More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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Hey JC.........Billy............Frank.................

Ask me how hard Im laughing >>>>

Winter makes an annoying comeback with late April snow - The Washington Post

The cold spells are intruding on the spring months more and more over the last two decades. we now have lost some 25 days to cooler temperatures. The last three years have shown a lack of increased warming during the night time and winter indicating that the earth is now cooling. But then we have morons who propagate the lie that were gonna fry...

Stupidity should be painful... and for alarmists their day is coming fast as the ocean reserve is used up. the current very weak El Nino is evidence of the lack of ocean heat. Two of my colleagues who are solar physicists are predicting that within two years we could see 1 to 2 deg C of cooling much like the beginning of the LIA. IF they are correct, the AGW crowd is going to be sorely disappointed and exposed as the charlatans they are.
Shamelessly stealing from Matthew..............but fits right in with the overall theme of this thread...........serious AGW k00k losing.............

The models...........which of course weve suspected for a long time to be BS.............are BS!!!

Global warming has slowed but our climate models are WRONG Daily Mail Online 2015............profound levels of lose!!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

And I couldnt be any happier!!!:fu::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface:

I need my fucking gloves this morning, but when you add in the heat from a deep water vent on Europa its THE WARMEST MORN I NG EVAH!!!!!!

I need my fucking gloves this morning, but when you add in the heat from a deep water vent on Europa its THE WARMEST MORN I NG EVAH!!!!!!
Chicago the last two nights freeze warnings.

Can someone pay the sun's bill so it would heat up?

I need my fucking gloves this morning, but when you add in the heat from a deep water vent on Europa its THE WARMEST MORN I NG EVAH!!!!!!
Chicago the last two nights freeze warnings.

Did you add in the heat from the Pacific Blob? That actually makes it the 2 WARMEST NIGHTS EVAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
I think I saw Ronnie Howard run by here.

LMAO.....:2up::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::2up:...I just read a story about Jessica Simpson in one of my wifes ghey entertainment magazines. She's going through some tough times.........maybe wouldn't mind stopping by my place to warm up my nut sack that is currently freezing due to bitter cold!!!!

I need my fucking gloves this morning, but when you add in the heat from a deep water vent on Europa its THE WARMEST MORN I NG EVAH!!!!!!
Chicago the last two nights freeze warnings.

Did you add in the heat from the Pacific Blob? That actually makes it the 2 WARMEST NIGHTS EVAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
I think I saw Ronnie Howard run by here.
Opinion Renewables All pain little gain


"For example, Germany’s Energiewende program. Since 2000, German producers of renewable energy have received fixed contracts at above-market prices. The result? Unreliable and intermittent electricity from wind and solar sources has caused service failures to increase by 31 per cent since 2009. At certain times, when Germany’s renewables are not producing, high energy-use businesses have been asked to stop production. And who’s on the hook for compensating businesses that lose profits? Your everyday, average electricity customer"

That's why its back to big coal for Germany!!:2up::boobies::boobies:

20 new plants between now and 2020.:fu:

Antarctica has been setting maximum area of ice for 49 days running. every day is a new record... Southern hemisphere oceans have cooled by 1.5 Deg C in the last three months crashing any further El Nino hopes of driving the weak El Moki further up into one. The cold water has crossed the equator now and is affecting the Median latitudes... The El Nino watchers are going to be very upset as the current one dies rapidly and does not evolve into the large one they are hoping for.
These AGW people............God.........such fucking phonies. The thing that amazes me most about this crowd is that they can actually go out of their house each day and be able to navigate the world being such fucking phonies. Lying is a way of life for these people. Its fascinating.

And we wonder how the world has gotten so fucked up???:spinner:
News flash ice melts in the sun... And in other news ice freezes in the winter. Translation for liberals... show your data in the summer, that way people will be more apt to hand over their income to save the world from certain catastrophe. ROFL
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