More liberal hypocrisy.

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What's ridiculous is deflecting to Obama and Hillary instead of admitting Trump is wrong and made a mistake.
to you. not me. I'm loving it.

If you resort to attacking Obama and Hillary rather than debating and discussing Trump or deflecting to them when Trump is in the wrong, you've lost the debate.
says you!!! says me is, you're butthurt lost and still whining.
What's ridiculous is deflecting to Obama and Hillary instead of admitting Trump is wrong and made a mistake.
to you. not me. I'm loving it.

If you resort to attacking Obama and Hillary rather than debating and discussing Trump or deflecting to them when Trump is in the wrong, you've lost the debate.
Why wasn't this mentality used when Obama was president. Every damn thread was responded to by the left with "BUT BUSH......"
What's ridiculous is deflecting to Obama and Hillary instead of admitting Trump is wrong and made a mistake.
to you. not me. I'm loving it.

If you resort to attacking Obama and Hillary rather than debating and discussing Trump or deflecting to them when Trump is in the wrong, you've lost the debate.
I see you don't like your hypocrisy exposed. You ought to be used to it by now. Stupid loser.
I can't believe I forgot about Bush lol.

Yeah, 8 years of Bushes fault but Obama & Hillary are off limits
Speaking of Bush, now the liberals ALL of a sudden, liberals "like Bush."

Read the comments from the loser liberals. Here is the one that typifies all things you need to know about the arrogance of the left.

Xerber -2 months ago
One of the biggest differences between Bush and Trump is that Bush has a (self-deprecating) sense of humor and a thick skin. The media criticised and ridiculed him quite a bit, but he always took it in stride.

You see that comment right there, that got over 400 likes? You see the arrogance of the fucking left? What they want is a punching bag like booooosh. Who they ridiculed every and all chances they got. He did not fight back and took it all in stride.

What these fucking unreal losers want is for republicans to be quiet and let them just beat them over the head. Trump fights back, he is NOT a politician and they cry over it.

They are nothing but bloated fat gasbags, just like I always say.

Read the rest of the comments btw in that youtube. Look at how many of the left all of a sudden...."
respect Bush."

They are pathetic, and if they were ALL thrown into a volcano today, I would celebrate.

That comment seems pretty dead on to me

Yeah, except Trump can take insults.

What the left cannot stand is he points out the truth about the left wing media. He hits back.

The same media that claims they are soooo offended by what Trump was heard saying about women, while they get moist over the clintons.

The point is the left all of a sudden express their love for Bush? You see anything pathetic about that?

Trump does not take insults on criticism well at all. He acts like a 12 year old who can't wait to "get even"

who takes insults on criticism well?
I can't believe I forgot about Bush lol.

Yeah, 8 years of Bushes fault but Obama & Hillary are off limits
Speaking of Bush, now the liberals ALL of a sudden, liberals "like Bush."

Read the comments from the loser liberals. Here is the one that typifies all things you need to know about the arrogance of the left.

Xerber -2 months ago
One of the biggest differences between Bush and Trump is that Bush has a (self-deprecating) sense of humor and a thick skin. The media criticised and ridiculed him quite a bit, but he always took it in stride.

You see that comment right there, that got over 400 likes? You see the arrogance of the fucking left? What they want is a punching bag like booooosh. Who they ridiculed every and all chances they got. He did not fight back and took it all in stride.

What these fucking unreal losers want is for republicans to be quiet and let them just beat them over the head. Trump fights back, he is NOT a politician and they cry over it.

They are nothing but bloated fat gasbags, just like I always say.

Read the rest of the comments btw in that youtube. Look at how many of the left all of a sudden...."
respect Bush."

They are pathetic, and if they were ALL thrown into a volcano today, I would celebrate.

That comment seems pretty dead on to me

Yeah, except Trump can take insults.

What the left cannot stand is he points out the truth about the left wing media. He hits back.

The same media that claims they are soooo offended by what Trump was heard saying about women, while they get moist over the clintons.

The point is the left all of a sudden express their love for Bush? You see anything pathetic about that?

Trump does not take insults on criticism well at all. He acts like a 12 year old who can't wait to "get even"

who takes insults on criticism well?

In my opinion Trump is the most thin skinned politician of my lifetime and that's quite a feat considering who he followed & who he ran against.
Speaking of Bush, now the liberals ALL of a sudden, liberals "like Bush."

Read the comments from the loser liberals. Here is the one that typifies all things you need to know about the arrogance of the left.

Xerber -2 months ago
One of the biggest differences between Bush and Trump is that Bush has a (self-deprecating) sense of humor and a thick skin. The media criticised and ridiculed him quite a bit, but he always took it in stride.

You see that comment right there, that got over 400 likes? You see the arrogance of the fucking left? What they want is a punching bag like booooosh. Who they ridiculed every and all chances they got. He did not fight back and took it all in stride.

What these fucking unreal losers want is for republicans to be quiet and let them just beat them over the head. Trump fights back, he is NOT a politician and they cry over it.

They are nothing but bloated fat gasbags, just like I always say.

Read the rest of the comments btw in that youtube. Look at how many of the left all of a sudden...."
respect Bush."

They are pathetic, and if they were ALL thrown into a volcano today, I would celebrate.

That comment seems pretty dead on to me

Yeah, except Trump can take insults.

What the left cannot stand is he points out the truth about the left wing media. He hits back.

The same media that claims they are soooo offended by what Trump was heard saying about women, while they get moist over the clintons.

The point is the left all of a sudden express their love for Bush? You see anything pathetic about that?

Trump does not take insults on criticism well at all. He acts like a 12 year old who can't wait to "get even"

who takes insults on criticism well?

In my opinion Trump is the most thin skinned politician of my lifetime and that's quite a feat considering who he followed & who he ran against.

never seen the man lose his temper. Not sure exactly your point.
What's ridiculous is deflecting to Obama and Hillary instead of admitting Trump is wrong and made a mistake.
to you. not me. I'm loving it.

If you resort to attacking Obama and Hillary rather than debating and discussing Trump or deflecting to them when Trump is in the wrong, you've lost the debate.
I see you don't like your hypocrisy exposed. You ought to be used to it by now. Stupid loser.

It isn't hypocrisy. It's pointing out weak argument.
What's ridiculous is deflecting to Obama and Hillary instead of admitting Trump is wrong and made a mistake.
to you. not me. I'm loving it.

If you resort to attacking Obama and Hillary rather than debating and discussing Trump or deflecting to them when Trump is in the wrong, you've lost the debate.
I see you don't like your hypocrisy exposed. You ought to be used to it by now. Stupid loser.

It isn't hypocrisy. It's pointing out weak argument.
What's ridiculous is deflecting to Obama and Hillary instead of admitting Trump is wrong and made a mistake.
to you. not me. I'm loving it.

If you resort to attacking Obama and Hillary rather than debating and discussing Trump or deflecting to them when Trump is in the wrong, you've lost the debate.
says you!!! says me is, you're butthurt lost and still whining.

It seems to me you are the ones still dwelling on the election. Not us. We have an interest in holding Trump accountable. You have an interest in deflection.
What's ridiculous is deflecting to Obama and Hillary instead of admitting Trump is wrong and made a mistake.
to you. not me. I'm loving it.

If you resort to attacking Obama and Hillary rather than debating and discussing Trump or deflecting to them when Trump is in the wrong, you've lost the debate.
says you!!! says me is, you're butthurt lost and still whining.

It seems to me you are the ones still dwelling on the election. Not us. We have an interest in holding Trump accountable. You have an interest in deflection.
holy fk, the entire deluge of Russia this and that and you're not dwelling on it? Hitlery out blaming everyone but herself and we're the ones? obummmer's staff pushing agendas and we're the ones? dude, if I wasn't laughing so hysterically at you, I might ignore you.
Speaking of Bush, now the liberals ALL of a sudden, liberals "like Bush."

Read the comments from the loser liberals. Here is the one that typifies all things you need to know about the arrogance of the left.

Xerber -2 months ago
One of the biggest differences between Bush and Trump is that Bush has a (self-deprecating) sense of humor and a thick skin. The media criticised and ridiculed him quite a bit, but he always took it in stride.

You see that comment right there, that got over 400 likes? You see the arrogance of the fucking left? What they want is a punching bag like booooosh. Who they ridiculed every and all chances they got. He did not fight back and took it all in stride.

What these fucking unreal losers want is for republicans to be quiet and let them just beat them over the head. Trump fights back, he is NOT a politician and they cry over it.

They are nothing but bloated fat gasbags, just like I always say.

Read the rest of the comments btw in that youtube. Look at how many of the left all of a sudden...."
respect Bush."

They are pathetic, and if they were ALL thrown into a volcano today, I would celebrate.

That comment seems pretty dead on to me

Yeah, except Trump can take insults.

What the left cannot stand is he points out the truth about the left wing media. He hits back.

The same media that claims they are soooo offended by what Trump was heard saying about women, while they get moist over the clintons.

The point is the left all of a sudden express their love for Bush? You see anything pathetic about that?

Trump does not take insults on criticism well at all. He acts like a 12 year old who can't wait to "get even"

who takes insults on criticism well?

In my opinion Trump is the most thin skinned politician of my lifetime and that's quite a feat considering who he followed & who he ran against.

He is not a politician. Btw, who was the last politician to do a celebrity roast?

I wonder how hillary would handle it.

Have you seen how hillary has handled her criticism?

You think that is more graceful than Trump? Ever hear how she talked to the secret service, or people who work for her?

Trump has a great reputation on how he treats people who works for him.

Does not count?
That comment seems pretty dead on to me
Yeah, except Trump can take insults.

What the left cannot stand is he points out the truth about the left wing media. He hits back.

The same media that claims they are soooo offended by what Trump was heard saying about women, while they get moist over the clintons.

The point is the left all of a sudden express their love for Bush? You see anything pathetic about that?

Trump does not take insults on criticism well at all. He acts like a 12 year old who can't wait to "get even"

who takes insults on criticism well?

In my opinion Trump is the most thin skinned politician of my lifetime and that's quite a feat considering who he followed & who he ran against.

never seen the man lose his temper. Not sure exactly your point.

Why are you moving the goalposts? This debate has nothing to do with being an angry person. I NEVER claimed he was. He's a thin skinned wuss.
I support some of what he's doing but a pussy is always a pussy regardless of political leanings.
The man has lived a protected/sheltered life and never had to fight for anything because it was all given to him.

Still can't take criticism.
That comment seems pretty dead on to me
Yeah, except Trump can take insults.

What the left cannot stand is he points out the truth about the left wing media. He hits back.

The same media that claims they are soooo offended by what Trump was heard saying about women, while they get moist over the clintons.

The point is the left all of a sudden express their love for Bush? You see anything pathetic about that?

Trump does not take insults on criticism well at all. He acts like a 12 year old who can't wait to "get even"

who takes insults on criticism well?

In my opinion Trump is the most thin skinned politician of my lifetime and that's quite a feat considering who he followed & who he ran against.

He is not a politician. Btw, who was the last politician to do a celebrity roast?

I wonder how hillary would handle it.

Have you seen how hillary has handled her criticism?

You think that is more graceful than Trump? Ever hear how she talked to the secret service, or people who work for her?

Trump has a great reputation on how he treats people who works for him.

Does not count?

Why don't you look up my posting history before making an ass of yourself....

Just a few days ago I created a thread about the embarrassment that Hillary is. Hillary being a dumb bitch doesn't give republicans a get out of jail free card for their own stupidity unless YOU have no integrity
Yeah, except Trump can take insults.

What the left cannot stand is he points out the truth about the left wing media. He hits back.

The same media that claims they are soooo offended by what Trump was heard saying about women, while they get moist over the clintons.

The point is the left all of a sudden express their love for Bush? You see anything pathetic about that?

Trump does not take insults on criticism well at all. He acts like a 12 year old who can't wait to "get even"

who takes insults on criticism well?

In my opinion Trump is the most thin skinned politician of my lifetime and that's quite a feat considering who he followed & who he ran against.

never seen the man lose his temper. Not sure exactly your point.

Why are you moving the goalposts? This debate has nothing to do with being an angry person. I NEVER claimed he was. He's a thin skinned wuss.
I support some of what he's doing but a pussy is always a pussy regardless of political leanings.
The man has lived a protected/sheltered life and never had to fight for anything because it was all given to him.

Still can't take criticism.

hly fk dude. I know no one who takes insulting lightly. You're demonstrating it right here. Pussy, pussy, pussy. I give two shits. It was all taken out of context from a private conversation. I've heard five times worse shit. People expect their privacy. he never said one thin skinned thing on that entire piece.

He merely comments on comments about him . That isn't being thinned skin, that is being observant. he is articulating his position. you don't like it good for fking you!. don't come in here and lie. it isn't becoming.
What's ridiculous is deflecting to Obama and Hillary instead of admitting Trump is wrong and made a mistake.
to you. not me. I'm loving it.

If you resort to attacking Obama and Hillary rather than debating and discussing Trump or deflecting to them when Trump is in the wrong, you've lost the debate.
says you!!! says me is, you're butthurt lost and still whining.

It seems to me you are the ones still dwelling on the election. Not us. We have an interest in holding Trump accountable. You have an interest in deflection.
holy fk, the entire deluge of Russia this and that and you're not dwelling on it? Hitlery out blaming everyone but herself and we're the ones? obummmer's staff pushing agendas and we're the ones? dude, if I wasn't laughing so hysterically at you, I might ignore you.

It looks like the ties to have Russia has merit and the investigation is worth into. If they are cleared, then that's that, but this story isn't going away.
to you. not me. I'm loving it.

If you resort to attacking Obama and Hillary rather than debating and discussing Trump or deflecting to them when Trump is in the wrong, you've lost the debate.
says you!!! says me is, you're butthurt lost and still whining.

It seems to me you are the ones still dwelling on the election. Not us. We have an interest in holding Trump accountable. You have an interest in deflection.
holy fk, the entire deluge of Russia this and that and you're not dwelling on it? Hitlery out blaming everyone but herself and we're the ones? obummmer's staff pushing agendas and we're the ones? dude, if I wasn't laughing so hysterically at you, I might ignore you.

It looks like the ties to have Russia has merit and the investigation is worth into. If they are cleared, then that's that, but this story isn't going away.
so you're dwelling on the election you stupid fk. You fking hypocrite. I hate fking hypocrites.
Trump does not take insults on criticism well at all. He acts like a 12 year old who can't wait to "get even"
who takes insults on criticism well?
In my opinion Trump is the most thin skinned politician of my lifetime and that's quite a feat considering who he followed & who he ran against.
never seen the man lose his temper. Not sure exactly your point.
Why are you moving the goalposts? This debate has nothing to do with being an angry person. I NEVER claimed he was. He's a thin skinned wuss.
I support some of what he's doing but a pussy is always a pussy regardless of political leanings.
The man has lived a protected/sheltered life and never had to fight for anything because it was all given to him.

Still can't take criticism.
hly fk dude. I know no one who takes insulting lightly. You're demonstrating it right here. Pussy, pussy, pussy. I give two shits. It was all taken out of context from a private conversation. I've heard five times worse shit. People expect their privacy. he never said one thin skinned thing on that entire piece.

He merely comments on comments about him . That isn't being thinned skin, that is being observant. he is articulating his position. you don't like good for fking you!. don't come in here and lie. it isn't becoming.
Just fuck off already. I don't lie. I do find it interesting that you're getting all emotional over my opinion of trump
who takes insults on criticism well?
In my opinion Trump is the most thin skinned politician of my lifetime and that's quite a feat considering who he followed & who he ran against.
never seen the man lose his temper. Not sure exactly your point.
Why are you moving the goalposts? This debate has nothing to do with being an angry person. I NEVER claimed he was. He's a thin skinned wuss.
I support some of what he's doing but a pussy is always a pussy regardless of political leanings.
The man has lived a protected/sheltered life and never had to fight for anything because it was all given to him.

Still can't take criticism.
hly fk dude. I know no one who takes insulting lightly. You're demonstrating it right here. Pussy, pussy, pussy. I give two shits. It was all taken out of context from a private conversation. I've heard five times worse shit. People expect their privacy. he never said one thin skinned thing on that entire piece.

He merely comments on comments about him . That isn't being thinned skin, that is being observant. he is articulating his position. you don't like good for fking you!. don't come in here and lie. it isn't becoming.
Just fuck off already. I don't lie. I do find it interesting that you're getting all emotional over my opinion of trump
me? hahahahahahahahha, you're in here running your agenda, and I'm the one losing it? too funny hypocrite.

Yeah, except Trump can take insults.

What the left cannot stand is he points out the truth about the left wing media. He hits back.

The same media that claims they are soooo offended by what Trump was heard saying about women, while they get moist over the clintons.

The point is the left all of a sudden express their love for Bush? You see anything pathetic about that?

Trump does not take insults on criticism well at all. He acts like a 12 year old who can't wait to "get even"

who takes insults on criticism well?

In my opinion Trump is the most thin skinned politician of my lifetime and that's quite a feat considering who he followed & who he ran against.

He is not a politician. Btw, who was the last politician to do a celebrity roast?

I wonder how hillary would handle it.

Have you seen how hillary has handled her criticism?

You think that is more graceful than Trump? Ever hear how she talked to the secret service, or people who work for her?

Trump has a great reputation on how he treats people who works for him.

Does not count?

Why don't you look up my posting history before making an ass of yourself....

Just a few days ago I created a thread about the embarrassment that Hillary is. Hillary being a dumb bitch doesn't give republicans a get out of jail free card for their own stupidity unless YOU have no integrity

Ok, I see your posts. My post was more for the fucking liberals that agree with you, but love the clintons.

You cannot be a success in the business world and be as thin skinned as you make him out to be.

He hits back and I am trying to figure out why you are offended by that.

Give me the exact quote of his, that offended you. Don't give me the bullshit that they recorded him saying about women behind closed doors.

Give me the precise example of him being thin skinned in your mind.
Obama and Hillary lead the Democratic party to losing 1,000 seats, the House, the Senate, and the White House. Naturally the don't want us talking about them.
All that in the hands of the GOP....why no Wall? Why is legal Abortion still around? Why isn't H. Clinton locked up?

In the first 100 days? Just relax lib, we have 4 years to fuck with you leftwits.
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