More ObamaCare successes

He promised it would be up, running, and working as it should by today. It isn't. Surprise, surprise, he talked out of his ass and lied. Again.

And even if the website is working, one shouldn't use it due to the lack of proper security for one's personal financial and health info.

No security ever built into Obamacare site: Hacker

Dissecting the critical security problems with the website, with TrustedSec CEO David Kennedy. "It will take a long time to address some of the critical and high exposures on the website itself," he says.

It could take a year to secure the risk of "high exposures" of personal information on the federal Obamacare online exchange, a cybersecurity expert told CNBC on Monday.

"When you develop a website, you develop it with security in mind. And it doesn't appear to have happened this time," said David Kennedy, a so-called "white hat" hacker who tests online security by breaching websites. He testified on Capitol Hill about the flaws of last week.

"It's really hard to go back and fix the security around it because security wasn't built into it," said Kennedy, chief executive of TrustedSec. "We're talking multiple months to over a year to at least address some of the critical-to-high exposures on the website itself." ...

No security ever built into Obamacare site: Hacker
there won't be ANY successes.

This crap won't cover anybody's need for REAL CARE.

sure, it will cover your immunizations ( which one pay out of pocket for the amount which is gauged as premiums) or for your appendectomy. It might cover your visits for check-ups ( which can be covered by the amount you will pay for the premiums for a year as well).

But it won't cover your state-of the art cancer care, as the cancer care centers are not participating in this crap - so if you want to get treated out of the network - you are going to be ruined.

And the main threat for anybody always was a serious disease with need of good and modern care.

this crap does not cover it.
there won't be ANY successes.

This crap won't cover anybody's need for REAL CARE.

sure, it will cover your immunizations ( which one pay out of pocket for the amount which is gauged as premiums) or for your appendectomy. It might cover your visits for check-ups ( which can be covered by the amount you will pay for the premiums for a year as well).

But it won't cover your state-of the art cancer care, as the cancer care centers are not participating in this crap - so if you want to get treated out of the network - you are going to be ruined.

And the main threat for anybody always was a serious disease with need of good and modern care.

this crap does not cover it.

Please quote something or provide a link.....

I can't get a context for your comments.
there won't be ANY successes.

This crap won't cover anybody's need for REAL CARE.

sure, it will cover your immunizations ( which one pay out of pocket for the amount which is gauged as premiums) or for your appendectomy. It might cover your visits for check-ups ( which can be covered by the amount you will pay for the premiums for a year as well).

But it won't cover your state-of the art cancer care, as the cancer care centers are not participating in this crap - so if you want to get treated out of the network - you are going to be ruined.

And the main threat for anybody always was a serious disease with need of good and modern care.

this crap does not cover it.

Please quote something or provide a link.....

I can't get a context for your comments.

I provided the links in one of the other threads. look it up
More wonderful news and success stories coming from, Obombcarefraud...Does your Dear leader give a crap?
Links in article at site

NYT: So, turns out that all of this Medicaid expansion actually might not necessarily mean more access…

posted at 3:01 pm on November 29, 2013 by Erika Johnsen

One wonders what the New York Times has been doing the past few years while conservatives were very vociferously warning about the entirely predictable, pending phenomenon:

But now, as California’s Medicaid program is preparing for a major expansion under President Obama’s health care law, Dr. Mazer says he cannot accept additional patients under the government insurance program for a simple reason: It does not pay enough.

“It’s a bad situation that is likely to be made worse,” he said.

His view is shared by many doctors around the country. Medicaid for years has struggled with a shortage of doctors willing to accept its low reimbursement rates and red tape, forcing many patients to wait for care, particularly from specialists like Dr. Mazer.

Yet in just five weeks, millions of additional Americans will be covered by the program, many of them older people with an array of health problems. …

Community clinics, which typically provide primary but not specialty care, have expanded and hired more medical staff members to meet the anticipated wave of new patients. And managed-care companies are recruiting doctors, nurse practitioners and other professionals into their networks, sometimes offering higher pay if they improve care while keeping costs down. But it is far from clear that the demand can be met, experts say.

No kidding. Read on for the many discouraging ways in which increased Medicaid rolls are likely to result in reduced access, poor-quality healthcare, and added fuel to the fire of widespread doctor shortages — and yet the Obama administration is still adamantly pushing the remaining resistant states to expand Medicaid as a miracle drug for expanding healthcare access.

ALL of it here
NYT: So, turns out that all of this Medicaid expansion actually might not necessarily mean more access? « Hot Air

Obama's "visions" of health care FOR ALL

love your avatar.
The Obamacare Sign-Ups No One Is Talking About

But sign-up efforts in the states that aren't using tell a different story. These 14 states and the District of Columbia decided to create their own health insurance marketplaces, and some have seen tremendous success. Others, like Maryland and Oregon, are hampered by problems like those imperiling the federally run site.

Obamacare's fate in these states is just as uncertain as at the federal level, yet success there is crucial if the law is to take hold and thrive. Grass-roots, state-run success stories could inspire others to do more to help the law in the future, while failures could further undermine support for the entire endeavor.

Here's a look at sign-up efforts in the states that aren't using

Just as we knew would happen. And, even the website is improving - more than 17thousand a day are signing up on line.

Obamacare website can now handle 17,000 people an hour - The Denver Post
Obamacare Site Can Handle 17,000 People an Hour, CMS Says - Bloomberg

Note to rw's - please don't comment on the content. Instead, please whine about the source and/or the poster. Thanks so much.

There's a difference between some bureaucrat saying a site can handle 17,000 people and 17,000 people actually signing up.

Show us the proof that 17,000 people a day are signing up.

Well there's been over 500K that have signed up for "free Medicade" on these state Obamacare sights. THE PROBLEM--Very few have pushed the BUY button to purchase their own insurance to offset the elderly who have to have insurance--and the Medicade enrollees.
State-run health care exchanges still struggling to see uptick in sign-ups | Fox News

I think the so-called "Death Spiral" of Obamacare is already here.

Obama and his comrades in arms plans on "bankrupting" us and our country...who Knew you were going to be directed to sign up for, MEDICAID with this fraud called, Oscamcare?

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