More Nonsense From The Left

Elections of bigots have consequences.

Sure. If HIllary had won it would be the election of the stupid, careless and incompetent.

Trump won. Hillary lost. Deal with. Or not. LOL

Your post makes you sound like a mental patient.

Nope. Just someone who knows incompetence when I see it.

You apparently backed stupid, careless and incompetent.

Oh and you lost. Deal with it. Or not. LOL

You're bitching because some schools chose not to be in a parade. Get a grip.
Ask yourself who this hurts. Certainly not you or me. Certainly not Trump.

Report: D.C. school marching bands skipping Trump’s inaugural parade

It's not shocking. D.C. is either full of really stupid kids, or horrible teachers and school administrators. Maybe nobody offered to help them fill out the application.

Study: D.C. ranks near bottom of U.S. school systems
WASHINGTON — D.C. has the second to worst public school system in the United States, according to a new study from WalletHub, which analyzed dropout rates, math, reading and SAT scores, among other metrics.

The city has the lowest math, reading and SAT scores of any school system in the U.S. It has the highest dropout rate and ranks last in school safety, according to the study.
Setting a good example for the kids about working with those with whom l you have a difference of opinion.

The butt hurt from the left is just unreal.
Elections of bigots have consequences.

Sure. If HIllary had won it would be the election of the stupid, careless and incompetent.

Trump won. Hillary lost. Deal with. Or not. LOL

Your post makes you sound like a mental patient.

Nope. Just someone who knows incompetence when I see it.

You apparently backed stupid, careless and incompetent.

Oh and you lost. Deal with it. Or not. LOL

You're bitching because some schools chose not to be in a parade. Get a grip.

Nope. I couldn't care less if a school band decided they wouldn't perform at a Presidential inauguration.

Get a grip.
Ask yourself who this hurts. Certainly not you or me. Certainly not Trump.

Report: D.C. school marching bands skipping Trump’s inaugural parade

It is understood that it is not the kids, it is the teachers. Never fear! After inauguration day and those vouchers start flying out the door of the Whitehouse, most of those teachers will be out of a job anyway.

Why would they be out of a job? Giving a kid a voucher for private school does not eliminate a teaching job. Let me help you with the math here sport, since you clearly struggle with it.
Most private schools have fewer students per teacher. Therefore if more kids can afford to attend private schools with more teachers per kid, it creates jobs. That wasn't too hard was it? I bet your little head didn't even explode.
Ask yourself who this hurts. Certainly not you or me. Certainly not Trump.

Report: D.C. school marching bands skipping Trump’s inaugural parade

It is understood that it is not the kids, it is the teachers. Never fear! After inauguration day and those vouchers start flying out the door of the Whitehouse, most of those teachers will be out of a job anyway.
Public schools are a great concept but they generally only perform well in wealthier, mostly white, areas.
Elections of bigots have consequences.

Sure. If HIllary had won it would be the election of the stupid, careless and incompetent.

Trump won. Hillary lost. Deal with. Or not. LOL

Your post makes you sound like a mental patient.

Nope. Just someone who knows incompetence when I see it.

You apparently backed stupid, careless and incompetent.

Oh and you lost. Deal with it. Or not. LOL

You're bitching because some schools chose not to be in a parade. Get a grip.
You mean some members of teachers unions chose to deny their students the opportunity to participate to show their opposition to the educational reforms Trump is proposing.
To not allow the children to perform because you are being a little bitch about who won the election is beyond pathetic.
Ask yourself who this hurts. Certainly not you or me. Certainly not Trump.

Report: D.C. school marching bands skipping Trump’s inaugural parade

It is understood that it is not the kids, it is the teachers. Never fear! After inauguration day and those vouchers start flying out the door of the Whitehouse, most of those teachers will be out of a job anyway.

Why would they be out of a job? Giving a kid a voucher for private school does not eliminate a teaching job. Let me help you with the math here sport, since you clearly struggle with it.
Most private schools have fewer students per teacher. Therefore if more kids can afford to attend private schools with more teachers per kid, it creates jobs. That wasn't too hard was it? I bet your little head didn't even explode.

Giving a kid a voucher for a private school makes it a publicly funded school, aka a public school.
Ask yourself who this hurts. Certainly not you or me. Certainly not Trump.

Report: D.C. school marching bands skipping Trump’s inaugural parade

It is understood that it is not the kids, it is the teachers. Never fear! After inauguration day and those vouchers start flying out the door of the Whitehouse, most of those teachers will be out of a job anyway.

Why would they be out of a job? Giving a kid a voucher for private school does not eliminate a teaching job. Let me help you with the math here sport, since you clearly struggle with it.
Most private schools have fewer students per teacher. Therefore if more kids can afford to attend private schools with more teachers per kid, it creates jobs. That wasn't too hard was it? I bet your little head didn't even explode.

Giving a kid a voucher for a private school makes it a publicly funded school, aka a public school.

It does in a sense make it publicly funded because the kid is getting a voucher from tax payers, but it does not make it a public school. It won't be Operated by a government, it will be operated by a private group. I'm glad I could clarify that for you.

private school
See more synonyms on
a school founded, conducted, and maintained bya private group rather than by the government,usually charging tuition and often following aparticular philosophy, viewpoint, etc.
The left continues to throw a tantrum like the ill disciplined bratty juveniles they are. I would not be surprised if libs drop to the ground and kick and scream during the inauguration.
Elections of bigots have consequences.

Sure. If HIllary had won it would be the election of the stupid, careless and incompetent.

Trump won. Hillary lost. Deal with. Or not. LOL

Your post makes you sound like a mental patient.

Nope. Just someone who knows incompetence when I see it.

You apparently backed stupid, careless and incompetent.

Oh and you lost. Deal with it. Or not. LOL

Aren't you the big Chris Christie fan?

lol, blast from the past? Competence?
Elections of bigots have consequences.

Sure. If HIllary had won it would be the election of the stupid, careless and incompetent.

Trump won. Hillary lost. Deal with. Or not. LOL

Your post makes you sound like a mental patient.

Nope. Just someone who knows incompetence when I see it.

You apparently backed stupid, careless and incompetent.

Oh and you lost. Deal with it. Or not. LOL

Aren't you the big Chris Christie fan?

lol, blast from the past? Competence?

Nope. I'm not. I just know incompetence when I see it. You apparently don't or just don't care.

You would have voted for Hillary if she were Jack the Ripper.

Carry on fool.
Ask yourself who this hurts. Certainly not you or me. Certainly not Trump.

Report: D.C. school marching bands skipping Trump’s inaugural parade

Doesn't seem to hurt anyone, does it?

First time in 20 years those HS bands haven't marched in the inauguration parade.

It's something most of them have been looking for their entire time in HS.

I'd say some, if not the majority, of those kids are hurt.

And while some may believe the bigot bullshit, I doubt all of them do.

You'd say? You mean, you don't know? Imagine they're not hurt because of that, but because they will have Trump as their next president fucking up their future right there for them.
Ask yourself who this hurts. Certainly not you or me. Certainly not Trump.

Report: D.C. school marching bands skipping Trump’s inaugural parade

Doesn't seem to hurt anyone, does it?

First time in 20 years those HS bands haven't marched in the inauguration parade.

It's something most of them have been looking for their entire time in HS.

I'd say some, if not the majority, of those kids are hurt.

And while some may believe the bigot bullshit, I doubt all of them do.

You'd say? You mean, you don't know? Imagine they're not hurt because of that, but because they will have Trump as their next president fucking up their future right there for them.
You'd say?

Yes, I did

You mean, you don't know?

If I knew for sure, I would have stated such

Imagine they're not hurt because of that, but because they will have Trump as their next president fucking up their future right there for them.

Somehow, I think the majority of the students are more grown up than you are.

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