More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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Hey Frank............JC........see the above post? I think its time for a Gigantor victory lap..........a facial for Orangeman!!!!

Because indeed...........the science is mattering for dick!!!:blowup::blowup::blowup::blowup::blowup:
Were not the ones touting broken and failed models as empirical evidence..

Indeed. You couldn't construct a model if your life depended on it.

Really? Grade school insults hurled on the playground are the best you can do? Billy Bob is absolutely correct. Not one of the computer models is worth a shit. Not one has come even remotely close to actual observed data.

Great. Let's see yours. Oh wait...

The fact is that you saying that they are not 'worth a shit' means nothing since you know nothing about scientific modeling.

Still waiting for what CFD refers too. The clock is ticking.

Really? You are going to play the child, are you? CFD is computational Fluid Dynamics, the basis for nearly all climate models. Now, bubba, when you grow up do let us know.

Took you long enough. Now, who developed CFD?

Josh comes up with the BEST cartoons....
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German Analysis Current Warm Period Is No Anthropogenic Product US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Seems that the Eco=nutters are gonna have spasms as their religion is torn to shreds by this paper..

Great post Billy..........and Im laughing. In the past year, we have posted up volumes of facts/evidence/information displaying clearly that the science isn't mattering. Even if we accept the whole world warming theme.......:biggrin:.1/20th of a degree :biggrin:.....the whole "man made" part is clearly only something to be believed by mental cases.:2up:
This will send the left wit morons shrieking in horror...

Despite the ever present wailing from green activists that we are sitting on a “methane catastrophe”, it’s simply business as usual for Earth in the Arctic. Even Dr. Gavin Schmidt of NASA GISS thinks the issue is “implausible”. This study further confirms that the issue is just another emotional overblown green issue of no merit.

Methane seepage from the Arctic seabed occurring for millions of years

From the Center for Arctic Gas Hydrate, Climate and Environment

The methane release is not only natural but NORMAL! And the MSM continues to lie and beat the drum of the Alarmist for ratings and money.


Role of tectonic stress in seepage evolution along the gas hydrate-charged Vestnesa Ridge Fram Strait - Plaza-Faverola - 2015 - Geophysical Research Letters - Wiley Online Library

Methane expulsion from the world ocean floor is a broadly observed phenomenon known to be episodic. Yet the processes that modulate seepage remain elusive. In the Arctic offshore west Svalbard, for instance, seepage at 200–400 m water depth may be explained by ocean temperature-controlled gas hydrate instabilities at the shelf break, but additional processes are required to explain seepage in permanently cold waters at depths >1000 m. We discuss the influence of tectonic stress on seepage evolution along the ~100 km long hydrate-bearing Vestnesa Ridge in Fram Strait. High-resolution P-Cable 3-D seismic data revealed fine-scale (>10 m width) near-vertical faults and fractures controlling seepage distribution. Gas chimneys record multiple seepage events coinciding with glacial intensification and active faulting. The faults document the influence of nearby tectonic stress fields in seepage evolution along this deepwater gas hydrate system for at least the last ~2.7 Ma.
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Another alarmist paper aimed at discrediting natural variation and then overstating CO2 as the driver, in line with IPCC inflated estimates, has taken a death blow. The Journal Nature is showing its alarmist pal review problems and its failure as an ethical journal exposed.

From the GWPF – London, 6 February:
A recent paper in Nature has received worldwide media attention because of its claim to have shown that the recent hiatus in surface temperature rises was the result of natural variability. The lead author, Jochem Marotzke of the Max Planck Institute, also claimed that his work dealt a fatal blow to suggestions that computer simulations have systematically overestimated the global warming caused by rising carbon dioxide concentrations.

" However, Nic Lewis, an expert in this area of climate science, today pubished an article demonstrating that there are serious errors in the paper, and that its conclusions cannot be sustained. "

With the unethical and blatant biases exposed how much longer can this journal survive. Just one more alarmist paper touted as truth shown a fabrication of circular logic.

Jochem Marotzke & Piers M. Forster. Forcing, feedback and internal variability in global temperature trends. Nature, 517, 565–570 (2015)

"The paper is methodologically unsound and provides spurious results. No useful, valid inferences can be drawn from it. I believe that the authors should withdraw the paper." - Nicholas Lewis

For mathematical formulas and discussion of the math and reasonings it can be found at the SOURCE

The paper is systematically pulled apart by two PHD's and several others with input into statistical modeling...
"the authors and the reviewers should have woken up that something was wrong as soon as their regression coefficients showed the inputs to the models were not determining the outputs. In that case of course random variability would dominate, because it would mean that the models are basically generating random noise regardless of their inputs. Which may of course be true, but it would be devastating for climate science and it would mean that climate models are no better than dice or a coin toss at predicting climate. Maybe that is why they didn’t catch the error. It came as no surprise that the model’s inputs were not determining the outputs, so they didn’t see the error."

This commenter is quite enlightening about the failure of Peer Review in this paper.

Im laughing with the amount of daunting levels of pwning skeptics are dishing out here..........great stuff Billy.

So much of this bogus modeling is now being exposed.........

Found this today.........and really, it obliterates the whole debate!! Decimates it...........the idea of thinking we can impact our climate by reducing CO2 is only for people who believe in an actual Middle Earth!

This is classic.......

Why reducing CO2 Emissions is like the 8216 Prisoner 8217 s Dilemma 8217 Watts Up With That
skooks, the stupid being posted lately by our lefty losers on here has reached a new high. They must have gotten an upgrade on their papers on what stupid to post. I don't know, but they are working harder lately to show the stupid.
skooks, the stupid being posted lately by our lefty losers on here has reached a new high. They must have gotten an upgrade on their papers on what stupid to post. I don't know, but they are working harder lately to show the stupid.

Speaking of stoopid is this?? Who buys this crock......possibly 20% of the voting public? Maybe?

White House Climate Change Threatens More Americans Than Terrorism -

You just have to always give the far left enough time to make idiots out of themselves!!!:spinner::spinner::rock:

It is simply amazing the lengths some of our newbie and oldies will go to post left wing talking points. It doesn't matter how many times the lies have been debunked.. Then we find out that quietly, behind the scenes, the Climate Research Unit of East Anglia and other governments have been manipulating all of their ground collection data sets to show warming. Major changes of +2 deg C is the average change.

SO we now have a concerted effort by the elitists to give credibility to their global wealth redistribution scheme at the expense of all Americans... I believe that anyone acting with these people or conspire to work together to accomplish this have committed Treason as defined by Article 1 Section 8 of the US Constitution.

Where do we go and how do we deal with those we elect who are actively conspiring with the enemy against WE THE PEOPLE?
Hey Billy.......meteorologists are saying this morning that Boston is at "DEFCON 5" with the snow.

Would love to walk around that city this morning and poll the poor fuckers shoveling from under 850 feet of snow..........asking t he question, "So.....whats your opinion of Al Gore's take on global warming?"'d get your head bashed apart with a shovel.:2up::boobies::boobies:
Hey Billy.......meteorologists are saying this morning that Boston is at "DEFCON 5" with the snow.

Would love to walk around that city this morning and poll the poor fuckers shoveling from under 850 feet of snow..........asking t he question, "So.....whats your opinion of Al Gore's take on global warming?"'d get your head bashed apart with a shovel.:2up::boobies::boobies:
when you consider that glaciation of that region was over 2 miles thick and it happened in a relatively short time span, geologically speaking, 8.5 feet of snow for the region is about normal in the earths cooling cycle. I wonder if this sets off any alarm bells in the alarmists minds? three years in a row.....DING DING DING....
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