More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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Heartland Institute Challenges Vatican position with facts..

Powerful presentations by all and verifiable, repeatable, science.. Well Done..!!

No wonder the UN is propaganda bombing the foreign media. That same Media is covering the fact that the Vatican has been challenged! The foreign media is presenting the facts that heartland presented. excellent opportunity to teach them how to be skeptical of the lies..

Energy Physicist Unveils NOAA’s “Massive Rewrite” Of Maine Climate History

Over the last months I have discovered that between 2013 and 2015 some government bureaucrats have rewritten Maine climate history between 2013 and 2015 (and New England’s and of the U.S.). This statement is not based on my opinion, but on facts drawn from NOAA 2013 climate data vs NOAA 2015 climate data after when they re-wrote it.

We need only compare the data. They cooked their own books

And its not just the state of Main... It is the entire US Historical climate record.. The Obama Administration and NOAA have been seeking a way to keep fear alive with an earth that was not complying with their demands to take ultimate power.

For those who are reading impaired here is a video presentation in five parts, a little over 1 hour 34 min. It outlines everything...

The Black Swan Theory
And for the record... This is what NOAA did to the state of Mains records....

Black Swan Event.JPG

How do you justify this kind of crap? There is NO REASONABLE EXPLANATION FOR ANY CHANGES!
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Lifestyle Leviathan

I found this picture of an unusual tree-house, and it made me wonder if Europeans are building lavish tree-houses these days and whether or not that is making Americans rightly nervous about progressivism towards ecological habitation integration.


The Monkey Wrench Gang

Lifestyle Leviathan

I found this picture of an unusual tree-house, and it made me wonder if Europeans are building lavish tree-houses these days and whether or not that is making Americans rightly nervous about progressivism towards ecological habitation integration.


The Monkey Wrench Gang

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One Animal... Pine Beetle.. Or Termite.... should strike fear into the heart of liberals swinging from trees... ( wind would be a good one too...)
Snow in Colorado and South Dakota this weekend. May 10, now that is flat ball busting
Yo Billy..........Frank.......JC.............almost 4,000 posts here my friends!!!

So much winning............:rock::rock::rock::rock::rock::coffee:

The AGW bozo's threads last for a day or two and die FTMFL. Check out the front page here........laughable.:funnyface::funnyface::gay:
Gents, more Winning:

From Monday's Daily Caller:

"Antarctic Ice So Thick Scientists Struggle Getting There May 11, 2015 Source: The Daily Callerby: Michael Bastasch

Scientists are struggling to stage expeditions to the South Pole because Antarctica’s sea ice has been growing rapidly and hit record high levels.

The UK Guardian reports 50 scientists have gathered in Tasmania to discuss more accurate ways to predict Antarctic sea ice levels so researchers don’t get stuck in ice pack when traveling southward.

“It’s quite hard to forecast but whatever effort we put into improving our ability to forecast sea ice will ultimately pay dividends in terms of savings for national programs,” Tony Worby, head of the Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre, told the Guardian.

Last year, ships “couldn’t get anywhere near” the Australian Antarctic Division’s research site on Antarctica, reports The Guardian. Source: The Daily Caller"

:dig: :anj_stfu: :dunno: :eusa_dance: :eusa_naughty: :eusa_shhh: :rofl: :lmao: :lmao:
Gents, more Winning:

From Monday's Daily Caller:

"Antarctic Ice So Thick Scientists Struggle Getting There May 11, 2015 Source: The Daily Callerby: Michael Bastasch

Scientists are struggling to stage expeditions to the South Pole because Antarctica’s sea ice has been growing rapidly and hit record high levels.

The UK Guardian reports 50 scientists have gathered in Tasmania to discuss more accurate ways to predict Antarctic sea ice levels so researchers don’t get stuck in ice pack when traveling southward.

“It’s quite hard to forecast but whatever effort we put into improving our ability to forecast sea ice will ultimately pay dividends in terms of savings for national programs,” Tony Worby, head of the Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre, told the Guardian.

Last year, ships “couldn’t get anywhere near” the Australian Antarctic Division’s research site on Antarctica, reports The Guardian. Source: The Daily Caller"

:dig: :anj_stfu: :dunno: :eusa_dance: :eusa_naughty: :eusa_shhh: :rofl: :lmao: :lmao:


More AGW k00k losing.

The more educated you get on this stuff, you end up realizing how immense this scam is........nobody with sound reason and who is educated on this can take it seriously. Anybody with reasoned judgment knows these people are like chameleons....changing the narrative any time its not fitting their narrative!!:2up: They sure are good at letting people know about data that actually does fit theri narrative!!!

Fucking phonies!!:fu::spinner::spinner::spinner:
skooks, the mantooth is now stating that warm air not only melts ice, warmer air now creates more ice!!!!!
ToyCo presents Eco-City

In a certain community in America, all homes are solar-powered. The residents of this community wear the Cell model of the Swatch wrist-watch (popular during the 1980s and 1990s). They preach about rainbows produced after eco-pollution catalyzed acid rain. They talk about the swamp of New Orleans. They use energy-friendly rechargeable lithium-ion batteries. Their unifying socialist undertones point to a democratic appreciation of the industrialization-imagination fictional comic book superhero Plastic Man (DC Comics), a man who is comprised of plastic volatility, enabling him to stretch to odd lengths.

They call this place...Eco-City (and they drive either VW Beetles or the Ford/Eco-Boost).


Plastic Man (Wikipedia)

swatch.jpg pm.jpg
Astrological Avatar (for ToyCo)

ToyCo's unusual Eco-City also keeps in its community toy stores, numerous models of the Transformers G1 Autobot A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) Robot Cassette (an avatar signifying a social discourse about the intrigue of media and propaganda data transcription/transmission).

This avatar complements the celebration of Plastic Man (DC Comics).


Astrological Avatar (for ToyCo)

ToyCo's unusual Eco-City also keeps in its community toy stores, numerous models of the Transformers G1 Autobot A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) Robot Cassette (an avatar signifying a social discourse about the intrigue of media and propaganda data transcription/transmission).

This avatar complements the celebration of Plastic Man (DC Comics).


View attachment 41142

So they like playing DECEPTICONS... Who Knew..:9:
Food for Flesh

There's a new army for eco-activism and it is the everyday person taking the simplest steps (throwing plastic water bottles in the recycling bin, saving paper with email, promoting mobile phones as a way to talk about all those darned wooden landline telephone-wire poles, enjoying and preparing vegetarian dishes to curb the carnivorous appetite in our consumer age, etc.).

This Thanksgiving, prepare some sweet potato fries for your family. It's a simple delicacy that is zesty and flavorful and promotes vegetarian eating habits that are not overtly political, politically correct, or tedious.

"Something Wicked This Way Comes"


Sweet Potato Fries



Food for Flesh

There's a new army for eco-activism and it is the everyday person taking the simplest steps (throwing plastic water bottles in the recycling bin, saving paper with email, promoting mobile phones as a way to talk about all those darned wooden landline telephone-wire poles, enjoying and preparing vegetarian dishes to curb the carnivorous appetite in our consumer age, etc.).

This Thanksgiving, prepare some sweet potato fries for your family. It's a simple delicacy that is zesty and flavorful and promotes vegetarian eating habits that are not overtly political, politically correct, or tedious.

"Something Wicked This Way Comes"


Sweet Potato Fries

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enjoy your veggies, I'll enjoy my Turkey, the meal spawned by our ancestors. Thanks. You should become part of the country at some time.
In the climate debate, hear both sides

By Christopher Monckton of Brenchley

In May 2015, the Pennant, a biannual magazine for retired UK armed forces personnel, carried an article entitled The Earth’s Climate by Rob Varley, chief executive of the Met Office, the world’s oldest national weather bureau.

The Met Office article does not represent a fair or balanced summary of the science on the climate question. This detailed response, prepared at the suggestion of a reader of the Pennant, is illustrated with some 50 well-sourced graphs that are intended to be clear at a glance. The key facts that restore balance to the discussion may be gained from these graphs in five minutes.

The greenhouse effect, with the consequence that (all other things being equal) our returning to the atmosphere some minuscule fraction of the 30,000 μmol mol–1 CO2 formerly resident there may cause some warming, has been posited hypothetically, demonstrated empirically and explained theoretically, even at the quantum scale.

However, the questions whether all other things are equal, and how much warming our sins of emission may cause, and whether the cost of mitigation today is less than that of adaptation the day after tomorrow, are by no means settled.

Dam! an all inclusive list of the lies and half truths of CAGW.. AND THEIR SCIENTIFIC/PEER REVIWED ANSWERS!
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