More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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Call CBS News TODAY AND DEMAND they reveal the sources of that statement..

The public NEEDS TO KNOW --- where this crap is coming from.. Don't let them slink back into the shadows.. We need to OUT the liers...

Meanwhile --- CBS is not the only moron tool talking about oceans boiling.. Here's the grand Shaman himself making that statement a couple years back.. View it at about 2:00 minutes...

James Hansen: The Runaway Greenhouse Effect - YouTube

What a load of horse poo. Nothing this guy said is backed up by paleo or empirical data. Gosh he has sunk to the depths..

When was the last time that the earth was like it is today?
''The issue is in towns where you have broad avenues with cross streets. In Europe those are rare''

Not in my experience.

Then you've never been there....





Many times.

Champs-Elysees Paris - Pictures from Champs-Elysees - Champs-Elysees Images

:lol::lol::lol::lol: What was your average speed driving down the Champs Elysee?
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Call CBS News TODAY AND DEMAND they reveal the sources of that statement..

The public NEEDS TO KNOW --- where this crap is coming from.. Don't let them slink back into the shadows.. We need to OUT the liers...

Meanwhile --- CBS is not the only moron tool talking about oceans boiling.. Here's the grand Shaman himself making that statement a couple years back.. View it at about 2:00 minutes...

James Hansen: The Runaway Greenhouse Effect - YouTube

So the oceans on Venus ended up in the atmosphere?
That's why the water content of the Venusian atmosphere is about 20 ppm.
Good to know. :cuckoo:
Call CBS News TODAY AND DEMAND they reveal the sources of that statement..

The public NEEDS TO KNOW --- where this crap is coming from.. Don't let them slink back into the shadows.. We need to OUT the liers...

Meanwhile --- CBS is not the only moron tool talking about oceans boiling.. Here's the grand Shaman himself making that statement a couple years back.. View it at about 2:00 minutes...

James Hansen: The Runaway Greenhouse Effect - YouTube

What a load of horse poo. Nothing this guy said is backed up by paleo or empirical data. Gosh he has sunk to the depths..

Show us the science that proves that what he said is impossible.

Show us the science that proves anything he said WAS possible. He ignores the fact that for 75% of the Earths history it has been MUCH warmer. Nothing he claimed would happen did back then so why now all of a sudden. In other words we have 4 BILLION years of history that says his assumptions are wrong.

So, you have 100 years VS
4,000,000,000 years

Only a true fanatic would look at those numbers and think they were correct.
Call CBS News TODAY AND DEMAND they reveal the sources of that statement..

The public NEEDS TO KNOW --- where this crap is coming from.. Don't let them slink back into the shadows.. We need to OUT the liers...

Meanwhile --- CBS is not the only moron tool talking about oceans boiling.. Here's the grand Shaman himself making that statement a couple years back.. View it at about 2:00 minutes...

James Hansen: The Runaway Greenhouse Effect - YouTube

What a load of horse poo. Nothing this guy said is backed up by paleo or empirical data. Gosh he has sunk to the depths..

Show us the science that proves that what he said is impossible.

Thanks, you're always good for a laugh. :lol:
Call CBS News TODAY AND DEMAND they reveal the sources of that statement..

The public NEEDS TO KNOW --- where this crap is coming from.. Don't let them slink back into the shadows.. We need to OUT the liers...

Meanwhile --- CBS is not the only moron tool talking about oceans boiling.. Here's the grand Shaman himself making that statement a couple years back.. View it at about 2:00 minutes...

James Hansen: The Runaway Greenhouse Effect - YouTube

What a load of horse poo. Nothing this guy said is backed up by paleo or empirical data. Gosh he has sunk to the depths..

When was the last time that the earth was like it is today?

Several in the last 2 million year. In the last 8,000 years it has been both warmer and colder.
What's your point? Oh yes, you have none.
more losing by the AGW alarmists >>>

World's top climate scientists told to 'cover up' the fact that the Earth's temperature hasn't risen for the last 15 years

Leaked United Nations report reveals the world's temperature hasn't risen for the last 15 years

Politicians have raised concerns about the final draft

Fears that the findings will encourage deniers of man-made climate change

Read more: Climate scientists told to 'cover up' the fact that the Earth's temperature hasn't risen for the last 15 years | Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

how gay
Wonder why the climate crusaders are losing in EPIC fashion???

Because you have k00k climate scientists actually saying that the earths oceans are on the verge of "boiling".

Quote of the Week ? Dr. James Hansen of NASA GISS, unhinged | Watts Up With That?

Geez.....don't these committed AGW crusaders ever muzzle these nuts? 15 years of bomb throwing has resulted in the whole shebang going backwards for them.
Wonder why the climate crusaders are losing in EPIC fashion???

Because you have k00k climate scientists actually saying that the earths oceans are on the verge of "boiling".

Quote of the Week ? Dr. James Hansen of NASA GISS, unhinged | Watts Up With That?

Geez.....don't these committed AGW crusaders ever muzzle these nuts? 15 years of bomb throwing has resulted in the whole shebang going backwards for them.

''on the verge of boiling''

Not at all what I heard.

What I heard is that if our new climate melted all of the ice in Greenland and Antarctica, and the Arctic tundra, and reached the tipping point by the release of massive additional quantities of GHGs water vapor and tundra sequestered methane, the climate could reach an unstable warming rate that would build on itself to the point that in a few hundred years, the climate would be unsuitable for life.

You say, not a worry because think of how inconvenient that would be.

I say that if that ignominious end to life is even one chance in a million, those consequences are catastrophic and we should be studying even the remotest possibility.
Call CBS News TODAY AND DEMAND they reveal the sources of that statement..

The public NEEDS TO KNOW --- where this crap is coming from.. Don't let them slink back into the shadows.. We need to OUT the liers...

Meanwhile --- CBS is not the only moron tool talking about oceans boiling.. Here's the grand Shaman himself making that statement a couple years back.. View it at about 2:00 minutes...

James Hansen: The Runaway Greenhouse Effect - YouTube

What a load of horse poo. Nothing this guy said is backed up by paleo or empirical data. Gosh he has sunk to the depths..
Well, my husband's engineering professor told the class their first semester that they needed to know something about the fuzzy-math world they would enter following graduation and told them, "There are fewer horses' heads than there are horses."

Guess it's still true. :lol: :lol: :lol:
This is gonna get more comical with crap like that.. Sorry I missed that CBS Science Moment..

One does not expect sense from the Conservative Broadcast System (CBS). And if someone declares CBS is liberal, just twirl a finger 'round your ear and back away, before they drool on you.

212 DEGREES... Don't scare the kiddies now.. Remember to file that one so when Mamooth says "WE never said that".. We can ask him if CBS news was purposely

Poor Flac. I've flustered and humiliated so badly, all he can do it cry about me now. Flac, stop acting like a 'tard cultist, and I'll stop pointing it out you act like 'tard cultist. Deal?

Like you did here. Nobody on CBS made such a claim. Not even Skook's source makes that claim. Skook, being a brainless cult 'tard, just made it up himself, so you parroted it. You really should take Skook to task for setting you up for more humiliation. We expect Skook to be a lying 'tard, because he's always been a lying 'tard, but you should have known better. You should apologize to the board for lying, even if it was unintentional. If you don't admit your error, you move yourself into the "deliberate liar" category along with Skook.
Last edited:
Did the professor also tell the class that their careers would consist of applying, not denying, science, to the betterment of mankind?
This is gonna get more comical with crap like that.. Sorry I missed that CBS Science Moment..

One does not expect sense from the Conservative Broadcast System (CBS). And if someone declares CBS is liberal, just twirl a finger 'round your ear and back away, before they drool on you.

212 DEGREES... Don't scare the kiddies now.. Remember to file that one so when Mamooth says "WE never said that".. We can ask him if CBS news was purposely

Poor Flac. I've flustered and humiliated so badly, all he can do it cry about me now. Flac, stop acting like a 'tard cultist, and I'll stop pointing it out you act like 'tard cultist. Deal?

Like you did here. Nobody on CBS made such a claim. Not even Skook's source makes that claim. Skook, being a brainless cult 'tard, just made it up himself, so you parroted it. You really should take Skook to task for setting you up for more humiliation. We expect Skook to be a lying 'tard, because he's always been a lying 'tard, but you should have known better. You should apologize to the board for lying, even if it was unintentional. If you don't admit your error, you move yourself into the "deliberate liar" category along with Skook.

r u kidding ?... me apolgize to the bboard for lying? Thats a bit over the protocal here ..

.you r wrong. More over, you r the biggest pos denier on usmb. 100s of links to the cbs report. And contrary to your lying assertions, skooks link not only had the relevent quotes, but they had the graphic clearly stating "POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE RISE OF 212 DEGREES"

I REFUSE TO B INTIMIDATED. You now have 12 hours to back up your accusation. Dont ask what I might do if u dont.
Oyster is a canary in a coal mine as oceans warm
September 27, 2013

(CBS News) CARLSBAD, Calif. -- Scientists working with the United Nations said Friday they are more convinced than ever that humans are the main cause of climate change. Surprisingly, their report indicates the rise in air temperature has slowed, but greenhouse gases are profoundly changing the oceans.

Last year, Dennis Peterson says his company could only get a quarter of the young oysters, or seed, they need from hatcheries in the Pacific Northwest.
/ CBS News A company near San Diego raises oysters. Last year, Dennis Peterson says they could only get a quarter of the young oysters, or seed, they need from hatcheries in the Pacific Northwest. It cost them about $1 million in lost business.

Asked why it was hard to get the seed, Peterson says, "The oceans were getting more acidic as a byproduct of increased CO2 in the atmosphere."

About 70 percent of carbon dioxide produced on the planet stays in the atmosphere or is used by plants. Thirty percent is absorbed by the oceans, where it produces a weak acid. But it's strong enough to impact sea life and prevent oysters from creating their shells.

Carbon emissions also trap heat. Friday's report shows oceans have absorbed 90 percent of that heat, raising ocean temperatures by half a degree. Had all that heat gone into the atmosphere, air temperatures could have risen by more than 200 degrees.

Lynne Talley
/ CBS News "The ocean is really the heavyweight in the system," says Lynne Talley, a scientist with the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. "It is where most of the heat goes."

Talley says oceans keep the planet from overheating, but sea levels are rising because the heat expands the water.

"A lot of it's in the upper ocean, but there's a certain amount in the deep ocean, and that's well away from the atmosphere, so you're moving heat all the way down into the ocean," Talley says.

Watch: Globe not warming as previously thought: U.N. report.
Dennis Peterson worries about what that means for his oysters. When it comes to climate change, he says the oyster in the ocean is like a canary in a coal mine.

"This is only the first thing we noticed," he says. "There's going to be lots of other ramifications."

He's already looking into expanding his other products, such as red algae, in case his oyster crates one day come up empty.

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Oyster is a canary in a coal mine as oceans warm
September 27, 2013

(CBS News) CARLSBAD, Calif. -- Scientists working with the United Nations said Friday they are more convinced than ever that humans are the main cause of climate change. Surprisingly, their report indicates the rise in air temperature has slowed, but greenhouse gases are profoundly changing the oceans.

Last year, Dennis Peterson says his company could only get a quarter of the young oysters, or seed, they need from hatcheries in the Pacific Northwest.
/ CBS News A company near San Diego raises oysters. Last year, Dennis Peterson says they could only get a quarter of the young oysters, or seed, they need from hatcheries in the Pacific Northwest. It cost them about $1 million in lost business.

Asked why it was hard to get the seed, Peterson says, "The oceans were getting more acidic as a byproduct of increased CO2 in the atmosphere."

About 70 percent of carbon dioxide produced on the planet stays in the atmosphere or is used by plants. Thirty percent is absorbed by the oceans, where it produces a weak acid. But it's strong enough to impact sea life and prevent oysters from creating their shells.

Carbon emissions also trap heat. Friday's report shows oceans have absorbed 90 percent of that heat, raising ocean temperatures by half a degree. Had all that heat gone into the atmosphere, air temperatures could have risen by more than 200 degrees.

Lynne Talley
/ CBS News "The ocean is really the heavyweight in the system," says Lynne Talley, a scientist with the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. "It is where most of the heat goes."

Talley says oceans keep the planet from overheating, but sea levels are rising because the heat expands the water.

"A lot of it's in the upper ocean, but there's a certain amount in the deep ocean, and that's well away from the atmosphere, so you're moving heat all the way down into the ocean," Talley says.

Watch: Globe not warming as previously thought: U.N. report.
Dennis Peterson worries about what that means for his oysters. When it comes to climate change, he says the oyster in the ocean is like a canary in a coal mine.

"This is only the first thing we noticed," he says. "There's going to be lots of other ramifications."

He's already looking into expanding his other products, such as red algae, in case his oyster crates one day come up empty.

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Jobs that pay 100k+/year without a college degree.backalleyreport.comAre You Paying Credit Card Interest? Stop Now!Next AdvisorFuel Efficient SUVs: Large And Mid Size SUVsRanker

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Anyone with even a little high school science knows that reality is, more FF consumption means higher atmospheric GHG concentrations which means less OLR, which means unstable energy balance which absolutely means higher surface temperatures.

If the excess energy is going into the ocean, that means that there is no corrective increased surface temperatures yet, which means when it comes it will have more to correct, and that requires even higher surface temperatures.

More bad news.

And yet the deniers are cheering.

Did the professor also tell the class that their careers would consist of applying, not denying, science, to the betterment of mankind?
Engineers, sir or madam, are scientists, and their field is logical science. It entails more math accuracy than there are angels on a pin's head. Professional engineers are pledged to accuracy and honesty. Sometimes management doesn't like their honesty and do all they can to get rid of them so they can build sloppy cheap buildings that wind up killing thousands of people unlucky enough to be in it when it collapses, because doing things right means thorough testing of all the theories is in order before human risk factors go in. You don't give a job to the best looking guy or girl engineer, you give the job to the guy who makes the highest score and can prove it quickly and efficiently without batting an eye.

The warmers turned changers who denied science by making a mockery of themselves and those who covered for them were a disgrace to the scientific community. And for reasons not known to those of us who know what is required of ethical scientists, the leftists of the nation took up Al Gore's error-filled script and made it the holy atheists' gospel according to liberals, and they continually populate the headless horse quarter with every gallop into their own fuzzy math world of make-believe and butt-covering. That's pretty darn hard when you've no head. :lmao:
Did the professor also tell the class that their careers would consist of applying, not denying, science, to the betterment of mankind?
Engineers, sir or madam, are scientists, and their field is logical science. It entails more math accuracy than there are angels on a pin's head. Professional engineers are pledged to accuracy and honesty. Sometimes management doesn't like their honesty and do all they can to get rid of them so they can build sloppy cheap buildings that wind up killing thousands of people unlucky enough to be in it when it collapses, because doing things right means thorough testing of all the theories is in order before human risk factors go in. You don't give a job to the best looking guy or girl engineer, you give the job to the guy who makes the highest score and can prove it quickly and efficiently without batting an eye.

The warmers turned changers who denied science by making a mockery of themselves and those who covered for them were a disgrace to the scientific community. And for reasons not known to those of us who know what is required of ethical scientists, the leftists of the nation took up Al Gore's error-filled script and made it the holy atheists' gospel according to liberals, and they continually populate the headless horse quarter with every gallop into their own fuzzy math world of make-believe and butt-covering. That's pretty darn hard when you've no head. :lmao:

I am a professional engineer. I've dedicated my life to the application of science to the betterment of mankind, and I continue to.

Climate science is defined by the IPCC. They have revealed to us what needs to be done.

I wish that I had a greater role in the application of IPCC science to the betterment of mankind but age has limited me to the politics only.

I'll take what I can get.

Our energy supply system is out of date. It is clearly not sustainable and needs to be. It is clearly not benign to future life and needs to be. It clearly is not efficient and needs to be.

We will fix all of that, in fact we are.

We all have to choose to be part of the problem or solution.

Engineers have a professional commitment to be part of the solution.

You are free to decide, I am not. Your husband is not. .

Decide your politics. I am pledged to science.
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