More Love And Peace From The Left


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Hey!! Think this will make the lead on tonight's news?

Or even be mentioned? Or even found in the first thirty pages of the Slimes or the WaPo?

Or talked about in the alphabet media at all?

Probably not.

Anyway, it's kind of funny when you think about it..... Occupy Leader, Rolex Watch...

Poor baby.

Which proves this article and its accuracy and, IMO, perfectly describes a great many libturds...

The Wannabe Oppressed | National Review Online

What do America’s college students want? They want to be oppressed. More precisely, a surprising number of students at America’s finest colleges and universities wish to appear as victims — to themselves, as well as to others — without the discomfort of actually experiencing victimization.

I'm sure psychiatry has a name for it. I just call libturdism. Which it is.

Oh..... The article on the Occupy Leader..?

Funny stuff :lol:

Occupy Leader Found Guilty of Arson & Burglary – Caught Because He Left Behind A Rolex Watch With His Name On It


“God bless them” – Nancy Pelosi

Via Reporter-Herald:

More than a month after his latest trial began, Benjamin Gilmore was found guilty on Friday of deliberately igniting the 2011 Penny Flats fire. Gilmore, 31, had been on trial since Sept. 16. The jury found him guilty of arson, burglary and criminal mischief, but not guilty on four other counts, including attempted murder.

The fire initially started Oct. 24, 2011, in a structure at 311 N. Mason St. in downtown Fort Collins, but it spread to the mixed-use Penny Flats complex next door. Damages to the property were estimated at $10 million.

This is the second time Gilmore had been tried for the same seven counts. The jury was unable to reach a verdict following a 16-day trial in August 2012. The former beekeeper had also been linked to the Occupy protests occurring at the time the fire occurred.

According to archive accounts of the incident, a key piece of evidence at the time of Gilmore’s arrest was a Rolex watch bearing his name that had been found in the debris near the scaffolding used to access the start of the fire. Gilmore had been shown in the days before to have worn the watch at a Fort Collins City Council meeting, but afterward had injuries to his legs and apparent burn injuries to his hands. He told police at the time he had acquired the injuries at the Occupy Fort Collins bonfire.


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