More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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3 straight years of this cold snap in the northeast now...:uhh::uhh::uhh:.. Colder Weather This Weekend, Frost and Freezing Temperatures in the Northeast .......nobody around here even knows summer weather anymore as temps far below normal and 90 degree days, once a normal occurrence, are now rare. Havent seen 100 degree temps around here in some years....:uhh::uhh::uhh:...happened every summer decades ago.
Say goodbye to the current El Niño.. Going below the +0.5 deg C anomaly level some time this coming week... Currently at the 0.77 Deg C mark today... The steep decline is an indicator of what is to come very soon across the Northern hemisphere in temperature anomalies. The Midwest and much of the plains states are already feeling the cool and have been for two months now.

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This keeps getting better and better... New paper is out that shows the IPCC climate sensitivity is well below 1 deg C / doubling of CO2. It shows that the AGW crew has been manipulating data and ignoring negative feedback responses to get their gloom and doom predictions..

Man is this sending the CAGW faithful over the edge.. shows their modeling failures in bright light.. Got to love it... As low or lower than 0.22 deg C / Doubling. Right in line with where we are today at 0.12-0.16 deg C...

Going to send them over the edge..

Estimating Climate Sensitivity Using Two-zone Energy Balance Models
Using observed seasonal statistics and assuming a linear dependence of the form (11) of perturbation DHT on the perturbation temperature difference between the tropics and extratropics, Bates (1999; see also B12, Section 3.3) estimated the coefficient of perturbation DHT (dˆ in B12) to be approximately 1 PW K-1; when divided by the area of the tropics, this corresponds to a unit-area DHT coefficient d 3.9 W m-2 K-1. This is of the same magnitude as the reference blackbody radiative response coefficients given in Eq. (2), suggesting that the inclusion of DHT should be considered in any zero-order energy balance model of the climate system.

BINGO! they hit it right on the head. ALL of the current crop of GCM's fail in this area... In order to see if a prediction is correct the two areas must be challenged and then checked with reality. This Model appears to be well balanced in two regions and gives credit to negative forcing's, such as water vapor- now recognized as primarily negative, which the current GCM's do not do.

This shows Karl Et Al as unreasonable and erroneous adjustments along with the NOAA GCM's predictive failures...
The El Nino never made it to New York!!!

Hey JC........woke up this morning looking for my nut sack warmers. Still using the outdoor space heater at 6:30am this morning with my coffee lest I end up looking like Jack Nicholson at the end of "The Shining"!! Two weeks to June......this is fucked up. No more spring in the northeast anymore JC........this is going on 4 years now!!
The El Nino never made it to New York!!!

Hey JC........woke up this morning looking for my nut sack warmers. Still using the outdoor space heater at 6:30am this morning with my coffee lest I end up looking like Jack Nicholson at the end of "The Shining"!! Two weeks to June......this is fucked up. No more spring in the northeast anymore JC........this is going on 4 years now!!
Get used to it... Long Range patterns show this cool phase is going to remain for another month or so.. Summer appears its going to be a short one this year..
The El Nino never made it to New York!!!

Hey JC........woke up this morning looking for my nut sack warmers. Still using the outdoor space heater at 6:30am this morning with my coffee lest I end up looking like Jack Nicholson at the end of "The Shining"!! Two weeks to June......this is fucked up. No more spring in the northeast anymore JC........this is going on 4 years now!!
Get used to it... Long Range patterns show this cool phase is going to remain for another month or so.. Summer appears its going to be a short one this year..

WTF???:ack-1: That sucks.........around here, you trade off living with the stoopid levels of traffic to be able to go to the ocean just 15 minutes away. The last 3 summers........for almost the entire summer, temps hover around 80 degrees..........which means at the beach it is 70. You just don't want to go anymore. My whole life.......summer temps always in the low 90's during the summer which makes it perfect at the ocean.

The standard joke around here Billy is, "Where is the global warming already?"
The El Nino never made it to New York!!!

Hey JC........woke up this morning looking for my nut sack warmers. Still using the outdoor space heater at 6:30am this morning with my coffee lest I end up looking like Jack Nicholson at the end of "The Shining"!! Two weeks to June......this is fucked up. No more spring in the northeast anymore JC........this is going on 4 years now!!
Get used to it... Long Range patterns show this cool phase is going to remain for another month or so.. Summer appears its going to be a short one this year..

WTF???:ack-1: That sucks.........around here, you trade off living with the stoopid levels of traffic to be able to go to the ocean just 15 minutes away. The last 3 summers........for almost the entire summer, temps hover around 80 degrees..........which means at the beach it is 70. You just don't want to go anymore. My whole life.......summer temps always in the low 90's during the summer which makes it perfect at the ocean.

The standard joke around here Billy is, "Where is the global warming already?"

if you look at the raw data sets prior to the NOAA and GISS molestation, were in a real steep cooling trend of about -0.22 deg C per decade since 1992.. IT sounds like your experiencing what the true data says is happening.. Who would of thought that?
The El Nino never made it to New York!!!

Hey JC........woke up this morning looking for my nut sack warmers. Still using the outdoor space heater at 6:30am this morning with my coffee lest I end up looking like Jack Nicholson at the end of "The Shining"!! Two weeks to June......this is fucked up. No more spring in the northeast anymore JC........this is going on 4 years now!!
yes sir, it was 34 degrees yesterday morning at 6:30, got up to a comfortable temperature during the day and then dropped ten degrees after 3:00pm. WTF. Had to wear sweatshirt to be comfortable though. amazing, just like last year. Saturday was truly cold wind chills were 20 degrees during the day. Ouch!!!! had to wear gloves at the cottage. yep, no el nino made it here so you weren't going to see it, we blocked it from ya! LOL.
The El Nino never made it to New York!!!

Hey JC........woke up this morning looking for my nut sack warmers. Still using the outdoor space heater at 6:30am this morning with my coffee lest I end up looking like Jack Nicholson at the end of "The Shining"!! Two weeks to June......this is fucked up. No more spring in the northeast anymore JC........this is going on 4 years now!!
yes sir, it was 34 degrees yesterday morning at 6:30, got up to a comfortable temperature during the day and then dropped ten degrees after 3:00pm. WTF. Had to wear sweatshirt to be comfortable though. amazing, just like last year. Saturday was truly cold wind chills were 20 degrees during the day. Ouch!!!! had to wear gloves at the cottage. yep, no el nino made it here so you weren't going to see it, we blocked it from ya! LOL.

lol........low 40's this morning. Laughable.....

Hey JC............check this out for a good laugh...............

The biggest loser in this election is the climate
Uh, oh: House Committee Scrutinizes Motive of “Green 20” Attorneys General


The RICO 20 just got slammed with a demand for documents...

By Congressional Subpoena.....

Looks like some are going to be paying back taxes and grants being returned

Yep....when any of the AGW stuff comes under real scrutiny ( their shit only sells to low information people ) it gets exposed.

Nobody who has taken a close look at AGW ( non-religion ) thinks its even a little bit plausible.:2up:

And yet the brainwashed warmists will try to sell that Kool-Aid no matter how wrong it is. :cuckoo: :laugh:

But 25+ years of banging their heads against the wall.............again..........and again..............and again............and again with the same remanufactured nonsense. And where has it gotten them? Mofu's still have not made their case after 325 billion internet posts. Few care about climate change and renewable energy remains a joke. So its fun to watch.........and I exist in this forum to chronical for others how fruitless the efforts have been!!!:coffee:
Well we finally thawed out here in Manitoba.
So I went outside to see if it was the sun that did it or all that "back radiation".

I used a laser thermometer which converts IR watts radiated to degrees C.
The sun had warmed the ground I stood on to +37 C which is a lot more than the +16C average used in Trenberth`s "energy budget" which zaps us with 333 watts/m^2 "back radiation"
Pointing the gun straight up at the clear sky it should have registered +3.8 C if there were 333 watts coming back down, but all I got was a bone chilling -18 C which corresponds to 237 watts.
So even with all that CO2 up there it`s still 100 watts/m^2 short of a climax scientist`s orgasm.
Well we finally thawed out here in Manitoba.
So I went outside to see if it was the sun that did it or all that "back radiation".

I used a laser thermometer which converts IR watts radiated to degrees C.
The sun had warmed the ground I stood on to +37 C which is a lot more than the +16C average used in Trenberth`s "energy budget" which zaps us with 333 watts/m^2 "back radiation"
Pointing the gun straight up at the clear sky it should have registered +3.8 C if there were 333 watts coming back down, but all I got was a bone chilling -18 C which corresponds to 237 watts.
So even with all that CO2 up there it`s still 100 watts/m^2 short of a climax scientist`s orgasm.

Conduction at ground level where air meets the warmer ground...(your registering ground temp) convection from water vapor in the air once warmed (your IR beam is bouncing off water vapor in the air)... and no measurement of what LWIR is doing (down welling) because your hand held device cant measure it.

Fooling yourself with equipment is easy to do.. However you have identified two elements in the atmospheres temperature. The question is, do you think that BBR (Black Body Radiation- LWIR) returning to the earths surface after being emitted from the surface (caused by CO2 or other gases) is capable of making up 170Wm^2 in the energy budget of the earth?
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Well we finally thawed out here in Manitoba.
So I went outside to see if it was the sun that did it or all that "back radiation".

I used a laser thermometer which converts IR watts radiated to degrees C.
The sun had warmed the ground I stood on to +37 C which is a lot more than the +16C average used in Trenberth`s "energy budget" which zaps us with 333 watts/m^2 "back radiation"
Pointing the gun straight up at the clear sky it should have registered +3.8 C if there were 333 watts coming back down, but all I got was a bone chilling -18 C which corresponds to 237 watts.
So even with all that CO2 up there it`s still 100 watts/m^2 short of a climax scientist`s orgasm.

Conduction at ground level where air meets the warmer ground...(your registering ground temp) convection from water vapor in the air once warmed (your IR beam is bouncing off water vapor in the air)... and no measurement of what LWIR is doing (down welling) because your hand held device cant measure it.

Fooling yourself with equipment is easy to do.. However you have identified two elements in the atmospheres temperature. The question is, do you think that BBR (Black Body Radiation- LWIR) returning to the earths surface after being emitted from the surface (caused by CO2 or other gases) is capable of making up 170Wm^2 in the energy budget of the earth?

convection from water vapor in the air once warmed (your IR beam is bouncing off water vapor in the air)... and no measurement of what LWIR is doing (down welling)

IR beam? You think that device shoots a beam?
It captures photons. The energy of the photons gives a temperature reading.
It's measuring back radiation when pointed at the sky.
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