More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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Can you count the blatant lies from the left wing propaganda outlet?

Friend —
It’s tough out there for climate change deniers.

One by one, literally every argument and excuse they’ve been using for years is being proven false.
They’re still grasping at myths and conspiracy theories, but deniers are on the run.
Let’s keep them there — join the team that’s calling out climate change deniers.

In reality, the debate on the basics is over.
Not only do 97 percent of climate scientists agree that climate change is real and man-made, but new reports are showing climate and extreme weather impacts are affecting us right now.
Droughts, floods, wildfires, and storms are hitting communities from California to the East Coast, and we’re already spending hundreds of billions on climate-related disaster relief — no one is denying that.
Instead, what you hear from climate change deniers are mostly excuses for not taking action. Some have hidden behind foreign countries, saying America can’t or shouldn’t lead on climate until someone else goes first.
Let’s set aside for a minute that this isn’t actually how we solve global problems. The fact is, President Obama is leading internationally through agreements with China and India to cut carbon pollution and expand the use of clean energy. (So there goes that denier talking point…)
Another thing you might hear from a denier is that we simply can’t get serious about cutting carbon pollution without destroying the economy. That’s just false. For example, the climate and public health benefits from President Obama’s Clean Power Plan outweigh the costs by at least six times.
Maybe deniers doubt we have the will and ingenuity to take such a huge problem on. Well, the American people are proving them wrong: Since 2009, we’ve increased solar power ten-fold and tripled wind power. Hundreds of thousands of Americans work in clean energy today.
The arguments from deniers are getting more and more ludicrous.
We have the facts on our side — and we have to drive that message home. Because as long as deniers and polluters are blocking progress, we’re not doing all we can to combat climate change.
Say you’ll help take them to task — join the team that’s calling out climate change deniers:

Ivan Frishberg
Senior Climate Advisor
Organizing for Action

Fucking morons...'senior climate adviser' who doesn't know crap and is nothing but a left wing socialist hack... This letter sounds like it was authored by Old Crock.. Hell this sounds like every single left wit Science denier on this forum... You know your loosing when dear leader pulls out the socialist propaganda arm of reinforcements...

We know know where the left wing talking points are coming from..
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1Sky Steering Committee 1Sky

Ivan Frishberg has 20 years of organizing and advocacy experience, including public interest, environmental and electoral campaigns. He is the national Political Director for Environment America, and works to develop the organization’s political and campaign strategies. His prior experience includes working on legislative programs and strategies for the State PIRGs, federal advocacy on higher education policy and consulting for a wide range of campaigns and organizations including Rock the Vote, John Edwards for President, the Center for American Progress and the Democratic National Committee.

On the same page. . . .

Find out more about this exciting 1Sky/ merger and how you can stay involved with the climate movement at

setting ice records once again.... and it wont be above freezing for at least two more weeks...

setting ice records once again.... and it wont be above freezing for at least two more weeks...

LMAO Billy...............great find. For the AGW k00ks........"nothing to see here!!":2up::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies:

Ive been reading a few papers on glaciation progression and all three pointed to this region as the starting point globally over the last four glacial cycles. The Antarctic is a continent while the north pole is ocean ice. The albedo is similar but the real triggers for rapid glaciation is when large land masses become ice covered and this can only happen in the Northern Hemisphere. There is a reason the areas pummeled by snow and ice get it, the danger is when it doesn't fully melt as it did not do in Canada above the great lakes last year. It appears it will not fully melt again.. Regional glaciers recorded massive increases in this area... Summer time temps were well below the average for the entire region.

I believe there is a trend becoming visible in both hemispheres. Rapid sea ice increase in one and rapid land ice in the other...
Debunking The Mythbusters CO2 lie:

We can simply look at percentage of atmosphere. If we determine the atmosphere within the tube is equal to 1, then the appropriate level to match today's level would to meet the same percentage of 1 as earths atmosphere contains.


So our atmosphere contains 0.04% of the whole atmosphere or the factor 1. SO what does 7% of volume mean in parts per million....

7% is 17,500 times greater than 0.04% OR 70,000ppm!

This shows how deceptive the Mythbusters crap was.. They used an amount of gas, in order to obtain warming, which would render the earth uninhabitable by humans and never before seen in earths atmospehre. If you use molecular weight of the atoms this number increases to over 20,000 times where we are today...

This is deception from the media at its finest...

This is why the CAGW fools loose... they failed at simple math..
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Debunking The Mythbusters CO2 lie:

We can simply look at percentage of atmosphere. If we determine the atmosphere within the tube is equal to 1, then the appropriate level to match today's level would to meet the same percentage of 1 as earths atmosphere contains.

View attachment 37084

So our atmosphere contains 0.04% of the whole atmosphere or the factor 1. SO what does 7% of volume mean in parts per million....

7% is 17,500 times greater than 0.04% OR 70,000ppm!

This shows how deceptive the Mythbusters crap was.. They used an amount of gas, in order to obtain warming, which would render the earth uninhabitable by humans and never before seen in earths atmospehre. If you use molecular weight of the atoms this number increases to over 20,000 times where we are today...

This is deception from the media at its finest...

This is why the CAGW fools loose... they failed at simple math..

AYUP they took an insignificant change and blew it out of proportion. The good news is plant life likes CO2.

setting ice records once again.... and it wont be above freezing for at least two more weeks...
And...the meteorologists are stating because of that, there will be cooler summers in the region again this year.
Debunking The Mythbusters CO2 lie:

We can simply look at percentage of atmosphere. If we determine the atmosphere within the tube is equal to 1, then the appropriate level to match today's level would to meet the same percentage of 1 as earths atmosphere contains.

View attachment 37084

So our atmosphere contains 0.04% of the whole atmosphere or the factor 1. SO what does 7% of volume mean in parts per million....

7% is 17,500 times greater than 0.04% OR 70,000ppm!

This shows how deceptive the Mythbusters crap was.. They used an amount of gas, in order to obtain warming, which would render the earth uninhabitable by humans and never before seen in earths atmospehre. If you use molecular weight of the atoms this number increases to over 20,000 times where we are today...

This is deception from the media at its finest...

This is why the CAGW fools loose... they failed at simple math..
Billy, I started a thread 'post the experiment' so as to isolate discussions into one. I completely agree with your post, and add that in the thread, 'post the experiment' there is one from Old Rocks concerning Tyndall's 1885 experiment. He was very close to finding out information, but couldn't understand the full absorption characteristics of each gas. He, unlike mythbusters, vacuums the atmospheric gases out to better understand the gases in the chamber/ tube he was using. That was a mistake made in the mythbuster one. They should have first characterized the gases present in each chamber before doing anything. All they did was set temperature. Important as that was, the issue for me is exactly what you pointed out.

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Debunking The Mythbusters CO2 lie:

We can simply look at percentage of atmosphere. If we determine the atmosphere within the tube is equal to 1, then the appropriate level to match today's level would to meet the same percentage of 1 as earths atmosphere contains.

View attachment 37084

So our atmosphere contains 0.04% of the whole atmosphere or the factor 1. SO what does 7% of volume mean in parts per million....

7% is 17,500 times greater than 0.04% OR 70,000ppm!

This shows how deceptive the Mythbusters crap was.. They used an amount of gas, in order to obtain warming, which would render the earth uninhabitable by humans and never before seen in earths atmospehre. If you use molecular weight of the atoms this number increases to over 20,000 times where we are today...

This is deception from the media at its finest...

This is why the CAGW fools loose... they failed at simple math..

Your math is wonky. 200 times the present percentage like I said at the time.
Debunking The Mythbusters CO2 lie:

We can simply look at percentage of atmosphere. If we determine the atmosphere within the tube is equal to 1, then the appropriate level to match today's level would to meet the same percentage of 1 as earths atmosphere contains.

View attachment 37084

So our atmosphere contains 0.04% of the whole atmosphere or the factor 1. SO what does 7% of volume mean in parts per million....

7% is 17,500 times greater than 0.04% OR 70,000ppm!

This shows how deceptive the Mythbusters crap was.. They used an amount of gas, in order to obtain warming, which would render the earth uninhabitable by humans and never before seen in earths atmospehre. If you use molecular weight of the atoms this number increases to over 20,000 times where we are today...

This is deception from the media at its finest...

This is why the CAGW fools loose... they failed at simple math..

Your math is wonky. 200 times the present percentage like I said at the time.
7% (.0700000 of atmosphere vs 0.00000395 of atmosphere.... My math is correct.

For all of the AGW k00k nutters in here that actually believe China is embracing green energy............

China and Changing Fuel Sources and Needs The Energy Collective



Oh......but we should unilaterally screw ourselves economically by reducing our carbon footprint.:piss2:

Who losing hard????:thup::woohoo::woohoo:
Debunking The Mythbusters CO2 lie:

We can simply look at percentage of atmosphere. If we determine the atmosphere within the tube is equal to 1, then the appropriate level to match today's level would to meet the same percentage of 1 as earths atmosphere contains.

View attachment 37084

So our atmosphere contains 0.04% of the whole atmosphere or the factor 1. SO what does 7% of volume mean in parts per million....

7% is 17,500 times greater than 0.04% OR 70,000ppm!

This shows how deceptive the Mythbusters crap was.. They used an amount of gas, in order to obtain warming, which would render the earth uninhabitable by humans and never before seen in earths atmospehre. If you use molecular weight of the atoms this number increases to over 20,000 times where we are today...

This is deception from the media at its finest...

This is why the CAGW fools loose... they failed at simple math..

Your math is wonky. 200 times the present percentage like I said at the time.
7% (.0700000 of atmosphere vs 0.00000395 of atmosphere.... My math is correct.

Give your head a shake. 394 PPM is not 0.00000394. It is 0.000394.
Debunking The Mythbusters CO2 lie:

We can simply look at percentage of atmosphere. If we determine the atmosphere within the tube is equal to 1, then the appropriate level to match today's level would to meet the same percentage of 1 as earths atmosphere contains.

View attachment 37084

So our atmosphere contains 0.04% of the whole atmosphere or the factor 1. SO what does 7% of volume mean in parts per million....

7% is 17,500 times greater than 0.04% OR 70,000ppm!

This shows how deceptive the Mythbusters crap was.. They used an amount of gas, in order to obtain warming, which would render the earth uninhabitable by humans and never before seen in earths atmospehre. If you use molecular weight of the atoms this number increases to over 20,000 times where we are today...

This is deception from the media at its finest...

This is why the CAGW fools loose... they failed at simple math..

Your math is wonky. 200 times the present percentage like I said at the time.
7% (.0700000 of atmosphere vs 0.00000395 of atmosphere.... My math is correct.

Give your head a shake. 394 PPM is not 0.00000394. It is 0.000394.

Point taken... You are correct... So they exaggerated only 175 to 200 times our current level...
"Effective execution of Agenda 21 will require a profound
reorientation of all human society, unlike anything the world
has ever experienced a major shift in the priorities of both
governments and individuals and an unprecedented
redeployment of human and financial resources. This shift
will demand that a concern for the environmental consequences
of every human action be integrated into individual and
collective decision-making at every level."

- UN Agenda 21

The Green Agenda

Radical environmentalism is the main vehicle to establishing a NWO.

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