More Jobs Created.

I was eight in 1988. LOL. Why are we discussing the 80s? Their great music?
Nobody claimed Trump is the best job creator ever.

But how many jobs beyond what we have people to fill them does Trump need to make you happy?

What?????????? Trump does. Posters on this thread do.

Trump needs to resign to makle me happy. Trump is a piece of shit destroying my children's & grandchildren's future.

Hew is running up the debt, I thought you assfucks hated deficits. Here you love praising Ttrump for creating them.

Please provide a post, any post from you in the Obama era that condemned the ballooning of the debt and deficit under his administraion....Until then STFU loser.

It was right-wingers whining about the debt when President Obama was in office, now that Trump has come on the scene you Hypocrites don't open your mouth about the debt.

That's not me brother....I would love to see cuts before we just destruct...So, what would you cut?
"The Democrat caused housing/mortgage/financial meltdown lowered our employment numbers so far it could only go up. That fact resulted in the slowest recovery in history since the Great Depression."

It was literally known as "a jobless recovery" and was a phenomrnon until the revisionist got to work,
Something like 14 straight years with Republican Congresses & 7 of those with a Republican President & you stupid fucks blame Democrats..

Guess what, when you stupid fucks create the worse recession in 80 fucking years, the recovery will be the worse in 80 fucking years.

LOL....Always making excuses aren't you...I wonder if you do that in real life...If so, no wonder your a loser that lives in Mom's basement....
I was eight in 1988. LOL. Why are we discussing the 80s? Their great music?
Nobody claimed Trump is the best job creator ever.

But how many jobs beyond what we have people to fill them does Trump need to make you happy?

What?????????? Trump does. Posters on this thread do.

Trump needs to resign to makle me happy. Trump is a piece of shit destroying my children's & grandchildren's future.

Hew is running up the debt, I thought you assfucks hated deficits. Here you love praising Ttrump for creating them.

Please provide a post, any post from you in the Obama era that condemned the ballooning of the debt and deficit under his administraion....Until then STFU loser.

It was right-wingers whining about the debt when President Obama was in office, now that Trump has come on the scene you Hypocrites don't open your mouth about the debt.

That's not me brother....I would love to see cuts before we just destruct...So, what would you cut?
Cut Medicare, Social Security, veteran benefits all so these people can pay for the tax cuts favoring the wealthy & well off corporations. I have a thought. Run on that.
I was eight in 1988. LOL. Why are we discussing the 80s? Their great music?
Nobody claimed Trump is the best job creator ever.

But how many jobs beyond what we have people to fill them does Trump need to make you happy?

What?????????? Trump does. Posters on this thread do.

Trump needs to resign to makle me happy. Trump is a piece of shit destroying my children's & grandchildren's future.

Hew is running up the debt, I thought you assfucks hated deficits. Here you love praising Ttrump for creating them.

Please provide a post, any post from you in the Obama era that condemned the ballooning of the debt and deficit under his administraion....Until then STFU loser.

It was right-wingers whining about the debt when President Obama was in office, now that Trump has come on the scene you Hypocrites don't open your mouth about the debt.

That's not me brother....I would love to see cuts before we just destruct...So, what would you cut?

Trump's tax cut for the rich.

The tax cuts didn't cost the government anything....In fact they may result in a net increase in revenue....
What?????????? Trump does. Posters on this thread do.

Trump needs to resign to makle me happy. Trump is a piece of shit destroying my children's & grandchildren's future.

Hew is running up the debt, I thought you assfucks hated deficits. Here you love praising Ttrump for creating them.

Please provide a post, any post from you in the Obama era that condemned the ballooning of the debt and deficit under his administraion....Until then STFU loser.

It was right-wingers whining about the debt when President Obama was in office, now that Trump has come on the scene you Hypocrites don't open your mouth about the debt.

That's not me brother....I would love to see cuts before we just destruct...So, what would you cut?
"The Democrat caused housing/mortgage/financial meltdown lowered our employment numbers so far it could only go up. That fact resulted in the slowest recovery in history since the Great Depression."

It was literally known as "a jobless recovery" and was a phenomrnon until the revisionist got to work,
Something like 14 straight years with Republican Congresses & 7 of those with a Republican President & you stupid fucks blame Democrats..

Guess what, when you stupid fucks create the worse recession in 80 fucking years, the recovery will be the worse in 80 fucking years.

LOL....Always making excuses aren't you...I wonder if you do that in real life...If so, no wonder your a loser that lives in Mom's basement....
Facts. I know you don;t know what they are.
The US economy created 145,000 jobs in December.

Good for those who landed gigs.
Remember when a total like this was posted under Obama, you assfucks ran screaming through the streets " OMG OMG OMG It doesn't keep up with population growth"
You remember that?

At what point under 8 years of Obama were there more jobs available than people to fill them?

What was the unemployment rate when Pres Obama took office and what was it when he left office?

Here's some numbers for ya concerning Obama....

"When Barack Obama entered office in January, 2009, the labor force participation rate was 65.7%, meaning nearly two-thirds of working age Americans were working or looking for work.

When the recession supposedly officially ended in June, 2009, the labor force participation rate was still 65.7%.

In the latest, much celebrated, unemployment report, the labor force participation rate had plummeted to 63.7%, the most rapid decline in U.S. history. That means that under President Obama nearly 5 million Americans have fled the workforce in hopeless despair.

The trick is that when those 5 million are not counted as in the work force, they are not counted as unemployed either."

Don't Be Fooled, The Obama Unemployment Rate Is 11%

Neat trick eh?

The 2 largest factors that contributed to any drop in unemployment under Obama were -

Many people timed out of being officially "unemployed" and were simply listed as not working.

The tremendous amount of part time workers that were hired.
A lot of business that were working people at 40 hour weeks or more cut back the hours and made that 1 full time job - 2 part time jobs.

If that is the case the same could be said today. Fast food is where the majority of Trump's numbers are coming from.
What?????????? Trump does. Posters on this thread do.

Trump needs to resign to makle me happy. Trump is a piece of shit destroying my children's & grandchildren's future.

Hew is running up the debt, I thought you assfucks hated deficits. Here you love praising Ttrump for creating them.

Please provide a post, any post from you in the Obama era that condemned the ballooning of the debt and deficit under his administraion....Until then STFU loser.

It was right-wingers whining about the debt when President Obama was in office, now that Trump has come on the scene you Hypocrites don't open your mouth about the debt.

That's not me brother....I would love to see cuts before we just destruct...So, what would you cut?
Cut Medicare, Social Security, veteran benefits all so these people can pay for the tax cuts favoring the wealthy & well off corporations. I have a thought. Run on that.

Sure, I'm in favor for instance of doing away with SS, if you grandfather in those over 50....Let the people keep their money and invest it themselves.
Please provide a post, any post from you in the Obama era that condemned the ballooning of the debt and deficit under his administraion....Until then STFU loser.

It was right-wingers whining about the debt when President Obama was in office, now that Trump has come on the scene you Hypocrites don't open your mouth about the debt.

That's not me brother....I would love to see cuts before we just destruct...So, what would you cut?
"The Democrat caused housing/mortgage/financial meltdown lowered our employment numbers so far it could only go up. That fact resulted in the slowest recovery in history since the Great Depression."

It was literally known as "a jobless recovery" and was a phenomrnon until the revisionist got to work,
Something like 14 straight years with Republican Congresses & 7 of those with a Republican President & you stupid fucks blame Democrats..

Guess what, when you stupid fucks create the worse recession in 80 fucking years, the recovery will be the worse in 80 fucking years.

LOL....Always making excuses aren't you...I wonder if you do that in real life...If so, no wonder your a loser that lives in Mom's basement....
Facts. I know you don;t know what they are.

Facts eh? When you start using them, I'll pay attention...
Remember when a total like this was posted under Obama, you assfucks ran screaming through the streets " OMG OMG OMG It doesn't keep up with population growth"
You remember that?

At what point under 8 years of Obama were there more jobs available than people to fill them?

What was the unemployment rate when Pres Obama took office and what was it when he left office?

Here's some numbers for ya concerning Obama....

"When Barack Obama entered office in January, 2009, the labor force participation rate was 65.7%, meaning nearly two-thirds of working age Americans were working or looking for work.

When the recession supposedly officially ended in June, 2009, the labor force participation rate was still 65.7%.

In the latest, much celebrated, unemployment report, the labor force participation rate had plummeted to 63.7%, the most rapid decline in U.S. history. That means that under President Obama nearly 5 million Americans have fled the workforce in hopeless despair.

The trick is that when those 5 million are not counted as in the work force, they are not counted as unemployed either."

Don't Be Fooled, The Obama Unemployment Rate Is 11%

Neat trick eh?

The 2 largest factors that contributed to any drop in unemployment under Obama were -

Many people timed out of being officially "unemployed" and were simply listed as not working.

The tremendous amount of part time workers that were hired.
A lot of business that were working people at 40 hour weeks or more cut back the hours and made that 1 full time job - 2 part time jobs.

If that is the case the same could be said today. Fast food is where the majority of Trump's numbers are coming from.

I'm sure you have a credible source for this claim?
When caught , Trumpettes blame Obama for the effects of the Bush recession.

I do not care what others say. BHO inherited a shit storm from Bush. I agree 100%.

Yeah, well -

If you look, or remember back, to that time, the first 6 years of the Bush Presidency were solid economically, it was only after the Media installed the Democrats back into House Leadership that the economy went badly.

It was Greenspan and the "everyone should own a house BS"


The everyone should own a home idea is a good one, like don't do drugs and stay in school.

It was the Democrats actions of demanding that people who could never afford it be loaned the money to do it - is where the wheels came off.

Banking gred running rampant under Bush's administration.
Record wage growth? Link please. He is known as the food stamp President.
When caught , Trumpettes blame Obama for the effects of the Bush recession.

I do not care what others say. BHO inherited a shit storm from Bush. I agree 100%.

Yeah, well -

If you look, or remember back, to that time, the first 6 years of the Bush Presidency were solid economically, it was only after the Media installed the Democrats back into House Leadership that the economy went badly.

It was Greenspan and the "everyone should own a house BS"


The everyone should own a home idea is a good one, like don't do drugs and stay in school.

It was the Democrats actions of demanding that people who could never afford it be loaned the money to do it - is where the wheels came off.
Lying fuck. You ared grossly uninformed on tje CRA>
What?????????? Trump does. Posters on this thread do.

Trump needs to resign to makle me happy. Trump is a piece of shit destroying my children's & grandchildren's future.

Hew is running up the debt, I thought you assfucks hated deficits. Here you love praising Ttrump for creating them.

Please provide a post, any post from you in the Obama era that condemned the ballooning of the debt and deficit under his administraion....Until then STFU loser.

It was right-wingers whining about the debt when President Obama was in office, now that Trump has come on the scene you Hypocrites don't open your mouth about the debt.

That's not me brother....I would love to see cuts before we just destruct...So, what would you cut?

Trump's tax cut for the rich.

The tax cuts didn't cost the government anything....In fact they may result in a net increase in revenue....


You paid taxes. These corporations didn't. – Center for Public Integrity
I do not care what others say. BHO inherited a shit storm from Bush. I agree 100%.

Yeah, well -

If you look, or remember back, to that time, the first 6 years of the Bush Presidency were solid economically, it was only after the Media installed the Democrats back into House Leadership that the economy went badly.

It was Greenspan and the "everyone should own a house BS"


The everyone should own a home idea is a good one, like don't do drugs and stay in school.

It was the Democrats actions of demanding that people who could never afford it be loaned the money to do it - is where the wheels came off.

Banking gred running rampant under Bush's administration.

It was right-wingers whining about the debt when President Obama was in office, now that Trump has come on the scene you Hypocrites don't open your mouth about the debt.

That's not me brother....I would love to see cuts before we just destruct...So, what would you cut?
"The Democrat caused housing/mortgage/financial meltdown lowered our employment numbers so far it could only go up. That fact resulted in the slowest recovery in history since the Great Depression."

It was literally known as "a jobless recovery" and was a phenomrnon until the revisionist got to work,
Something like 14 straight years with Republican Congresses & 7 of those with a Republican President & you stupid fucks blame Democrats..

Guess what, when you stupid fucks create the worse recession in 80 fucking years, the recovery will be the worse in 80 fucking years.

LOL....Always making excuses aren't you...I wonder if you do that in real life...If so, no wonder your a loser that lives in Mom's basement....
Facts. I know you don;t know what they are.

Facts eh? When you start using them, I'll pay attention...
I use them every fucking day. You are just too fucking stupid to know what a fact is, A
Please provide a post, any post from you in the Obama era that condemned the ballooning of the debt and deficit under his administraion....Until then STFU loser.

It was right-wingers whining about the debt when President Obama was in office, now that Trump has come on the scene you Hypocrites don't open your mouth about the debt.

That's not me brother....I would love to see cuts before we just destruct...So, what would you cut?

Trump's tax cut for the rich.

The tax cuts didn't cost the government anything....In fact they may result in a net increase in revenue....


You paid taxes. These corporations didn't. – Center for Public Integrity

That's just left wing propaganda....I understand that taxes are passed on, so then let me turn it around on ya...If you increase taxes on Corp's, and what you say is true that they don't pay them, then why are for increasing taxes on the little guy?
That's not me brother....I would love to see cuts before we just destruct...So, what would you cut?
"The Democrat caused housing/mortgage/financial meltdown lowered our employment numbers so far it could only go up. That fact resulted in the slowest recovery in history since the Great Depression."

It was literally known as "a jobless recovery" and was a phenomrnon until the revisionist got to work,
Something like 14 straight years with Republican Congresses & 7 of those with a Republican President & you stupid fucks blame Democrats..

Guess what, when you stupid fucks create the worse recession in 80 fucking years, the recovery will be the worse in 80 fucking years.

LOL....Always making excuses aren't you...I wonder if you do that in real life...If so, no wonder your a loser that lives in Mom's basement....
Facts. I know you don;t know what they are.

Facts eh? When you start using them, I'll pay attention...
I use them every fucking day. You are just too fucking stupid to know what a fact is, A

LOL....Give me an example that is not some left wing generated talking point you learned from Maddow, or on thinkprogress.....
It was right-wingers whining about the debt when President Obama was in office, now that Trump has come on the scene you Hypocrites don't open your mouth about the debt.

That's not me brother....I would love to see cuts before we just destruct...So, what would you cut?

Trump's tax cut for the rich.

The tax cuts didn't cost the government anything....In fact they may result in a net increase in revenue....


You paid taxes. These corporations didn't. – Center for Public Integrity

That's just left wing propaganda....I understand that taxes are passed on, so then let me turn it around on ya...If you increase taxes on Corp's, and what you say is true that they don't pay them, then why are for increasing taxes on the little guy?

If corporations aren't paying taxes how is gov't taking in more revenue and how is that helping the individual taxpayers?
That's not me brother....I would love to see cuts before we just destruct...So, what would you cut?

Trump's tax cut for the rich.

The tax cuts didn't cost the government anything....In fact they may result in a net increase in revenue....


You paid taxes. These corporations didn't. – Center for Public Integrity

That's just left wing propaganda....I understand that taxes are passed on, so then let me turn it around on ya...If you increase taxes on Corp's, and what you say is true that they don't pay them, then why are for increasing taxes on the little guy?

If corporations aren't paying taxes how is gov't taking in more revenue and how is that helping the individual taxpayers?

If Corporations are just pass throughs for taxation on the little guy, then why would you want to increase them? Are you for taxing the little guy?
What?????????? Trump does. Posters on this thread do.

Trump needs to resign to makle me happy. Trump is a piece of shit destroying my children's & grandchildren's future.

Hew is running up the debt, I thought you assfucks hated deficits. Here you love praising Ttrump for creating them.

Please provide a post, any post from you in the Obama era that condemned the ballooning of the debt and deficit under his administraion....Until then STFU loser.

It was right-wingers whining about the debt when President Obama was in office, now that Trump has come on the scene you Hypocrites don't open your mouth about the debt.

That's not me brother....I would love to see cuts before we just destruct...So, what would you cut?
Cut Medicare, Social Security, veteran benefits all so these people can pay for the tax cuts favoring the wealthy & well off corporations. I have a thought. Run on that.

Yes on Medicaid and Medicare, raise the SS collection requirement age. For those under 40, 70 for those under 30, 72. We are living longer. Corporations employ people and the wealthy pay 95% of the taxes. Here is a thought how about more people pay taxes as nearly half the country pays $0.
That's not me brother....I would love to see cuts before we just destruct...So, what would you cut?

Trump's tax cut for the rich.

The tax cuts didn't cost the government anything....In fact they may result in a net increase in revenue....


You paid taxes. These corporations didn't. – Center for Public Integrity

That's just left wing propaganda....I understand that taxes are passed on, so then let me turn it around on ya...If you increase taxes on Corp's, and what you say is true that they don't pay them, then why are for increasing taxes on the little guy?

If corporations aren't paying taxes how is gov't taking in more revenue and how is that helping the individual taxpayers?

They are paying taxes. How much in taxes did JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America, CitiBank and Wells Fargo pay last year combined and how many persons do they employ combined? Look at those numbers and educate yourself.
I was eight in 1988. LOL. Why are we discussing the 80s? Their great music?
Nobody claimed Trump is the best job creator ever.

But how many jobs beyond what we have people to fill them does Trump need to make you happy?

What?????????? Trump does. Posters on this thread do.

Trump needs to resign to makle me happy. Trump is a piece of shit destroying my children's & grandchildren's future.

Hew is running up the debt, I thought you assfucks hated deficits. Here you love praising Ttrump for creating them.

Please provide a post, any post from you in the Obama era that condemned the ballooning of the debt and deficit under his administraion....Until then STFU loser.

It was right-wingers whining about the debt when President Obama was in office, now that Trump has come on the scene you Hypocrites don't open your mouth about the debt.

That's not me brother....I would love to see cuts before we just destruct...So, what would you cut?

Trump's tax cut for the rich.

There was no such thing.

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