their great music?
How about this.

Are Wages Rising or Flat?

View attachment 299507

So like unemployment and everything else this was all happening long before Trump.

Well, welcome to the world where history started before Trump...However, Notice that wages from 2017 to 2019 are higher than from 2009 to 2016....Hmmmm.....Do you know how to read charts?
Look, you assfucks run around claiming how how wages are just now rising. That is a lie.

You assfucks claim Trump is the best job creator ever, That is a fucking lie.

Trump is a piece of shit lying fuck whose only skill is duping feeble minded fools like you.

Nobody claimed Trump is the best job creator ever.

But how many jobs beyond what we have people to fill them does Trump need to make you happy?

What?????????? Trump does. Posters on this thread do.

Trump needs to resign to makle me happy. Trump is a piece of shit destroying my children's & grandchildren's future.

Hew is running up the debt, I thought you assfucks hated deficits. Here you love praising Ttrump for creating them.

Please provide a post, any post from you in the Obama era that condemned the ballooning of the debt and deficit under his administraion....Until then STFU loser.

It was right-wingers whining about the debt when President Obama was in office, now that Trump has come on the scene you Hypocrites don't open your mouth about the debt.
The answer to that question is Clinton.

And Trump isn’t likely to approach Reagan’s numbers. Let’s be realistic, shall we?

Exactly Clinton created nearly 23 million jobs while president.

Reagan did crate the worst economy since the last republican great depression. He didn't have a historic job creation rate.

I was eight in 1988. LOL. Why are we discussing the 80s? Their great music?
Well, welcome to the world where history started before Trump...However, Notice that wages from 2017 to 2019 are higher than from 2009 to 2016....Hmmmm.....Do you know how to read charts?
Look, you assfucks run around claiming how how wages are just now rising. That is a lie.

You assfucks claim Trump is the best job creator ever, That is a fucking lie.

Trump is a piece of shit lying fuck whose only skill is duping feeble minded fools like you.

Nobody claimed Trump is the best job creator ever.

But how many jobs beyond what we have people to fill them does Trump need to make you happy?

What?????????? Trump does. Posters on this thread do.

Trump needs to resign to makle me happy. Trump is a piece of shit destroying my children's & grandchildren's future.

Hew is running up the debt, I thought you assfucks hated deficits. Here you love praising Ttrump for creating them.

Please provide a post, any post from you in the Obama era that condemned the ballooning of the debt and deficit under his administraion....Until then STFU loser.

It was right-wingers whining about the debt when President Obama was in office, now that Trump has come on the scene you Hypocrites don't open your mouth about the debt.

That's not me brother....I would love to see cuts before we just destruct...So, what would you cut?
Great news....At this rate Trump will post somewhere near Reagan's historic numbers....Certainly good news for millions of American's.

Reagan’s historic numbers?

That's right...

"President Reagan added 16.5 million jobs during his eight-year term, a 16.5 percent increase."

Which President Created the Most Jobs?

The answer to that question is Clinton.

And Trump isn’t likely to approach Reagan’s numbers. Let’s be realistic, shall we?

Exactly Clinton created nearly 23 million jobs while president.

Reagan did crate the worst economy since the last republican great depression. He didn't have a historic job creation rate.

I was eight in 1988. LOL. Why are we discussing the 80s? Their great music?

I was 28 in 1988.

I didn't post anything about 1988.

In fact the posts in this reply don't say untying about 1988 except you.

You don't make any sense.
Exactly Clinton created nearly 23 million jobs while president.

Reagan did crate the worst economy since the last republican great depression. He didn't have a historic job creation rate.

I was eight in 1988. LOL. Why are we discussing the 80s? Their great music?
Look, you assfucks run around claiming how how wages are just now rising. That is a lie.

You assfucks claim Trump is the best job creator ever, That is a fucking lie.

Trump is a piece of shit lying fuck whose only skill is duping feeble minded fools like you.

Nobody claimed Trump is the best job creator ever.

But how many jobs beyond what we have people to fill them does Trump need to make you happy?

What?????????? Trump does. Posters on this thread do.

Trump needs to resign to makle me happy. Trump is a piece of shit destroying my children's & grandchildren's future.

Hew is running up the debt, I thought you assfucks hated deficits. Here you love praising Ttrump for creating them.

Please provide a post, any post from you in the Obama era that condemned the ballooning of the debt and deficit under his administraion....Until then STFU loser.

It was right-wingers whining about the debt when President Obama was in office, now that Trump has come on the scene you Hypocrites don't open your mouth about the debt.

That's not me brother....I would love to see cuts before we just destruct...So, what would you cut?
Reagan’s historic numbers?

That's right...

"President Reagan added 16.5 million jobs during his eight-year term, a 16.5 percent increase."

Which President Created the Most Jobs?

The answer to that question is Clinton.

And Trump isn’t likely to approach Reagan’s numbers. Let’s be realistic, shall we?

Exactly Clinton created nearly 23 million jobs while president.

Reagan did crate the worst economy since the last republican great depression. He didn't have a historic job creation rate.

I was eight in 1988. LOL. Why are we discussing the 80s? Their great music?

I was 28 in 1988.

I didn't post anything about 1988.

In fact the posts in this reply don't say untying about 1988 except you.

You don't make any sense.
Reagan was POTUS from 1980 - 1988 was he not? Are you seriously this stupid?
Exactly Clinton created nearly 23 million jobs while president.

Reagan did crate the worst economy since the last republican great depression. He didn't have a historic job creation rate.

I was eight in 1988. LOL. Why are we discussing the 80s? Their great music?
Look, you assfucks run around claiming how how wages are just now rising. That is a lie.

You assfucks claim Trump is the best job creator ever, That is a fucking lie.

Trump is a piece of shit lying fuck whose only skill is duping feeble minded fools like you.

Nobody claimed Trump is the best job creator ever.

But how many jobs beyond what we have people to fill them does Trump need to make you happy?

What?????????? Trump does. Posters on this thread do.

Trump needs to resign to makle me happy. Trump is a piece of shit destroying my children's & grandchildren's future.

Hew is running up the debt, I thought you assfucks hated deficits. Here you love praising Ttrump for creating them.

Please provide a post, any post from you in the Obama era that condemned the ballooning of the debt and deficit under his administraion....Until then STFU loser.

It was right-wingers whining about the debt when President Obama was in office, now that Trump has come on the scene you Hypocrites don't open your mouth about the debt.

That's not me brother....I would love to see cuts before we just destruct...So, what would you cut?
"The Democrat caused housing/mortgage/financial meltdown lowered our employment numbers so far it could only go up. That fact resulted in the slowest recovery in history since the Great Depression."

It was literally known as "a jobless recovery" and was a phenomrnon until the revisionist got to work,
Something like 14 straight years with Republican Congresses & 7 of those with a Republican President & you stupid fucks blame Democrats..

Guess what, when you stupid fucks create the worse recession in 80 fucking years, the recovery will be the worse in 80 fucking years.
Exactly Clinton created nearly 23 million jobs while president.

Reagan did crate the worst economy since the last republican great depression. He didn't have a historic job creation rate.

I was eight in 1988. LOL. Why are we discussing the 80s? Their great music?
Look, you assfucks run around claiming how how wages are just now rising. That is a lie.

You assfucks claim Trump is the best job creator ever, That is a fucking lie.

Trump is a piece of shit lying fuck whose only skill is duping feeble minded fools like you.

Nobody claimed Trump is the best job creator ever.

But how many jobs beyond what we have people to fill them does Trump need to make you happy?

What?????????? Trump does. Posters on this thread do.

Trump needs to resign to makle me happy. Trump is a piece of shit destroying my children's & grandchildren's future.

Hew is running up the debt, I thought you assfucks hated deficits. Here you love praising Ttrump for creating them.

Please provide a post, any post from you in the Obama era that condemned the ballooning of the debt and deficit under his administraion....Until then STFU loser.

It was right-wingers whining about the debt when President Obama was in office, now that Trump has come on the scene you Hypocrites don't open your mouth about the debt.

That's not me brother....I would love to see cuts before we just destruct...So, what would you cut?

Trump's tax cut for the rich.

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