More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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skookerasshat said:'re another of the AGW climate crusaders with connect the dots issues.

If science was merely about connecting dots, any (skooker) asshat could do it. Even former DJs. What, you thought that was all you needed to do science? Bhwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
I gotta admit.......this forum and particularly this thread has become entertainment central for me. My evenings ( and sometimes mornings) would be decidedly suckier if these mental cases didn't show up every day to ring their tired, nutty AGW gong.......the same stale shit weve all been seeing for well over a decade now. I waste far too much time on here but dang its fun as hell......for example, when I see a new post from an angry, miserable, hysterical bozo like Rolling Thunder, I cant help but burst out laughing.......the stereotype of an near suicidal far lefty banging the shit out of his keyboard with steam pouring out of every pore if you don't agree with them........right there on a daily basis......:up: This mofu hasn't laughed in years!!!

.......a fucking hoot!!

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: As another poster said, in a different thread, "you're just a reactionary poo flinger!"
I gotta admit.......this forum and particularly this thread has become entertainment central for me. My evenings ( and sometimes mornings) would be decidedly suckier if these mental cases didn't show up every day to ring their tired, nutty AGW gong.......the same stale shit weve all been seeing for well over a decade now. I waste far too much time on here but dang its fun as hell......for example, when I see a new post from an angry, miserable, hysterical bozo like Rolling Thunder, I cant help but burst out laughing.......the stereotype of an near suicidal far lefty banging the shit out of his keyboard with steam pouring out of every pore if you don't agree with them........right there on a daily basis......:up: This mofu hasn't laughed in years!!!

.......a fucking hoot!!

I take it you are missing your former residence. You have my sympathy.


Yeah, but except for that angry crazy global warmist in the middle, everyone else is having a good time it seems!:lol:
skookerasshat said:'re another of the AGW climate crusaders with connect the dots issues.

If science was merely about connecting dots, any (skooker) asshat could do it. Even former DJs. What, you thought that was all you needed to do science? Bhwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

Funny how a statistician was able to humble all of your "best and brightest". How are your remedial math skills coming there BTW? Still think India is only 74% more populous than the USA?:lol::lol:
I gotta admit.......this forum and particularly this thread has become entertainment central for me. My evenings ( and sometimes mornings) would be decidedly suckier if these mental cases didn't show up every day to ring their tired, nutty AGW gong.......the same stale shit weve all been seeing for well over a decade now. I waste far too much time on here but dang its fun as hell......for example, when I see a new post from an angry, miserable, hysterical bozo like Rolling Thunder, I cant help but burst out laughing.......the stereotype of an near suicidal far lefty banging the shit out of his keyboard with steam pouring out of every pore if you don't agree with them........right there on a daily basis......:up: This mofu hasn't laughed in years!!!

.......a fucking hoot!!

I take it you are missing your former residence. You have my sympathy.'re another of the AGW climate crusaders with connect the dots issues.

I'll take the psych ward and Obama's Energy Information Agency projections ftw while the intellectuals visit Disney!!!

Like Ive warming in 2014 is nothing more than an internet hobby for discussion as relevant as anything in the Conspiracy Forum.

Almost all of that shit that these freaks are posting here is coming from the "" blog.
It`s indicative who reads this crap: Site Info

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I gotta admit.......this forum and particularly this thread has become entertainment central for me. My evenings ( and sometimes mornings) would be decidedly suckier if these mental cases didn't show up every day to ring their tired, nutty AGW gong.......the same stale shit weve all been seeing for well over a decade now. I waste far too much time on here but dang its fun as hell......for example, when I see a new post from an angry, miserable, hysterical bozo like Rolling Thunder, I cant help but burst out laughing.......the stereotype of an near suicidal far lefty banging the shit out of his keyboard with steam pouring out of every pore if you don't agree with them........right there on a daily basis......:up: This mofu hasn't laughed in years!!!

.......a fucking hoot!!

I take it you are missing your former residence. You have my sympathy.


Yeah, but except for that angry crazy global warmist in the middle, everyone else is having a good time it seems!:lol:

Yes, we all have come to understand that you and your eggplant pals are all singing kumbaya in praise of higher CO2 concentrations. Congratulations.
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skookerasshat said:'re another of the AGW climate crusaders with connect the dots issues.

If science was merely about connecting dots, any (skooker) asshat could do it. Even former DJs. What, you thought that was all you needed to do science? Bhwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

Funny how a statistician was able to humble all of your "best and brightest". How are your remedial math skills coming there BTW? Still think India is only 74% more populous than the USA?:lol::lol:

You should tell that joke in Vegas. I'm sure it is good for a laugh or two. As for India, I'm sorry that post went right over your head. Not to worry. I'm sure they will come up with a cure for your dementia eventually (not that it will do you any good).
more laughing.......more k00k losing......more skeptic winning.:lol::lol:

So......what did the AGW climate crusaders get in their stocking for Christmas this year?


In fact, a lot of lumps of bog coal!!!

The fastest growing source of world energy!!! >>>>

Energy: One Lump or Two? | Power Line

So......we keep seeing posts in this thread about temperature, glaciers, ice......yada.....yada........and how the consensus science is a slam dunk!!!!!

Then why is green energy going south and fossil fuel energy going BOOM!!!!????!!!!!

I'll tell you why!!!

Because nobody is caring about the science!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::fu:

What have we here?

More k00k losing?

Yep......we do.

Silence Of The Lambs: Climate Coverage Drops At Major U.S. Newspapers, Flatlines On TV

By Joe Romm on January 14, 2014 at 3:37 pm

Back in November, we reported that climate coverage had dropped sharply at the New York Times after the paper closed its environmental desk.

The final numbers for the year are in and NY Times climate coverage — stories in which the words “global warming” or “climate change” appeared — has plummeted more than 40 percent. That is a bigger drop than any of the other newspapers monitored by the University of Colorado, though the Washington Post’s coverage dropped by a third, no doubt driven in part by its mind-boggling decision to take its lead climate reporter, Juliet Eilperin, off the environment beat.

Silence Of The Lambs: Climate Coverage Drops At Major U.S. Newspapers, Flatlines On TV | ThinkProgress

Like Ive been saying in here and have backed up with dozens and dozens of links on this thread..........

Nobody is giving a shit about global warming in 2014 except the internet AGW social invalids that start 4 billion threads a day that drop into internet oblivion like a stone in water almost overnight.

Nobody gives a fuck.........and Im laughing.:fu:

And with the assistance of my compadre skeptic friends in here........this thread continues on to levels of mega-epic.:rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::rock:
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For those not up to their eyeballs in the fraudulent BS pushed by the global warming crowd and who want to understand just how deep in fantasy the green people are in terms of energy, here is an excellent article on the Jonestown economics of green energy. Basically, due to the EU embracing green energy for years and its mega-expensive costs, these dumbasses finally woke up and realized they cant compete globally. The poor in EU countries are getting fucked over royally due to green energy efforts ( something the far left never wants to talk about )

The response? Return to fossil fuels baby......because it makes sense in the real world and the lower class and poor can better afford to pay their electricity bills = DUH!!! >>>

EU Mulls Retreat From Green Goals - The American Interest

Make no mistake.......the far left who embrace the whole climate change/green energy shit care about one thing: perpetuating the established narrative no matter the cost.........even if it means the poor of the world get fucked over.
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If science was merely about connecting dots, any (skooker) asshat could do it. Even former DJs. What, you thought that was all you needed to do science? Bhwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

Funny how a statistician was able to humble all of your "best and brightest". How are your remedial math skills coming there BTW? Still think India is only 74% more populous than the USA?:lol::lol:

You should tell that joke in Vegas. I'm sure it is good for a laugh or two. As for India, I'm sorry that post went right over your head. Not to worry. I'm sure they will come up with a cure for your dementia eventually (not that it will do you any good).

Dementia? And yet I actually knew that India was WAY more populous than you. You failed some pretty basic math there bunky. I hear the community colleges teach remedial math.

Who's not laughing?

The folks in Germany paying their electric bills arent laughing.. Costs going out of control for senseless subsidies,, shutting down the nuclear plants before realizing that coal was the only ALTERNATE.. By now should be obvious that the cuckoos have screwed them royalty...

indeed they are not laughing.......and the politicians have noticed. Only the global warming k00ks think energy/electricity costs don't matter to people. And it is amazing how this supposedly compassionate ideology doesn't give a rats ass about how much poor people in the EU are suffering due to their insistence on the most stoopid idea's in the modern era: wind and solar energy.

LOL.....hey FlaCalTenn.....did you see that about a week ago, all windmills didn't move for a period of almost 5 days. No wind. It was cold as shit so they cranked up other energy options to meet the demand in the cold but could you imagine if those didn't exist in that cold. The global warming k00ks wouldn't care........they'd have achieved their agenda of no fossil fuel use while millions would be frozen stiff and very dead.:2up::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Solar prices have declined 100 times since the 70s; whereas oil has steadily risen to nearly 100x (from 3 dollars/barrel in '72 to $95 today).

SOLAR @ .74 cents/WATT

That roughly equates our variable gas, coal and oil price per WATT today! Only China keeps its price per watt at 50 cents through coal subsidies and a mandate, most countries including US are often higher.

GO SOLAR POWER!!!!!!!!!!! GO flower power...




  • $1510817_10153738845960301_1730626235_n.jpg
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Solar prices have declined 100 times since the 70s; whereas oil has steadily risen to nearly 100x (from 3 dollars/barrel in '72 to $95 today).

SOLAR @ .74 cents/WATT

That roughly equates our variable gas, coal and oil price per WATT today! Only China keeps its price per watt at 50 cents through coal subsidies and a mandate, most countries including US are often higher.

GO SOLAR POWER!!!!!!!!!!! GO flower power...



Beware the BS AGW k00k math logic on renewables. The far left fucks with statistics ALL THE FUCKING TIIME:lol::lol:

Note that their statistics are always measured against themselves. A fatty woman can say that she has decreased her bodyfat by 15%, thus making you think youd be looking at Kim Kardasian, but if she was 250 pounds to begin with, she still looks like shit compared to Kimmy K.

Same with green energy ( renewables ). When compared to coal, they are mega-expensive ( which is exactly why in the EU, the green energy revolution is over......plenty of links in this thread about it :2up:)

What Im never sure about is if the AGW bozo's are too stoopid to realize that the downward trend of renewables is compared to itself or its just presented that way in a fraudulent manner.

If the meathead who made this last post above wanted to present a genuine comparison, he wouldn't have posted the dopey graph above!!!:funnyface:

From DOE study >>>>

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I know I just lost some intelligence just trying to cogently assess that last post by fuffa0nutter. please save yourself time by not reading it.

it's only point worth mentioning is that he made his own graphy in gradeschool without mommy's hep. it shows what energy is being consumed according to his polling and research. His funding was two cookies, a milk and a nap.

...while the rest of the world ADAPTS according to BETTER and MORE ETHICAL STANDARDS in an ever changing world.

Don't want polluted water for half a million people in WV (a county away from me) THEN DON'T REQUIRE COAL (hence a coal-cleaning agent crude MCHM) and presto! GONE LIKE THE WIND and HERE TO STAY LIKE THE SUN BABY!!!!

SOLAR POWER IS HERE TO STAY!!!! THE SUN WILL NEVER GO AWAY!!!!! (til 5 billion years but hey)
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