****** more offensive than cracker?

I call ******* ******* all the time. They always look at their feet then shuffle off and do what ever I told them to do. I don't know where this stupid myth came from that white men are afraid of *******.
Are you saying that you missed the trial of OJ Simpson for the murder of Nicole Brown Simpson?
I call ******* ******* all the time. They always look at their feet then shuffle off and do what ever I told them to do. I don't know where this stupid myth came from that white men are afraid of *******.

5 year olds dont count. Its no myth. Look at all the people calling Sherman a thug because he ranted on TV. White crackas are especially afraid of Black men. I know that through personal experience.
Whites enslaved their own people. While it was not as harsh as what Black africans went through over here in the Americas dont believe they werent enslaved. The terms indentured servant is just so white people can feel like they were not slaves. Feudalism was slavery as well. The powers that be want you to feel like a perpetual victim so you will lay down and cry.

White people were never looked at as being inferior, apes, trash, *******, etc. And you all dont realize how big of an impact that had on black people. Hundreds of years straight of being told your inferior, and not as good as some other people. And dont gimme that fucking bullshit about it all ending a long time ago. There are black people old enough today to remember segregation, and how our people were looked at as inferior. White people never had to experience that. Unless you try walking in the shoes of a black man, you wont understand.

The fact is black africans have a proud history. We built the pyramids, and the pharoahs of egypt were black. We were building pyramids while most white people in europe were still living in caves and wearing bear skins as clothing. But yet, theyre arrogant enough to look down on us.
I call ******* ******* all the time. They always look at their feet then shuffle off and do what ever I told them to do. I don't know where this stupid myth came from that white men are afraid of *******.

5 year olds dont count. Its no myth. Look at all the people calling Sherman a thug because he ranted on TV. White crackas are especially afraid of Black men. I know that through personal experience.

Can you prove it. I'd love to see a video of you intimidating a white man.
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I have the right to call white people crackers, they have oppressed my people and deserve to be punished.

If you're serious, that's a stupid statement! "White People" did not oppress your people! Do you realise that slav owners were a small percentage of the white population in the South, and an even smaller percentage of the Country? Do you realise that States as far North as Rhode Island were slave states, not all, but some?

Are you going to go to Africa and punish your black ancestors who sold your ancestors into slavery? If you think white men went into the jungle, the blacks "stomping grounds", chased blacks down and drug them to ships in chains, you're dumber than a rock.
Like Blacks are the only people that have been oppressed.. look up "myopic" and "dimwitted"..

You're obviously a racist, calling me names simply because I'm black. I feel your hate, you're probably burning a cross on your keyboard you Nazi!

I could care less about you Black or otherwise, I do find your stupidity humorous though...:thup:

As a proud black man, I will not tolerate your disrespect. I demand an aplogy!!!
I'm a member of the group who think the war could have been avoided altogether.
Whites enslaved their own people. While it was not as harsh as what Black africans went through over here in the Americas dont believe they werent enslaved. The terms indentured servant is just so white people can feel like they were not slaves. Feudalism was slavery as well. The powers that be want you to feel like a perpetual victim so you will lay down and cry.

White people were never looked at as being inferior, apes, trash, *******, etc. And you all dont realize how big of an impact that had on black people. Hundreds of years straight of being told your inferior, and not as good as some other people. And dont gimme that fucking bullshit about it all ending a long time ago. There are black people old enough today to remember segregation, and how our people were looked at as inferior. White people never had to experience that. Unless you try walking in the shoes of a black man, you wont understand.

The fact is black africans have a proud history. We built the pyramids, and the pharoahs of egypt were black. We were building pyramids while most white people in europe were still living in caves and wearing bear skins as clothing. But yet, theyre arrogant enough to look down on us.

I know for sure the irish were called the ******* of europe. Trust me we were just better built to handle the toil of being enslaved over here in the US. Other ethnicities died off under the strain. They tried the NA's then whites that were criminals or indentured, and then finally Africans.

You're obviously a racist, calling me names simply because I'm black. I feel your hate, you're probably burning a cross on your keyboard you Nazi!

I could care less about you Black or otherwise, I do find your stupidity humorous though...:thup:

As a proud black man, I will not tolerate your disrespect. I demand an aplogy!!!

From your posts I deduce that you're a black racist!
I call ******* ******* all the time. They always look at their feet then shuffle off and do what ever I told them to do. I don't know where this stupid myth came from that white men are afraid of *******.

5 year olds dont count. Its no myth. Look at all the people calling Sherman a thug because he ranted on TV. White crackas are especially afraid of Black men. I know that through personal experience.

Can you prove it. I'd love to see a video of you intimidating a white man. I think you're full of shit. I bet the only time you speak to a white man is to beg for a dolla.

Your opinion of me is not my business. Can you link a video of you intimidating a Black man?
I'm a member of the group who think the war could have been avoided altogether.

No way it could have been avoided. The traitors in the south were too lazy to pick their own cotton among other things. They fought for the right to keep people enslaved but invoked God at the drop of a hat.
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I know for sure the irish were called the ******* of europe. Trust me we were just better built to handle the toil of being enslaved over here in the US. Other ethnicities died off under the strain. They tried the NA's then whites that were criminals or indentured, and then finally Africans.

Naw, bullshit. They never told irish people to ride in the back of the bus and nobody ever had a sign put up saying "no irish allowed" in front of businesses and stuff. Irish kids were never segregated in schools. Irish never had separate drinking fountains.
You're obviously a racist, calling me names simply because I'm black. I feel your hate, you're probably burning a cross on your keyboard you Nazi!

I could care less about you Black or otherwise, I do find your stupidity humorous though...:thup:

As a proud black man, I will not tolerate your disrespect. I demand an aplogy!!!

I'm sorry you're a racist in denial and use racism to derive your pride and excuses for your feelings of inadequacy.

I actually wish you see the light of reality, buck up and refuse to live your life in misguided hate.
I have the right to call white people crackers, they have oppressed my people and deserve to be punished.

Really? My family lost a husband and a son during the Civil War freeing the slaves. My family deserves to be punished? What about those hundreds of thousands of other white
families who lost people. They too "deserve" to be punished?

If you truly believe that, then you are a simpleton.
I know for sure the irish were called the ******* of europe. Trust me we were just better built to handle the toil of being enslaved over here in the US. Other ethnicities died off under the strain. They tried the NA's then whites that were criminals or indentured, and then finally Africans.

Naw, bullshit. They never told irish people to ride in the back of the bus and nobody ever had a sign put up saying "no irish allowed" in front of businesses and stuff. Irish kids were never segregated in schools. Irish never had separate drinking fountains.

That was more so the Jim Crow era. I do believe there were signs but as soon as the whites in power saw they could pit Blacks and immigrants against each other the status of the Irish and other groups were elevated. Why do you think so many cops in NY are of Irish descent? They were put in charge of policing the Black population just like they were tasked as the slave overseers. Slavery was a cash cow where the whites in power didn't care who they enslaved as long as they made money. It was just easier to keep Blacks at the bottom of the social ladder so poor ignorants whites felt vindicated and would not revolt.
That was more so the Jim Crow era. I do believe there were signs but as soon as the whites in power saw they could pit Blacks and immigrants against each other the status of the Irish and other groups were elevated. Why do you think so many cops in NY are of Irish descent? They were put in charge of policing the Black population just like they were tasked as the slave overseers. Slavery was a cash cow where the whites in power didn't care who they enslaved as long as they made money. It was just easier to keep Blacks at the bottom of the social ladder so poor ignorants whites felt vindicated and would not revolt.

So youre gonna tell me irish had it just as bad as blacks while also admitting that irish white supremacists were police just to put black people down? Quit contradicting yourself.
That was more so the Jim Crow era. I do believe there were signs but as soon as the whites in power saw they could pit Blacks and immigrants against each other the status of the Irish and other groups were elevated. Why do you think so many cops in NY are of Irish descent? They were put in charge of policing the Black population just like they were tasked as the slave overseers. Slavery was a cash cow where the whites in power didn't care who they enslaved as long as they made money. It was just easier to keep Blacks at the bottom of the social ladder so poor ignorants whites felt vindicated and would not revolt.

So youre gonna tell me irish had it just as bad as blacks while also admitting that irish white supremacists were police just to put black people down? Quit contradicting yourself.

No way they had it as bad. I'm just saying dont let anyone tell you whites did not enslave their own. We were just enslaved longer for political and economic reasons. Believe it or not they are playing the same game with ignorant whites and Blacks to this very day. The game has not changed just the way we perceive it.

Bacons Rebellion is probably what is responsible for our caste system today.


The alliance between former indentured servants and Africans against bond-servitude disturbed the ruling class, who responded by hardening the racial caste of slavery.[

Indentured servants both black and white joined the frontier rebellion. Seeing them united in a cause alarmed the ruling class. Historians believe the rebellion hastened the hardening of racial lines associated with slavery, as a way for planters and the colony to control some of the poor.
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I call ******* ******* all the time. They always look at their feet then shuffle off and do what ever I told them to do. I don't know where this stupid myth came from that white men are afraid of *******.

5 year olds dont count. Its no myth. Look at all the people calling Sherman a thug because he ranted on TV. White crackas are especially afraid of Black men. I know that through personal experience.

Can you prove it. I'd love to see a video of you intimidating a white man.

You know something "greyboy" I would love to see a video of you calling a Black man "******",They damn sure wont be shuffling off,they will be putting their foot up your ass.

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