More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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LMAO.....more AGW k00k losing.................

Late-Season Freeze to Threaten Northeast Friday Night
ah, but there is an el nino coming. Not sure how that can be when the pattern from the pole is still the same.

Low wind speeds has allowed the heat that might cause an El Nino to be forced into the Indian ocean. The pacific has now been cooling for months and antarctic temps are falling rapidly. Winds off the Antarctic are cooling the oceans rapidly. The supposed El Nino is dying a sorted death.

Really?? On the Pacific temps?

More fodder that all these climate scientists are phonies......and their supporters are either fakes pushing the progressive agenda or complete mental cases to believe them. Its either or.......anybody who doesn't get that is a zombie. Indeed, there are a lot of them..........but still, our side is dominating the public policy arena.:funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::fu:

I was just reading a paper on ENSO variation and how low easterlies wind speeds at the equator allow the heat, which is being blown westward by the earths rotation is being pushed through the archipelago and into the Indian sea. The lack of oscillations and easterlies has driven the heat into never never land.

Despite indications that the Pacific Ocean is helping to take up the world’s missing surface heat, the heat doesn’t linger; oceanographers now find that heat has moved over to the Indian Ocean.

Illustration of increased trade winds in the Pacific and Indian Oceans during the recent warming hiatus, which enhanced the flow of ocean water through the Indonesian archipelago. This resulted in an abrupt increase of Indian Ocean heat content. Credit: Sang-Ki Lee

It is really interesting how this behavior is constant with COOLING of the mid latitudes according to Dr Ki Lee. Even NOAA's own data shows cooling. IF this El Moki doesn't kick up some heat this year it is over and cooling will set in rapidly as the next 7-10 years will be driven by La Nina conditions.


Dang.......that's compelling.........Old Rocks doesn't want to chat about this!!!:up:

Hey Billy..........found this and laughed >>>

Climate Scientist Who Got It Right Predicts 20 More Years of Global Cooling
Well here is a nice kick to the alarmist nut sack... A 38 year veteran of the EPA has written a book about the inner workings of the EPA.. and it is not flattering...

"Having observed how the EPA has functioned for more than three decades, Carlin warns that its current “environmental policy has been hijacked by radicals intent on imposing their ideology by government fiat on the rest of us whether we like it or not…If environmental policy is based on government fiat or ‘green’ policy prescriptions the results have been and are very likely to continue to be disastrous.”

Going to buy this one, sounds like a dam good read and very informative as it goes into how they have manipulated the science...


The AGW goofballs in here really do think the EPA is about the environment.:spinner::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance: Some of these people are no kids either. I continue to be astonished at the level of zombie happening in the country in the past 20 years...../.and its on the rise. Peoples minds are being engineered here on a daily basis............and no clue.
Hmmmm...........seems even NASA is stumped as to why the warming has paused!!!

NASA Admits It s Unable to Solve Mystery of Why Global Warming Appears to Have Slowed

Their data shows a negative trend, ie: COOLING, and they state it has only slowed... Vested in Man Made Global Warming and unable to admit it is now cooling.... Two months now below the mean for the Northern Hemisphere is going to play hell with their hottest ev'a mantra..

Once again.........the AGW stoopids are wrong!!

Hey Billy..........imagine if every American could read this thread??!!:2up: The hoax is fizzling in the past several years.......if the zombies read this thread, it'd fizzle out altogether.
Pedestrian Propaganda

There is a new frontline involving emphatic chatter about Earth's ozone, global warming, and biodegradable plastics.

All this hype draws attention to Poison Ivy (DC Coimcs), a fictional eco-terrorist who contends with Batman, and to society fashions surrounding raincoats (after all, how you look in acid rain is at least as important as how you investigate).


Poison Ivy

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skooks et al,

I just found an article that states that the arctic ice has recovered from it's low. go to

What a knock in the nutsack with this report. You know all that ice melt and sea rise and all. it doesn't get much better than this.

Evidence Of Thicker Spring Sea Ice In Arctic

11.05.2015 09:18 Age: 22 days

Direct measurements of sea ice thickness by satellite confirm computer model analysis in suggesting Spring sea ice volumes in the Arctic have to some extent recovered from their record low
and from the same site:

Have a read, interesting to say the least.

"a conspicuous area of cold
March 23rd, 2015
While global surface temperatures are increasingly dominated by warm anomalies, a conspicuous area of cold has persisted south of Greenland and Iceland visible at the ocean surface in sea surface temperature observations. The abnormal cold there has been more anomalous than the US northeast winter. While the most recent northern winter was the warmest on record globally, the ocean surface area south of Greenland & Iceland had the lowest temperatures in the 136 year record. How could this be?"

and from the same site:

Have a read, interesting to say the least.

"a conspicuous area of cold
March 23rd, 2015
While global surface temperatures are increasingly dominated by warm anomalies, a conspicuous area of cold has persisted south of Greenland and Iceland visible at the ocean surface in sea surface temperature observations. The abnormal cold there has been more anomalous than the US northeast winter. While the most recent northern winter was the warmest on record globally, the ocean surface area south of Greenland & Iceland had the lowest temperatures in the 136 year record. How could this be?"

The Atlantic ocean has now gone cold and no more heat is being pushed up into the arctic. The warm pacific ridge flow is what was causing so much melt and has now ceased to flow over the Continental shelf and the area is again turning cold. The ice in the arctic will rebound handily this next year. Some of the folks over in Oceanic lab have been watching this change pretty close over the last two years. It has now fully flipped and no more warm water is being pushed into the arctic from the eastern side of the Continent.

The pacific oceans salinity has also fallen and heat content. Even NOAA has backed off any major predictions on hurricanes for this season. They see the massive shift too and they are tired of getting egg on their faces.

As the El Moki in the Pacific dies, I expect things are going to get real dicey in the alarmist world.. I predict a plethora of upward adjustments by the alarmist bunch..

Many of the latest papers are looking towards a significant cooling. The salinity change is why the Arctic Deep Water Cold Return has widened flowing to the equator. This is in direct conflict to what alarmist thought would happen.. The earth is responding by releasing the warmth in the arctic and then pushing it back to cycle again but it has now flipped indicating we are near equilibrium again... And yet the polar low is still twice its average summer size showing no signs of diminishing... Going to make for an interesting year.
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skooks et al,

I just found an article that states that the arctic ice has recovered from it's low. go to

What a knock in the nutsack with this report. You know all that ice melt and sea rise and all. it doesn't get much better than this.

Evidence Of Thicker Spring Sea Ice In Arctic

11.05.2015 09:18 Age: 22 days

Direct measurements of sea ice thickness by satellite confirm computer model analysis in suggesting Spring sea ice volumes in the Arctic have to some extent recovered from their record low

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