More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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winning what ?...........Science is not politics science does not take into account opinions............

s0n....let me 'splain it to ya..........

The science means dick if it is having zero impact on public policy in terms of energy. All over the world the politics are dictating how much impact the hoax science is having!! So actually, its ALL about politics. Climate science, in 2015, is nothing more than a school of thought in the field of science..........its impressing nobody.......not in the real world. Not outside the realm of theory. The last 20 years of bomb throwing hasn't yielded anything for the AGW climate crusaders. This thread has about 4 billion links to support the pronounced level of lose for the AGW k00ks.

When might that change?

If we see people water skiing on Lake Superior in bikini's in the middle of January for 3 weeks!!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Otherwise............nobody is giving a rats ass. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much other stuff on their minds.:fu:
winning LOl what an asshole ...what did you white win here LOl can you white explain?


Climate Science InsideClimate News

The scientific community is certain with near unanimity that man-made global warming is disrupting Earth’s climate
and that remedies are urgently needed. But public opinion and political rhetoric do not mirror the prevailing scientific consensus. We report here on continuing climate research and the controversies which surround the empirical findings.

Those models are empirical findings to those fools.. You really should read closer. then you might find out that EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE IS NOT DERIVED FROM A MODEL.

S & P Issues Climate Risk Report

Wall Street’s business is to quantify risk. Standard & Poor’s issues a new report titled “Climate Change Will Likely Test The Resilience Of Corporates’ Creditworthiness To Natural Catastrophes” “It’s unlikely that any company on its own can take adequate risk measures or purchase sufficient insurance to protect itself in the event of extreme natural catastrophes. […]

Money grubbers... LOL My God man, Anything to jack up insurance rates as real risk rates plummet...
The science means dick if it is having zero impact on public policy in terms of energy. All over the world the politics are dictating how much impact the hoax science is having!! So actually, its ALL about politics. Climate science, in 2015, is nothing more than a school of thought in the field of science..........its impressing nobody.......not in the real world. Not outside the realm of theory. :fu:
OK Einstein sure its having no impact
The 2015 international agreement - European Commission

UN negotiations are under way to develop a new international climate change agreement that will cover all countries.


The new agreement will be adopted at the Paris climate conference in December 2015 and implemented from 2020. It will take the form of a protocol, another legal instrument or 'an agreed outcome with legal force', and will be applicable to all Parties. It is being negotiated through a process known as the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action (ADP).

EU vision for the new agreement
The European Commission has set out the EU's vision for a new agreement that will, through collective commitments based on scientific evidence, put the world on track to reduce global emissions by at least 60% below 2010 levels by 2050.

The EU wants Paris to deliver a robust international agreement that fulfills the following key criteria. It must:

  • create a common legal framework that applies to all countries
  • include clear, fair and ambitious targets for all countries based on evolving global economic and national circumstances
  • regularly review and strengthen countries' targets in light of the below 2 degrees goal
  • hold all countries accountable – to each other and to the public – for meeting their targets
The EU's contribution to the new agreement will be a binding, economy-wide, domestic greenhouse gas emissions reduction target of at least 40% by 2030.
The science means dick if it is having zero impact on public policy in terms of energy. All over the world the politics are dictating how much impact the hoax science is having!! So actually, its ALL about politics. Climate science, in 2015, is nothing more than a school of thought in the field of science..........its impressing nobody.......not in the real world. Not outside the realm of theory. :fu:
OK Einstein sure its having no impact
The 2015 international agreement - European Commission

UN negotiations are under way to develop a new international climate change agreement that will cover all countries.


The new agreement will be adopted at the Paris climate conference in December 2015 and implemented from 2020. It will take the form of a protocol, another legal instrument or 'an agreed outcome with legal force', and will be applicable to all Parties. It is being negotiated through a process known as the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action (ADP).

EU vision for the new agreement
The European Commission has set out the EU's vision for a new agreement that will, through collective commitments based on scientific evidence, put the world on track to reduce global emissions by at least 60% below 2010 levels by 2050.

The EU wants Paris to deliver a robust international agreement that fulfills the following key criteria. It must:

  • create a common legal framework that applies to all countries
  • include clear, fair and ambitious targets for all countries based on evolving global economic and national circumstances
  • regularly review and strengthen countries' targets in light of the below 2 degrees goal
  • hold all countries accountable – to each other and to the public – for meeting their targets
The EU's contribution to the new agreement will be a binding, economy-wide, domestic greenhouse gas emissions reduction target of at least 40% by 2030.

UN's IPCC is on record telling us that they're using "Climate Change" to redistribute wealth.

You got duped
Cheng Et Al.. is more of the same adjusted bull shit without justification. They too the 0.0033deg c rise that NOAA and NODC twisted out of the data and they added almost double to the already over cooked data.. Love how these people keep torturing the data to get them to meet their failed models.. IF the model fails... fuck with the data until it matches the model...

You have the thesis now go out and support it Get your "real uncooked "data write a paper get it peer reviewed refute everybody get a Nobel price and just establish how much more scientific you are than all the Scientist ...its simple..

Why dont you justify their adjustments...
he can't, he doesn't know what they're doing, he just accepts them because they are his gawds.
We already know that you anti Science detached from reality climate truther know more than all the leading scientist we know that.. my question is how come you all do not write a paper with your data , get it peer reviewed and win the Nobel all are truly the all time stupid narcissistic morons of the Right wing ...Do try to re attach to reality...
why do we need to do that? again, all were asking for is the rationale for your genius' work on fudging datasets. Why can't the public see the rationale? What is it they are afraid of? Or is that it, we are all right and they know it and advertising their work is a gotcha for them? LOL BTW, let's say hypothetically we would do what you ask, who would our peers be? Think about what you're asking. And then after you figured that out, know why we request data as we do.
..... fudging datasets. Why can't the public see the rationale? What is it they are afraid of? Or is that it, we are all right and they know it and advertising their work is a gotcha for them? LOL BTW, let's say hypothetically we would do what you ask, who would our peers be? Think about what you're asking. And then after you figured that out, know why we request data as we do.

No one pays attention to you mumbo jumbo peddlers ...policy is being shaped by science not stale Right wing anti Science talking points like what you offer...
Cheng Et Al.. is more of the same adjusted bull shit without justification. They too the 0.0033deg c rise that NOAA and NODC twisted out of the data and they added almost double to the already over cooked data.. Love how these people keep torturing the data to get them to meet their failed models.. IF the model fails... fuck with the data until it matches the model...

You have the thesis now go out and support it Get your "real uncooked "data write a paper get it peer reviewed refute everybody get a Nobel price and just establish how much more scientific you are than all the Scientist ...its simple..

Why dont you justify their adjustments...
he can't, he doesn't know what they're doing, he just accepts them because they are his gawds.
You want me to what ...accept your word instead of science ?.,.. I have no respect for your intellect...None
..... fudging datasets. Why can't the public see the rationale? What is it they are afraid of? Or is that it, we are all right and they know it and advertising their work is a gotcha for them? LOL BTW, let's say hypothetically we would do what you ask, who would our peers be? Think about what you're asking. And then after you figured that out, know why we request data as we do.

No one pays attention to you mumbo jumbo peddlers ...policy is being shaped by science not stale Right wing anti Science talking points like what you offer...
wasn't it you telling us to write a paper and have it peer reviewed? Wasn't that you? So are you afraid of us, is that what you're now saying. Stepping back from your original post?

BTW, do you have the rationale for the adjustments and faked data? Is it actually public knowledge why they make the adjustments and faked temperature sets they do? How about for once you answer a fking question.. Or, are you a one way only nutter.
wasn't it you telling us to write a paper and have it peer reviewed? Wasn't that you? So are you afraid of us, is that what you're now saying. Stepping back from your original post?
I am laughing at you there is no way a numb nuts dummy like you could write a paper that would pass muster in middle school...your writing a paper would be as likely as giving a monkey a typewriter and having it turn out the simian writes a scientific paper.......
Record highs increase likelihood that 2015 will also be the warmest year recorded.

Last month was the hottest June on record by a wide margin, Japan Meteorological Agency said, increasing the likelihood that 2015 will also be the warmest.
Record highs increase likelihood that 2015 will also be the warmest year recorded.

Last month was the hottest June on record by a wide margin, Japan Meteorological Agency said, increasing the likelihood that 2015 will also be the warmest.
ROFL dumb ass.
Yeah, those ocean records from 50 years ago were so fucking accurate. Hottest Year EVAH!!!

The AGWCult makes Bernie Madoff look like a Cub Scout
wasn't it you telling us to write a paper and have it peer reviewed? Wasn't that you? So are you afraid of us, is that what you're now saying. Stepping back from your original post?
I am laughing at you there is no way a numb nuts dummy like you could write a paper that would pass muster in middle school...your writing a paper would be as likely as giving a monkey a typewriter and having it turn out the simian writes a scientific paper.......
again, dude, you miss the entire point. Now why would I think someone who can't think, would get the point, and didn't for his own post. Dude you're hilarious. If I wrote a paper and I put it up for my peer review, it would be my peers you fool. Why would I go to the good old boys club, they aren't my peer. I've told you that, you've told me that. So my peer group would be different. wow. just wow.
nobody cares about .2 - .3 degrees!!

How much climate legislation in the US since 2007?

That would be..............zErO

Still waiting for this bozo to show people where the science is mattering in the real world??

Yep ahhhhhh ( takes toke on ciggy in classic Denis Leary style :smoke: ).

Links please..................:up:
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