More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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Just WOW... When the current trends are placed in historical perspective CAGW DISAPPEARS....

Just WOW... When the current trends are placed in historical perspective CAGW DISAPPEARS....

MWP decimates the AGW k00ks........just so few know anything about it. No matter Billy......the science isn't mattering one way or another.:rock::rock: Not a single k00k in here can produce a single link showing anybody where it is mattering in the real world.

Its nothing but internet banter............:spinner::spinner:
The Electric Horseman

1. an army of youngsters carry water-pistols during Halloween and when asked why they say, "We're defenders of Earth's natural elements and their magical power"

2. a Korean Air stewardess named Kathy involved in various affairs keeps in her purse a water-pistol and when asked why she says, "I'm sentimental about ecology and water"

3. a Microsoft employee who develops software improvements keeps as his Internet chat room alias the comic book super-villain Video-Man (a mutant energized in a video game who can move through electric wires and disrupt computing networks and shoot deadly electric beams) is asked why he is fascinated by the avatar to which he states, "I'm intrigued by humanity's interaction with electrical energy, since electricity is an under-studied and under-appreciated natural power in the universe"

Storytelling about ecology and 'eco-mechanics' (and natural physics) creates various images of element tampering. Whether or not global warming (or acid rain) is real, engagement is at least philosophical.



The Electric Horseman

1. an army of youngsters carry water-pistols during Halloween and when asked why they say, "We're defenders of Earth's natural elements and their magical power"

2. a Korean Air stewardess named Kathy involved in various affairs keeps in her purse a water-pistol and when asked why she says, "I'm sentimental about ecology and water"

3. a Microsoft employee who develops software improvements keeps as his Internet chat room alias the comic book super-villain Video-Man (a mutant energized in a video game who can move through electric wires and disrupt computing networks and shoot deadly electric beams) is asked why he is fascinated by the avatar to which he states, "I'm intrigued by humanity's interaction with electrical energy, since electricity is an under-studied and under-appreciated natural power in the universe"

Storytelling about ecology and 'eco-mechanics' (and natural physics) creates various images of element tampering. Whether or not global warming (or acid rain) is real, engagement is at least philosophical.



View attachment 41447

LMAO..............classic stuff!!!

"Eco-mechanics"!! At first glance, thought it said, "eco-maniacs"!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Hey Billy..........JC.....thought you guys would get a kick out of this. Just ordered a new license plate here in New York. Custom job.

A couple of months ago, I bought a Ford Focus ST. "Eco-boost" model........drivers sometimes tag the car with a special badge that says "ECO-BEAST"

My license plate is going to say, ECO - MEH :rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::up:
Willow Willies

There's a demon who lives in a special willow tree in Eurasia.

Ya know, willow trees droop and look like they are weeping, and so they are called weeping willows.

This demon makes us feel uneasy about why so many people want to log onto the Internet these days and talk about global warming and acid rain.

If you're not scare of this demon, you're probably someone who still wanders around with a Walkman.



Willow Willies

There's a demon who lives in a special willow tree in Eurasia.

Ya know, willow trees droop and look like they are weeping, and so they are called weeping willows.

This demon makes us feel uneasy about why so many people want to log onto the Internet these days and talk about global warming and acid rain.

If you're not scare of this demon, you're probably someone who still wanders around with a Walkman.



View attachment 41472

Dang.....and the climate k00ks tell people they are weeping due to climate change!!!

Hey JC....Billy.........where has this guy Abishai been??!! LMAO.....guy is awesome......a differnet manner for making fun of the k00ks!!
skooks, there were snow flurries in the western suburbs of Chicago yesterday. The temps over night were under 40 degrees F. Where is that el Nino? I'd like to stop needing a jacket the last week in May.
skooks, all these warmers stil use man made products while dissing the very people who make the products. I'd call them hypocrites. Can all you warmers say hypocrite? I knew you could.
I say if they believe the world to be bad, they should stop using the materials made from the planet. get in their caves with their leaves and wood and leave all of us alone. They don't like what has been developed over the course of the last one thousand years, so they should not reap the rewards from those who painfully produced and lost their lives providing. bye to them all.

hmmm, I take back the wood, they'd have to burn it and that would violate the pure nature of their argument. not sure how they'd stay warm at night. hey, not my problem, i have fossil fuel and nice coozy bed that was manufactured by my fellow humans.
skooks, there were snow flurries in the western suburbs of Chicago yesterday. The temps over night were under 40 degrees F. Where is that el Nino? I'd like to stop needing a jacket the last week in May.
Yesterday I a woke to 3 inches of new global warming.. On may the 20th no less.. The latest recorded snow fall in my area is June 7, which is clearly possible to beat this year as the Polar Low is still generating huge waves affecting the mid latitudes. The polar low is not yet declining in strength indicating that the cooling happening up north is massive. The old Indian has been right in his prediction 100% so far this year. IF he remains this accurate, Aug will be cool (well below normal) and snow will be very early this year... I think the El Nino is going to be short lived and La Nina is going to appear rapidly.
skooks, there were snow flurries in the western suburbs of Chicago yesterday. The temps over night were under 40 degrees F. Where is that el Nino? I'd like to stop needing a jacket the last week in May.
Yesterday I a woke to 3 inches of new global warming.. On may the 20th no less.. The latest recorded snow fall in my area is June 7, which is clearly possible to beat this year as the Polar Low is still generating huge waves affecting the mid latitudes. The polar low is not yet declining in strength indicating that the cooling happening up north is massive. The old Indian has been right in his prediction 100% so far this year. IF he remains this accurate, Aug will be cool (well below normal) and snow will be very early this year... I think the El Nino is going to be short lived and La Nina is going to appear rapidly.


Dang.....and here on Long Island, I was wearing a fleece yesterday AND ITS ALMOST JUNE!!!!:ack-1::ack-1:

So ghey........everybody concurs when I say, "Geeez....we need a bit of global warming around here!!!". This is a joke........I distinctly remember running in a park in mid-May 1995 and it was 95 degree's and humid and sticky as hell. Its gotten to a point where here in southern New York, we get only 3 warm months out of the year!!! Freeze our asses off the rest of the time = :gay:
LMAO.....more AGW k00k losing.................

Late-Season Freeze to Threaten Northeast Friday Night
ah, but there is an el nino coming. Not sure how that can be when the pattern from the pole is still the same.

Low wind speeds has allowed the heat that might cause an El Nino to be forced into the Indian ocean. The pacific has now been cooling for months and antarctic temps are falling rapidly. Winds off the Antarctic are cooling the oceans rapidly. The supposed El Nino is dying a sorted death.
LMAO.....more AGW k00k losing.................

Late-Season Freeze to Threaten Northeast Friday Night
ah, but there is an el nino coming. Not sure how that can be when the pattern from the pole is still the same.

Low wind speeds has allowed the heat that might cause an El Nino to be forced into the Indian ocean. The pacific has now been cooling for months and antarctic temps are falling rapidly. Winds off the Antarctic are cooling the oceans rapidly. The supposed El Nino is dying a sorted death.

Really?? On the Pacific temps?

More fodder that all these climate scientists are phonies......and their supporters are either fakes pushing the progressive agenda or complete mental cases to believe them. Its either or.......anybody who doesn't get that is a zombie. Indeed, there are a lot of them..........but still, our side is dominating the public policy arena.:funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::fu:
LMAO.....more AGW k00k losing.................

Late-Season Freeze to Threaten Northeast Friday Night
ah, but there is an el nino coming. Not sure how that can be when the pattern from the pole is still the same.

Low wind speeds has allowed the heat that might cause an El Nino to be forced into the Indian ocean. The pacific has now been cooling for months and antarctic temps are falling rapidly. Winds off the Antarctic are cooling the oceans rapidly. The supposed El Nino is dying a sorted death.

Really?? On the Pacific temps?

More fodder that all these climate scientists are phonies......and their supporters are either fakes pushing the progressive agenda or complete mental cases to believe them. Its either or.......anybody who doesn't get that is a zombie. Indeed, there are a lot of them..........but still, our side is dominating the public policy arena.:funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::fu:

I was just reading a paper on ENSO variation and how low easterlies wind speeds at the equator allow the heat, which is being blown westward by the earths rotation is being pushed through the archipelago and into the Indian sea. The lack of oscillations and easterlies has driven the heat into never never land.

Despite indications that the Pacific Ocean is helping to take up the world’s missing surface heat, the heat doesn’t linger; oceanographers now find that heat has moved over to the Indian Ocean.

Illustration of increased trade winds in the Pacific and Indian Oceans during the recent warming hiatus, which enhanced the flow of ocean water through the Indonesian archipelago. This resulted in an abrupt increase of Indian Ocean heat content. Credit: Sang-Ki Lee

It is really interesting how this behavior is constant with COOLING of the mid latitudes according to Dr Ki Lee. Even NOAA's own data shows cooling. IF this El Moki doesn't kick up some heat this year it is over and cooling will set in rapidly as the next 7-10 years will be driven by La Nina conditions.

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