More liberal hypocrisy.

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In my opinion Trump is the most thin skinned politician of my lifetime and that's quite a feat considering who he followed & who he ran against.
never seen the man lose his temper. Not sure exactly your point.
Why are you moving the goalposts? This debate has nothing to do with being an angry person. I NEVER claimed he was. He's a thin skinned wuss.
I support some of what he's doing but a pussy is always a pussy regardless of political leanings.
The man has lived a protected/sheltered life and never had to fight for anything because it was all given to him.

Still can't take criticism.
hly fk dude. I know no one who takes insulting lightly. You're demonstrating it right here. Pussy, pussy, pussy. I give two shits. It was all taken out of context from a private conversation. I've heard five times worse shit. People expect their privacy. he never said one thin skinned thing on that entire piece.

He merely comments on comments about him . That isn't being thinned skin, that is being observant. he is articulating his position. you don't like good for fking you!. don't come in here and lie. it isn't becoming.
Just fuck off already. I don't lie. I do find it interesting that you're getting all emotional over my opinion of trump
me? hahahahahahahahha, you're in here running your agenda, and I'm the one losing it? too funny hypocrite.

Now I'm a hypocrite? First was liar, what's next? You gonna tell mommy I'm making you mad and then post another childish meme?
If you resort to attacking Obama and Hillary rather than debating and discussing Trump or deflecting to them when Trump is in the wrong, you've lost the debate.
says you!!! says me is, you're butthurt lost and still whining.

It seems to me you are the ones still dwelling on the election. Not us. We have an interest in holding Trump accountable. You have an interest in deflection.
holy fk, the entire deluge of Russia this and that and you're not dwelling on it? Hitlery out blaming everyone but herself and we're the ones? obummmer's staff pushing agendas and we're the ones? dude, if I wasn't laughing so hysterically at you, I might ignore you.

It looks like the ties to have Russia has merit and the investigation is worth into. If they are cleared, then that's that, but this story isn't going away.
so you're dwelling on the election you stupid fk. You fking hypocrite. I hate fking hypocrites.

Collusion is illegal and it must be looked into if there was collusion.
never seen the man lose his temper. Not sure exactly your point.
Why are you moving the goalposts? This debate has nothing to do with being an angry person. I NEVER claimed he was. He's a thin skinned wuss.
I support some of what he's doing but a pussy is always a pussy regardless of political leanings.
The man has lived a protected/sheltered life and never had to fight for anything because it was all given to him.

Still can't take criticism.
hly fk dude. I know no one who takes insulting lightly. You're demonstrating it right here. Pussy, pussy, pussy. I give two shits. It was all taken out of context from a private conversation. I've heard five times worse shit. People expect their privacy. he never said one thin skinned thing on that entire piece.

He merely comments on comments about him . That isn't being thinned skin, that is being observant. he is articulating his position. you don't like good for fking you!. don't come in here and lie. it isn't becoming.
Just fuck off already. I don't lie. I do find it interesting that you're getting all emotional over my opinion of trump
me? hahahahahahahahha, you're in here running your agenda, and I'm the one losing it? too funny hypocrite.

Now I'm a hypocrite? First was liar, what's next? You gonna tell mommy I'm making you mad and then post another childish meme?
your agenda hypocrite. Yours. one word was for one post and then you posted again and were a hypocrite, so yeah, both liar and hypocrite. If I didn't know any better, you just switched to a libturd. How's that?
says you!!! says me is, you're butthurt lost and still whining.

It seems to me you are the ones still dwelling on the election. Not us. We have an interest in holding Trump accountable. You have an interest in deflection.
holy fk, the entire deluge of Russia this and that and you're not dwelling on it? Hitlery out blaming everyone but herself and we're the ones? obummmer's staff pushing agendas and we're the ones? dude, if I wasn't laughing so hysterically at you, I might ignore you.

It looks like the ties to have Russia has merit and the investigation is worth into. If they are cleared, then that's that, but this story isn't going away.
so you're dwelling on the election you stupid fk. You fking hypocrite. I hate fking hypocrites.

Collusion is illegal and it must be looked into if there was collusion.
based off of what? you, the one dwelling on the election. based on what?

Post something that wasn't from a libturd.

Something that is evidence. one fking thingy!!!! one,
Trump does not take insults on criticism well at all. He acts like a 12 year old who can't wait to "get even"
who takes insults on criticism well?
In my opinion Trump is the most thin skinned politician of my lifetime and that's quite a feat considering who he followed & who he ran against.
He is not a politician. Btw, who was the last politician to do a celebrity roast?

I wonder how hillary would handle it.

Have you seen how hillary has handled her criticism?

You think that is more graceful than Trump? Ever hear how she talked to the secret service, or people who work for her?

Trump has a great reputation on how he treats people who works for him.

Does not count?
Why don't you look up my posting history before making an ass of yourself....

Just a few days ago I created a thread about the embarrassment that Hillary is. Hillary being a dumb bitch doesn't give republicans a get out of jail free card for their own stupidity unless YOU have no integrity
Ok, I see your posts. My post was more for the fucking liberals that agree with you, but love the clintons.

You cannot be a success in the business world and be as thin skinned as you make him out to be.

He hits back and I am trying to figure out why you are offended by that.

Give me the exact quote of his, that offended you. Don't give me the bullshit that they recorded him saying about women behind closed doors.

Give me the precise example of him being thin skinned in your mind.
I'm not offended by it but I'm also not going to give him a pass for the same shit I use against someone else.
The sign of someone who is thin skinned is when that person has to comment on everything everyone else says about him. And a lot of the time he just insults them rather than clarifying his position or words. Just like this other character in this thread who has decided to call me a liar & a hypocrite and I'm not even talking about him lol.

Politics or ideology does not supersede morality for me. I call them like I see them.
Why are you moving the goalposts? This debate has nothing to do with being an angry person. I NEVER claimed he was. He's a thin skinned wuss.
I support some of what he's doing but a pussy is always a pussy regardless of political leanings.
The man has lived a protected/sheltered life and never had to fight for anything because it was all given to him.

Still can't take criticism.
hly fk dude. I know no one who takes insulting lightly. You're demonstrating it right here. Pussy, pussy, pussy. I give two shits. It was all taken out of context from a private conversation. I've heard five times worse shit. People expect their privacy. he never said one thin skinned thing on that entire piece.

He merely comments on comments about him . That isn't being thinned skin, that is being observant. he is articulating his position. you don't like good for fking you!. don't come in here and lie. it isn't becoming.
Just fuck off already. I don't lie. I do find it interesting that you're getting all emotional over my opinion of trump
me? hahahahahahahahha, you're in here running your agenda, and I'm the one losing it? too funny hypocrite.

Now I'm a hypocrite? First was liar, what's next? You gonna tell mommy I'm making you mad and then post another childish meme?
your agenda hypocrite. Yours. one word was for one post and then you posted again and were a hypocrite, so yeah, both liar and hypocrite. If I didn't know any better, you just switched to a libturd. How's that?

You just can't help yourself can you.
It seems to me you are the ones still dwelling on the election. Not us. We have an interest in holding Trump accountable. You have an interest in deflection.
holy fk, the entire deluge of Russia this and that and you're not dwelling on it? Hitlery out blaming everyone but herself and we're the ones? obummmer's staff pushing agendas and we're the ones? dude, if I wasn't laughing so hysterically at you, I might ignore you.

It looks like the ties to have Russia has merit and the investigation is worth into. If they are cleared, then that's that, but this story isn't going away.
so you're dwelling on the election you stupid fk. You fking hypocrite. I hate fking hypocrites.

Collusion is illegal and it must be looked into if there was collusion.
based off of what? you, the one dwelling on the election. based on what?

Post something that wasn't from a libturd.

Something that is evidence. one fking thingy!!!! one,

The investigation is ongoing and has been since last Summer.
hly fk dude. I know no one who takes insulting lightly. You're demonstrating it right here. Pussy, pussy, pussy. I give two shits. It was all taken out of context from a private conversation. I've heard five times worse shit. People expect their privacy. he never said one thin skinned thing on that entire piece.

He merely comments on comments about him . That isn't being thinned skin, that is being observant. he is articulating his position. you don't like good for fking you!. don't come in here and lie. it isn't becoming.
Just fuck off already. I don't lie. I do find it interesting that you're getting all emotional over my opinion of trump
me? hahahahahahahahha, you're in here running your agenda, and I'm the one losing it? too funny hypocrite.

Now I'm a hypocrite? First was liar, what's next? You gonna tell mommy I'm making you mad and then post another childish meme?
your agenda hypocrite. Yours. one word was for one post and then you posted again and were a hypocrite, so yeah, both liar and hypocrite. If I didn't know any better, you just switched to a libturd. How's that?

You just can't help yourself can you.
holy fk, the entire deluge of Russia this and that and you're not dwelling on it? Hitlery out blaming everyone but herself and we're the ones? obummmer's staff pushing agendas and we're the ones? dude, if I wasn't laughing so hysterically at you, I might ignore you.

It looks like the ties to have Russia has merit and the investigation is worth into. If they are cleared, then that's that, but this story isn't going away.
so you're dwelling on the election you stupid fk. You fking hypocrite. I hate fking hypocrites.

Collusion is illegal and it must be looked into if there was collusion.
based off of what? you, the one dwelling on the election. based on what?

Post something that wasn't from a libturd.

Something that is evidence. one fking thingy!!!! one,

The investigation is ongoing and has been since last Summer.
so your answer is you have no evidence. you have nothing. good. That is consistent with everyone in the world. How long you hanging on to that loss?
Just fuck off already. I don't lie. I do find it interesting that you're getting all emotional over my opinion of trump
me? hahahahahahahahha, you're in here running your agenda, and I'm the one losing it? too funny hypocrite.

Now I'm a hypocrite? First was liar, what's next? You gonna tell mommy I'm making you mad and then post another childish meme?
your agenda hypocrite. Yours. one word was for one post and then you posted again and were a hypocrite, so yeah, both liar and hypocrite. If I didn't know any better, you just switched to a libturd. How's that?

You just can't help yourself can you.
More childish memes? I've left you that speechless?

You claim I have an agenda here. Read the topic title & let's see if you're smart enough to figure out what it really is.
me? hahahahahahahahha, you're in here running your agenda, and I'm the one losing it? too funny hypocrite.

Now I'm a hypocrite? First was liar, what's next? You gonna tell mommy I'm making you mad and then post another childish meme?
your agenda hypocrite. Yours. one word was for one post and then you posted again and were a hypocrite, so yeah, both liar and hypocrite. If I didn't know any better, you just switched to a libturd. How's that?

You just can't help yourself can you.
More childish memes? I've left you that speechless?

You claim I have an agenda here. Read the topic title & let's see if you're smart enough to figure out what it really is.
when the meme fits
Now I'm a hypocrite? First was liar, what's next? You gonna tell mommy I'm making you mad and then post another childish meme?
your agenda hypocrite. Yours. one word was for one post and then you posted again and were a hypocrite, so yeah, both liar and hypocrite. If I didn't know any better, you just switched to a libturd. How's that?

You just can't help yourself can you.
More childish memes? I've left you that speechless?

You claim I have an agenda here. Read the topic title & let's see if you're smart enough to figure out what it really is.
when the meme fits
As I suspected. You're just a bored dumbass trying to pick a pointless internet fight to boost your digital ego...

who takes insults on criticism well?
In my opinion Trump is the most thin skinned politician of my lifetime and that's quite a feat considering who he followed & who he ran against.
He is not a politician. Btw, who was the last politician to do a celebrity roast?

I wonder how hillary would handle it.

Have you seen how hillary has handled her criticism?

You think that is more graceful than Trump? Ever hear how she talked to the secret service, or people who work for her?

Trump has a great reputation on how he treats people who works for him.

Does not count?
Why don't you look up my posting history before making an ass of yourself....

Just a few days ago I created a thread about the embarrassment that Hillary is. Hillary being a dumb bitch doesn't give republicans a get out of jail free card for their own stupidity unless YOU have no integrity
Ok, I see your posts. My post was more for the fucking liberals that agree with you, but love the clintons.

You cannot be a success in the business world and be as thin skinned as you make him out to be.

He hits back and I am trying to figure out why you are offended by that.

Give me the exact quote of his, that offended you. Don't give me the bullshit that they recorded him saying about women behind closed doors.

Give me the precise example of him being thin skinned in your mind.
I'm not offended by it but I'm also not going to give him a pass for the same shit I use against someone else.
The sign of someone who is thin skinned is when that person has to comment on everything everyone else says about him. And a lot of the time he just insults them rather than clarifying his position or words. Just like this other character in this thread who has decided to call me a liar & a hypocrite and I'm not even talking about him lol.

Politics or ideology does not supersede morality for me. I call them like I see them.
You would prefer a punching bag? I have heard him acknowledge mistakes. You don't like it when he points out the fake news being reported as it is reported?

your agenda hypocrite. Yours. one word was for one post and then you posted again and were a hypocrite, so yeah, both liar and hypocrite. If I didn't know any better, you just switched to a libturd. How's that?

You just can't help yourself can you.
More childish memes? I've left you that speechless?

You claim I have an agenda here. Read the topic title & let's see if you're smart enough to figure out what it really is.
when the meme fits
As I suspected. You're just a bored dumbass trying to pick a pointless internet fight to boost your digital ego...

says the guy trying to point out what thin skinned people do. You're so far off, you wouldn't hit water if you fell out of boat.
In my opinion Trump is the most thin skinned politician of my lifetime and that's quite a feat considering who he followed & who he ran against.
He is not a politician. Btw, who was the last politician to do a celebrity roast?

I wonder how hillary would handle it.

Have you seen how hillary has handled her criticism?

You think that is more graceful than Trump? Ever hear how she talked to the secret service, or people who work for her?

Trump has a great reputation on how he treats people who works for him.

Does not count?
Why don't you look up my posting history before making an ass of yourself....

Just a few days ago I created a thread about the embarrassment that Hillary is. Hillary being a dumb bitch doesn't give republicans a get out of jail free card for their own stupidity unless YOU have no integrity
Ok, I see your posts. My post was more for the fucking liberals that agree with you, but love the clintons.

You cannot be a success in the business world and be as thin skinned as you make him out to be.

He hits back and I am trying to figure out why you are offended by that.

Give me the exact quote of his, that offended you. Don't give me the bullshit that they recorded him saying about women behind closed doors.

Give me the precise example of him being thin skinned in your mind.
I'm not offended by it but I'm also not going to give him a pass for the same shit I use against someone else.
The sign of someone who is thin skinned is when that person has to comment on everything everyone else says about him. And a lot of the time he just insults them rather than clarifying his position or words. Just like this other character in this thread who has decided to call me a liar & a hypocrite and I'm not even talking about him lol.

Politics or ideology does not supersede morality for me. I call them like I see them.
You would prefer a punching bag? I have heard him acknowledge mistakes. You don't like it when he points out the fake news being reported as it is reported?

that dude doesn't know what he's talking about. blabbering about on here like he has a point which he can't justify. It's sad. he was a conservative guy, not sure what happened to him. but his line about thin skinned mumbo jumbo, isn't at all accurate. He knows it. It's why you won't see anything except generalizations.
It looks like the ties to have Russia has merit and the investigation is worth into. If they are cleared, then that's that, but this story isn't going away.
so you're dwelling on the election you stupid fk. You fking hypocrite. I hate fking hypocrites.

Collusion is illegal and it must be looked into if there was collusion.
based off of what? you, the one dwelling on the election. based on what?

Post something that wasn't from a libturd.

Something that is evidence. one fking thingy!!!! one,

The investigation is ongoing and has been since last Summer.
so your answer is you have no evidence. you have nothing. good. That is consistent with everyone in the world. How long you hanging on to that loss?

No one is denying the result of the election. We just wonder if there was shady activity from the Russians to help Trump.
so you're dwelling on the election you stupid fk. You fking hypocrite. I hate fking hypocrites.

Collusion is illegal and it must be looked into if there was collusion.
based off of what? you, the one dwelling on the election. based on what?

Post something that wasn't from a libturd.

Something that is evidence. one fking thingy!!!! one,

The investigation is ongoing and has been since last Summer.
so your answer is you have no evidence. you have nothing. good. That is consistent with everyone in the world. How long you hanging on to that loss?

No one is denying the result of the election. We just wonder if there was shady activity from the Russians to help Trump.
was there? what are you using for your investigation? do you even know? what exactly do you know?

BTW, Clapper and Comey already said there was no collusion. Why haven't you accepted that?
Collusion is illegal and it must be looked into if there was collusion.
based off of what? you, the one dwelling on the election. based on what?

Post something that wasn't from a libturd.

Something that is evidence. one fking thingy!!!! one,

The investigation is ongoing and has been since last Summer.
so your answer is you have no evidence. you have nothing. good. That is consistent with everyone in the world. How long you hanging on to that loss?

No one is denying the result of the election. We just wonder if there was shady activity from the Russians to help Trump.
was there? what are you using for your investigation? do you even know? what exactly do you know?

BTW, Clapper and Comey already said there was no collusion. Why haven't you accepted that?

The investigation is ongoing and there's no denying Trump's ties to Russia as well if that of his campaign team, cabinet and former advisers.
In my opinion Trump is the most thin skinned politician of my lifetime and that's quite a feat considering who he followed & who he ran against.
He is not a politician. Btw, who was the last politician to do a celebrity roast?

I wonder how hillary would handle it.

Have you seen how hillary has handled her criticism?

You think that is more graceful than Trump? Ever hear how she talked to the secret service, or people who work for her?

Trump has a great reputation on how he treats people who works for him.

Does not count?
Why don't you look up my posting history before making an ass of yourself....

Just a few days ago I created a thread about the embarrassment that Hillary is. Hillary being a dumb bitch doesn't give republicans a get out of jail free card for their own stupidity unless YOU have no integrity
Ok, I see your posts. My post was more for the fucking liberals that agree with you, but love the clintons.

You cannot be a success in the business world and be as thin skinned as you make him out to be.

He hits back and I am trying to figure out why you are offended by that.

Give me the exact quote of his, that offended you. Don't give me the bullshit that they recorded him saying about women behind closed doors.

Give me the precise example of him being thin skinned in your mind.
I'm not offended by it but I'm also not going to give him a pass for the same shit I use against someone else.
The sign of someone who is thin skinned is when that person has to comment on everything everyone else says about him. And a lot of the time he just insults them rather than clarifying his position or words. Just like this other character in this thread who has decided to call me a liar & a hypocrite and I'm not even talking about him lol.

Politics or ideology does not supersede morality for me. I call them like I see them.
You would prefer a punching bag? I have heard him acknowledge mistakes. You don't like it when he points out the fake news being reported as it is reported?

Well for starters I'm not a retard. I knew the media was slanted and corrupt LONG before Trump came along. I would rather he ignore the bullshit & get on with making good on his promises as well as anything else he thinks he can do to make the economy better. Whining weekly about fake news doesn't create jobs. It doesn't balance a budget. It doesn't help to secure our borders. It doesn't eliminate ISIS. It doesn't put north Korea back in the box. It doesn't put Russia back in their place. It doesn't help us regain the respect of others around the world.

In fact it doesn't really accomplish anything. Well, except exposing his inability to stay focused on the things that matter.

And for the record I didn't start this thread out about Trump, nor did I intend for him to be part of the discussion. You all did that. I simply responded.
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He is not a politician. Btw, who was the last politician to do a celebrity roast?

I wonder how hillary would handle it.

Have you seen how hillary has handled her criticism?

You think that is more graceful than Trump? Ever hear how she talked to the secret service, or people who work for her?

Trump has a great reputation on how he treats people who works for him.

Does not count?
Why don't you look up my posting history before making an ass of yourself....

Just a few days ago I created a thread about the embarrassment that Hillary is. Hillary being a dumb bitch doesn't give republicans a get out of jail free card for their own stupidity unless YOU have no integrity
Ok, I see your posts. My post was more for the fucking liberals that agree with you, but love the clintons.

You cannot be a success in the business world and be as thin skinned as you make him out to be.

He hits back and I am trying to figure out why you are offended by that.

Give me the exact quote of his, that offended you. Don't give me the bullshit that they recorded him saying about women behind closed doors.

Give me the precise example of him being thin skinned in your mind.
I'm not offended by it but I'm also not going to give him a pass for the same shit I use against someone else.
The sign of someone who is thin skinned is when that person has to comment on everything everyone else says about him. And a lot of the time he just insults them rather than clarifying his position or words. Just like this other character in this thread who has decided to call me a liar & a hypocrite and I'm not even talking about him lol.

Politics or ideology does not supersede morality for me. I call them like I see them.
You would prefer a punching bag? I have heard him acknowledge mistakes. You don't like it when he points out the fake news being reported as it is reported?

that dude doesn't know what he's talking about. blabbering about on here like he has a point which he can't justify. It's sad. he was a conservative guy, not sure what happened to him. but his line about thin skinned mumbo jumbo, isn't at all accurate. He knows it. It's why you won't see anything except generalizations.
"He used to be a conservative" lol

I like how you put I suppose since I said something your juvenile brain can't come to terms with I'm just a poopy head huh

Fucking morons on this site....
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