More liberal hypocrisy.

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He is not a politician. Btw, who was the last politician to do a celebrity roast?

I wonder how hillary would handle it.

Have you seen how hillary has handled her criticism?

You think that is more graceful than Trump? Ever hear how she talked to the secret service, or people who work for her?

Trump has a great reputation on how he treats people who works for him.

Does not count?
Why don't you look up my posting history before making an ass of yourself....

Just a few days ago I created a thread about the embarrassment that Hillary is. Hillary being a dumb bitch doesn't give republicans a get out of jail free card for their own stupidity unless YOU have no integrity
Ok, I see your posts. My post was more for the fucking liberals that agree with you, but love the clintons.

You cannot be a success in the business world and be as thin skinned as you make him out to be.

He hits back and I am trying to figure out why you are offended by that.

Give me the exact quote of his, that offended you. Don't give me the bullshit that they recorded him saying about women behind closed doors.

Give me the precise example of him being thin skinned in your mind.
I'm not offended by it but I'm also not going to give him a pass for the same shit I use against someone else.
The sign of someone who is thin skinned is when that person has to comment on everything everyone else says about him. And a lot of the time he just insults them rather than clarifying his position or words. Just like this other character in this thread who has decided to call me a liar & a hypocrite and I'm not even talking about him lol.

Politics or ideology does not supersede morality for me. I call them like I see them.
You would prefer a punching bag? I have heard him acknowledge mistakes. You don't like it when he points out the fake news being reported as it is reported?

Well for starters I'm not a retard. I knew the media was slanted and corrupt LONG before Trump came along. I would rather he ignore the bullshit & get on with making good on his promises as well as anything else he thinks he can do to make the economy better. Whining weekly about fake news doesn't create jobs. It doesn't balance a budget. It doesn't help to secure our borders. It doesn't eliminate ISIS. It doesn't put north Korea back in the box. It doesn't put Russia back in their place. It doesn't help us regain the respect of others around the world.

In fact it doesn't really accomplish anything. Well, except exposing his inability to stay focused on the things that matter.

And for the record I didn't start this thread out about Trump, nor did I intend for him to be part of the discussion. You all did that. I simply responded.
Since you are not a retard you would know he has accomplished quite a bit in 100 days.

Since you are not a retard, you most likely know illegal immigration is down significantly and he had his judge appointed.

Since you are not a retard, you would know that he has strengthened America's resolve in the world by enforcing obama's red line.

Since you are not a retard you would know Trump has passed the repeal and replace in the House.

Since you are not a retard you would know he is not an elected king and is in fact a president. Which means he is not a dictator, unlike what the lying scumbags in the media and their demented stupid sheep would tell you.

Since you are not a retard you would know that the mass media are indeed lying scumbags and some of us like it when he hits back.

Since you are not a retard.
based off of what? you, the one dwelling on the election. based on what?

Post something that wasn't from a libturd.

Something that is evidence. one fking thingy!!!! one,

The investigation is ongoing and has been since last Summer.
so your answer is you have no evidence. you have nothing. good. That is consistent with everyone in the world. How long you hanging on to that loss?

No one is denying the result of the election. We just wonder if there was shady activity from the Russians to help Trump.
was there? what are you using for your investigation? do you even know? what exactly do you know?

BTW, Clapper and Comey already said there was no collusion. Why haven't you accepted that?

The investigation is ongoing and there's no denying Trump's ties to Russia as well if that of his campaign team, cabinet and former advisers.
no denying? sure, just post up your evidence now for the fourth time.
He is not a politician. Btw, who was the last politician to do a celebrity roast?

I wonder how hillary would handle it.

Have you seen how hillary has handled her criticism?

You think that is more graceful than Trump? Ever hear how she talked to the secret service, or people who work for her?

Trump has a great reputation on how he treats people who works for him.

Does not count?
Why don't you look up my posting history before making an ass of yourself....

Just a few days ago I created a thread about the embarrassment that Hillary is. Hillary being a dumb bitch doesn't give republicans a get out of jail free card for their own stupidity unless YOU have no integrity
Ok, I see your posts. My post was more for the fucking liberals that agree with you, but love the clintons.

You cannot be a success in the business world and be as thin skinned as you make him out to be.

He hits back and I am trying to figure out why you are offended by that.

Give me the exact quote of his, that offended you. Don't give me the bullshit that they recorded him saying about women behind closed doors.

Give me the precise example of him being thin skinned in your mind.
I'm not offended by it but I'm also not going to give him a pass for the same shit I use against someone else.
The sign of someone who is thin skinned is when that person has to comment on everything everyone else says about him. And a lot of the time he just insults them rather than clarifying his position or words. Just like this other character in this thread who has decided to call me a liar & a hypocrite and I'm not even talking about him lol.

Politics or ideology does not supersede morality for me. I call them like I see them.
You would prefer a punching bag? I have heard him acknowledge mistakes. You don't like it when he points out the fake news being reported as it is reported?

Well for starters I'm not a retard. I knew the media was slanted and corrupt LONG before Trump came along. I would rather he ignore the bullshit & get on with making good on his promises as well as anything else he thinks he can do to make the economy better. Whining weekly about fake news doesn't create jobs. It doesn't balance a budget. It doesn't help to secure our borders. It doesn't eliminate ISIS. It doesn't put north Korea back in the box. It doesn't put Russia back in their place. It doesn't help us regain the respect of others around the world.

In fact it doesn't really accomplish anything. Well, except exposing his inability to stay focused on the things that matter.

And for the record I didn't start this thread out about Trump, nor did I intend for him to be part of the discussion. You all did that. I simply responded.
what exactly has Trump ignored? name one thing that he said he'd do that he hasn't put an effort toward? One thing. See this post demonstrates the generalization I spoke of. You just threw this out without any evidence to support your post. none. Throw it out an see if it sticks messaging. wow. I will apologize if you post up one iota of evidence that he let us down because he was tweeting.
Why don't you look up my posting history before making an ass of yourself....

Just a few days ago I created a thread about the embarrassment that Hillary is. Hillary being a dumb bitch doesn't give republicans a get out of jail free card for their own stupidity unless YOU have no integrity
Ok, I see your posts. My post was more for the fucking liberals that agree with you, but love the clintons.

You cannot be a success in the business world and be as thin skinned as you make him out to be.

He hits back and I am trying to figure out why you are offended by that.

Give me the exact quote of his, that offended you. Don't give me the bullshit that they recorded him saying about women behind closed doors.

Give me the precise example of him being thin skinned in your mind.
I'm not offended by it but I'm also not going to give him a pass for the same shit I use against someone else.
The sign of someone who is thin skinned is when that person has to comment on everything everyone else says about him. And a lot of the time he just insults them rather than clarifying his position or words. Just like this other character in this thread who has decided to call me a liar & a hypocrite and I'm not even talking about him lol.

Politics or ideology does not supersede morality for me. I call them like I see them.
You would prefer a punching bag? I have heard him acknowledge mistakes. You don't like it when he points out the fake news being reported as it is reported?

Well for starters I'm not a retard. I knew the media was slanted and corrupt LONG before Trump came along. I would rather he ignore the bullshit & get on with making good on his promises as well as anything else he thinks he can do to make the economy better. Whining weekly about fake news doesn't create jobs. It doesn't balance a budget. It doesn't help to secure our borders. It doesn't eliminate ISIS. It doesn't put north Korea back in the box. It doesn't put Russia back in their place. It doesn't help us regain the respect of others around the world.

In fact it doesn't really accomplish anything. Well, except exposing his inability to stay focused on the things that matter.

And for the record I didn't start this thread out about Trump, nor did I intend for him to be part of the discussion. You all did that. I simply responded.
Since you are not a retard you would know he has accomplished quite a bit in 100 days.

Since you are not a retard, you most likely know illegal immigration is down significantly and he had his judge appointed.

Since you are not a retard, you would know that he has strengthened America's resolve in the world by enforcing obama's red line.

Since you are not a retard you would know Trump has passed the repeal and replace in the House.

Since you are not a retard you would know he is not an elected king and is in fact a president. Which means he is not a dictator, unlike what the lying scumbags in the media and their demented stupid sheep would tell you.

Since you are not a retard you would know that the mass media are indeed lying scumbags and some of us like it when he hits back.

Since you are not a retard.
What does ANY of that have to do with this thread or my opinion that trump is thin skinned? Any of it? You dumbfucks have moved the goalposts so far in this thread the topic might as well be in China.

One opinion, ONE, triggered all this bullshit that has spiraled down the rabbit hole.

Why is that? I'll tell you why. Trump isn't the only one with thin skin in this thread.
I'll leave you with that to ponder and let's see if you can figure it out or if you're just going to resort to name calling & meme posting as the other simpleton.
Why don't you look up my posting history before making an ass of yourself....

Just a few days ago I created a thread about the embarrassment that Hillary is. Hillary being a dumb bitch doesn't give republicans a get out of jail free card for their own stupidity unless YOU have no integrity
Ok, I see your posts. My post was more for the fucking liberals that agree with you, but love the clintons.

You cannot be a success in the business world and be as thin skinned as you make him out to be.

He hits back and I am trying to figure out why you are offended by that.

Give me the exact quote of his, that offended you. Don't give me the bullshit that they recorded him saying about women behind closed doors.

Give me the precise example of him being thin skinned in your mind.
I'm not offended by it but I'm also not going to give him a pass for the same shit I use against someone else.
The sign of someone who is thin skinned is when that person has to comment on everything everyone else says about him. And a lot of the time he just insults them rather than clarifying his position or words. Just like this other character in this thread who has decided to call me a liar & a hypocrite and I'm not even talking about him lol.

Politics or ideology does not supersede morality for me. I call them like I see them.
You would prefer a punching bag? I have heard him acknowledge mistakes. You don't like it when he points out the fake news being reported as it is reported?

Well for starters I'm not a retard. I knew the media was slanted and corrupt LONG before Trump came along. I would rather he ignore the bullshit & get on with making good on his promises as well as anything else he thinks he can do to make the economy better. Whining weekly about fake news doesn't create jobs. It doesn't balance a budget. It doesn't help to secure our borders. It doesn't eliminate ISIS. It doesn't put north Korea back in the box. It doesn't put Russia back in their place. It doesn't help us regain the respect of others around the world.

In fact it doesn't really accomplish anything. Well, except exposing his inability to stay focused on the things that matter.

And for the record I didn't start this thread out about Trump, nor did I intend for him to be part of the discussion. You all did that. I simply responded.
what exactly has Trump ignored? name one thing that he said he'd do that he hasn't put an effort toward? One thing. See this post demonstrates the generalization I spoke of. You just threw this out without any evidence to support your post. none. Throw it out an see if it sticks messaging. wow. I will apologize if you post up one iota of evidence that he let us down because he was tweeting.
Stop obsessing, it's embarrassing
Why don't you look up my posting history before making an ass of yourself....

Just a few days ago I created a thread about the embarrassment that Hillary is. Hillary being a dumb bitch doesn't give republicans a get out of jail free card for their own stupidity unless YOU have no integrity
Ok, I see your posts. My post was more for the fucking liberals that agree with you, but love the clintons.

You cannot be a success in the business world and be as thin skinned as you make him out to be.

He hits back and I am trying to figure out why you are offended by that.

Give me the exact quote of his, that offended you. Don't give me the bullshit that they recorded him saying about women behind closed doors.

Give me the precise example of him being thin skinned in your mind.
I'm not offended by it but I'm also not going to give him a pass for the same shit I use against someone else.
The sign of someone who is thin skinned is when that person has to comment on everything everyone else says about him. And a lot of the time he just insults them rather than clarifying his position or words. Just like this other character in this thread who has decided to call me a liar & a hypocrite and I'm not even talking about him lol.

Politics or ideology does not supersede morality for me. I call them like I see them.
You would prefer a punching bag? I have heard him acknowledge mistakes. You don't like it when he points out the fake news being reported as it is reported?

Well for starters I'm not a retard. I knew the media was slanted and corrupt LONG before Trump came along. I would rather he ignore the bullshit & get on with making good on his promises as well as anything else he thinks he can do to make the economy better. Whining weekly about fake news doesn't create jobs. It doesn't balance a budget. It doesn't help to secure our borders. It doesn't eliminate ISIS. It doesn't put north Korea back in the box. It doesn't put Russia back in their place. It doesn't help us regain the respect of others around the world.

In fact it doesn't really accomplish anything. Well, except exposing his inability to stay focused on the things that matter.

And for the record I didn't start this thread out about Trump, nor did I intend for him to be part of the discussion. You all did that. I simply responded.
what exactly has Trump ignored? name one thing that he said he'd do that he hasn't put an effort toward? One thing. See this post demonstrates the generalization I spoke of. You just threw this out without any evidence to support your post. none. Throw it out an see if it sticks messaging. wow. I will apologize if you post up one iota of evidence that he let us down because he was tweeting.

I think he ignored his own promise that everyone would have better and cheaper HC. LOL
Ok, I see your posts. My post was more for the fucking liberals that agree with you, but love the clintons.

You cannot be a success in the business world and be as thin skinned as you make him out to be.

He hits back and I am trying to figure out why you are offended by that.

Give me the exact quote of his, that offended you. Don't give me the bullshit that they recorded him saying about women behind closed doors.

Give me the precise example of him being thin skinned in your mind.
I'm not offended by it but I'm also not going to give him a pass for the same shit I use against someone else.
The sign of someone who is thin skinned is when that person has to comment on everything everyone else says about him. And a lot of the time he just insults them rather than clarifying his position or words. Just like this other character in this thread who has decided to call me a liar & a hypocrite and I'm not even talking about him lol.

Politics or ideology does not supersede morality for me. I call them like I see them.
You would prefer a punching bag? I have heard him acknowledge mistakes. You don't like it when he points out the fake news being reported as it is reported?

Well for starters I'm not a retard. I knew the media was slanted and corrupt LONG before Trump came along. I would rather he ignore the bullshit & get on with making good on his promises as well as anything else he thinks he can do to make the economy better. Whining weekly about fake news doesn't create jobs. It doesn't balance a budget. It doesn't help to secure our borders. It doesn't eliminate ISIS. It doesn't put north Korea back in the box. It doesn't put Russia back in their place. It doesn't help us regain the respect of others around the world.

In fact it doesn't really accomplish anything. Well, except exposing his inability to stay focused on the things that matter.

And for the record I didn't start this thread out about Trump, nor did I intend for him to be part of the discussion. You all did that. I simply responded.
what exactly has Trump ignored? name one thing that he said he'd do that he hasn't put an effort toward? One thing. See this post demonstrates the generalization I spoke of. You just threw this out without any evidence to support your post. none. Throw it out an see if it sticks messaging. wow. I will apologize if you post up one iota of evidence that he let us down because he was tweeting.
Stop obsessing, it's embarrassing
so you have no evidence that Trump has ignored his duties as commander and chief to tweet about the media? hmmmm
Ok, I see your posts. My post was more for the fucking liberals that agree with you, but love the clintons.

You cannot be a success in the business world and be as thin skinned as you make him out to be.

He hits back and I am trying to figure out why you are offended by that.

Give me the exact quote of his, that offended you. Don't give me the bullshit that they recorded him saying about women behind closed doors.

Give me the precise example of him being thin skinned in your mind.
I'm not offended by it but I'm also not going to give him a pass for the same shit I use against someone else.
The sign of someone who is thin skinned is when that person has to comment on everything everyone else says about him. And a lot of the time he just insults them rather than clarifying his position or words. Just like this other character in this thread who has decided to call me a liar & a hypocrite and I'm not even talking about him lol.

Politics or ideology does not supersede morality for me. I call them like I see them.
You would prefer a punching bag? I have heard him acknowledge mistakes. You don't like it when he points out the fake news being reported as it is reported?

Well for starters I'm not a retard. I knew the media was slanted and corrupt LONG before Trump came along. I would rather he ignore the bullshit & get on with making good on his promises as well as anything else he thinks he can do to make the economy better. Whining weekly about fake news doesn't create jobs. It doesn't balance a budget. It doesn't help to secure our borders. It doesn't eliminate ISIS. It doesn't put north Korea back in the box. It doesn't put Russia back in their place. It doesn't help us regain the respect of others around the world.

In fact it doesn't really accomplish anything. Well, except exposing his inability to stay focused on the things that matter.

And for the record I didn't start this thread out about Trump, nor did I intend for him to be part of the discussion. You all did that. I simply responded.
what exactly has Trump ignored? name one thing that he said he'd do that he hasn't put an effort toward? One thing. See this post demonstrates the generalization I spoke of. You just threw this out without any evidence to support your post. none. Throw it out an see if it sticks messaging. wow. I will apologize if you post up one iota of evidence that he let us down because he was tweeting.

I think he ignored his own promise that everyone would have better and cheaper HC. LOL
well, that one is in the hands of the senate. eh? that letter hasn't been completed. And I said effort. effort he did.
I'm not offended by it but I'm also not going to give him a pass for the same shit I use against someone else.
The sign of someone who is thin skinned is when that person has to comment on everything everyone else says about him. And a lot of the time he just insults them rather than clarifying his position or words. Just like this other character in this thread who has decided to call me a liar & a hypocrite and I'm not even talking about him lol.

Politics or ideology does not supersede morality for me. I call them like I see them.
You would prefer a punching bag? I have heard him acknowledge mistakes. You don't like it when he points out the fake news being reported as it is reported?

Well for starters I'm not a retard. I knew the media was slanted and corrupt LONG before Trump came along. I would rather he ignore the bullshit & get on with making good on his promises as well as anything else he thinks he can do to make the economy better. Whining weekly about fake news doesn't create jobs. It doesn't balance a budget. It doesn't help to secure our borders. It doesn't eliminate ISIS. It doesn't put north Korea back in the box. It doesn't put Russia back in their place. It doesn't help us regain the respect of others around the world.

In fact it doesn't really accomplish anything. Well, except exposing his inability to stay focused on the things that matter.

And for the record I didn't start this thread out about Trump, nor did I intend for him to be part of the discussion. You all did that. I simply responded.
what exactly has Trump ignored? name one thing that he said he'd do that he hasn't put an effort toward? One thing. See this post demonstrates the generalization I spoke of. You just threw this out without any evidence to support your post. none. Throw it out an see if it sticks messaging. wow. I will apologize if you post up one iota of evidence that he let us down because he was tweeting.

I think he ignored his own promise that everyone would have better and cheaper HC. LOL
well, that one is in the hands of the senate. eh? that letter hasn't been completed. And I said effort. effort he did.
Oh no, Orange Donnie pushed this one for the House. He reneged.
Ok, I see your posts. My post was more for the fucking liberals that agree with you, but love the clintons.

You cannot be a success in the business world and be as thin skinned as you make him out to be.

He hits back and I am trying to figure out why you are offended by that.

Give me the exact quote of his, that offended you. Don't give me the bullshit that they recorded him saying about women behind closed doors.

Give me the precise example of him being thin skinned in your mind.
I'm not offended by it but I'm also not going to give him a pass for the same shit I use against someone else.
The sign of someone who is thin skinned is when that person has to comment on everything everyone else says about him. And a lot of the time he just insults them rather than clarifying his position or words. Just like this other character in this thread who has decided to call me a liar & a hypocrite and I'm not even talking about him lol.

Politics or ideology does not supersede morality for me. I call them like I see them.
You would prefer a punching bag? I have heard him acknowledge mistakes. You don't like it when he points out the fake news being reported as it is reported?

Well for starters I'm not a retard. I knew the media was slanted and corrupt LONG before Trump came along. I would rather he ignore the bullshit & get on with making good on his promises as well as anything else he thinks he can do to make the economy better. Whining weekly about fake news doesn't create jobs. It doesn't balance a budget. It doesn't help to secure our borders. It doesn't eliminate ISIS. It doesn't put north Korea back in the box. It doesn't put Russia back in their place. It doesn't help us regain the respect of others around the world.

In fact it doesn't really accomplish anything. Well, except exposing his inability to stay focused on the things that matter.

And for the record I didn't start this thread out about Trump, nor did I intend for him to be part of the discussion. You all did that. I simply responded.
Since you are not a retard you would know he has accomplished quite a bit in 100 days.

Since you are not a retard, you most likely know illegal immigration is down significantly and he had his judge appointed.

Since you are not a retard, you would know that he has strengthened America's resolve in the world by enforcing obama's red line.

Since you are not a retard you would know Trump has passed the repeal and replace in the House.

Since you are not a retard you would know he is not an elected king and is in fact a president. Which means he is not a dictator, unlike what the lying scumbags in the media and their demented stupid sheep would tell you.

Since you are not a retard you would know that the mass media are indeed lying scumbags and some of us like it when he hits back.

Since you are not a retard.
What does ANY of that have to do with this thread or my opinion that trump is thin skinned? Any of it? You dumbfucks have moved the goalposts so far in this thread the topic might as well be in China.

One opinion, ONE, triggered all this bullshit that has spiraled down the rabbit hole.

Why is that? I'll tell you why. Trump isn't the only one with thin skin in this thread.
I'll leave you with that to ponder and let's see if you can figure it out or if you're just going to resort to name calling & meme posting as the other simpleton.
Listen gramps, you are the one that said you would rather him ignore the bullshit and get on with keeping his promises. By saying that you are implying he is not doing anything, but ranting on twitter and firing back at the media.

I thought you said you are not a retard.

You are the one that is stating something, I respond directly to what you are saying and then you claim I or we change the goal posts?

You think Trump is only responding to the scumbags in the media? I don't know what news sources you are watching, but he is securing the borders. He just dropped a giant fucking bomb on isis.

Did I just change the goal posts again by responding to your claims?

No, what we are seeing is clear cognitive dissonance. You would rather a polished politician in there and just be a media punching bag.

Maybe you wanted a Clinton. I am confused. The point is he is not a slick politician. He does dumb things, but he has also done effective things. Most of which either ignored by the agenda driven media, or falsely reported by the agenda driven media.

Do you really think Trump in his first 100 days has done nothing?
I'm not offended by it but I'm also not going to give him a pass for the same shit I use against someone else.
The sign of someone who is thin skinned is when that person has to comment on everything everyone else says about him. And a lot of the time he just insults them rather than clarifying his position or words. Just like this other character in this thread who has decided to call me a liar & a hypocrite and I'm not even talking about him lol.

Politics or ideology does not supersede morality for me. I call them like I see them.
You would prefer a punching bag? I have heard him acknowledge mistakes. You don't like it when he points out the fake news being reported as it is reported?

Well for starters I'm not a retard. I knew the media was slanted and corrupt LONG before Trump came along. I would rather he ignore the bullshit & get on with making good on his promises as well as anything else he thinks he can do to make the economy better. Whining weekly about fake news doesn't create jobs. It doesn't balance a budget. It doesn't help to secure our borders. It doesn't eliminate ISIS. It doesn't put north Korea back in the box. It doesn't put Russia back in their place. It doesn't help us regain the respect of others around the world.

In fact it doesn't really accomplish anything. Well, except exposing his inability to stay focused on the things that matter.

And for the record I didn't start this thread out about Trump, nor did I intend for him to be part of the discussion. You all did that. I simply responded.
what exactly has Trump ignored? name one thing that he said he'd do that he hasn't put an effort toward? One thing. See this post demonstrates the generalization I spoke of. You just threw this out without any evidence to support your post. none. Throw it out an see if it sticks messaging. wow. I will apologize if you post up one iota of evidence that he let us down because he was tweeting.
Stop obsessing, it's embarrassing
so you have no evidence that Trump has ignored his duties as commander and chief to tweet about the media? hmmmm
I never said he ignored his duties. I said he should ignore the media. Learn to fucking read. And lol at whoever the hell thanked your failed post
You would prefer a punching bag? I have heard him acknowledge mistakes. You don't like it when he points out the fake news being reported as it is reported?

Well for starters I'm not a retard. I knew the media was slanted and corrupt LONG before Trump came along. I would rather he ignore the bullshit & get on with making good on his promises as well as anything else he thinks he can do to make the economy better. Whining weekly about fake news doesn't create jobs. It doesn't balance a budget. It doesn't help to secure our borders. It doesn't eliminate ISIS. It doesn't put north Korea back in the box. It doesn't put Russia back in their place. It doesn't help us regain the respect of others around the world.

In fact it doesn't really accomplish anything. Well, except exposing his inability to stay focused on the things that matter.

And for the record I didn't start this thread out about Trump, nor did I intend for him to be part of the discussion. You all did that. I simply responded.
what exactly has Trump ignored? name one thing that he said he'd do that he hasn't put an effort toward? One thing. See this post demonstrates the generalization I spoke of. You just threw this out without any evidence to support your post. none. Throw it out an see if it sticks messaging. wow. I will apologize if you post up one iota of evidence that he let us down because he was tweeting.
Stop obsessing, it's embarrassing
so you have no evidence that Trump has ignored his duties as commander and chief to tweet about the media? hmmmm
I never said he ignored his duties. I said he should ignore the media. Learn to fucking read. And lol at whoever the hell thanked your failed post
Holy shit.
I'm not offended by it but I'm also not going to give him a pass for the same shit I use against someone else.
The sign of someone who is thin skinned is when that person has to comment on everything everyone else says about him. And a lot of the time he just insults them rather than clarifying his position or words. Just like this other character in this thread who has decided to call me a liar & a hypocrite and I'm not even talking about him lol.

Politics or ideology does not supersede morality for me. I call them like I see them.
You would prefer a punching bag? I have heard him acknowledge mistakes. You don't like it when he points out the fake news being reported as it is reported?

Well for starters I'm not a retard. I knew the media was slanted and corrupt LONG before Trump came along. I would rather he ignore the bullshit & get on with making good on his promises as well as anything else he thinks he can do to make the economy better. Whining weekly about fake news doesn't create jobs. It doesn't balance a budget. It doesn't help to secure our borders. It doesn't eliminate ISIS. It doesn't put north Korea back in the box. It doesn't put Russia back in their place. It doesn't help us regain the respect of others around the world.

In fact it doesn't really accomplish anything. Well, except exposing his inability to stay focused on the things that matter.

And for the record I didn't start this thread out about Trump, nor did I intend for him to be part of the discussion. You all did that. I simply responded.
Since you are not a retard you would know he has accomplished quite a bit in 100 days.

Since you are not a retard, you most likely know illegal immigration is down significantly and he had his judge appointed.

Since you are not a retard, you would know that he has strengthened America's resolve in the world by enforcing obama's red line.

Since you are not a retard you would know Trump has passed the repeal and replace in the House.

Since you are not a retard you would know he is not an elected king and is in fact a president. Which means he is not a dictator, unlike what the lying scumbags in the media and their demented stupid sheep would tell you.

Since you are not a retard you would know that the mass media are indeed lying scumbags and some of us like it when he hits back.

Since you are not a retard.
What does ANY of that have to do with this thread or my opinion that trump is thin skinned? Any of it? You dumbfucks have moved the goalposts so far in this thread the topic might as well be in China.

One opinion, ONE, triggered all this bullshit that has spiraled down the rabbit hole.

Why is that? I'll tell you why. Trump isn't the only one with thin skin in this thread.
I'll leave you with that to ponder and let's see if you can figure it out or if you're just going to resort to name calling & meme posting as the other simpleton.
Listen gramps, you are the one that said you would rather him ignore the bullshit and get on with keeping his promises. By saying that you are implying he is not doing anything, but ranting on twitter and firing back at the media.

I thought you said you are not a retard.

You are the one that is stating something, I respond directly to what you are saying and then you claim I or we change the goal posts?

You think Trump is only responding to the scumbags in the media? I don't know what news sources you are watching, but he is securing the borders. He just dropped a giant fucking bomb on isis.

Did I just change the goal posts again by responding to your claims?

No, what we are seeing is clear cognitive dissonance. You would rather a polished politician in there and just be a media punching bag.

Maybe you wanted a Clinton. I am confused. The point is he is not a slick politician. He does dumb things, but he has also done effective things. Most of which either ignored by the agenda driven media, or falsely reported by the agenda driven media.

Do you really think Trump in his first 100 days has done nothing?

I did say that but YOU are the one who took my statement as the implication that he wasn't doing something else. I simply stated the obvious and I've been consistent since you two girls took issue with my opinion.

He's thin skinned.

He whines incessantly about the media.

All that other shit is you imagining that I am implying he isn't doing the other.

Look at it this way. If my child is being polite to guests in my house but then throws a temper tantrum because he's mad I don't ignore the bad just because of the good.

That is the first step in how not to be an inconsistent fool.
Well for starters I'm not a retard. I knew the media was slanted and corrupt LONG before Trump came along. I would rather he ignore the bullshit & get on with making good on his promises as well as anything else he thinks he can do to make the economy better. Whining weekly about fake news doesn't create jobs. It doesn't balance a budget. It doesn't help to secure our borders. It doesn't eliminate ISIS. It doesn't put north Korea back in the box. It doesn't put Russia back in their place. It doesn't help us regain the respect of others around the world.

In fact it doesn't really accomplish anything. Well, except exposing his inability to stay focused on the things that matter.

And for the record I didn't start this thread out about Trump, nor did I intend for him to be part of the discussion. You all did that. I simply responded.
what exactly has Trump ignored? name one thing that he said he'd do that he hasn't put an effort toward? One thing. See this post demonstrates the generalization I spoke of. You just threw this out without any evidence to support your post. none. Throw it out an see if it sticks messaging. wow. I will apologize if you post up one iota of evidence that he let us down because he was tweeting.
Stop obsessing, it's embarrassing
so you have no evidence that Trump has ignored his duties as commander and chief to tweet about the media? hmmmm
I never said he ignored his duties. I said he should ignore the media. Learn to fucking read. And lol at whoever the hell thanked your failed post
Holy shit.
So you can't read either.

Holy Shit indeed
You would prefer a punching bag? I have heard him acknowledge mistakes. You don't like it when he points out the fake news being reported as it is reported?

Well for starters I'm not a retard. I knew the media was slanted and corrupt LONG before Trump came along. I would rather he ignore the bullshit & get on with making good on his promises as well as anything else he thinks he can do to make the economy better. Whining weekly about fake news doesn't create jobs. It doesn't balance a budget. It doesn't help to secure our borders. It doesn't eliminate ISIS. It doesn't put north Korea back in the box. It doesn't put Russia back in their place. It doesn't help us regain the respect of others around the world.

In fact it doesn't really accomplish anything. Well, except exposing his inability to stay focused on the things that matter.

And for the record I didn't start this thread out about Trump, nor did I intend for him to be part of the discussion. You all did that. I simply responded.
Since you are not a retard you would know he has accomplished quite a bit in 100 days.

Since you are not a retard, you most likely know illegal immigration is down significantly and he had his judge appointed.

Since you are not a retard, you would know that he has strengthened America's resolve in the world by enforcing obama's red line.

Since you are not a retard you would know Trump has passed the repeal and replace in the House.

Since you are not a retard you would know he is not an elected king and is in fact a president. Which means he is not a dictator, unlike what the lying scumbags in the media and their demented stupid sheep would tell you.

Since you are not a retard you would know that the mass media are indeed lying scumbags and some of us like it when he hits back.

Since you are not a retard.
What does ANY of that have to do with this thread or my opinion that trump is thin skinned? Any of it? You dumbfucks have moved the goalposts so far in this thread the topic might as well be in China.

One opinion, ONE, triggered all this bullshit that has spiraled down the rabbit hole.

Why is that? I'll tell you why. Trump isn't the only one with thin skin in this thread.
I'll leave you with that to ponder and let's see if you can figure it out or if you're just going to resort to name calling & meme posting as the other simpleton.
Listen gramps, you are the one that said you would rather him ignore the bullshit and get on with keeping his promises. By saying that you are implying he is not doing anything, but ranting on twitter and firing back at the media.

I thought you said you are not a retard.

You are the one that is stating something, I respond directly to what you are saying and then you claim I or we change the goal posts?

You think Trump is only responding to the scumbags in the media? I don't know what news sources you are watching, but he is securing the borders. He just dropped a giant fucking bomb on isis.

Did I just change the goal posts again by responding to your claims?

No, what we are seeing is clear cognitive dissonance. You would rather a polished politician in there and just be a media punching bag.

Maybe you wanted a Clinton. I am confused. The point is he is not a slick politician. He does dumb things, but he has also done effective things. Most of which either ignored by the agenda driven media, or falsely reported by the agenda driven media.

Do you really think Trump in his first 100 days has done nothing?

I did say that but YOU are the one who took my statement as the implication that he wasn't doing something else. I simply stated the obvious and I've been consistent since you two girls took issue with my opinion.

He's thin skinned.

He whines incessantly about the media.

All that other shit is you imagining that I am implying he isn't doing the other.

Look at it this way. If my child is being polite to guests in my house but then throws a temper tantrum because he's mad I don't ignore the bad just because of the good.

That is the first step in how not to be an inconsistent fool.
Holy shit.
My statement

I would rather he ignore the bullshit & get on with making good on his promises as well as anything else he thinks he can do to make the economy better. Whining weekly about fake news doesn't create jobs. It doesn't balance a budget. It doesn't help to secure our borders. It doesn't eliminate ISIS. It doesn't put north Korea back in the box. It doesn't put Russia back in their place. It doesn't help us regain the respect of others around the world.

In fact it doesn't really accomplish anything. Well, except exposing his inability to stay focused on the things that matter.

Your deduction of it.

By saying that you are implying he is not doing anything.

The "implication" is NOTHING more than your projection.
My statement

I would rather he ignore the bullshit & get on with making good on his promises as well as anything else he thinks he can do to make the economy better. Whining weekly about fake news doesn't create jobs. It doesn't balance a budget. It doesn't help to secure our borders. It doesn't eliminate ISIS. It doesn't put north Korea back in the box. It doesn't put Russia back in their place. It doesn't help us regain the respect of others around the world.

In fact it doesn't really accomplish anything. Well, except exposing his inability to stay focused on the things that matter.

Your deduction of it.

By saying that you are implying he is not doing anything.

The "implication" is NOTHING more than your projection.
Holy shit.
My statement

I would rather he ignore the bullshit & get on with making good on his promises as well as anything else he thinks he can do to make the economy better. Whining weekly about fake news doesn't create jobs. It doesn't balance a budget. It doesn't help to secure our borders. It doesn't eliminate ISIS. It doesn't put north Korea back in the box. It doesn't put Russia back in their place. It doesn't help us regain the respect of others around the world.

In fact it doesn't really accomplish anything. Well, except exposing his inability to stay focused on the things that matter.

Your deduction of it.

By saying that you are implying he is not doing anything.

The "implication" is NOTHING more than your projection.
Holy shit.
You're so eager to fight you can't stop long enough to exercise a little reading comprehension.
A little hint:


Actually implies that I believe he is on the right track. The statement right before it means I disapprove of his juvenile antics with regard to the media.

It is possible to hold both those positions. Distractions are great to keep fools like half of this board chomping at the bit over pointless & superfluous bullshit but they are a disservice to the nation and his time.
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