More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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Guys.....bookmark this guy......Zimmerman...…always is at the cutting edge of breaking news on the fakery...…….

The models are wrong | Behind The Black
That article was written in 2012. He hit the nail on the head with his assessments. And now the suns activity has dropped below the low of the Maunder Minimum. If this persists for very long were going to replay it with 100% certainty.
JC.....Oy.....freezing here this morning. Ghey… the 20's with the wind chill and its April 1st. Ice on my hood this am...…...st00pid.
26 yesterday and today

St00pid.....while the k00ks tap about 70 degrees in Alaska! Lol....bitter cold in the lower 48 dont count JC.

Cold as shit here me an impact wrench this weekend but screw swapping out the AS tires just yet!
JC.....Oy.....freezing here this morning. Ghey… the 20's with the wind chill and its April 1st. Ice on my hood this am...…...st00pid.
26 yesterday and today

St00pid.....while the k00ks tap about 70 degrees in Alaska! Lol....bitter cold in the lower 48 dont count JC.

Cold as shit here me an impact wrench this weekend but screw swapping out the AS tires just yet!
Snow predicted Thursday.

Obviously the CO2 in Alaska is more potent than here!
JC.....Oy.....freezing here this morning. Ghey… the 20's with the wind chill and its April 1st. Ice on my hood this am...…...st00pid.
26 yesterday and today

St00pid.....while the k00ks tap about 70 degrees in Alaska! Lol....bitter cold in the lower 48 dont count JC.

Cold as shit here me an impact wrench this weekend but screw swapping out the AS tires just yet!
I was watching ABC this am and watched the idiot weather guy try to equate the below freezing temps up there as being equal to 70 degrees. Laughed my ass off at the shear idiocy of it. The MSM is pumping out propaganda like their lives depend on it..
Hey JC....started today in the 40's!!:ack-1::ack-1::ack-1:

So gents.........every day I go into DRUDGE looking for something...........anything........on climate change. And day after day after day...........

nada................. DRUDGE REPORT 2019®

Hmmm........but a few in this forum tell us everyday that the entire world is all angst about it!!:abgg2q.jpg:
Darwin Australia temperature manipulations exposed... How it affects global infill of missing data is stunning... this one station causes 1.2 deg C of global temperature rise..


Massive data manipulations! Use it to infill the millions of square miles without recording devices and whala... AGW

Garbage In = Garbage Out

Darwin Temperatures; What is going on?
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Hey JC....started today in the 40's!!:ack-1::ack-1::ack-1:

So gents.........every day I go into DRUDGE looking for something...........anything........on climate change. And day after day after day...........

nada................. DRUDGE REPORT 2019®

Hmmm........but a few in this forum tell us everyday that the entire world is all angst about it!!:abgg2q.jpg:
started today at 33 today. that makes all week between 25 and 33. amazing how northern Canada is warmer than us. They have better CO2 above them. :4_13_65:
Darwin Australia temperature manipulations exposed... How it affects global infill of missing data is stunning... this one station causes 1.2 deg C of global temperature rise..

View attachment 253800

Massive data manipulations! Use it to infill the millions of square miles without recording devices and whala... AGW

Garbage In = Garbage Out

Darwin Temperatures; What is going on?

A fakery extravaganza!!!

skooks, again, not sure why they need a global temperature. Not sure how it would even be gotten without manipulating something. I mean, the globe is mostly water, so.....they'd have to target longitude and latitude around the globe to pin point readings, but that doesn't cover every square mile. just can't be done without making shit up!!!
Darwin Australia temperature manipulations exposed... How it affects global infill of missing data is stunning... this one station causes 1.2 deg C of global temperature rise..

View attachment 253800

Massive data manipulations! Use it to infill the millions of square miles without recording devices and whala... AGW

Garbage In = Garbage Out

Darwin Temperatures; What is going on?

A fakery extravaganza!!!

skooks, again, not sure why they need a global temperature. Not sure how it would even be gotten without manipulating something. I mean, the globe is mostly water, so.....they'd have to target longitude and latitude around the globe to pin point readings, but that doesn't cover every square mile. just can't be done without making shit up!!!

It's a pretty sophisticated ruse.....I'll give them that!!

Global warming broke out here yesterday JC.....w00t. Summer tires on the Coyote now....heading to the ocean this am for mammoth car show. We are hearing troopers going to be crawling all over the area so play time will need to be measured
But some guys will have their rides on flatbeds by 10am courtesy of the NY State police!
Hey JC....I was just reminded on Facebook that in early April of 1982, we had a 15" blizzard here! Yikes.....the summer tires are on the car!
Most excellent. About time your CO2 woke up. The sun isn’t working. Enjoy the ride my friend
Hey JC.....WTF.....seeing this morning a big ass blizzard moving through the plain states!:laughing0301:

Almost mid-April!!

Clearly more proof of global warming s0ns!:abgg2q.jpg:
they are calling for a foot of snow for Minneapolis the next 24 hours. hly fk. This one misses us, we will have snow flurries after 74 yesterday. funny weather in these parts. can have a taste of summer and winter in the same week. And they wonder why I argue how I argue in here.
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