More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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We've been on and will continue to ride the weather roller coaster for wind warm and cold for at least another four days. We are supposed to have two seasons just today. Hahahaha. I do feel sorry for those folks in the Dakotas and MN.

Damn JC.....chilly as hell here in NY today! Heavy hoodie weather and we are nearing May. So ghey.....I got a few days off. Wanted to hit the range but cold and wind make it intolerable. I have all kinds of firesticks but most enjoy plinking with my little bolt action .17HMR......too fucking windy. No fun either to drop $20 to freeze your balls off for two hours.
Skooks, 1/2 inch down right now. My guy who starts up my sprinkler system is here start me up. He said first time ever . Ghey
Update, two inches down in the grass, and now one inch on the road! And it’s really coming down. Wow. Satellite receiver down now
Almost four inches now. I do enjoy global warming so much

Lol....and we wonder why nobody cares about climate change!:2up: We will be in May soon and it's still snowing all over the place!:wtf:
Here’s a photo of global warming in April on the 14th 2019.
1961 had 5.4 inches on 4/16, beat today by.1 inch. Today, 5.3 inches. So warmers how exactly has climate changed in Chicago?
6pm still snowing

Holy crap JC....told my wife yesterday. She couldn't believe it!!

A bad day for the climate obsessed who keep talking about the science!! Yuk....yuk.....when the public see pics like you just posted, the attitude on "the science" is meh.

Why Weather Affects Climate Change Belief
luckily, the wife and I have a picture window that we can watch out of and looked like a snow globe. It was truly an amazing display yesterday. At times, the snow was so thick and heavy, it seemed the cloud just dumped its load all at once, then the snow blew to the right, and then to the left and then it swirled. At the end, the flakes looked like bubbles the way they were twirling around. you know, tiny bubbles. seriously!!
Wonderful Easter Sunday Snow expected across the Rockies... While not unusual, were 160% of normal snow packs. 17 glacial regions had snow and ice this last year, making any new accumulations GLACIAL ice build-up. Glacial regions are now returning to the Northern Hemisphere.. Kind of flies in the face of the warming meme..
Gee winter is slow to leave in areas that normally doesn't have it anymore at the time of the year.

Snow in South Carolina – In early April

UK – Heavy snowfall hits during lambing season

Four meters of snow in northern Sweden – More on the way

Pakistan – Record snowfall this winter

Parts of Minnesota bracing for 2 feet of snow

Winter returns to the Urals

Return of winter in Central Russia

Earliest recorded snow event ever in Western Australia

CO2 still on vacation, letting all of us down. Probably worn out from trying to meet the expectations made by hollow uncaring people.
The drop out of radiation from the sun in the 0.2um to 1.2um (the region that warms the oceans to 700m) is now going from concerning to frightening. Currently at 18% drop-out. Ocean heat is not being replenished.

The heat pump in the oceans has pushed heat up but that bump will be short lived as colder waters are again surfacing. This summer is going to be real interesting to watch. Looking at a cool one from everything I have seen. Guessing it will be below the 30 year average by 1-2 deg C. Even Australia is experiencing a rapid cooling.
Mountains of evidence have convinced very close to 100% of the world's climate scientists that a) the world is getting warmer b) the primary cause is increased CO2 in the atmosphere c) humans are the source of that added CO2 d) that warming represents a threat to the well being of humans and human society and, finally e) we need to act on this threat and act NOW..

So why do you wack jobs invariably hold up the claimed consensus as evidence rather than the "mountains" of evidence? In what other field of science is the opinion of the scientists involved offered up as evidence that the mainstream hypothesis is correct rather than the evidence upon which that consensus is based?
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