More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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If your neighbor was suddenly granted exceptions from all income tax while your requirement to pay remained, would you not say to yourself "He has received an advantage over me"?

Meanwhile, in the real world, oil companies get to expense, amortize and depreciate just like every other company.
Why were such exceptions added to the tax code specifically for oil companies if there were no need; if they could use the deductions that every other company uses? I suspect because they are ADDITIONAL expense allowances, amortizations and depreciations, BEYOND what every other company gets to do.
Why were such exceptions added to the tax code specifically for oil companies if there were no need; if they could use the deductions that every other company uses? I suspect because they are ADDITIONAL expense allowances, amortizations and depreciations, BEYOND what every other company gets to do.

Why were such exceptions added to the tax code specifically for oil companies if there were no need;

Do you know what a depreciation schedule is?
Do you know how many pages there are in the US tax code?

I suspect because they are ADDITIONAL expense allowances, amortizations and depreciations, BEYOND what every other company gets to do.

I suspect you should produce some evidence if you want to make that claim.
Just as you don't define colder

5 degrees colder for that specific date since records have been kept! Hows that?:113: That's defining "colder" s0n. Not to mention I provide a link with "colder" defined in the post above. You lOsE again!

You guys say "warmer" for a whole winter season or for a 10 year stretch but rarely provide links where "warmer" is specifically defined. We want "warmer" defined... much warmer by degree's and compared to what/when? Otherwise, its fakery. Comprende?:2up:

But hey.....I get the vague use of the terminology used by you frauds.....when you have to define "warmer" and it turns out the definition is 0.3 degree's warmer, it's better use of fakery to just say "warmer"......lest you look like a pathetic moron in a public forum.
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Why do we see so few regular climate crusaders in this forum?

It's because most board members are smart enough to recognize when they are being publically humiliated, thus, they steer clear! Most people dont embrace being made to look like dickheads.....only mental cases embrace that. It's called faulty thinking by psychiatrists!
Kinda why you might think the government should be doing it and not leaving it up to people trying to look after their bottom lines.
Kinda why you might think the government should be doing it and not leaving it up to people trying to look after their bottom lines.

Just add a few thousand more pages to the tax code, eh?

Hey man.....the guy is a government boot licker. They are all the same. Miserable because they've fucked up in life with their own personal/career decisions, they gotta find somebody to blame...the answer for these people is to get the government to fuck over those who have been spectacularly more successful. You could do 5,000 posts pwning him relentlessly...…..wont matter. The misery runs that deep.

Thomas Sowell has written some brilliant stuff about the dynamic.....sentiments driven by blind jealousy and rage leads to modern progressivism.
I love how well you describe my life. Gosh, it's almost as if you've been right here with me all those years.

HAHAHAHAHAAAaaahahahaaaaa what a fucking mOrOn.

Why don't you look through your library and see if you can find anything discussing the bitterness of the right.
I love how well you describe my life. Gosh, it's almost as if you've been right here with me all those years.

HAHAHAHAHAAAaaahahahaaaaa what a fucking mOrOn.

Why don't you look through your library and see if you can find anything discussing the bitterness of the right.

Lol....find a single post written by me that displays even a smidge of bitterness!:2up:

You and Old Rocks are prolific in the Dept of Exploding Heads! :abgg2q.jpg:. All progressives on this message board need anger management classes and hey....I get it. Nothing going good for progressives and especially with respect to climate change! I'd be pissed as shit too!
The percentage of the public that believe the world is getting warmer, that human GHG emissions are the primary cause, and that national governments should take action in response is a majority and growing.
The percentage of the public that believe the world is getting warmer, that human GHG emissions are the primary cause, and that national governments should take action in response is a majority and growing.
Bull Shit!


Where is your manufactured correlation Crick?
On how may threads have you now posted this exact text and graphic? That's spamming asshole and it's not allowed.

Ask Google to see global temperature and CO2 data. You'll find it.
On how may threads have you now posted this exact text and graphic? That's spamming asshole and it's not allowed.

Ask Google to see global temperature and CO2 data. You'll find it.
Fuck you and Google too.. I deal in FACTS not made up Bull Shit propagated by left wing fascists and UN whores.
The percentage of the public that believe the world is getting warmer, that human GHG emissions are the primary cause, and that national governments should take action in response is a majority and growing.

Again.....some people are w0wed by words. But it is behavior that matters in the real world. Lots of people claim they are "concerned" about climate change. It's been that way for 15 years. But has it affected their behavior?


Very little climate change action of real consequence happening anywhere and none happening in the US.

When you hail from Disney, words like "should" on climate change are important. People "should" do this or do that....but the real question is, do they? Not on climate change....nobody is caring enough to call their representative and demand climate action....for a long, long time now!

So sure they might care....but not that much. Because......doy.....they are far more concerned with many other matters!!:hello77::hello77:. Now....the climate crusaders might not like that but that is the way it is.

Heres the problem for you can come up with zero hard evidence that people are concerned about climate change anywhere near the level you are, and let's face are a hyper-alarmist type. Very few people share your degree of angst on climate change. I can provide volumes of hard evidence to support that claim and have with a billion links on this thread!

Hard evidence doesnt matter to you asshat progressives. The public gets it....the science isnt impressing them!:bye1::bye1:
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