****** more offensive than cracker?

being an lying asshole wont attract black voters to your racist party

This coming from the boards biggest liar.

Here are some facts.

It was Nathan Bedford Forrest, a Democrat, who founded the Ku Klux Klan.

Woodrow Wilson segregated Federal Buildings and jobs after 50 years of integration under largely Republican administrations.

It was the Democrat Party in the South that instituted Jim Crow Laws.

It was the Democrat Party in the South that instituted "separate but equal".

It was the Democrat Party in the South that supported the Ku Klux Klan.

It was George Wallace and the Democrat Party in the South that said "Segregation Forever".

It was Orval Faubus and the Democrat Party that wanted the Arkansas National Guard to enforce segregation, and Dwight Eisenhower, a Republican President, that sent the 101st Airborne to integrate the schools.

It was Bull Connor, a member of the Democrat National Committee, who turned the hoses on the marchers in Birmingham, and it was the Republicans who made up the majority that passed the 1964 Civil Rights Act, over the filibuster of such Democrat paragons as William Fulbright and Al Gore Sr. - and Grand Kleagle Byrd.

(And no, the Dixiecrats didn't join the Republican Party - most of them remained Democrats.)

It was the Democrats who kept Grand Kleagle Byrd in the party.

It was Democrats who called General Colin Powell a "house ******".

It was Democrats who called Condi Rice - who grew up with and knew the little girls in Birmingham who were blown up, by Democrats - an "Aunt Jemima" and ran cartoons of her with fat lips doing Hattie McDaniel riffs.

It was Democrats, or at least Obama supporters, who called Stacy Dash a hundred different racist names for daring to leave the Democrat plantaion. (sic) It's the Democrats who hold annual dinners honoring Andrew Jackson, who owned slaves and who orchestrated the Removal, the Trail of Tears, the near genocide of several of the Indian Nations.

Read more: Blog: The Democratic Party's Long History of Racism
Follow us: [MENTION=20123]American[/MENTION]Thinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

Dont leave out the fact that the Democrats during these times were conservative. Thats if you are actually interested in facts.

If it's indeed a fact then it should be easy for you to prove.
This coming from the boards biggest liar.

Here are some facts.

It was Nathan Bedford Forrest, a Democrat, who founded the Ku Klux Klan.

Woodrow Wilson segregated Federal Buildings and jobs after 50 years of integration under largely Republican administrations.

It was the Democrat Party in the South that instituted Jim Crow Laws.

It was the Democrat Party in the South that instituted "separate but equal".

It was the Democrat Party in the South that supported the Ku Klux Klan.

It was George Wallace and the Democrat Party in the South that said "Segregation Forever".

It was Orval Faubus and the Democrat Party that wanted the Arkansas National Guard to enforce segregation, and Dwight Eisenhower, a Republican President, that sent the 101st Airborne to integrate the schools.

It was Bull Connor, a member of the Democrat National Committee, who turned the hoses on the marchers in Birmingham, and it was the Republicans who made up the majority that passed the 1964 Civil Rights Act, over the filibuster of such Democrat paragons as William Fulbright and Al Gore Sr. - and Grand Kleagle Byrd.

(And no, the Dixiecrats didn't join the Republican Party - most of them remained Democrats.)

It was the Democrats who kept Grand Kleagle Byrd in the party.

It was Democrats who called General Colin Powell a "house ******".

It was Democrats who called Condi Rice - who grew up with and knew the little girls in Birmingham who were blown up, by Democrats - an "Aunt Jemima" and ran cartoons of her with fat lips doing Hattie McDaniel riffs.

It was Democrats, or at least Obama supporters, who called Stacy Dash a hundred different racist names for daring to leave the Democrat plantaion. (sic) It's the Democrats who hold annual dinners honoring Andrew Jackson, who owned slaves and who orchestrated the Removal, the Trail of Tears, the near genocide of several of the Indian Nations.

Read more: Blog: The Democratic Party's Long History of Racism
Follow us: [MENTION=20123]American[/MENTION]Thinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

Dont leave out the fact that the Democrats during these times were conservative. Thats if you are actually interested in facts.

If it's indeed a fact then it should be easy for you to prove.
The democrats and republicans were a single party at one point. The white hat club split off into the democrat party.
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Why is it acceptable for people, particularly blacks, to have the utmost outrage when someone uses the word ****** (not nigga) against them, as opposed to less leeway given for outrage to other groups when racial, ethnic or religious slurs get hurled at them? For example, shouldn't calling someone cracker be considered just as offensive as calling someone a ******? It seems like we treat the word ****** differently from other offensive words. Heck many people refuse to use the word ****** in any context. By doing so are unknowingly giving the word's meaning validity?

Hey all you need do is convince enough insane White guys to kill anyone who used the word "cracker" and YOU TOO can change the way people speak.

That's what our Black Chums did, mate.

No sense whining about how unfair it is, either.

The Blacks pay the price for controlling the language, believe me.
They're called Democrats and your people keep voting for them.

Politicians of all types are the low hanging fruit in this. The people that control the majority of wealth in this country run the show. Wake up.

Wake up? I'm not the one whining and crying like you are. I'm just pointing out the facts.

The Democrats are the biggest racist in the country and you idiots keep voting for them.

Since Obama took office the income equality gap has increased, so much for his wealth redistribution con.

The Democrats keep feeding you people bullshit and you all keep eating it up.

In 2005, the median wealth of African-American households was $12,124. By 2009, it had plummeted to $5,677 — a 53 percent drop — according to a July 2011 report by the Pew Research Center.

In his speech, Obama pledged to “build more homes that people can afford,” but the percentage of African-Americans owning a house fell from a record 50 percent level in 2006, down to 45 percent in 2012.

Under Obama, African-American unemployment up; wealth, wages, political influence down

Yes wake up. You are blaming the Democrats which are a very small cog in the wheel. Obviously your vision is limited when you even attempt that argument.

The highlight portions above are head scratchers. Those are due to the Bush mismanagement years and the usual affects of the racial caste system. Was there a corresponding but less of a drop for the whites? wouldn't those figures be due to the Reps?
This coming from the boards biggest liar.

Here are some facts.

It was Nathan Bedford Forrest, a Democrat, who founded the Ku Klux Klan.

Woodrow Wilson segregated Federal Buildings and jobs after 50 years of integration under largely Republican administrations.

It was the Democrat Party in the South that instituted Jim Crow Laws.

It was the Democrat Party in the South that instituted "separate but equal".

It was the Democrat Party in the South that supported the Ku Klux Klan.

It was George Wallace and the Democrat Party in the South that said "Segregation Forever".

It was Orval Faubus and the Democrat Party that wanted the Arkansas National Guard to enforce segregation, and Dwight Eisenhower, a Republican President, that sent the 101st Airborne to integrate the schools.

It was Bull Connor, a member of the Democrat National Committee, who turned the hoses on the marchers in Birmingham, and it was the Republicans who made up the majority that passed the 1964 Civil Rights Act, over the filibuster of such Democrat paragons as William Fulbright and Al Gore Sr. - and Grand Kleagle Byrd.

(And no, the Dixiecrats didn't join the Republican Party - most of them remained Democrats.)

It was the Democrats who kept Grand Kleagle Byrd in the party.

It was Democrats who called General Colin Powell a "house ******".

It was Democrats who called Condi Rice - who grew up with and knew the little girls in Birmingham who were blown up, by Democrats - an "Aunt Jemima" and ran cartoons of her with fat lips doing Hattie McDaniel riffs.

It was Democrats, or at least Obama supporters, who called Stacy Dash a hundred different racist names for daring to leave the Democrat plantaion. (sic) It's the Democrats who hold annual dinners honoring Andrew Jackson, who owned slaves and who orchestrated the Removal, the Trail of Tears, the near genocide of several of the Indian Nations.

Read more: Blog: The Democratic Party's Long History of Racism
Follow us: [MENTION=20123]American[/MENTION]Thinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

Dont leave out the fact that the Democrats during these times were conservative. Thats if you are actually interested in facts.

If it's indeed a fact then it should be easy for you to prove.

You are too ignorant for words sometimes. How did you not know this?

Democratic Party (United States) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Since the 1930s, the party has promoted a liberal platform.[3][4][5] Until the late 20th century the party had a powerful conservative wing based in the rural South, which over time has greatly diminished. Today its Congressional caucus is composed mostly of progressives and centrists
Oh? The potus is black your argument is invalid. But if you believe what you posted, then that is what will be. Stop trying to push that off onto someone else though.

No one is telling anyone to 'get over it'. If you want to live with the chip of your past on your shoulders then by all means, do so. But here's a newsflash ... almost no one else is. Will there always be people who are racist? Of course there will be. And? With each generation they become more and more of a minority. Why do you let those types take up rent in your head?

The POTUS being black has nothing to do with what I am saying. Even at the height of slavery there were always free and successful Blacks. The masses are the ones that are being oppressed. Trust that it is not something I want to believe. However, its a pattern that has repeated itself throughout the history of this country. I'm just not the type to bury my head in the sand and pretend its not happening.

I'm not concerned about the feral racist cave apes that abound in society. i know why they are there and who controls them. The people that control them are the dangerous ones. History has shown that these few white elite have always had a system in place to control the masses Black and white. Thats what takes up rent in my head. What is preventing you from looking at history and seeing the same pattern?

The masses being oppressed are not just black but you seem to think that is the case.

The black potus and other blacks are part of those elites. TPTB is an eeo. Dems have historically been the party that keep people down (but they tell you they're 'helping' you, that's the rub). Want change? Stop voting Dem.

If I thought that then i would not have put Black and White in my post. You actually highlighted it. However, lower class whites are used to promote racism. i'm not concerned with their plight until they actually understand whats at stake. Until then they are my enemy and actively helping to keep my people down. The Black POTUS and other successful Blacks are just symbols. They are in no way part of the elite. Raise your eyesight a lot higher so you can see the people at the top. Is this a typo? "TPTB is an eeo." I have no idea what that is supposed to mean.
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Politicians of all types are the low hanging fruit in this. The people that control the majority of wealth in this country run the show. Wake up.

Wake up? I'm not the one whining and crying like you are. I'm just pointing out the facts.

The Democrats are the biggest racist in the country and you idiots keep voting for them.

Since Obama took office the income equality gap has increased, so much for his wealth redistribution con.

The Democrats keep feeding you people bullshit and you all keep eating it up.

In 2005, the median wealth of African-American households was $12,124. By 2009, it had plummeted to $5,677 — a 53 percent drop — according to a July 2011 report by the Pew Research Center.

In his speech, Obama pledged to “build more homes that people can afford,” but the percentage of African-Americans owning a house fell from a record 50 percent level in 2006, down to 45 percent in 2012.

Under Obama, African-American unemployment up; wealth, wages, political influence down

Yes wake up. You are blaming the Democrats which are a very small cog in the wheel. Obviously your vision is limited when you even attempt that argument.

The highlight portions above are head scratchers. Those are due to the Bush mismanagement years and the usual affects of the racial caste system. Was there a corresponding but less of a drop for the whites? wouldn't those figures be due to the Reps?

I'm pointing out the facts about the Democrats, I don't blame them per se, I blame the idiots that vote for them.

Yea stay with the "blame Bush" meme. While black unemployment soars to record levels. :cuckoo:

NAACP President and CEO Benjamin Jealous said, perhaps unwittingly, that black Americans “are doing far worse” than when President Obama first took office.

The worst during Mr Obama’s first term was in September 2011, with 16.7 percent unemployment for blacks — the highest since 1983, the Department of Labor reports. The black teen jobless rate hit a staggering 39.3 percent in July 2012.
Dont leave out the fact that the Democrats during these times were conservative. Thats if you are actually interested in facts.

If it's indeed a fact then it should be easy for you to prove.

You are too ignorant for words sometimes. How did you not know this?

Democratic Party (United States) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Since the 1930s, the party has promoted a liberal platform.[3][4][5] Until the late 20th century the party had a powerful conservative wing based in the rural South, which over time has greatly diminished. Today its Congressional caucus is composed mostly of progressives and centrists

Wikipedia? Sorry but that don't cut it.
The POTUS being black has nothing to do with what I am saying. Even at the height of slavery there were always free and successful Blacks. The masses are the ones that are being oppressed. Trust that it is not something I want to believe. However, its a pattern that has repeated itself throughout the history of this country. I'm just not the type to bury my head in the sand and pretend its not happening.

I'm not concerned about the feral racist cave apes that abound in society. i know why they are there and who controls them. The people that control them are the dangerous ones. History has shown that these few white elite have always had a system in place to control the masses Black and white. Thats what takes up rent in my head. What is preventing you from looking at history and seeing the same pattern?

The masses being oppressed are not just black but you seem to think that is the case.

The black potus and other blacks are part of those elites. TPTB is an eeo. Dems have historically been the party that keep people down (but they tell you they're 'helping' you, that's the rub). Want change? Stop voting Dem.

If I thought that then i would not have put Black and White in my post. You actually highlighted it. However, lower class whites are used to promote racism. i'm not concerned with their plight until they actually understand whats at stake. Until then they are my enemy and actively helping to keep my people down. The Black POTUS and other successful Blacks are just symbols. They are in no way part of the elite. Raise your eyesight a lot higher so you can see the people at the top.

I wrote it because that's the impression I get from you. Must be because you then post the highlighted above. You believe that although blacks and whites are oppressed, blacks are being singled out, whitey is the enemy.

The black potus and other successful black are who you should be looking to as role models (well, to the point that they are considered successful). And if you truly believe that they are in no way part of the elite, you are a fool.

You project a victim mentality, whether you know (or believe) it or not.
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The masses being oppressed are not just black but you seem to think that is the case.

The black potus and other blacks are part of those elites. TPTB is an eeo. Dems have historically been the party that keep people down (but they tell you they're 'helping' you, that's the rub). Want change? Stop voting Dem.

If I thought that then i would not have put Black and White in my post. You actually highlighted it. However, lower class whites are used to promote racism. i'm not concerned with their plight until they actually understand whats at stake. Until then they are my enemy and actively helping to keep my people down. The Black POTUS and other successful Blacks are just symbols. They are in no way part of the elite. Raise your eyesight a lot higher so you can see the people at the top.

I wrote it because that's the impression I get from you. Must be because you then post the highlighted above. You believe that although blacks and whites are oppressed, blacks are being singled out, whitey is the enemy.

The black potus and other successful black are who you should be looking to as role models (well, to the point that they are considered successful). And if you truly believe that they are in no way part of the elite, you are a fool.

You project a victim mentality, whether you know (or believe) it or not.

Your impressions are not accurate. I know the masses of whites are led around by the nose just like everyone else. The difference is that you as a white person are higher in the caste system and exploited for your fear. I dont know who whitey is unless that is your term for the white elite.

The only fool would be the one who thinks that Black people are part of the elite. Just because you make more than most does not mean you wield power. If they are part of the elite how does that benefit the masses of Black people?
Black people had a window of opportunity from the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to 1992 and the King riots. The horrendous crime rate among black people of the 80s and early 90s was an anomaly caused by the Crip/Blood war which ended when they just about wiped each other out.

Due to the explosion of recent black crime, that window has now closed.
Black people had a window of opportunity from the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to 1992 and the King riots. The horrendous crime rate among black people of the 80s and early 90s was an anomaly caused by the Crip/Blood war which ended when they just about wiped each other out.

Due to the explosion of recent black crime, that window has now closed.

You are actually somewhat close to the truth and a great indicator on how this all works. Dig a little deeper, go back in history, and see if you can find the pattern.

Ask yourself why a war on drugs was declared by Regan prior to the crack problem?

Ask yourself why the CIA admitted they were trafficking drugs in the US?

Ask yourself why the prison system exploded?

Finally ask yourself why Nixon said in effect that there needed to be a system to control Blacks while not giving the impression it was doing so?
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A "******" is something subhuman that's not to be treated as an equal. A "cracker" is someone who makes the whip "crack" when being used on a "******."

There's my eloquent summation of the words :tongue:

You decide which one you'd rather be called

Granted your theory is correct (which I don't think it is, crackers are bright white and white people are white = cracker), when was the last time a white person made a Black person a legal slave and beat them with a whip?
I dont quite understand how you think I owe you (a white person) a dime for fighting a war to prevent the south (white people) from succession? How exactly did that become a Black persons debt? Slavery should have never been allowed in the first place. This was done by white people in case you forget. Somewhere in there your logic is really messed up bad. You ever heard of Lehman Brothers and some of the other rich wealthy families? They have whats called legacy that they got from profits directly from slavery. So yes there are plenty of people benefitting from slavery still alive today. How did you not know this?

What brutal collectivist system did the Chinese endure in the US for generations? I need a link for that one.

You keep moving the goal posts in regard to the Japanese. You started off saying all of them were alive now you are saying its their direct descendents. I dont really care either way. The point is that their hardship was compensated.

I'm not whining. I'm stating facts. Frequently when people dont want to admit they are wrong they try to get others to back off by saying they are whining. That doesn't work with me. I've gotten mine but I never forget where I came from.

I don't think you owe me anything. Why do you think I owe you anything? And the blacks in Africa who ran down their opponents and murdered and enslaved them...they have no culpability in it? Really now.

As far as the people screwing you today, get a clue sunshine, they're screwing EVERYBODY. You're nothing special, they are equal opportunity thieves and are quite happy to rip everyone off.

And I have never moved the goalposts so your are now lying about what I said, I said that the MAJORITY of the Japanese or their direct descendants were still alive. Never, ever misstate what I said. That is a mistake I'll allow you once.

Who in the US is benefitting from slavery in the US today. BE SPECIFIC! I can show you plenty in Africa who are still actively engaged in it, but here in the states it is rare and 99% of the time it involves the sex trade.

You claimed that the Chinese would rather die than be slaves and I presented you the case of over a billion Chinese who endured a life that was the equivalent of slavery and they chose that over death, so you were deliberately obtuse and tried to bring it back to the US. Fail.

Very rare it is indeed, to find the person who will say, and more importantly mean it, "give me liberty or give me death."

I say again you are terribly ignorant of history. EVERY race has endured slavery. Where do you think the term Slav came from? The Slavic peoples were slaves, they were white, they were also able to throw off the shackles of their history and now they prosper.

Why don't you?

Why did you bring up what your family did then? That was not part of the conversation so you must have been looking for a thank you. The discussion is not about what the Africans did. This is about the US. Whats with all the goal post moves?

I agree they are ripping off everyone. However, they are ripping my people off the most.

You did move the goal posts and now you are lying. What do you mean allow me? This is your quote. Where does it say majority or direct descendents? You clearly stated they were still alive. I corrected you and said some of them were dead.

Then you added "majority" and "direct descendents" to a later post like I wouldnt remember.

We were talking about the US not China. How did you get so confused? Thats exactly what I mean about moving the goal post. Also your claim that I said the Chinese would rather die than be slaves needs support. I said:

These are your words. Lets stick to them and not move the goal posts

And yes, being Chinese in the west was worse. If you were a slave you at least had value to your owner so no one was going to go around killing you for entertainment, which is exactly what happened to Chinese workers.

You claimed that the Chinese would rather die than be slaves and I presented you the case of over a billion Chinese who endured a life that was the equivalent of slavery and they chose that over death, so you were deliberately obtuse and tried to bring it back to the US. Fail.

I know all about the Slavs. Again the discussion is about the US not every other country in the world. Focus.

I am prospering. What makes you think I'm not?

I brought my family up to show how ridiculous our claim for reparations is. You indignantly posted that you don't feel compelled to repay the debts of white people who died to free the slaves, yet you want US, the multiple generations removed descendants to give you money.

You don't see the ridiculous nature of that assertion?
I dont quite understand how you think I owe you (a white person) a dime for fighting a war to prevent the south (white people) from succession? How exactly did that become a Black persons debt? Slavery should have never been allowed in the first place. This was done by white people in case you forget. Somewhere in there your logic is really messed up bad. You ever heard of Lehman Brothers and some of the other rich wealthy families? They have whats called legacy that they got from profits directly from slavery. So yes there are plenty of people benefitting from slavery still alive today. How did you not know this?

What brutal collectivist system did the Chinese endure in the US for generations? I need a link for that one.

You keep moving the goal posts in regard to the Japanese. You started off saying all of them were alive now you are saying its their direct descendents. I dont really care either way. The point is that their hardship was compensated.

I'm not whining. I'm stating facts. Frequently when people dont want to admit they are wrong they try to get others to back off by saying they are whining. That doesn't work with me. I've gotten mine but I never forget where I came from.

I don't think you owe me anything. Why do you think I owe you anything? And the blacks in Africa who ran down their opponents and murdered and enslaved them...they have no culpability in it? Really now.

As far as the people screwing you today, get a clue sunshine, they're screwing EVERYBODY. You're nothing special, they are equal opportunity thieves and are quite happy to rip everyone off.

And I have never moved the goalposts so your are now lying about what I said, I said that the MAJORITY of the Japanese or their direct descendants were still alive. Never, ever misstate what I said. That is a mistake I'll allow you once.

Who in the US is benefitting from slavery in the US today. BE SPECIFIC! I can show you plenty in Africa who are still actively engaged in it, but here in the states it is rare and 99% of the time it involves the sex trade.

You claimed that the Chinese would rather die than be slaves and I presented you the case of over a billion Chinese who endured a life that was the equivalent of slavery and they chose that over death, so you were deliberately obtuse and tried to bring it back to the US. Fail.

Very rare it is indeed, to find the person who will say, and more importantly mean it, "give me liberty or give me death."

I say again you are terribly ignorant of history. EVERY race has endured slavery. Where do you think the term Slav came from? The Slavic peoples were slaves, they were white, they were also able to throw off the shackles of their history and now they prosper.

Why don't you?

Why did you bring up what your family did then? That was not part of the conversation so you must have been looking for a thank you. The discussion is not about what the Africans did. This is about the US. Whats with all the goal post moves?

I agree they are ripping off everyone. However, they are ripping my people off the most.

You did move the goal posts and now you are lying. What do you mean allow me? This is your quote. Where does it say majority or direct descendents? You clearly stated they were still alive. I corrected you and said some of them were dead.

Then you added "majority" and "direct descendents" to a later post like I wouldnt remember.

We were talking about the US not China. How did you get so confused? Thats exactly what I mean about moving the goal post. Also your claim that I said the Chinese would rather die than be slaves needs support. I said:

These are your words. Lets stick to them and not move the goal posts

And yes, being Chinese in the west was worse. If you were a slave you at least had value to your owner so no one was going to go around killing you for entertainment, which is exactly what happened to Chinese workers.

You claimed that the Chinese would rather die than be slaves and I presented you the case of over a billion Chinese who endured a life that was the equivalent of slavery and they chose that over death, so you were deliberately obtuse and tried to bring it back to the US. Fail.

I know all about the Slavs. Again the discussion is about the US not every other country in the world. Focus.

I am prospering. What makes you think I'm not?

I brought my family up to show how ridiculous our claim for reparations is. You indignantly posted that you don't feel compelled to repay the debts of white people who died to free the slaves, yet you want US, the multiple generations removed descendants to give you money.

You don't see the ridiculous nature of that assertion?

Wow, you know about the Slavs, good for you. Why aren't the blacks in this country prospering then? I'm glad that you're doing well I truly am, but if you are doing so well why are you asking for reparations? from people who have done you no harm?:eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:
I don't think you owe me anything. Why do you think I owe you anything? And the blacks in Africa who ran down their opponents and murdered and enslaved them...they have no culpability in it? Really now.

As far as the people screwing you today, get a clue sunshine, they're screwing EVERYBODY. You're nothing special, they are equal opportunity thieves and are quite happy to rip everyone off.

And I have never moved the goalposts so your are now lying about what I said, I said that the MAJORITY of the Japanese or their direct descendants were still alive. Never, ever misstate what I said. That is a mistake I'll allow you once.

Who in the US is benefitting from slavery in the US today. BE SPECIFIC! I can show you plenty in Africa who are still actively engaged in it, but here in the states it is rare and 99% of the time it involves the sex trade.

You claimed that the Chinese would rather die than be slaves and I presented you the case of over a billion Chinese who endured a life that was the equivalent of slavery and they chose that over death, so you were deliberately obtuse and tried to bring it back to the US. Fail.

Very rare it is indeed, to find the person who will say, and more importantly mean it, "give me liberty or give me death."

I say again you are terribly ignorant of history. EVERY race has endured slavery. Where do you think the term Slav came from? The Slavic peoples were slaves, they were white, they were also able to throw off the shackles of their history and now they prosper.

Why don't you?

Why did you bring up what your family did then? That was not part of the conversation so you must have been looking for a thank you. The discussion is not about what the Africans did. This is about the US. Whats with all the goal post moves?

I agree they are ripping off everyone. However, they are ripping my people off the most.

You did move the goal posts and now you are lying. What do you mean allow me? This is your quote. Where does it say majority or direct descendents? You clearly stated they were still alive. I corrected you and said some of them were dead.

Then you added "majority" and "direct descendents" to a later post like I wouldnt remember.

We were talking about the US not China. How did you get so confused? Thats exactly what I mean about moving the goal post. Also your claim that I said the Chinese would rather die than be slaves needs support. I said:

These are your words. Lets stick to them and not move the goal posts

You claimed that the Chinese would rather die than be slaves and I presented you the case of over a billion Chinese who endured a life that was the equivalent of slavery and they chose that over death, so you were deliberately obtuse and tried to bring it back to the US. Fail.

I know all about the Slavs. Again the discussion is about the US not every other country in the world. Focus.

I am prospering. What makes you think I'm not?

I brought my family up to show how ridiculous our claim for reparations is. You indignantly posted that you don't feel compelled to repay the debts of white people who died to free the slaves, yet you want US, the multiple generations removed descendants to give you money.

You don't see the ridiculous nature of that assertion?

I agree it was ridiculous to bring up your family. I was not indignant i was curious and amazed. Why would you get reparations for fighting in a war that was a military duty beyond the usual military benefits? Furthermore, how is that something Black people are indebted for? White people enslaved Black people in the US not the other way around. No I want the US government to pay the descendents of slaves reparations just like they paid the Japanese reparations. If they don't i will still live well. However it is a point of contention among lots of people in the Black community. The question was asked so I answered it.

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