More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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Full tilt denial and religious apocalyptic pronouncements --- like that CBS report.. That's whats left for the true believers...

NOTHING in that CBS report was real or correct.. Not the oysters, not the 212 degree GRAPHIC THAT THEY DISPLAYED...

And THAT is what public perception is supposed to be based on.. We're not stupid -- Even the stupid are not that stupid..
Guess that leaves you and the other holy rollers..

We are stupid when it comes to climate science and many other deep specialties.

Especially those like you who carefully avoid learning as its inconvenient to your politics.

You were going to supply us some science that proves that what Hansen said is categorically impossible under the circumstances that he clearly stated. As everyone expected, you don't have a clue. That makes you the hysterical one.

What were CO2 levels the last time the oceans boiled?

Hansen has actually that there is a CO2 concentration at which the oceans WILL boil..
Totally ignoring the saturation effects of logarthmic forcing...

You know it only takes 2degC for the planet to start the self-destruct countdown.. C'mon Todd --- you KNOW it's happened before.. :lol:
Everything that has ever happened on earth happened for the first time once. A truism well beyond conservative imagination.

Everyday something happens on earth for the first time.

They say that they can't imagine AGW. I, for one, believe them.
We are stupid when it comes to climate science and many other deep specialties.

Especially those like you who carefully avoid learning as its inconvenient to your politics.

You were going to supply us some science that proves that what Hansen said is categorically impossible under the circumstances that he clearly stated. As everyone expected, you don't have a clue. That makes you the hysterical one.

What were CO2 levels the last time the oceans boiled?

When is the last time that there were 7B humans on the planet dumping megatons of GHGs into the atmosphere?

Why that would be the MULTIPLE TIMES that the CO2 atmos. concentrations were at LEAST 6 times higher than today... And the planet didn't self-destruct...

You are so ill-informed and politically wired --- it's hopeless to talk with you...

You've been shown these FACTS multiple times and INTENTIONALLY you refuse to absorb them.. For a self-proclaimed "engineer" that's a fatal flaw bud.. Sanitation? HVAC? Theatrical Lighting? I can't imagine what kind of engineer would purposely not accept that CO2 levels on this planet have been much higher MANY TIMES in the past..
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What were CO2 levels the last time the oceans boiled?

When is the last time that there were 7B humans on the planet dumping megatons of GHGs into the atmosphere?

Why that would be the MULTIPLE TIMES that the CO2 atmos. concentrations were at LEAST 6 times higher than today... And the planet didn't self-destruct...

You are so ill-informed and politically wired --- it's hopeless to talk with you...


PMS doesn't debate. He repeats his AGW cult talking points over and over. He spews on logical fallacy after another. He's too stupid to even know that he's spouting logical fallacies.
When is the last time that there were 7B humans on the planet dumping megatons of GHGs into the atmosphere?

Why that would be the MULTIPLE TIMES that the CO2 atmos. concentrations were at LEAST 6 times higher than today... And the planet didn't self-destruct...

You are so ill-informed and politically wired --- it's hopeless to talk with you...


PMS doesn't debate. He repeats his AGW cult talking points over and over. He spews on logical fallacy after another. He's too stupid to even know that he's spouting logical fallacies.

Debate is my data vs yours. You have none.
Why that would be the MULTIPLE TIMES that the CO2 atmos. concentrations were at LEAST 6 times higher than today... And the planet didn't self-destruct...

You are so ill-informed and politically wired --- it's hopeless to talk with you...


PMS doesn't debate. He repeats his AGW cult talking points over and over. He spews on logical fallacy after another. He's too stupid to even know that he's spouting logical fallacies.

Debate is my data vs yours. You have none.

You couldn't smell debate if you stepped in it.. I've told that science does NOT REQUIRE an alternative WORKING theory to destroy an existing one. Again --- you don't absorb reality. I NEED NO DATA..

WE NEED to see what YOUR DATA says about historical levels of CO2 that were 4 to 8 times HIGHER than they are today...

You missed the edit to post above..

You've been shown these FACTS multiple times and INTENTIONALLY you refuse to absorb them.. For a self-proclaimed "engineer" that's a fatal flaw bud.. Sanitation? HVAC? Theatrical Lighting? I can't imagine what kind of engineer would purposely not accept that CO2 levels on this planet have been much higher MANY TIMES in the past..

Why is that????
But eat your pudding and take a nap like the attending nurse wants you to before you bother to reply...
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What were CO2 levels the last time the oceans boiled?

When is the last time that there were 7B humans on the planet dumping megatons of GHGs into the atmosphere?

Why that would be the MULTIPLE TIMES that the CO2 atmos. concentrations were at LEAST 6 times higher than today... And the planet didn't self-destruct...

You are so ill-informed and politically wired --- it's hopeless to talk with you...

You've been shown these FACTS multiple times and INTENTIONALLY you refuse to absorb them.. For a self-proclaimed "engineer" that's a fatal flaw bud.. Sanitation? HVAC? Theatrical Lighting? I can't imagine what kind of engineer would purposely not accept that CO2 levels on this planet have been much higher MANY TIMES in the past..

From Wikipedia:

'' The concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in Earth's atmosphere determines its contribution to the greenhouse effect and the rates of plant and algal photosynthesis. The concentration has increased markedly in the 21st century, at a rate of 2.0 ppm/yr during 2000–2009 and faster since then.[1][2] It was 280 ppm in pre-industrial times, and has risen to 400 ppm (parts per million) as of May 2013,[3] with the increase largely attributed to anthropogenic sources.[4] About 57% of the CO2 emissions go to increase the atmospheric level, with much of the remainder contributing to ocean acidification. Carbon dioxide is used in photosynthesis (in plants and other photoautotrophs), and is also a prominent greenhouse gas. Despite its relatively small overall concentration in the atmosphere, CO2 is an important component of Earth's atmosphere because it absorbs and emits infrared radiation at wavelengths of 4.26 µm (asymmetric stretching vibrational mode) and 14.99 µm (bending vibrational mode), thereby playing a role in the greenhouse effect.[5] The present level appears to be the highest in the past 800,000 years[6] and likely the highest in the past 20 million years,[7] but well below 10% of its 500-million-year peak.[8]

I'm going to make the assumption that there were many things different 500 million years ago and the record of those times is, to say the least, incomplete.


PMS doesn't debate. He repeats his AGW cult talking points over and over. He spews on logical fallacy after another. He's too stupid to even know that he's spouting logical fallacies.

Debate is my data vs yours. You have none.

You couldn't smell debate if you stepped in it.. I've told that science does NOT REQUIRE an alternative WORKING theory to destroy an existing one. Again --- you don't absorb reality. I NEED NO DATA..

WE NEED to see what YOUR DATA says about historical levels of CO2 that were 4 to 8 times HIGHER than they are today...

You missed the edit to post above..

You've been shown these FACTS multiple times and INTENTIONALLY you refuse to absorb them.. For a self-proclaimed "engineer" that's a fatal flaw bud.. Sanitation? HVAC? Theatrical Lighting? I can't imagine what kind of engineer would purposely not accept that CO2 levels on this planet have been much higher MANY TIMES in the past..

Why is that????
But eat your pudding and take a nap like the attending nurse wants you to before you bother to reply...

Thank you for sharing your particular definition of pseudoscience. It was entertaining. I'm not sure that anyone would pay you a salary for thinking like though.
When is the last time that there were 7B humans on the planet dumping megatons of GHGs into the atmosphere?

Why that would be the MULTIPLE TIMES that the CO2 atmos. concentrations were at LEAST 6 times higher than today... And the planet didn't self-destruct...

You are so ill-informed and politically wired --- it's hopeless to talk with you...

You've been shown these FACTS multiple times and INTENTIONALLY you refuse to absorb them.. For a self-proclaimed "engineer" that's a fatal flaw bud.. Sanitation? HVAC? Theatrical Lighting? I can't imagine what kind of engineer would purposely not accept that CO2 levels on this planet have been much higher MANY TIMES in the past..

From Wikipedia:

'' The concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in Earth's atmosphere determines its contribution to the greenhouse effect and the rates of plant and algal photosynthesis. The concentration has increased markedly in the 21st century, at a rate of 2.0 ppm/yr during 2000–2009 and faster since then.[1][2] It was 280 ppm in pre-industrial times, and has risen to 400 ppm (parts per million) as of May 2013,[3] with the increase largely attributed to anthropogenic sources.[4] About 57% of the CO2 emissions go to increase the atmospheric level, with much of the remainder contributing to ocean acidification. Carbon dioxide is used in photosynthesis (in plants and other photoautotrophs), and is also a prominent greenhouse gas. Despite its relatively small overall concentration in the atmosphere, CO2 is an important component of Earth's atmosphere because it absorbs and emits infrared radiation at wavelengths of 4.26 µm (asymmetric stretching vibrational mode) and 14.99 µm (bending vibrational mode), thereby playing a role in the greenhouse effect.[5] The present level appears to be the highest in the past 800,000 years[6] and likely the highest in the past 20 million years,[7] but well below 10% of its 500-million-year peak.[8]

I'm going to make the assumption that there were many things different 500 million years ago and the record of those times is, to say the least, incomplete.

Bullshit.. And shame on you for using an "encyclopedia" written by anonymous morons..

Can you read a REAL GRAPH????


Find the last historical date ABOVE 400ppm... Was it 500Million Yrs ago? No it wasn't was it?
When brontosaurasus was farting out TONS of CO2 and volcanoes were spewing --- life FLOURISHED. And the CO2 levels were 2 to 5 times higher than today...
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Why that would be the MULTIPLE TIMES that the CO2 atmos. concentrations were at LEAST 6 times higher than today... And the planet didn't self-destruct...

You are so ill-informed and politically wired --- it's hopeless to talk with you...


PMS doesn't debate. He repeats his AGW cult talking points over and over. He spews on logical fallacy after another. He's too stupid to even know that he's spouting logical fallacies.

Debate is my data vs yours. You have none.

You don't have any data. You have magic and abracadabra.
We are stupid when it comes to climate science and many other deep specialties.

Especially those like you who carefully avoid learning as its inconvenient to your politics.

You were going to supply us some science that proves that what Hansen said is categorically impossible under the circumstances that he clearly stated. As everyone expected, you don't have a clue. That makes you the hysterical one.

What were CO2 levels the last time the oceans boiled?

When is the last time that there were 7B humans on the planet dumping megatons of GHGs into the atmosphere?

What were CO2 levels the last time the oceans boiled?
Debate is my data vs yours. You have none.

You couldn't smell debate if you stepped in it.. I've told that science does NOT REQUIRE an alternative WORKING theory to destroy an existing one. Again --- you don't absorb reality. I NEED NO DATA..

WE NEED to see what YOUR DATA says about historical levels of CO2 that were 4 to 8 times HIGHER than they are today...

You missed the edit to post above..

You've been shown these FACTS multiple times and INTENTIONALLY you refuse to absorb them.. For a self-proclaimed "engineer" that's a fatal flaw bud.. Sanitation? HVAC? Theatrical Lighting? I can't imagine what kind of engineer would purposely not accept that CO2 levels on this planet have been much higher MANY TIMES in the past..

Why is that????
But eat your pudding and take a nap like the attending nurse wants you to before you bother to reply...

Thank you for sharing your particular definition of pseudoscience. It was entertaining. I'm not sure that anyone would pay you a salary for thinking like though.

You wouldn't know science if it fell on you and killed you. Flacal is telling you what science is. You're spouting logical fallacies. No one needs to produce alternative data to show that yours is bogus. Every time you insist they do, you only prove that you're a scientific ignoramus.
LMAO....almost every day I can come into this THREAD and display the losing.......

Been saying for a loooooong time that the climate crusaders have no Plan B!!! The bomb throwing has only gotten more absurd in recent years ( see above......"oceans could boil...." ). These people have something about shooting themselves in the face ALL THE TIME!!!

Now comes a new study and turns out? The public doesnt like the environmentalist crowd.....I fact, is weirded by them >>>>

October 2, 2013

Greens Are Their Own Worst Enemies

People don’t like environmentalists, and that personal disdain is hurting the green cause. That’s the gist of a new study, which found that the stereotypes people hold about environmental activists make them much less likely to adopt the kinds of behaviors greens promote, such as recycling. Pacific Standard reports:

In one [study], 140 Americans…read an article about climate change and “the need for individuals to adopt sustainable lifestyles.”

For one-third of the participants, the writer was described as a stereotypical environmentalist…. Another third were told he was an atypical, less-abrasive environmentalist…. For the final third, his profile did not mention environmental activism at all.

After reading the article, participants were asked whether it inspired them to do more recycling, or otherwise take more eco-friendly actions.

“Participants were less motivated to adopt pro-environmental behaviors when these behaviors were advocated by the ‘typical’ environmentalist, rather than by the ‘atypical’ environmentalist or the undefined target,” the researchers report.

Did you catch that? If the author was just described as an environmentalist, it made readers less likely to live “sustainably” than if the author was unidentified.

Our pointing out this story isn’t about directing snark at clueless greens. The truth is that the world needs smarter environmentalists—people who understand that mass migration to sustainable communes isn’t a viable solution, who understand that society isn’t about to voluntarily retreat to an 18th-century lifestyle or curtail economic growth. These environmentalists exist. Bjørn Lomborg, for one, has as solid a grasp of policy as he does of science.

The world deserves a smart green movement, capable of effectively advocating for sustainable development. It doesn’t have one, and that’s a shame.

Greens Are Their Own Worst Enemies | Via Meadia

These dolt climate crusaders really think the world is going to embrace their scorched earth idea's based upon a Hail Mary Pass we'll tomorrow go back to horse and buggy and candlelit rooms to ensure the earths survival!!!

Well guess what ?????????

not winning!!!!!:lol::lol::lol:
LMAO....almost every day I can come into this THREAD and display the losing.......

Been saying for a loooooong time that the climate crusaders have no Plan B!!! The bomb throwing has only gotten more absurd in recent years ( see above......"oceans could boil...." ). These people have something about shooting themselves in the face ALL THE TIME!!!

Now comes a new study and turns out? The public doesnt like the environmentalist crowd.....I fact, is weirded by them >>>>

October 2, 2013

Greens Are Their Own Worst Enemies

For one-third of the participants, the writer was described as a stereotypical environmentalist…. Another third were told he was an atypical, less-abrasive environmentalist…. For the final third, his profile did not mention environmental activism at all.

After reading the article, participants were asked whether it inspired them to do more recycling, or otherwise take more eco-friendly actions.

“Participants were less motivated to adopt pro-environmental behaviors when these behaviors were advocated by the ‘typical’ environmentalist, rather than by the ‘atypical’ environmentalist or the undefined target,” the researchers report.

not winning!!!!!:lol::lol::lol:

Absolutely.. The planet needs more "ATYPICAL" environmentalists.. The ones that dont IMPOSE their ideas thru coercion.. And who operate with a COOPERATIVE attitude, rather than a tyrannical HYSTERICAL one...

That article is right on the money...

Lemme channel our pal PMZ here.. :lol: :lol:
We will carry the rest of the posers. The folks like us who truly care --- have the ideas and solutions to fix the problems..
LMAO....almost every day I can come into this THREAD and display the losing.......

Been saying for a loooooong time that the climate crusaders have no Plan B!!! The bomb throwing has only gotten more absurd in recent years ( see above......"oceans could boil...." ). These people have something about shooting themselves in the face ALL THE TIME!!!

Now comes a new study and turns out? The public doesnt like the environmentalist crowd.....I fact, is weirded by them >>>>

October 2, 2013

Greens Are Their Own Worst Enemies

For one-third of the participants, the writer was described as a stereotypical environmentalist…. Another third were told he was an atypical, less-abrasive environmentalist…. For the final third, his profile did not mention environmental activism at all.

After reading the article, participants were asked whether it inspired them to do more recycling, or otherwise take more eco-friendly actions.

“Participants were less motivated to adopt pro-environmental behaviors when these behaviors were advocated by the ‘typical’ environmentalist, rather than by the ‘atypical’ environmentalist or the undefined target,” the researchers report.

not winning!!!!!:lol::lol::lol:

Absolutely.. The planet needs more "ATYPICAL" environmentalists.. The ones that dont IMPOSE their ideas thru coercion.. And who operate with a COOPERATIVE attitude, rather than a tyrannical HYSTERICAL one...

That article is right on the money...

Lemme channel our pal PMZ here.. :lol: :lol:
We will carry the rest of the posers. The folks like us who truly care --- have the ideas and solutions to fix the problems..

What I hear from your side is do nothing. That’s your solution????? To what problem is doing nothing a solution for?????
LMAO....almost every day I can come into this THREAD and display the losing.......

Been saying for a loooooong time that the climate crusaders have no Plan B!!! The bomb throwing has only gotten more absurd in recent years ( see above......"oceans could boil...." ). These people have something about shooting themselves in the face ALL THE TIME!!!

Now comes a new study and turns out? The public doesnt like the environmentalist crowd.....I fact, is weirded by them >>>>

October 2, 2013

Greens Are Their Own Worst Enemies

For one-third of the participants, the writer was described as a stereotypical environmentalist…. Another third were told he was an atypical, less-abrasive environmentalist…. For the final third, his profile did not mention environmental activism at all.

After reading the article, participants were asked whether it inspired them to do more recycling, or otherwise take more eco-friendly actions.

“Participants were less motivated to adopt pro-environmental behaviors when these behaviors were advocated by the ‘typical’ environmentalist, rather than by the ‘atypical’ environmentalist or the undefined target,” the researchers report.

not winning!!!!!:lol::lol::lol:

Absolutely.. The planet needs more "ATYPICAL" environmentalists.. The ones that dont IMPOSE their ideas thru coercion.. And who operate with a COOPERATIVE attitude, rather than a tyrannical HYSTERICAL one...

That article is right on the money...

Lemme channel our pal PMZ here.. :lol: :lol:
We will carry the rest of the posers. The folks like us who truly care --- have the ideas and solutions to fix the problems..

What I hear from your side is do nothing. That’s your solution????? To what problem is doing nothing a solution for?????

The problem which will cost $70 trillion to drop global temps 0.1 degrees below what they would be without the wasted spending you recommend.
You couldn't smell debate if you stepped in it.. I've told that science does NOT REQUIRE an alternative WORKING theory to destroy an existing one. Again --- you don't absorb reality. I NEED NO DATA..

WE NEED to see what YOUR DATA says about historical levels of CO2 that were 4 to 8 times HIGHER than they are today...

You missed the edit to post above..

Why is that????
But eat your pudding and take a nap like the attending nurse wants you to before you bother to reply...

Thank you for sharing your particular definition of pseudoscience. It was entertaining. I'm not sure that anyone would pay you a salary for thinking like though.

You wouldn't know science if it fell on you and killed you. Flacal is telling you what science is. You're spouting logical fallacies. No one needs to produce alternative data to show that yours is bogus. Every time you insist they do, you only prove that you're a scientific ignoramus.

Actually, I think both ''sides'' agree that this is your position. That you want what you want to be true, and the absence of any evidence that it is in fact true, doesn't mean that you can't still want it to be.



Next batter?
LMAO....almost every day I can come into this THREAD and display the losing.......

Been saying for a loooooong time that the climate crusaders have no Plan B!!! The bomb throwing has only gotten more absurd in recent years ( see above......"oceans could boil...." ). These people have something about shooting themselves in the face ALL THE TIME!!!

Now comes a new study and turns out? The public doesnt like the environmentalist crowd.....I fact, is weirded by them >>>>

October 2, 2013

Greens Are Their Own Worst Enemies

People don’t like environmentalists, and that personal disdain is hurting the green cause. That’s the gist of a new study, which found that the stereotypes people hold about environmental activists make them much less likely to adopt the kinds of behaviors greens promote, such as recycling. Pacific Standard reports:

In one [study], 140 Americans…read an article about climate change and “the need for individuals to adopt sustainable lifestyles.”

For one-third of the participants, the writer was described as a stereotypical environmentalist…. Another third were told he was an atypical, less-abrasive environmentalist…. For the final third, his profile did not mention environmental activism at all.

After reading the article, participants were asked whether it inspired them to do more recycling, or otherwise take more eco-friendly actions.

“Participants were less motivated to adopt pro-environmental behaviors when these behaviors were advocated by the ‘typical’ environmentalist, rather than by the ‘atypical’ environmentalist or the undefined target,” the researchers report.

Did you catch that? If the author was just described as an environmentalist, it made readers less likely to live “sustainably” than if the author was unidentified.

Our pointing out this story isn’t about directing snark at clueless greens. The truth is that the world needs smarter environmentalists—people who understand that mass migration to sustainable communes isn’t a viable solution, who understand that society isn’t about to voluntarily retreat to an 18th-century lifestyle or curtail economic growth. These environmentalists exist. Bjørn Lomborg, for one, has as solid a grasp of policy as he does of science.

The world deserves a smart green movement, capable of effectively advocating for sustainable development. It doesn’t have one, and that’s a shame.

Greens Are Their Own Worst Enemies | Via Meadia

These dolt climate crusaders really think the world is going to embrace their scorched earth idea's based upon a Hail Mary Pass we'll tomorrow go back to horse and buggy and candlelit rooms to ensure the earths survival!!!

Well guess what ?????????

not winning!!!!!:lol::lol::lol:

All of the money going into new energy is going into permanent, not temporary solutions. So, you're right. We, humanity, is winning.
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