More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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Germany is set to put the ki-bosh to all wind turbin installations.. seems that Infrasound is making people depressed from sleep deprivation causing a steep rise in suicidal behavior.

"It said the health effects of infrasound (below 20 Hz) and low-frequency sound (below 100 Hz) in relation to emissions from wind turbines were “still open questions’’, as were “the effects of noise below the hearing threshold or lower frequencies with increasing exposure duration”. The assembly said the erection of more turbines close to settlements should be stopped until there was reliable data to exclude a safety hazard.

OK... Finally some commonsense is appearing.. First they killed the subsidies and now they are looking into why they have an adverse effect on humans..

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I found this site today, interesting read.

Credit Forbes for the post:
Peer-Reviewed Survey Finds Majority Of Scientists Skeptical Of Global Warming Crisis - Forbes

"Don’t look now, but maybe a scientific consensus exists concerning global warming after all. Only 36 percent of geoscientists and engineers believe that humans are creating a global warming crisis, according to a survey reported in the peer-reviewed Organization Studies. By contrast, a strong majority of the 1,077 respondents believe that nature is the primary cause of recent global warming and/or that future global warming will not be a very serious problem."

Who has the consensus? hahahaahahahahahahah
found another article today that I'd like to share with you all:

Credit Newsmax:

New Report There is No Global Warming

"According to Forbes columnist Larry Bell, the ripple effect of global warming initiatives actually costs Americans $1.75 trillion . . . every year.

That's three times larger than the entire U.S. federal budget deficit.

So, has anyone stopped to ask . . . how much has the globe actually warmed?

Well, we asked, and what we found was striking.

According to NASA’s own data via Remote Sensing Systems(RSS), the world has warmed a mere .36 degrees Fahrenheit over the last 35 years (they started measuring the data in 1979).

Hardly anything to panic about; however, that does mean the world is warmer, right?

The problem with that argument is that we experienced the bulk of that warming between 1979 and 1998 . . . since then, we’ve actually had temperatures DROPPING!

As can be seen in this chart, we haven’t seen any global warming for 17 years."
found another article today that I'd like to share with you all:

Credit Newsmax:

New Report There is No Global Warming

"According to Forbes columnist Larry Bell, the ripple effect of global warming initiatives actually costs Americans $1.75 trillion . . . every year.

That's three times larger than the entire U.S. federal budget deficit.

So, has anyone stopped to ask . . . how much has the globe actually warmed?

Well, we asked, and what we found was striking.

According to NASA’s own data via Remote Sensing Systems(RSS), the world has warmed a mere .36 degrees Fahrenheit over the last 35 years (they started measuring the data in 1979).

Hardly anything to panic about; however, that does mean the world is warmer, right?

The problem with that argument is that we experienced the bulk of that warming between 1979 and 1998 . . . since then, we’ve actually had temperatures DROPPING!

As can be seen in this chart, we haven’t seen any global warming for 17 years."

What a scam...........the greatest in the history of the world.

Its called The Dictatorship of Science!!

Never see a climate k00k listening to this!! The psych wards would fill up overnight!!!:coffee:

Big banks >>> Eugenics >>>Science >>> NWO >>> duh

The stoopids are just along for the ride!!!:spinner::spinner:

"A recent survey by Rasmussen Reports reveals that 2/3 Americans are unwilling to pay even $100 / annum additional costs to prevent global warming."

Tired of getting the shaft we are..

I was reading further on the latest Rasmusen report. I find it rather interesting that the hard core left wits will believe anything and the moderates are waiting for an answer on how much is actually caused by man before making any decision on proceeding further.

NO credible evidence is the left wing zealots problem.. Skeptics are winning the battle on credibility and verifiable, repeatable science. Their secrecy and hiding of data method and math is killing them.

Look for left wit morons to claim victory when it is nothing of the sort.
found another article today that I'd like to share with you all:

Credit Newsmax:

New Report There is No Global Warming

"According to Forbes columnist Larry Bell, the ripple effect of global warming initiatives actually costs Americans $1.75 trillion . . . every year.

That's three times larger than the entire U.S. federal budget deficit.

So, has anyone stopped to ask . . . how much has the globe actually warmed?

Well, we asked, and what we found was striking.

According to NASA’s own data via Remote Sensing Systems(RSS), the world has warmed a mere .36 degrees Fahrenheit over the last 35 years (they started measuring the data in 1979).

Hardly anything to panic about; however, that does mean the world is warmer, right?

The problem with that argument is that we experienced the bulk of that warming between 1979 and 1998 . . . since then, we’ve actually had temperatures DROPPING!

As can be seen in this chart, we haven’t seen any global warming for 17 years."

I cant help but think this new Karl15 paper is going to backfire on the warmists. if they cool the nineties to make the noughties look warmer then all the calibrations to the end of the millenium temps will be lessened. no pause but less warming. we shall see.
found another article today that I'd like to share with you all:

Credit Newsmax:

New Report There is No Global Warming

"According to Forbes columnist Larry Bell, the ripple effect of global warming initiatives actually costs Americans $1.75 trillion . . . every year.

That's three times larger than the entire U.S. federal budget deficit.

So, has anyone stopped to ask . . . how much has the globe actually warmed?

Well, we asked, and what we found was striking.

According to NASA’s own data via Remote Sensing Systems(RSS), the world has warmed a mere .36 degrees Fahrenheit over the last 35 years (they started measuring the data in 1979).

Hardly anything to panic about; however, that does mean the world is warmer, right?

The problem with that argument is that we experienced the bulk of that warming between 1979 and 1998 . . . since then, we’ve actually had temperatures DROPPING!

As can be seen in this chart, we haven’t seen any global warming for 17 years."

I cant help but think this new Karl15 paper is going to backfire on the warmists. if they cool the nineties to make the noughties look warmer then all the calibrations to the end of the millenium temps will be lessened. no pause but less warming. we shall see.

atmospheric readings do not conform with the Karl analysis.........more rigged BS.:2up:
Libertine Lexicon

Two armies assemble:

1. Gog -- those who espouse eco-activism websites and tell youngsters, "Consider the tragedy of your summer toy water-guns being filled with polluted water"

2. Magog -- those who create havoc with talk about nihilism: "The profiteer is the only honest priest today"


The Monkey Wrench Gang

raiden.jpg dp.jpg
Libertine Lexicon

Two armies assemble:

1. Gog -- those who espouse eco-activism websites and tell youngsters, "Consider the tragedy of your summer toy water-guns being filled with polluted water"

2. Magog -- those who create havoc with talk about nihilism: "The profiteer is the only honest priest today"


The Monkey Wrench Gang

View attachment 42232 View attachment 42233


The thinking in the climate crusaders is fascinating to me.......they have been talking about the same shit for 20+ years.......the same stoopid punch lines about CO2, the polar ice, the 97%, the greenhouse effect yada....yada and have not moved the ball a single yard. Solar and wind power are still a joke....electric cars more of a joke. Every poll shows that the public doesn't give a rats ass about global warming and they just plow along with the same strategies:spinner: And they really think they are winning!!

Oh.......and more AGW k00k losing..........this time from Yale University >>>

Less Than Half of Americans Believe Climate Change is Man-Made RealClearEnergy
Ray of Approximation

When Ray-Ban began marketing UV-protective sunglasses, people took notice of how modern-era Earth-system energy disturbances were being 'coordinated' by civilization couture (i.e., Greenpeace).

The deterioration of Earth's atmosphere allows strong and dangerous levels of unfiltered solar energy and sunlight to reach human beings on land.

How we feel when we wear sunglasses in the snowy mountains of Nepal or on the sunny beaches of South Africa on a sunny day has drastically changed (due to manmade pollution).


Eye Protection (i.e., Ray-Ban)

NIH Study

Ray of Approximation

When Ray-Ban began marketing UV-protective sunglasses, people took notice of how modern-era Earth-system energy disturbances were being 'coordinated' by civilization couture (i.e., Greenpeace).

The deterioration of Earth's atmosphere allows strong and dangerous levels of unfiltered solar energy and sunlight to reach human beings on land.

How we feel when we wear sunglasses in the snowy mountains of Nepal or on the sunny beaches of South Africa on a sunny day has drastically changed (due to manmade pollution).


Eye Protection (i.e., Ray-Ban)

NIH Study

View attachment 42544


In 2015, virtually every single weather anomaly is connected to AGW by the climate k00ks. You can often set your watch to it!!

Problem is..........waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay before Henry Ford, all this shit was happening just like it is now >>> Chronology of Extreme Weather
Insuring Anacondas

"I see a world in which the gluttonous consumer is finally forced to purchase umbrellas resistant to the corrosive effects of acid rain." -Anonymous Prophet

Wow, it seems like we're already there. I'm in the market for an acid-rain-proof umbrella. Maybe I should ask the Penguin (DC Comics).



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