More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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So us where the science is transcending the field? Show us where it is impacting anything in the real world?

Links please.....coulda', woulda', shoulda' is ghey and nobody cares! Some hard evidence stuff please.......:deal:
The percentage of the public that believe the world is getting warmer, that human GHG emissions are the primary cause, and that national governments should take action in response is a majority and growing.
please state the 'action' that should be taken. I've been asking for quite some time. still crickets. get it?
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Why were such exceptions added to the tax code specifically for oil companies if there were no need; if they could use the deductions that every other company uses? I suspect because they are ADDITIONAL expense allowances, amortizations and depreciations, BEYOND what every other company gets to do.

Still confused about depreciation tables?
I'm no tax hotshot, but then, neither are you. Those deductions and credits are written into the tax code specifically naming the industries and, in some cases, the individual companies whom they are intended to benefit. They are government subsidies which do nothing but benefit the oil companies.
I'm no tax hotshot, but then, neither are you. Those deductions and credits are written into the tax code specifically naming the industries and, in some cases, the individual companies whom they are intended to benefit. They are government subsidies which do nothing but benefit the oil companies.

Those deductions and credits are written into the tax code

And do you know why the ones you listed are "written into the tax code"?

Specifically.....15-year depreciation for natural gas distribution lines.

NASA Exposed in 'Massive' New Climate Data Fraud | PSI Intl

  1. Cached
Nov 24, 2015 - Using the NASA data from 2010 the surface temperature globally from .... of those emails so we can see them saying they were falsifying data.

When you do an investigation and it is conducted like a game of inside baseball, its all the evidence anybody needs who is a reasonable person.

We can let the readers decide..............
William Holden? Did you see him in 'Breezy' with Kay Lenz? The chief's on my boat made us play that film 32 times in a row. An old man't fondest wet dream.

Oh, sorry... I've gone off topic, haven't I. So... what's the topic of this thread? Skookerasbil's ego? Oh yeah, I remember.

Mountains of evidence have convinced very close to 100% of the world's climate scientists that a) the world is getting warmer b) the primary cause is increased CO2 in the atmosphere c) humans are the source of that added CO2 d) that warming represents a threat to the well being of humans and human society and, finally e) we need to act on this threat and act NOW.

The majority of people on this planet believe the above to be true, including the need for immediate action. Skookerasbil's long-running contention is, thank goodness, shown false.
Here ya go for anybody who is interested..........the Climategate investigation was a total fraud.

Michael Mann And The ClimateGate Whitewash, Part II

Imagine William Holder being put in charge of an investigation into Barak Obama!!:bye1::bye1:

Imagine William Holder being put in charge of an investigation into Barak Obama!!

Or maybe Eric Holder?

Lol must be a proofreader!

I do catch lots of errors.
Your post is defamatory with no pertinent content.

Well of course you think that being a climate alarmist. Of course too....the validity of investigations can be conveniently ignored. Only climate alarmists think the East Anglia investigation was legitimate. Since then, the amount of climate skepticism has grown exponentially as evidenced by a daunting level of climate change inaction.
:2up:Definition of INACTION:2up:


You state "the majority of people on the planet....believe in the need for immediate climate inaction"

Where is there any hard evidence to support that statement? wont find any. Because you have a gross misperception in peoples care level.

It's easy to say, "I'd like to see action on climate change". But the same people dont lift a finger to do anything....because they dont care that much. Certainly not anywhere near enough of the #'s you claim. Same with the gun grabber assholes of the world....they go to a March and disappear for months on end.

All adds up to dick.

Banner gazing is ghey.....the losers of the world banner gaze and take bows in front of symbols.

Skeptics take bows in front of the policy debate victories which continue to be ePiC!
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