More Obama Agency Corruption


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
It has often been noted that Liberals are the most abusive and defamatory of individuals, who rationalize their misbehavior as acceptable, as their intentions are good.
What is recognized as disrespect for opponents becomes generalized into accepting illegality.

Big Government, Liberalism, the need to control of aspects of activities is the very heart of environmentalism. And if it can be done by bending and breaking laws, well, that's just fine to proponents.

1. Incestuous relationships exist between government agencies and environmental activists. Ron Arnold, a former executive director of the Sierra Club and founder of the unfairly maligned ‘Wise Use’ movement, has spent the last twenty years researching the cooperation among foundations, ENGOs, individual activists, and activist federal employees….Arnold proves that thousands of activist members of advocacy groups are employed by federal agencies in positions that give them opportunity to exercise agenda-driven “undue influence” over goods-production decisions applied in rural areas.

Put plainly, by the early 1990s, according to Arnold, the federal agencies- the Forest Service, the Fish and Wildlife Service, the Bureau of Land Management- and many equivalent state agencies were riddled with activists.”
Nickson, Op.Cit., p.164.

2.Recently disgraced former head of the EPA, Lisa Jackson, used fake identifications in the of non-existent 'Richard Windsor.' Use of a fake name like "Richard Windsor" could provide a federal executive with an official email account for conducting government business that would be unknown to outsides and thus inaccessible for FOIA purposes.
Jackson resigned as EPA administrator in December 2012 shortly after her agency's inspector-general announced an investigation of the "Richard Windsor" scandal.
Watchdog: EPA grants ethics, cyber-security certificates to fake employee 'Richard Windsor' |

3. "The Lisa Jackson/Richard Windsor story is getting progressively weirder as new emails released show that Jackson used her fake “Richard Windsor” account to communicate with top liberal groups without them being aware of who she really was. It’s hard to see why Jackson would want to do that unless she was engaged in activities so illegal that she didn’t trust them or any real life assistant to handle. ...

One June 19, 2009 from the Windsor account shows Jackson corresponded with Michelle Depass of the left-leaning Ford Foundation. Depass told Jackson that soon-to-be “EPA Deputy Assistant Administrator Shalini Vajjhala was going to work at the White House Council on Environmental Quality while also on payroll at the environmental group Resources for the Future,” according to Vitter.

So far we’ve got the usual conflicts of interest and the EPA coordinating with the Green Lobby. It’s scandalous, but also commonplace. The EPA stopped being an honest broker a while back and became an arm of environmental groups looking to shut down most industries.

..... Jackson used the account to correspond with former White House regulatory czar Cass Sunstein, who called the Richard Windsor account Jackson’s “special email.”
A December 12, 2009 email from Sunstein to the Windsor account said, “Hi Lisa — chance for lunch one of these days? At the White House? Maybe next Thurs or Fri? and let me know if/how I can be helpful with anything these days? – Cass (PS I have your special email from my friend Lisa H. – hope that’s ok!)”
Disgraced EPA Chief Used Fake Name to Coordinate with Liberal Groups | FrontPage Magazine

4. ".... Carol Browning, who was EPA administrator under President Clinton and served as Obama's environmental policy czar in the White House, had made extensive use of private email accounts while doing government business.

Federal law requires agency officials to keep all official emails that may be covered by FOIA requests. Federal employees are also required to provide copies of private emails used for official business to agency FOIA officials."
Washington Examiner, Op.Cit.

5. It was the Lisa Jackson's EPA that claimed that carbon dioxide was harmful and must be regulated by government...until Senator Barrasso revealed that they were lying:
Senator Barrasso of Wyoming got hold of a 9 page White House memo which indicates that the lack of scientific support that CO2 is a pollutant, and in fact, that the EPA plan to mark it as such is political.

Council in this memo questions EPA findings: “ making a finding of harm for substances that have no demonstrated health effects…making the decision to regulate CO2 under the Clean Air Act …a serious economic effects on businesses small and large.”
Lisa Jackson implies that the Supreme Court “mandated” the EPA regulate, where the actual decision says “may.”
OPNTALK: White House Counsel Memo On CO2 Myth, Green House Gases, The Economy

Make no mistake.....and of the above is interconnected.
Big Government, Liberalism, environmentalism, are all aspects of the socialist Medusa.

And none of them draw the line at illegality.

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