****** more offensive than cracker?

Why is it acceptable for people, particularly blacks, to have the utmost outrage when someone uses the word ****** (not nigga) against them, as opposed to less leeway given for outrage to other groups when racial, ethnic or religious slurs get hurled at them? For example, shouldn't calling someone cracker be considered just as offensive as calling someone a ******? It seems like we treat the word ****** differently from other offensive words. Heck many people refuse to use the word ****** in any context. By doing so are unknowingly giving the word's meaning validity?

------------ :trolls:
Its definitely a choice to feel enraged but by the same token people should not have to be super well adjusted in order to rise above that natural reaction to denial from someone that has no clue. Like I said before if the discrimination was over that would be one thing. However, having to overcome discrimination in order to just be successful only to hear someone say get over it would piss anyone off. What is particularly irritating is that the Black communities claims have historically proven to be true every single time. When a new claim is made there is still the same disbelief.

It's internally destructive to depend on the behavior of others to determine your own path. It is also a learned behavior, either way. Parents can teach their children to be suspicious and look for a racist around every corner, and sometimes even see them where none exist, or teach them to make goals of putting their best effort forth and have faith that it will pay off in the end. I also think that it's a bit of a disgrace to the past generations of black people who willingly made sacrifices with the intent to pave an easier rode for future generations...honor them and respect their immense hardships by doing everything in your power to make those sacrifices worthwhile and not in vain.

Your advise is great. No one should depend on someone else to to determine their path. Thats not the issue at hand though. The caste system we have in place here in the US places more barriers to success for African Americans. The anger comes from others trying to pretend there is not a caste system in place today. I teach my children their history. In that history is occurrence after occurrence of bad dealings with Europeans. I also teach them to never let anything stop them. I let them know about the barriers unique to being Black people in the US. I dont believe in coincidences. There are too many instances of deliberately planned attempts to destroy the Black community or at least keep them controlled and oppressed. In spite of that I and other Blacks will succeed. We are built to last.
In other words: "I teach my children to be a racist like I am."
Why is it acceptable for people, particularly blacks, to have the utmost outrage when someone uses the word ****** (not nigga) against them, as opposed to less leeway given for outrage to other groups when racial, ethnic or religious slurs get hurled at them? For example, shouldn't calling someone cracker be considered just as offensive as calling someone a ******? It seems like we treat the word ****** differently from other offensive words. Heck many people refuse to use the word ****** in any context. By doing so are unknowingly giving the word's meaning validity?

------------ :trolls:

Absolutely! Like how I did that!:lol:
In some cases you are correct but the underlying message that Becki is presenting is so long as blacks blame the current white generation for the sins of their fathers nothing will change. I like this quote from Malcolm X "I believe in the brotherhood of man, all men, but I don't believe in brotherhood with anybody who doesn't want brotherhood with me. I believe in treating people right, but I'm not going to waste my time trying to treat somebody right who doesn't know how to return the treatment.

He GOT IT! He understood that it wasn't an "black vs white" paradigm anymore, it was a
good vs bad paradigm, and good and bad could be, and are, of either race.

White people can't know what it was to be black, anymore than a black person can know what it was to be a Chinaman in the old west. And being a Chinaman was WORSE. A white man could shoot them in the street without consequence, they were considered even more lowly than an Indian.

History is replete with tales of whites running amok in the various Chinatowns of the old west, hundreds were killed and never was there justice for the victims.

I dont think all Black people blame current whites for "slavery". That doesn't make sense. What they blame them for is the denial and continuing oppression. There is also the issue of reparations that has never been addressed when it was addressed for the japanese. i agree with Malcolm wholeheartedly. When people act in a manner that is good I can work with them. If they dont I regard them as the enemy. Being Chinese in the west was never as bad as slavery. You have to be kidding me right?

How are the current white people oppressing you? The people oppressing you....are you!
as far as reparations go, you going to pay for all the whites who lost their loved ones? How do you put a price on that? The Japanese were still alive that lost their property, and even there the reparations were a joke. Many families lost millions of dollars of property and were given 26,000 dollars. But, THEY WERE STILL WITH US.

No one who ever suffered from slavery is alive, nor are their direct descendents, nor are THEIR direct descendents. So, reparations is just a fancy name for another handout. So long as blacks are whining after handouts they will never be free. They will live cocooned in a house made of their own self induced misery.

And yes, being Chinese in the west was worse. If you were a slave you at least had value to your owner so no one was going to go around killing you for entertainment, which is exactly what happened to Chines workers.

I'm not talking about the masses of whites when i am speaking of oppression. They lack any power to do that. Why would I pay someone who fought in a war? They were not enslaved. You are factually wrong. Some of the japanese were not alive and their heirs got the reparations but that is not the point. The point is that there was a wrong done. It should have been taken care of when the slaves were freed but it wasnt. Lets not lose sight of that fact. it never has been addressed. Yes the Japanese did not receive full value (which is a slap in the face) but they did receive something. I am alive and suffered from slavery. How are you going to make that statement unless you are Black? My ancestors first worked for free (slavery) and then had to deal with AA for whites in the form of Jim Crow. The monetary value they lost was not handed down to their heirs. That affects the economic legacy that should have been mine. I dont know any Blacks whining for handouts. I pointed out that reparations was a point of contention. Thats not a handout it is a debt owed.

Many Blacks were killed for entertainment and other reasons. I'm pretty sure the Chinese would not have chosen to be enslaved for generations over being free and discriminated against. You have got to be kidding me with that one. :lol:
It's internally destructive to depend on the behavior of others to determine your own path. It is also a learned behavior, either way. Parents can teach their children to be suspicious and look for a racist around every corner, and sometimes even see them where none exist, or teach them to make goals of putting their best effort forth and have faith that it will pay off in the end. I also think that it's a bit of a disgrace to the past generations of black people who willingly made sacrifices with the intent to pave an easier rode for future generations...honor them and respect their immense hardships by doing everything in your power to make those sacrifices worthwhile and not in vain.

Your advise is great. No one should depend on someone else to to determine their path. Thats not the issue at hand though. The caste system we have in place here in the US places more barriers to success for African Americans. The anger comes from others trying to pretend there is not a caste system in place today. I teach my children their history. In that history is occurrence after occurrence of bad dealings with Europeans. I also teach them to never let anything stop them. I let them know about the barriers unique to being Black people in the US. I dont believe in coincidences. There are too many instances of deliberately planned attempts to destroy the Black community or at least keep them controlled and oppressed. In spite of that I and other Blacks will succeed. We are built to last.
In other words: "I teach my children to be a racist like I am."

Is that the best you could come up with? Do you know what racist means? Are you denying what I said was true or is it that you feel bad about it?
Your advise is great. No one should depend on someone else to to determine their path. Thats not the issue at hand though. The caste system we have in place here in the US places more barriers to success for African Americans. The anger comes from others trying to pretend there is not a caste system in place today. I teach my children their history. In that history is occurrence after occurrence of bad dealings with Europeans. I also teach them to never let anything stop them. I let them know about the barriers unique to being Black people in the US. I dont believe in coincidences. There are too many instances of deliberately planned attempts to destroy the Black community or at least keep them controlled and oppressed. In spite of that I and other Blacks will succeed. We are built to last.
In other words: "I teach my children to be a racist like I am."

Is that the best you could come up with? Do you know what racist means? Are you denying what I said was true or is it that you feel bad about it?
You are a racist, pure and simple. You might try and dance around as if you're not, but you are. You as much as said you teach your kids to hate whitey. Great going, that'll really help them in the future. That's why we have little black boys out playing the knock out game on whitey.
In other words: "I teach my children to be a racist like I am."

Is that the best you could come up with? Do you know what racist means? Are you denying what I said was true or is it that you feel bad about it?
You are a racist, pure and simple. You might try and dance around as if you're not, but you are. You as much as said you teach your kids to hate whitey. Great going, that'll really help them in the future. That's why we have little black boys out playing the knock out game on whitey.

Lets not get emotional and start calling people names. When have I ever devised a system that oppressed whites and benefited blacks? You still didnt answer my question. The interactions between Blacks and whites since Europeans invaded Africa has been primarily negative. Is that not a fact? My children are fine and outperforming their classmates. Thats a good thing wouldn't you say?
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I have the right to call white people crackers, they have oppressed my people and deserve to be punished.

Really? My family lost a husband and a son during the Civil War freeing the slaves. My family deserves to be punished? What about those hundreds of thousands of other white
families who lost people. They too "deserve" to be punished?

If you truly believe that, then you are a simpleton.

Our church hosted meetings for the "Anti-Slavery Party" which became known as the Republicans shortly after. Members of my family were Presbyterian ministers and schoolmarms for centuries in early times, and upheld human rights in both the north and the south.

The civil war has been over since April 9, 1865, which was approximately 149 years ago. With a generation considered about 20 years, the Civil War was fought 7 generations ago. None of the people who lived then and owned slaves are alive today. None of the people who were freed were slaves after then, either, and their free labors also ended 7 generations ago.

Slavery was made illegal by the thirteenth Amendment, and was ratified on December 18, 1865.

Not one person here is responsible for what was done 7 generations ago, and not one person here has served a single minute being a slave by birth who was born on American soil and is an American citizen also since 7 generations ago.

We're all equals as free people. Please get over the hatred of 7 generations past. Slavery is over and slavery is not coming back to America unless the government enslaves us with overbearing taxes and empowers bureaucrats to order people to work for nothing.

Wonderfully said Lady Freedombecki..:clap2:
Our church hosted meetings for the "Anti-Slavery Party" which became known as the Republicans shortly after. Members of my family were Presbyterian ministers and schoolmarms for centuries in early times, and upheld human rights in both the north and the south.

The civil war has been over since April 9, 1865, which was approximately 149 years ago. With a generation considered about 20 years, the Civil War was fought 7 generations ago. None of the people who lived then and owned slaves are alive today. None of the people who were freed were slaves after then, either, and their free labors also ended 7 generations ago.

Slavery was made illegal by the thirteenth Amendment, and was ratified on December 18, 1865.

Not one person here is responsible for what was done 7 generations ago, and not one person here has served a single minute being a slave by birth who was born on American soil and is an American citizen also since 7 generations ago.

We're all equals as free people. Please get over the hatred of 7 generations past. Slavery is over and slavery is not coming back to America unless the government enslaves us with overbearing taxes and empowers bureaucrats to order people to work for nothing.

This is the same kind of stuff people say that enrages the Black community. The effects of slavery alone are still here today. This is without Jim Crow and the other systems used to for Black population control. Slavery is not over. It just has a new coat of paint. The hatred comes in when people like you attempt to deny the everyday realities that Black people deal with. The funny thing is that I dont see anyone telling the Jews to get over it but they do to Blacks that are actually part of this country. :cuckoo:

It's a choice to feel "enraged". The black community chooses to stay trapped by focusing on the things that hold them back, but don't pretend our society hasn't come a long way. I choose not to sit around and whine that I have certain obstacles as a woman. I take pride in what I've overcome, and black people should look at role models among them who've risen above the accepted low expectations. People who look for excuses why they haven't succeeded are generally afraid of striving and failing, but I say be responsible for your own destiny...otherwise you really are still in a form of slavery of your own making.

Dang, these Gals are kicking our butts tonight Guys..

Greatness Sherry
I dont think all Black people blame current whites for "slavery". That doesn't make sense. What they blame them for is the denial and continuing oppression. There is also the issue of reparations that has never been addressed when it was addressed for the japanese. i agree with Malcolm wholeheartedly. When people act in a manner that is good I can work with them. If they dont I regard them as the enemy. Being Chinese in the west was never as bad as slavery. You have to be kidding me right?

How are the current white people oppressing you? The people oppressing you....are you!
as far as reparations go, you going to pay for all the whites who lost their loved ones? How do you put a price on that? The Japanese were still alive that lost their property, and even there the reparations were a joke. Many families lost millions of dollars of property and were given 26,000 dollars. But, THEY WERE STILL WITH US.

No one who ever suffered from slavery is alive, nor are their direct descendents, nor are THEIR direct descendents. So, reparations is just a fancy name for another handout. So long as blacks are whining after handouts they will never be free. They will live cocooned in a house made of their own self induced misery.

And yes, being Chinese in the west was worse. If you were a slave you at least had value to your owner so no one was going to go around killing you for entertainment, which is exactly what happened to Chines workers.

I'm not talking about the masses of whites when i am speaking of oppression. They lack any power to do that. Why would I pay someone who fought in a war? They were not enslaved. You are factually wrong. Some of the japanese were not alive and their heirs got the reparations but that is not the point. The point is that there was a wrong done. It should have been taken care of when the slaves were freed but it wasnt. Lets not lose sight of that fact. it never has been addressed. Yes the Japanese did not receive full value (which is a slap in the face) but they did receive something. I am alive and suffered from slavery. How are you going to make that statement unless you are Black? My ancestors first worked for free (slavery) and then had to deal with AA for whites in the form of Jim Crow. The monetary value they lost was not handed down to their heirs. That affects the economic legacy that should have been mine. I dont know any Blacks whining for handouts. I pointed out that reparations was a point of contention. Thats not a handout it is a debt owed.

Many Blacks were killed for entertainment and other reasons. I'm pretty sure the Chinese would not have chosen to be enslaved for generations over being free and discriminated against. You have got to be kidding me with that one. :lol:

How were YOU specifically harmed by slavery that occurred 140+ years ago? Those people fought in a war to free YOU. You don't think you owe those who perished a thank you? I bet you've never once thought about any single one of those white people who died so that blacks could be free. Have you....

The majority of the Japanese or their direct descendants WERE alive, so no, it is you who are factually wrong.

And once again, you think that being a slave, but being alive, is worse than being killed? Is that what you're saying?
How are the current white people oppressing you? The people oppressing you....are you!
as far as reparations go, you going to pay for all the whites who lost their loved ones? How do you put a price on that? The Japanese were still alive that lost their property, and even there the reparations were a joke. Many families lost millions of dollars of property and were given 26,000 dollars. But, THEY WERE STILL WITH US.

No one who ever suffered from slavery is alive, nor are their direct descendents, nor are THEIR direct descendents. So, reparations is just a fancy name for another handout. So long as blacks are whining after handouts they will never be free. They will live cocooned in a house made of their own self induced misery.

And yes, being Chinese in the west was worse. If you were a slave you at least had value to your owner so no one was going to go around killing you for entertainment, which is exactly what happened to Chines workers.

I'm not talking about the masses of whites when i am speaking of oppression. They lack any power to do that. Why would I pay someone who fought in a war? They were not enslaved. You are factually wrong. Some of the japanese were not alive and their heirs got the reparations but that is not the point. The point is that there was a wrong done. It should have been taken care of when the slaves were freed but it wasnt. Lets not lose sight of that fact. it never has been addressed. Yes the Japanese did not receive full value (which is a slap in the face) but they did receive something. I am alive and suffered from slavery. How are you going to make that statement unless you are Black? My ancestors first worked for free (slavery) and then had to deal with AA for whites in the form of Jim Crow. The monetary value they lost was not handed down to their heirs. That affects the economic legacy that should have been mine. I dont know any Blacks whining for handouts. I pointed out that reparations was a point of contention. Thats not a handout it is a debt owed.

Many Blacks were killed for entertainment and other reasons. I'm pretty sure the Chinese would not have chosen to be enslaved for generations over being free and discriminated against. You have got to be kidding me with that one. :lol:

How were YOU specifically harmed by slavery that occurred 140+ years ago? Those people fought in a war to free YOU. You don't think you owe those who perished a thank you? I bet you've never once thought about any single one of those white people who died so that blacks could be free. Have you....

The majority of the Japanese or their direct descendants WERE alive, so no, it is you who are factually wrong.

And once again, you think that being a slave, but being alive, is worse than being killed? Is that what you're saying?

Alright, another well said post for the Guy side...
Really? My family lost a husband and a son during the Civil War freeing the slaves. My family deserves to be punished? What about those hundreds of thousands of other white
families who lost people. They too "deserve" to be punished?

If you truly believe that, then you are a simpleton.

Our church hosted meetings for the "Anti-Slavery Party" which became known as the Republicans shortly after. Members of my family were Presbyterian ministers and schoolmarms for centuries in early times, and upheld human rights in both the north and the south.

The civil war has been over since April 9, 1865, which was approximately 149 years ago. With a generation considered about 20 years, the Civil War was fought 7 generations ago. None of the people who lived then and owned slaves are alive today. None of the people who were freed were slaves after then, either, and their free labors also ended 7 generations ago.

Slavery was made illegal by the thirteenth Amendment, and was ratified on December 18, 1865.

Not one person here is responsible for what was done 7 generations ago, and not one person here has served a single minute being a slave by birth who was born on American soil and is an American citizen also since 7 generations ago.

We're all equals as free people. Please get over the hatred of 7 generations past. Slavery is over and slavery is not coming back to America unless the government enslaves us with overbearing taxes and empowers bureaucrats to order people to work for nothing.

This is the same kind of stuff people say that enrages the Black community. The effects of slavery alone are still here today. This is without Jim Crow and the other systems used to for Black population control. Slavery is not over. It just has a new coat of paint. The hatred comes in when people like you attempt to deny the everyday realities that Black people deal with. The funny thing is that I dont see anyone telling the Jews to get over it but they do to Blacks that are actually part of this country. :cuckoo:
Yeah, it's called WELFARE, and you go willingly.
How are the current white people oppressing you? The people oppressing you....are you!
as far as reparations go, you going to pay for all the whites who lost their loved ones? How do you put a price on that? The Japanese were still alive that lost their property, and even there the reparations were a joke. Many families lost millions of dollars of property and were given 26,000 dollars. But, THEY WERE STILL WITH US.

No one who ever suffered from slavery is alive, nor are their direct descendents, nor are THEIR direct descendents. So, reparations is just a fancy name for another handout. So long as blacks are whining after handouts they will never be free. They will live cocooned in a house made of their own self induced misery.

And yes, being Chinese in the west was worse. If you were a slave you at least had value to your owner so no one was going to go around killing you for entertainment, which is exactly what happened to Chines workers.

I'm not talking about the masses of whites when i am speaking of oppression. They lack any power to do that. Why would I pay someone who fought in a war? They were not enslaved. You are factually wrong. Some of the japanese were not alive and their heirs got the reparations but that is not the point. The point is that there was a wrong done. It should have been taken care of when the slaves were freed but it wasnt. Lets not lose sight of that fact. it never has been addressed. Yes the Japanese did not receive full value (which is a slap in the face) but they did receive something. I am alive and suffered from slavery. How are you going to make that statement unless you are Black? My ancestors first worked for free (slavery) and then had to deal with AA for whites in the form of Jim Crow. The monetary value they lost was not handed down to their heirs. That affects the economic legacy that should have been mine. I dont know any Blacks whining for handouts. I pointed out that reparations was a point of contention. Thats not a handout it is a debt owed.

Many Blacks were killed for entertainment and other reasons. I'm pretty sure the Chinese would not have chosen to be enslaved for generations over being free and discriminated against. You have got to be kidding me with that one. :lol:

How were YOU specifically harmed by slavery that occurred 140+ years ago? Those people fought in a war to free YOU. You don't think you owe those who perished a thank you? I bet you've never once thought about any single one of those white people who died so that blacks could be free. Have you....

The majority of the Japanese or their direct descendants WERE alive, so no, it is you who are factually wrong.

And once again, you think that being a slave, but being alive, is worse than being killed? Is that what you're saying?

I thought I pointed that out to you in my post. Financially I specifically did not receive the benefits of the socio-economic progress my ancestors were denied. I now can pay for my children to go to college so they in turn can pay for their children. This is called legacy. Are you getting this? if you dont think Black people are owed reparations why would you think I owe white people thanks? My ancestors also fought in the war. We were not exactly helpless and actually helped turn the tide.

Now you are trying to change what you said. You said
The Japanese were still alive that lost their property

I said no you are factually wrong. Some of them were dead and the heirs got the reparations. Again that is not even the issue. The point is that they were compensated. Period. End of story. We were not.

Yes personally i would die before being enslaved. Its that serious. However again you are trying to change the point. The point is that there is no Chinese person that would want to go through what Black slaves went through. Plenty of Black slaves were killed. The Chinese were free for 1 and it was not a generational thing. You must be trolling me to even compare the 2.
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I'm not talking about the masses of whites when i am speaking of oppression. They lack any power to do that. Why would I pay someone who fought in a war? They were not enslaved. You are factually wrong. Some of the japanese were not alive and their heirs got the reparations but that is not the point. The point is that there was a wrong done. It should have been taken care of when the slaves were freed but it wasnt. Lets not lose sight of that fact. it never has been addressed. Yes the Japanese did not receive full value (which is a slap in the face) but they did receive something. I am alive and suffered from slavery. How are you going to make that statement unless you are Black? My ancestors first worked for free (slavery) and then had to deal with AA for whites in the form of Jim Crow. The monetary value they lost was not handed down to their heirs. That affects the economic legacy that should have been mine. I dont know any Blacks whining for handouts. I pointed out that reparations was a point of contention. Thats not a handout it is a debt owed.

Many Blacks were killed for entertainment and other reasons. I'm pretty sure the Chinese would not have chosen to be enslaved for generations over being free and discriminated against. You have got to be kidding me with that one. :lol:

How were YOU specifically harmed by slavery that occurred 140+ years ago? Those people fought in a war to free YOU. You don't think you owe those who perished a thank you? I bet you've never once thought about any single one of those white people who died so that blacks could be free. Have you....

The majority of the Japanese or their direct descendants WERE alive, so no, it is you who are factually wrong.

And once again, you think that being a slave, but being alive, is worse than being killed? Is that what you're saying?

I thought I pointed that out to you in my post. Financially I specifically did not receive the benefits of the socio-economic progress my ancestors were denied. I now can pay for my children to go to college so they in turn can pay for their children. This is called legacy. Are you getting this? if you dont think Black people are owed reparations why would you think I owe white people thanks? You cant have it both ways.

Now you are trying to change what you said. You said
The Japanese were still alive that lost their property

I said no you are factually wrong. Some of them were dead and the heirs got the reparations. Again that is not even the issue. The point is that they were compensated. Period. End of story. We were not.

Yes personally i would die before being enslaved. Its that serious. However again you are trying to change the point. The point is that there is no Chinese person that would want to go through what Black slaves went through. Plenty of Black slaves were killed. The Chinese were free for 1 and it was not a generational thing. You must be trolling me to even compare the 2.

And the families who's fathers, husbands, brothers, and sons who died. How much of a financial burden did that impose on their families? My gosh but you're a self centered narcissist. Here's the deal, NO ONE alive today had any benefit more than you from the Civil War period. None. So that argument falls flat on its face.

The Chinese have existed under a brutal collectivist system (easily the equivalent to slavery, only recently have the chains been removed) rather than die for over 60 years so once again you're wrong.

I don't need to troll you, you're just flat assed wrong. You whine about how "whitey" done you wrong when it is YOU who are doing yourself wrong. The Chines never whined about how they were treated and instead they became business owners and productive people while you wallow in your collective misery begging for handouts.

That's pathetic. And once again there were a majority of the Japanese or their direct descendants still alive. That's the difference.

In other words, you need to read a ton more history.
How were YOU specifically harmed by slavery that occurred 140+ years ago? Those people fought in a war to free YOU. You don't think you owe those who perished a thank you? I bet you've never once thought about any single one of those white people who died so that blacks could be free. Have you....

The majority of the Japanese or their direct descendants WERE alive, so no, it is you who are factually wrong.

And once again, you think that being a slave, but being alive, is worse than being killed? Is that what you're saying?

I thought I pointed that out to you in my post. Financially I specifically did not receive the benefits of the socio-economic progress my ancestors were denied. I now can pay for my children to go to college so they in turn can pay for their children. This is called legacy. Are you getting this? if you dont think Black people are owed reparations why would you think I owe white people thanks? You cant have it both ways.

Now you are trying to change what you said. You said
The Japanese were still alive that lost their property

I said no you are factually wrong. Some of them were dead and the heirs got the reparations. Again that is not even the issue. The point is that they were compensated. Period. End of story. We were not.

Yes personally i would die before being enslaved. Its that serious. However again you are trying to change the point. The point is that there is no Chinese person that would want to go through what Black slaves went through. Plenty of Black slaves were killed. The Chinese were free for 1 and it was not a generational thing. You must be trolling me to even compare the 2.

And the families who's fathers, husbands, brothers, and sons who died. How much of a financial burden did that impose on their families? My gosh but you're a self centered narcissist. Here's the deal, NO ONE alive today had any benefit more than you from the Civil War period. None. So that argument falls flat on its face.

The Chinese have existed under a brutal collectivist system (easily the equivalent to slavery, only recently have the chains been removed) rather than die for over 60 years so once again you're wrong.

I don't need to troll you, you're just flat assed wrong. You whine about how "whitey" done you wrong when it is YOU who are doing yourself wrong. The Chines never whined about how they were treated and instead they became business owners and productive people while you wallow in your collective misery begging for handouts.

That's pathetic. And once again there were a majority of the Japanese or their direct descendants still alive. That's the difference.

In other words, you need to read a ton more history.

I dont quite understand how you think I owe you (a white person) a dime for fighting a war to prevent the south (white people) from succession? How exactly did that become a Black persons debt? Slavery should have never been allowed in the first place. This was done by white people in case you forget. Somewhere in there your logic is really messed up bad. You ever heard of Lehman Brothers and some of the other rich wealthy families? They have whats called legacy that they got from profits directly from slavery. So yes there are plenty of people benefitting from slavery still alive today. How did you not know this?

What brutal collectivist system did the Chinese endure in the US for generations? I need a link for that one.

You keep moving the goal posts in regard to the Japanese. You started off saying all of them were alive now you are saying its their direct descendents. I dont really care either way. The point is that their hardship was compensated.

I'm not whining. I'm stating facts. Frequently when people dont want to admit they are wrong they try to get others to back off by saying they are whining. That doesn't work with me. I've gotten mine but I never forget where I came from.
I thought I pointed that out to you in my post. Financially I specifically did not receive the benefits of the socio-economic progress my ancestors were denied. I now can pay for my children to go to college so they in turn can pay for their children. This is called legacy. Are you getting this? if you dont think Black people are owed reparations why would you think I owe white people thanks? You cant have it both ways.

Now you are trying to change what you said. You said

I said no you are factually wrong. Some of them were dead and the heirs got the reparations. Again that is not even the issue. The point is that they were compensated. Period. End of story. We were not.

Yes personally i would die before being enslaved. Its that serious. However again you are trying to change the point. The point is that there is no Chinese person that would want to go through what Black slaves went through. Plenty of Black slaves were killed. The Chinese were free for 1 and it was not a generational thing. You must be trolling me to even compare the 2.

And the families who's fathers, husbands, brothers, and sons who died. How much of a financial burden did that impose on their families? My gosh but you're a self centered narcissist. Here's the deal, NO ONE alive today had any benefit more than you from the Civil War period. None. So that argument falls flat on its face.

The Chinese have existed under a brutal collectivist system (easily the equivalent to slavery, only recently have the chains been removed) rather than die for over 60 years so once again you're wrong.

I don't need to troll you, you're just flat assed wrong. You whine about how "whitey" done you wrong when it is YOU who are doing yourself wrong. The Chines never whined about how they were treated and instead they became business owners and productive people while you wallow in your collective misery begging for handouts.

That's pathetic. And once again there were a majority of the Japanese or their direct descendants still alive. That's the difference.

In other words, you need to read a ton more history.

I dont quite understand how you think I owe you (a white person) a dime for fighting a war to prevent the south (white people) from succession? How exactly did that become a Black persons debt? Slavery should have never been allowed in the first place. This was done by white people in case you forget. Somewhere in there your logic is really messed up bad. You ever heard of Lehman Brothers and some of the other rich wealthy families? They have whats called legacy that they got from profits directly from slavery. So yes there are plenty of people benefitting from slavery still alive today. How did you not know this?

What brutal collectivist system did the Chinese endure in the US for generations? I need a link for that one.

You keep moving the goal posts in regard to the Japanese. You started off saying all of them were alive now you are saying its their direct descendents. I dont really care either way. The point is that their hardship was compensated.

I'm not whining. I'm stating facts. Frequently when people dont want to admit they are wrong they try to get others to back off by saying they are whining. That doesn't work with me. I've gotten mine but I never forget where I came from.

I don't think you owe me anything. Why do you think I owe you anything? And the blacks in Africa who ran down their opponents and murdered and enslaved them...they have no culpability in it? Really now.

As far as the people screwing you today, get a clue sunshine, they're screwing EVERYBODY. You're nothing special, they are equal opportunity thieves and are quite happy to rip everyone off.

And I have never moved the goalposts so your are now lying about what I said, I said that the MAJORITY of the Japanese or their direct descendants were still alive. Never, ever misstate what I said. That is a mistake I'll allow you once.

Who in the US is benefitting from slavery in the US today. BE SPECIFIC! I can show you plenty in Africa who are still actively engaged in it, but here in the states it is rare and 99% of the time it involves the sex trade.

You claimed that the Chinese would rather die than be slaves and I presented you the case of over a billion Chinese who endured a life that was the equivalent of slavery and they chose that over death, so you were deliberately obtuse and tried to bring it back to the US. Fail.

Very rare it is indeed, to find the person who will say, and more importantly mean it, "give me liberty or give me death."

I say again you are terribly ignorant of history. EVERY race has endured slavery. Where do you think the term Slav came from? The Slavic peoples were slaves, they were white, they were also able to throw off the shackles of their history and now they prosper.

Why don't you?
Why is it acceptable for people, particularly blacks, to have the utmost outrage when someone uses the word ****** (not nigga) against them, as opposed to less leeway given for outrage to other groups when racial, ethnic or religious slurs get hurled at them? For example, shouldn't calling someone cracker be considered just as offensive as calling someone a ******? It seems like we treat the word ****** differently from other offensive words. Heck many people refuse to use the word ****** in any context. By doing so are unknowingly giving the word's meaning validity?

Proposed: Social Psychology Experiment
Methodology-Experimental Design

Find a representative of both groups you're referring to.
"A"- Call the redneck by appellation "C*****R".
"B"- Call the black fella by appellation "N****R".
"C". When you're able let us know who was more offended and what conclusions you draw from this experiment.
And the families who's fathers, husbands, brothers, and sons who died. How much of a financial burden did that impose on their families? My gosh but you're a self centered narcissist. Here's the deal, NO ONE alive today had any benefit more than you from the Civil War period. None. So that argument falls flat on its face.

The Chinese have existed under a brutal collectivist system (easily the equivalent to slavery, only recently have the chains been removed) rather than die for over 60 years so once again you're wrong.

I don't need to troll you, you're just flat assed wrong. You whine about how "whitey" done you wrong when it is YOU who are doing yourself wrong. The Chines never whined about how they were treated and instead they became business owners and productive people while you wallow in your collective misery begging for handouts.

That's pathetic. And once again there were a majority of the Japanese or their direct descendants still alive. That's the difference.

In other words, you need to read a ton more history.

I dont quite understand how you think I owe you (a white person) a dime for fighting a war to prevent the south (white people) from succession? How exactly did that become a Black persons debt? Slavery should have never been allowed in the first place. This was done by white people in case you forget. Somewhere in there your logic is really messed up bad. You ever heard of Lehman Brothers and some of the other rich wealthy families? They have whats called legacy that they got from profits directly from slavery. So yes there are plenty of people benefitting from slavery still alive today. How did you not know this?

What brutal collectivist system did the Chinese endure in the US for generations? I need a link for that one.

You keep moving the goal posts in regard to the Japanese. You started off saying all of them were alive now you are saying its their direct descendents. I dont really care either way. The point is that their hardship was compensated.

I'm not whining. I'm stating facts. Frequently when people dont want to admit they are wrong they try to get others to back off by saying they are whining. That doesn't work with me. I've gotten mine but I never forget where I came from.

I don't think you owe me anything. Why do you think I owe you anything? And the blacks in Africa who ran down their opponents and murdered and enslaved them...they have no culpability in it? Really now.

As far as the people screwing you today, get a clue sunshine, they're screwing EVERYBODY. You're nothing special, they are equal opportunity thieves and are quite happy to rip everyone off.

And I have never moved the goalposts so your are now lying about what I said, I said that the MAJORITY of the Japanese or their direct descendants were still alive. Never, ever misstate what I said. That is a mistake I'll allow you once.

Who in the US is benefitting from slavery in the US today. BE SPECIFIC! I can show you plenty in Africa who are still actively engaged in it, but here in the states it is rare and 99% of the time it involves the sex trade.

You claimed that the Chinese would rather die than be slaves and I presented you the case of over a billion Chinese who endured a life that was the equivalent of slavery and they chose that over death, so you were deliberately obtuse and tried to bring it back to the US. Fail.

Very rare it is indeed, to find the person who will say, and more importantly mean it, "give me liberty or give me death."

I say again you are terribly ignorant of history. EVERY race has endured slavery. Where do you think the term Slav came from? The Slavic peoples were slaves, they were white, they were also able to throw off the shackles of their history and now they prosper.

Why don't you?

Why did you bring up what your family did then? That was not part of the conversation so you must have been looking for a thank you. The discussion is not about what the Africans did. This is about the US. Whats with all the goal post moves?

I agree they are ripping off everyone. However, they are ripping my people off the most.

You did move the goal posts and now you are lying. What do you mean allow me? This is your quote. Where does it say majority or direct descendents? You clearly stated they were still alive. I corrected you and said some of them were dead.

The Japanese were still alive that lost their property, and even there the reparations were a joke.

Then you added "majority" and "direct descendents" to a later post like I wouldnt remember.

The majority of the Japanese or their direct descendants WERE alive, so no, it is you who are factually wrong.

We were talking about the US not China. How did you get so confused? Thats exactly what I mean about moving the goal post. Also your claim that I said the Chinese would rather die than be slaves needs support. I said:

The point is that there is no Chinese person that would want to go through what Black slaves went through.

These are your words. Lets stick to them and not move the goal posts

And yes, being Chinese in the west was worse. If you were a slave you at least had value to your owner so no one was going to go around killing you for entertainment, which is exactly what happened to Chinese workers.

You claimed that the Chinese would rather die than be slaves and I presented you the case of over a billion Chinese who endured a life that was the equivalent of slavery and they chose that over death, so you were deliberately obtuse and tried to bring it back to the US. Fail.

I know all about the Slavs. Again the discussion is about the US not every other country in the world. Focus.

I am prospering. What makes you think I'm not?
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Really? My family lost a husband and a son during the Civil War freeing the slaves. My family deserves to be punished? What about those hundreds of thousands of other white
families who lost people. They too "deserve" to be punished?

If you truly believe that, then you are a simpleton.

Our church hosted meetings for the "Anti-Slavery Party" which became known as the Republicans shortly after. Members of my family were Presbyterian ministers and schoolmarms for centuries in early times, and upheld human rights in both the north and the south.

The civil war has been over since April 9, 1865, which was approximately 149 years ago. With a generation considered about 20 years, the Civil War was fought 7 generations ago. None of the people who lived then and owned slaves are alive today. None of the people who were freed were slaves after then, either, and their free labors also ended 7 generations ago.

Slavery was made illegal by the thirteenth Amendment, and was ratified on December 18, 1865.

Not one person here is responsible for what was done 7 generations ago, and not one person here has served a single minute being a slave by birth who was born on American soil and is an American citizen also since 7 generations ago.

We're all equals as free people. Please get over the hatred of 7 generations past. Slavery is over and slavery is not coming back to America unless the government enslaves us with overbearing taxes and empowers bureaucrats to order people to work for nothing.

This is the same kind of stuff people say that enrages the Black community. The effects of slavery alone are still here today. This is without Jim Crow and the other systems used to for Black population control. Slavery is not over. It just has a new coat of paint. The hatred comes in when people like you attempt to deny the everyday realities that Black people deal with. The funny thing is that I dont see anyone telling the Jews to get over it but they do to Blacks that are actually part of this country. :cuckoo:

Oh? The potus is black your argument is invalid. But if you believe what you posted, then that is what will be. Stop trying to push that off onto someone else though.

No one is telling anyone to 'get over it'. If you want to live with the chip of your past on your shoulders then by all means, do so. But here's a newsflash ... almost no one else is. Will there always be people who are racist? Of course there will be. And? With each generation they become more and more of a minority. Why do you let those types take up rent in your head?

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