More liberal stupidity. This time you're being punished for buying a Coke.

A Steep Soda Tax Is About to Pass in Philadelphia

.18 cents tax on a can of soda .30 cents on a bottle.

Why do citizens put up with this nanny state bullshit? What's next? Penalizing someone for running their air conditioner "too long"

Sigh...... fucking liberals
The ironic part is that the people they are punishing the most are the poor.

And the liberal fags will continue to insist you are voting against your best interest by voting for republicans...


Progressives believe that YOU are a moron incapable of making your own decisions. YOU are an idiot!! Only the benevolent hand of the state can save you from your own stupidity. And of course, It for YOUR OWN GOOD!!

Progressive ideas are so good, they're mandatory!

It's called liberal regressive projection. Since they can't make a decision to save their lives, they believe you can't.
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All you have to do is buy soda outside the city limits!!

Most warehouse/superstores are built just outside city limits any way!!

You could sell coke 50¢ a can and make a killing!

Is that what liberalism brought us to? I guess it's just like when they banned toilet tanks that held too much water. They were getting bootlegged from Canada. The gall of people that actually wanted their toilet to operate correctly with just one flush. In the end, those government regulated toilets used much more water because you had to flush two or three times.

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