More Nonsense From The Left

Pretty sure "THE LEFT" has little to no input into decisions of a band.
No one cares whether this band plays or not. There are no consequences beyond the band itself.
Ask yourself who this hurts. Certainly not you or me. Certainly not Trump.

Report: D.C. school marching bands skipping Trump’s inaugural parade

Doesn't seem to hurt anyone, does it?

First time in 20 years those HS bands haven't marched in the inauguration parade.

It's something most of them have been looking for their entire time in HS.

I'd say some, if not the majority, of those kids are hurt.

And while some may believe the bigot bullshit, I doubt all of them do.
Pretty sure "THE LEFT" has little to no input into decisions of a band.
The "band" doesn't make the decision, the teachers do and the teachers' unions are solidly Democratic, so of course this is a purely political decision by the teachers' unions which have demonstrated for generations they don't give a damn about the children.

The teachers haven't volunteered their bands because while the Democrats have favored the interests of the teachers over the interests of the children, Trump supports changes that will benefit the children and willl put public schools in direct competition for students with private schools.
Breaking news! They found a band!


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