****** more offensive than cracker?

Certain words hold different historical/cultural value...why is **** more offensive than bitch??:dunno:

To those for whom '****' is more offenwsive than 'bitch' I'd assume it's because they don't know the etymology of it. 'Bitch' is a female dog, very offensive indeed against a woman. But '****' is actually proper:

"**** (n.) Look up **** at Dictionary.com
"female intercrural foramen," or, as some 18c. writers refer to it, "the monosyllable," Middle English cunte "female genitalia," by early 14c. (in Hendyng's "Proverbs" -- ʒeve þi cunte to cunni[n]g, And crave affetir wedding), akin to Old Norse kunta, Old Frisian, Middle Dutch, and Middle Low German kunte, from Proto-Germanic *kunton, of uncertain origin. Some suggest a link with Latin cuneus "wedge," others to PIE root *geu- "hollow place," still others to PIE *gwen-, root of queen and Greek gyne "woman."

The form is similar to Latin cunnus "female pudenda" (also, vulgarly, "a woman"), which is likewise of disputed origin, perhaps literally "gash, slit," from PIE *sker- (1) "to cut," or literally "sheath," from PIE *kut-no-, from root *(s)keu- "to conceal, hide."

Hec vulva: a ****. Hic cunnus: idem est. [from Londesborough Illustrated Nominale, c.1500, in "Anglo-Saxon and Old English Vocabularies," eds. Wright and Wülcker, vol. 1, 1884]

First known reference in English apparently is in a compound, Oxford street name Gropecuntlane cited from c.1230 (and attested through late 14c.) in "Place-Names of Oxfordshire" (Gelling & Stenton, 1953), presumably a haunt of prostitutes. Used in medical writing c.1400, but avoided in public speech since 15c.; considered obscene since 17c."

Online Etymology Dictionary

In some feminist circles it's been 'reclaimed' much as 'fag' has in gay circles where it's occupies the same place as 'cock' does for the male genitalia.
A "******" is something subhuman that's not to be treated as an equal. A "cracker" is someone who makes the whip "crack" when being used on a "******."

There's my eloquent summation of the words :tongue:

You decide which one you'd rather be called

As early as the 1760s, this term was in use by the upper class planters in the British North American colonies to refer to Scots-Irish and English settlers in the south, most of whom were descendants of English bond servants. A letter to the Earl of Dartmouth reads:

"I should explain to your Lordship what is meant by Crackers; a name they have got from being great boasters; they are a lawless set of rascalls on the frontiers of Virginia, Maryland, the Carolinas, and Georgia, who often change their places of abode."[3]

cracker is funny

its what the black people who had their planes stolen by crackers so the crackers could bomb black women, men and children to death in Okieland called the rioters
Our church hosted meetings for the "Anti-Slavery Party" which became known as the Republicans shortly after. Members of my family were Presbyterian ministers and schoolmarms for centuries in early times, and upheld human rights in both the north and the south.

The civil war has been over since April 9, 1865, which was approximately 149 years ago. With a generation considered about 20 years, the Civil War was fought 7 generations ago. None of the people who lived then and owned slaves are alive today. None of the people who were freed were slaves after then, either, and their free labors also ended 7 generations ago.

Slavery was made illegal by the thirteenth Amendment, and was ratified on December 18, 1865.

Not one person here is responsible for what was done 7 generations ago, and not one person here has served a single minute being a slave by birth who was born on American soil and is an American citizen also since 7 generations ago.

We're all equals as free people. Please get over the hatred of 7 generations past. Slavery is over and slavery is not coming back to America unless the government enslaves us with overbearing taxes and empowers bureaucrats to order people to work for nothing.

This is the same kind of stuff people say that enrages the Black community. The effects of slavery alone are still here today. This is without Jim Crow and the other systems used to for Black population control. Slavery is not over. It just has a new coat of paint. The hatred comes in when people like you attempt to deny the everyday realities that Black people deal with. The funny thing is that I dont see anyone telling the Jews to get over it but they do to Blacks that are actually part of this country. :cuckoo:

Oh? The potus is black your argument is invalid. But if you believe what you posted, then that is what will be. Stop trying to push that off onto someone else though.

No one is telling anyone to 'get over it'. If you want to live with the chip of your past on your shoulders then by all means, do so. But here's a newsflash ... almost no one else is. Will there always be people who are racist? Of course there will be. And? With each generation they become more and more of a minority. Why do you let those types take up rent in your head?

why do you defend the racists?
ever hear of black walstreet?

why do the jews get patted on the back for NEVER forgetting what was done to them but black people get your scorn?
Our church hosted meetings for the "Anti-Slavery Party" which became known as the Republicans shortly after. Members of my family were Presbyterian ministers and schoolmarms for centuries in early times, and upheld human rights in both the north and the south.

The civil war has been over since April 9, 1865, which was approximately 149 years ago. With a generation considered about 20 years, the Civil War was fought 7 generations ago. None of the people who lived then and owned slaves are alive today. None of the people who were freed were slaves after then, either, and their free labors also ended 7 generations ago.

Slavery was made illegal by the thirteenth Amendment, and was ratified on December 18, 1865.

Not one person here is responsible for what was done 7 generations ago, and not one person here has served a single minute being a slave by birth who was born on American soil and is an American citizen also since 7 generations ago.

We're all equals as free people. Please get over the hatred of 7 generations past. Slavery is over and slavery is not coming back to America unless the government enslaves us with overbearing taxes and empowers bureaucrats to order people to work for nothing.

This is the same kind of stuff people say that enrages the Black community. The effects of slavery alone are still here today. This is without Jim Crow and the other systems used to for Black population control. Slavery is not over. It just has a new coat of paint. The hatred comes in when people like you attempt to deny the everyday realities that Black people deal with. The funny thing is that I dont see anyone telling the Jews to get over it but they do to Blacks that are actually part of this country. :cuckoo:

Oh? The potus is black your argument is invalid. But if you believe what you posted, then that is what will be. Stop trying to push that off onto someone else though.

No one is telling anyone to 'get over it'. If you want to live with the chip of your past on your shoulders then by all means, do so. But here's a newsflash ... almost no one else is. Will there always be people who are racist? Of course there will be. And? With each generation they become more and more of a minority. Why do you let those types take up rent in your head?

The POTUS being black has nothing to do with what I am saying. Even at the height of slavery there were always free and successful Blacks. The masses are the ones that are being oppressed. Trust that it is not something I want to believe. However, its a pattern that has repeated itself throughout the history of this country. I'm just not the type to bury my head in the sand and pretend its not happening.

I'm not concerned about the feral racist cave apes that abound in society. i know why they are there and who controls them. The people that control them are the dangerous ones. History has shown that these few white elite have always had a system in place to control the masses Black and white. Thats what takes up rent in my head. What is preventing you from looking at history and seeing the same pattern?
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Every time you IDIOTS pine that you cant call black people old racist fucking names I hope that babys head haunts your evil dreams
This is the same kind of stuff people say that enrages the Black community. The effects of slavery alone are still here today. This is without Jim Crow and the other systems used to for Black population control. Slavery is not over. It just has a new coat of paint. The hatred comes in when people like you attempt to deny the everyday realities that Black people deal with. The funny thing is that I dont see anyone telling the Jews to get over it but they do to Blacks that are actually part of this country. :cuckoo:

Oh? The potus is black your argument is invalid. But if you believe what you posted, then that is what will be. Stop trying to push that off onto someone else though.

No one is telling anyone to 'get over it'. If you want to live with the chip of your past on your shoulders then by all means, do so. But here's a newsflash ... almost no one else is. Will there always be people who are racist? Of course there will be. And? With each generation they become more and more of a minority. Why do you let those types take up rent in your head?

The POTUS being black has nothing to do with what I am saying. Even at the height of slavery there were always free and successful Blacks. The masses are the ones that are being oppressed. Trust that it is not something I want to believe. However, its a pattern that has repeated itself throughout the history of this country. I'm just not the type to bury my head in the sand and pretend its not happening.

I'm not concerned about the feral racist cave apes that abound in society. i know why they are there and who controls them. The people that control them are the dangerous ones. History has shown that these few white elite have always had a system in place to control the masses Black and white. Thats what takes up rent in my head. What is preventing you from looking at history and seeing the same pattern?

They're called Democrats and your people keep voting for them.
being an lying asshole wont attract black voters to your racist party

This coming from the boards biggest liar.

Here are some facts.

It was Nathan Bedford Forrest, a Democrat, who founded the Ku Klux Klan.

Woodrow Wilson segregated Federal Buildings and jobs after 50 years of integration under largely Republican administrations.

It was the Democrat Party in the South that instituted Jim Crow Laws.

It was the Democrat Party in the South that instituted "separate but equal".

It was the Democrat Party in the South that supported the Ku Klux Klan.

It was George Wallace and the Democrat Party in the South that said "Segregation Forever".

It was Orval Faubus and the Democrat Party that wanted the Arkansas National Guard to enforce segregation, and Dwight Eisenhower, a Republican President, that sent the 101st Airborne to integrate the schools.

It was Bull Connor, a member of the Democrat National Committee, who turned the hoses on the marchers in Birmingham, and it was the Republicans who made up the majority that passed the 1964 Civil Rights Act, over the filibuster of such Democrat paragons as William Fulbright and Al Gore Sr. - and Grand Kleagle Byrd.

(And no, the Dixiecrats didn't join the Republican Party - most of them remained Democrats.)

It was the Democrats who kept Grand Kleagle Byrd in the party.

It was Democrats who called General Colin Powell a "house ******".

It was Democrats who called Condi Rice - who grew up with and knew the little girls in Birmingham who were blown up, by Democrats - an "Aunt Jemima" and ran cartoons of her with fat lips doing Hattie McDaniel riffs.

It was Democrats, or at least Obama supporters, who called Stacy Dash a hundred different racist names for daring to leave the Democrat plantaion. (sic) It's the Democrats who hold annual dinners honoring Andrew Jackson, who owned slaves and who orchestrated the Removal, the Trail of Tears, the near genocide of several of the Indian Nations.

Read more: Blog: The Democratic Party's Long History of Racism
Follow us: [MENTION=20123]American[/MENTION]Thinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook
Oh? The potus is black your argument is invalid. But if you believe what you posted, then that is what will be. Stop trying to push that off onto someone else though.

No one is telling anyone to 'get over it'. If you want to live with the chip of your past on your shoulders then by all means, do so. But here's a newsflash ... almost no one else is. Will there always be people who are racist? Of course there will be. And? With each generation they become more and more of a minority. Why do you let those types take up rent in your head?

The POTUS being black has nothing to do with what I am saying. Even at the height of slavery there were always free and successful Blacks. The masses are the ones that are being oppressed. Trust that it is not something I want to believe. However, its a pattern that has repeated itself throughout the history of this country. I'm just not the type to bury my head in the sand and pretend its not happening.

I'm not concerned about the feral racist cave apes that abound in society. i know why they are there and who controls them. The people that control them are the dangerous ones. History has shown that these few white elite have always had a system in place to control the masses Black and white. Thats what takes up rent in my head. What is preventing you from looking at history and seeing the same pattern?

They're called Democrats and your people keep voting for them.

Politicians of all types are the low hanging fruit in this. The people that control the majority of wealth in this country run the show. Wake up.
being an lying asshole wont attract black voters to your racist party

This coming from the boards biggest liar.

Here are some facts.

It was Nathan Bedford Forrest, a Democrat, who founded the Ku Klux Klan.

Woodrow Wilson segregated Federal Buildings and jobs after 50 years of integration under largely Republican administrations.

It was the Democrat Party in the South that instituted Jim Crow Laws.

It was the Democrat Party in the South that instituted "separate but equal".

It was the Democrat Party in the South that supported the Ku Klux Klan.

It was George Wallace and the Democrat Party in the South that said "Segregation Forever".

It was Orval Faubus and the Democrat Party that wanted the Arkansas National Guard to enforce segregation, and Dwight Eisenhower, a Republican President, that sent the 101st Airborne to integrate the schools.

It was Bull Connor, a member of the Democrat National Committee, who turned the hoses on the marchers in Birmingham, and it was the Republicans who made up the majority that passed the 1964 Civil Rights Act, over the filibuster of such Democrat paragons as William Fulbright and Al Gore Sr. - and Grand Kleagle Byrd.

(And no, the Dixiecrats didn't join the Republican Party - most of them remained Democrats.)

It was the Democrats who kept Grand Kleagle Byrd in the party.

It was Democrats who called General Colin Powell a "house ******".

It was Democrats who called Condi Rice - who grew up with and knew the little girls in Birmingham who were blown up, by Democrats - an "Aunt Jemima" and ran cartoons of her with fat lips doing Hattie McDaniel riffs.

It was Democrats, or at least Obama supporters, who called Stacy Dash a hundred different racist names for daring to leave the Democrat plantaion. (sic) It's the Democrats who hold annual dinners honoring Andrew Jackson, who owned slaves and who orchestrated the Removal, the Trail of Tears, the near genocide of several of the Indian Nations.

Read more: Blog: The Democratic Party's Long History of Racism
Follow us: [MENTION=20123]American[/MENTION]Thinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

Dont leave out the fact that the Democrats during these times were conservative. Thats if you are actually interested in facts.
Instead of regarding words as offensive or not, try to limit your offense to the ones who would use them. I like how some words are offensive, it reveals the speaker as the sort of person I shouldn't pay much attention to being mental midgets and intellectually stunted.
A "******" is something subhuman that's not to be treated as an equal. A "cracker" is someone who makes the whip "crack" when being used on a "******."

There's my eloquent summation of the words :tongue:

You decide which one you'd rather be called

Why in the world would a black person ever call a white person a cracker then? By calling them a cracker they're saying the white person holds power over the black person.
Because there are a number of uses of the term cracker... just as there are a number of uses of the term nigga, just as there are a number of uses of most of our terms.

The POTUS being black has nothing to do with what I am saying. Even at the height of slavery there were always free and successful Blacks. The masses are the ones that are being oppressed. Trust that it is not something I want to believe. However, its a pattern that has repeated itself throughout the history of this country. I'm just not the type to bury my head in the sand and pretend its not happening.

I'm not concerned about the feral racist cave apes that abound in society. i know why they are there and who controls them. The people that control them are the dangerous ones. History has shown that these few white elite have always had a system in place to control the masses Black and white. Thats what takes up rent in my head. What is preventing you from looking at history and seeing the same pattern?

They're called Democrats and your people keep voting for them.

Politicians of all types are the low hanging fruit in this. The people that control the majority of wealth in this country run the show. Wake up.

Wake up? I'm not the one whining and crying like you are. I'm just pointing out the facts.

The Democrats are the biggest racist in the country and you idiots keep voting for them.

Since Obama took office the income equality gap has increased, so much for his wealth redistribution con.

The Democrats keep feeding you people bullshit and you all keep eating it up.

In 2005, the median wealth of African-American households was $12,124. By 2009, it had plummeted to $5,677 — a 53 percent drop — according to a July 2011 report by the Pew Research Center.

In his speech, Obama pledged to “build more homes that people can afford,” but the percentage of African-Americans owning a house fell from a record 50 percent level in 2006, down to 45 percent in 2012.

Under Obama, African-American unemployment up; wealth, wages, political influence down
This is the same kind of stuff people say that enrages the Black community. The effects of slavery alone are still here today. This is without Jim Crow and the other systems used to for Black population control. Slavery is not over. It just has a new coat of paint. The hatred comes in when people like you attempt to deny the everyday realities that Black people deal with. The funny thing is that I dont see anyone telling the Jews to get over it but they do to Blacks that are actually part of this country. :cuckoo:

Oh? The potus is black your argument is invalid. But if you believe what you posted, then that is what will be. Stop trying to push that off onto someone else though.

No one is telling anyone to 'get over it'. If you want to live with the chip of your past on your shoulders then by all means, do so. But here's a newsflash ... almost no one else is. Will there always be people who are racist? Of course there will be. And? With each generation they become more and more of a minority. Why do you let those types take up rent in your head?

The POTUS being black has nothing to do with what I am saying. Even at the height of slavery there were always free and successful Blacks. The masses are the ones that are being oppressed. Trust that it is not something I want to believe. However, its a pattern that has repeated itself throughout the history of this country. I'm just not the type to bury my head in the sand and pretend its not happening.

I'm not concerned about the feral racist cave apes that abound in society. i know why they are there and who controls them. The people that control them are the dangerous ones. History has shown that these few white elite have always had a system in place to control the masses Black and white. Thats what takes up rent in my head. What is preventing you from looking at history and seeing the same pattern?

The masses being oppressed are not just black but you seem to think that is the case.

The black potus and other blacks are part of those elites. TPTB is an eeo. Dems have historically been the party that keep people down (but they tell you they're 'helping' you, that's the rub). Want change? Stop voting Dem.

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