More nonsense about voting against your own interests.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
Not matter how many times the argument is made, it never makes anymore sense than the first time. Today, it’s Michelle Obama. Michelle Obama: ‘Any woman who voted against Hillary Clinton voted against their own voice’

The job of a politician is a tough one. They have to figure out what the voters want to hear, and what the Voters want to see done. Then the politician has to become that representative. They have to become that which the voter wants to see. The politician represents the voters, and in doing so the voters decide what their own interests are, and votes appropriately to those interests.

For me, the biggest issue was TRADE. Curiously enough both Bernie and Trump were on the same said of that particular issue. I’ve explained it before in more detail. In short, trade between essentially equal economies is good. Trade between unequal economies merely sends the manufacturing jobs away.

Interestingly enough, only Bernie and Trump were opposed to the various trade deals including TPP and NAFTA. TPP was the “Gold Standard” according to Hillary for a long time. Then she was sort of lukewarm on it, but still for trade, especially NAFTA.

Now, as a politician, you have to represent my issues to get my vote. I don’t have to support your issues as though I am honored to become one of your adoring fans. You represent me. If you do not, I will vote against you.

Do I agree with Trump on everything? Absolutely not. I think we’ve already lost in Afghanistan, and I think Syria is a tremendous mistake. I disagree with his blind support of Police, and I disagree with his deciding that the cops need bayonettes, tracked vehicles, and Grenade Launchers.

Michelle try Representing the Voters instead of insulting them for not being one of your sycophants.
Women in Islamic Sharia based countries have no voice. How could an allegedly educated woman in the greatest Country in the world with a system created to be of and by the people, presume that all women speak with the same voice? That's the problem with crazy democrats.
You make good points, but my heart isn't broken over how hard it is for political whores to bullshit the people.

We are at a point where the people need LEADERS, who don't bullshit people. We need LEADERS who tell the TRUTH, not what "people want to hear".

That's why I believe Trump won, because he speaks his mind unfiltered. I don't agree with a bunch of shit he says, but since he isn't reading it all off a teleprompter like a meat puppet I tend to believe he really wants to dis-empower the aristocracy and put the federal gov't back under some constitutional restraints.

Just because people want shit, doesn't mean it's good for them.

I am always amused when liberals try to tell me that ...while I pay $4.00 bucks for a pack of smokes and they pay $12.00 bucks for the same pack up in Chicago.
My interest is lower taxes, which the Democrats definitely won't do for me. My tax man just told me to put 40% away and send it to the IRS in quarterly installments. I am literally getting fucked in the ass by Uncle Sam.
Not matter how many times the argument is made, it never makes anymore sense than the first time. Today, it’s Michelle Obama. Michelle Obama: ‘Any woman who voted against Hillary Clinton voted against their own voice’

The job of a politician is a tough one. They have to figure out what the voters want to hear, and what the Voters want to see done. Then the politician has to become that representative. They have to become that which the voter wants to see. The politician represents the voters, and in doing so the voters decide what their own interests are, and votes appropriately to those interests.

For me, the biggest issue was TRADE. Curiously enough both Bernie and Trump were on the same said of that particular issue. I’ve explained it before in more detail. In short, trade between essentially equal economies is good. Trade between unequal economies merely sends the manufacturing jobs away.

Interestingly enough, only Bernie and Trump were opposed to the various trade deals including TPP and NAFTA. TPP was the “Gold Standard” according to Hillary for a long time. Then she was sort of lukewarm on it, but still for trade, especially NAFTA.

Now, as a politician, you have to represent my issues to get my vote. I don’t have to support your issues as though I am honored to become one of your adoring fans. You represent me. If you do not, I will vote against you.

Do I agree with Trump on everything? Absolutely not. I think we’ve already lost in Afghanistan, and I think Syria is a tremendous mistake. I disagree with his blind support of Police, and I disagree with his deciding that the cops need bayonettes, tracked vehicles, and Grenade Launchers.

Michelle try Representing the Voters instead of insulting them for not being one of your sycophants.

She's absolutely correct. Moreover, a woman voting for any Republican is just bizarre. I have yet to hear of even one R who is not dead set against the interests of women AND of children.

For that matter, unless you're wealthy, men too.
Unless Trump crashes and burns first, after 2018 the R senate will be able to shut down any filibuster and will not need reconciliation, at which point, capital and talent flight from the blue wall will take off. The question is will it be possible to avoid the appearance of a hit job on the Ds?
Michelle Obama, the grown woman who had NEVER been proud of her country until Barry was elected President, can declare such ideological BS because she is a die-hard liberal elitist who believes she knows better what is good for women / America than they do because, like a typical liberal, she thinks they are stupid and that she is much smarter than they are.

She is not lying - she actually believes that crap.

Despite the fact that Hillary Clinton spent decades demonizing and silencing her sexual deviant husband's victims, Michelle Obama still has the nerve to declare women who failed to vote for this sexual deviant enabler voted against their best interests.
Unless Trump crashes and burns first, after 2018 the R senate will be able to shut down any filibuster and will not need reconciliation, at which point, capital and talent flight from the blue wall will take off. The question is will it be possible to avoid the appearance of a hit job on the Ds?

Gosh, I hate to be the one to break it to you but trump has been crashing and burning every single day since he lied about protecting the US Constitution and about the size of his crowd.

And now he's groveling to the Dems for help.
Michelle Obama, the grown woman who had NEVER been proud of her country until Barry was elected President, can declare such ideological BS because she is a die-hard liberal elitist who believes she knows better what is good for women / America than they do because, like a typical liberal, she thinks they are stupid and that she is much smarter than they are.

She is not lying - she actually believes that crap.

Despite the fact that Hillary Clinton spent decades demonizing and silencing her sexual deviant husband's victims, Michelle Obama still has the nerve to declare women who failed to vote for this sexual deviant enabler voted against their best interests.

Liberals are "good people" with a strange definition of good.
I hope the liberals keep telling 60 million plus Americans that they are dumb, stupid, deplorable, brilliant plan libs. :laugh: I made the point in another thread, liberals are so intolerant they would rather lose elections than tolerate even moderates.

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