More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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Socialism began essentially with the Constitution. The Postal Service and the postal road system. The military. There has never been a government that didn't employ socialism.

Oh I see. All you are interested is a cheap little verbal trick. Defining government, any government, all government, as 'socialist'.

I suppose you think you can win this argument, or any other, by setting ever more absurd definitions of the terms used.

If you don't know the meaning of ''socialism'', look it up.

What socialism is has been argued about for a hundred years and more. It's not something one can 'look up'. Most definitions emphasize class-based political models and state ownership of some or all of the means of production and exchange. But no definition I have ever come across suggests that establishing a military force makes a state 'socialist'.
Oh I see. All you are interested is a cheap little verbal trick. Defining government, any government, all government, as 'socialist'.

I suppose you think you can win this argument, or any other, by setting ever more absurd definitions of the terms used.

If you don't know the meaning of ''socialism'', look it up.

What socialism is has been argued about for a hundred years and more. It's not something one can 'look up'. Most definitions emphasize class-based political models and state ownership of some or all of the means of production and exchange. But no definition I have ever come across suggests that establishing a military force makes a state 'socialist'.

Let me help you.

'' so·cial·ism
a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.''
You really don't like this country, do you.

I don't like the government. Different thing entirely. This country is better than others only to the extent that it has resisted the lure of government. Social Security is one of it's greatest failures.

Without our government, we're a hunk of land.

That's what every boot-licking toady who worships almighty government says.

You anarchists disgust me. Why don't you have the balls to move to Somalia and find out what anarchy is in real life.

Boot-licking toadies like you disgust me.

Somalia has plenty of government. Why would I move there?
You really don't like this country, do you.

Who added more debt to this country than all previous POTUS's combined? Oh, yeah that new Democrat guy. Great job! Now go look at what has happened to other countries that were saddled with that sort of debt. Go ahead I dare you.

Only if you believe that dates cause debt. If you believe that government policies cause debt, it's all on conservatives. That's why you're done on our government.

Conservatives caused the deficit to increase by $7 trillion over the last 5 years?
The SC is just a gang of political cronies who rule however their political masters want them to rule.

This says: "I oppose the Constitution of the United States". That says "I hate this nation". That says "If I only had the balls, I'd be a traitor".
If you don't know the meaning of ''socialism'', look it up.

What socialism is has been argued about for a hundred years and more. It's not something one can 'look up'. Most definitions emphasize class-based political models and state ownership of some or all of the means of production and exchange. But no definition I have ever come across suggests that establishing a military force makes a state 'socialist'.

Let me help you.

'' so·cial·ism
a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.''

As far as dictionary definitions go - not very far - that's not bad. But entire books have been written on the topic of what socialism is - and is not.

In the definition above "the means" implies ALL means. Even some self-described socialists would not go that far.

Btw if you stick with this definition you will have to give up the absurd claim that every state with an army is socialist.
The SC is just a gang of political cronies who rule however their political masters want them to rule.

This says: "I oppose the Constitution of the United States". That says "I hate this nation". That says "If I only had the balls, I'd be a traitor".

I am not an American. But I am unable to accept that politically appointed group of lawyers is infallible. Or that a different bunch would not come to quite different conclusions.

So distrusting your Supreme Court - or mine, or anyone's - does not make a person a traitor, even if his distrust is misplaced. If his distrust IS justified it makes him a wise patriot.
Classic far left debate strategy on display here........when you get your ass pwned in the topic of discussion, change the subject!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:


I'll just use the thread then to add to the already dozens of links presented on this thread that do indeed illustrate the utter decimation of the AGW k00ks via proof the skeptics are winning!!!:coffee:
The SC is just a gang of political cronies who rule however their political masters want them to rule.

This says: "I oppose the Constitution of the United States". That says "I hate this nation". That says "If I only had the balls, I'd be a traitor".

I am not an American. But I am unable to accept that politically appointed group of lawyers is infallible. Or that a different bunch would not come to quite different conclusions.

So distrusting your Supreme Court - or mine, or anyone's - does not make a person a traitor, even if his distrust is misplaced. If his distrust IS justified it makes him a wise patriot.

I fully accept free choice. If you don't think America's Constitution is best, find one that is. Sounds like you've done that. Good for you. Taking responsibility. It's a wonderful thing.
The SC is just a gang of political cronies who rule however their political masters want them to rule.

This says: "I oppose the Constitution of the United States". That says "I hate this nation". That says "If I only had the balls, I'd be a traitor".

I am not an American. But I am unable to accept that politically appointed group of lawyers is infallible. Or that a different bunch would not come to quite different conclusions.

So distrusting your Supreme Court - or mine, or anyone's - does not make a person a traitor, even if his distrust is misplaced. If his distrust IS justified it makes him a wise patriot.

Many of our elected officials, and all of our military, pledge to support or uphold, and defend, the Constitution of the United States. Carefully chosen words.

If your point is that only actions, not thoughts, would be evidence of that, I agree.

If however your thought is that you can be a US patriot but against the Constitution, I disagree.

When one is loyal to a business, they are disloyal to their competitors. Make more money regardless of the cost to others. So their goal is to optimize their business, which could be one person.

Business people know that a constant battle in large companies is optimization of the whole company, not some department or individual.

So in business, families, all organizations, there are many potentially conflicting levels to be optimized.

That's why for a country to be strong, business has to be strong and government equally strong.

Government is the big picture that includes all of the people and all of the companies and all special interests and it is optimized through law, including the Constitution.

So being loyal to a country, but disloyal to her laws, is nonsensical to me.
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I don't like the government. Different thing entirely. This country is better than others only to the extent that it has resisted the lure of government. Social Security is one of it's greatest failures.

Without our government, we're a hunk of land.

That's what every boot-licking toady who worships almighty government says.

You anarchists disgust me. Why don't you have the balls to move to Somalia and find out what anarchy is in real life.

Boot-licking toadies like you disgust me.

Somalia has plenty of government. Why would I move there?

They are an anarchy. You could actually experience your dream. Don't you have enough confidence in your ideas to suffer the benefit/consequences of them?
Who added more debt to this country than all previous POTUS's combined? Oh, yeah that new Democrat guy. Great job! Now go look at what has happened to other countries that were saddled with that sort of debt. Go ahead I dare you.

Only if you believe that dates cause debt. If you believe that government policies cause debt, it's all on conservatives. That's why you're done on our government.

Conservatives caused the deficit to increase by $7 trillion over the last 5 years?

Conservative policies and actions, maintained by the Boehner House on strike did. And recovery from the Great Recession, conservatives gift to the country.
What socialism is has been argued about for a hundred years and more. It's not something one can 'look up'. Most definitions emphasize class-based political models and state ownership of some or all of the means of production and exchange. But no definition I have ever come across suggests that establishing a military force makes a state 'socialist'.

Let me help you.

'' so·cial·ism
a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.''

As far as dictionary definitions go - not very far - that's not bad. But entire books have been written on the topic of what socialism is - and is not.

In the definition above "the means" implies ALL means. Even some self-described socialists would not go that far.

Btw if you stick with this definition you will have to give up the absurd claim that every state with an army is socialist.

You claim all means. So the only socialist countries would be those with zero private ownership of the means of production.

I'm not aware of that having ever happened.

I claim that anytime the means of production are owned by all citizens for any goods and services that market is socialist. Necessarily so if competition can't be maintained.
Classic far left debate strategy on display here........when you get your ass pwned in the topic of discussion, change the subject!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:


I'll just use the thread then to add to the already dozens of links presented on this thread that do indeed illustrate the utter decimation of the AGW k00ks via proof the skeptics are winning!!!:coffee:
Exactly. Meanwhile the whole scam is coming apart at the seams.
Canada signed off the Kyoto protocol.
Australia had enough too.
Britain`s David Cameron just announced a review of green energy taxes
BBC News - David Cameron to review green energy taxes
David Cameron has announced a review of green energy taxes after saying they had helped push up household bills to "unacceptable" levels.
And the German Government cancelled the 95 gr CO2 per km emission limit for cars that the EU bureaucrats tried to impose on German car makers.
Meanwhile IPCC predictions are being debunked as gross exaggerations to a degree where the IPCC chooses to remain silent rather than disputing the critics.
Uno-Klimareport: IPCC-Verhandlungen in Stockholm schwierig - SPIEGEL ONLINE
None of the "explanations" for the "missing heat" measures up to closer scrutiny and the latest IPCC response is to declare the last 15 years as "statistically insignificant":
Eine lange Debatte gab es um die Pause der Erderwärmung. Die bodennahe Temperatur der Luft hat sich in den vergangenen 15 Jahren im weltweiten Durchschnitt nicht weiter erwärmt. Appelle, diese Phase als "klimatologisch nicht signifikant" einzustufen, stießen dem Vernehmen nach auf Akzeptanz im Plenum. Einem Entwurf der Zusammenfassung zufolge, der SPIEGEL ONLINE vorliegt, wird der Klimarat gleichwohl konstatieren, dass es keine ausreichende Erklärung für den sogenannten 15-jährigen Hiatus gibt.
In addition to that closer audits of the AR5 conclusions revealed that several of their statements were not based on any real data but on internal opinion polls amongst IPCC "scientists". Who they were the IPCC is not willing to disclose either.

The subject of this thread was "More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!"...wasn`t it?
But as you already pointed out:
Classic far left debate strategy on display here........when you get your ass pawned in the topic of discussion, change the subject!!!
Is "PMZ" some sort of "numan" after birth?
I wonder.
He sounds and acts much the same, same tactic, same dumb gibberish and has earned as many red dots per time as "numan" did.
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Classic far left debate strategy on display here........when you get your ass pwned in the topic of discussion, change the subject!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:


I'll just use the thread then to add to the already dozens of links presented on this thread that do indeed illustrate the utter decimation of the AGW k00ks via proof the skeptics are winning!!!:coffee:
Exactly. Meanwhile the whole scam is coming apart at the seams.
Canada signed off the Kyoto protocol.
Australia had enough too.
Britain`s David Cameron just announced a review of green energy taxes
BBC News - David Cameron to review green energy taxes
David Cameron has announced a review of green energy taxes after saying they had helped push up household bills to "unacceptable" levels.
And the German Government cancelled the 95 gr CO2 per km emission limit for cars that the EU bureaucrats tried to impose on German car makers.
Meanwhile IPCC predictions are being debunked as gross exaggerations to a degree where the IPCC chooses to remain silent rather than disputing the critics.
Uno-Klimareport: IPCC-Verhandlungen in Stockholm schwierig - SPIEGEL ONLINE
None of the "explanations" for the "missing heat" measures up to closer scrutiny and the latest IPCC response is to declare the last 15 years as "statistically insignificant":
Eine lange Debatte gab es um die Pause der Erderwärmung. Die bodennahe Temperatur der Luft hat sich in den vergangenen 15 Jahren im weltweiten Durchschnitt nicht weiter erwärmt. Appelle, diese Phase als "klimatologisch nicht signifikant" einzustufen, stießen dem Vernehmen nach auf Akzeptanz im Plenum. Einem Entwurf der Zusammenfassung zufolge, der SPIEGEL ONLINE vorliegt, wird der Klimarat gleichwohl konstatieren, dass es keine ausreichende Erklärung für den sogenannten 15-jährigen Hiatus gibt.
In addition to that closer audits of the AR5 conclusions revealed that several of their statements were not based on any real data but on internal opinion polls amongst IPCC "scientists". Who they were the IPCC is not willing to disclose either.

The subject of this thread was "More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!"...wasn`t it?
But as you already pointed out:
Classic far left debate strategy on display here........when you get your ass pawned in the topic of discussion, change the subject!!!
Is "PMZ" some sort of "numan" after birth?
I wonder.
He sounds and acts much the same, same tactic, same dumb gibberish and has earned as many red dots per time as "numan" did.

The topic is PROOF skeptics are winning. I assume that if skeptics were winning the proof would be no action towards sustainable energy.

I have yet to read here any evidence, much less proof, of that.
The topic is PROOF skeptics are winning. I assume that if skeptics were winning the proof would be no action towards sustainable energy.

I have yet to read here any evidence, much less proof, of that.

Again you are way off the topic. What the hell does "action towards sustainable energy" or the lack of it have to do with the IPCC blunders which have been exposed?
There will always be some idiots who haven`t found out yet what it takes to build or rebuild a power grid that can supply power on demand....which you need for your sustenance.
Fact is that many of these "green energy" countries have been building up more fuel fired power plant capacity, ranging from coal to natural and fracked shale gas.
"sustainable energy"...another feel good knee jerk liberal buzzword.
Solar can`t even sustain you for 24 consecutive hours on any given day and if wind farms could then nobody would build any more fossil fuel or coal fired power plants. Same goes for the transportation sector."Sustainable" battery power that can`t "sustain" you beyond a couple of hours driving time either.
I`m still waiting for that "alternative" you kept bragging about, when I posted what it really takes to make wind and solar a commercially usable power source and how entire mountain ranges in Germany are decapitated and excavated for that purpose.
In most areas of the US you don`t even have a suitable terrain to build these pumped high elevation storage basins....and that`s where the heaviest & most energy intensive industrial users are.
And I guarantee you that the state counties which have the suitable terrain will say "not in my backyard"...just like Europeans react now.
There are already threads for this topic...this one is about the crap reports the IPCC has published and the fact that there is nothing but "grey data" and silence to "explain" why none of it materialized.
Not only are the skeptics winning, the IPCC has become so irrelevant in the news media, that none of those who had been invited to the conference even bothered to show up !
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The topic is PROOF skeptics are winning. I assume that if skeptics were winning the proof would be no action towards sustainable energy.

I have yet to read here any evidence, much less proof, of that.

Again you are way off the topic. What the hell does "action towards sustainable energy" or the lack of it have to do with the IPCC blunders which have been exposed?
There will always be some idiots who haven`t found out yet what it takes to build or rebuild a power grid that can supply power on demand....which you need for your sustenance.
Fact is that many of these "green energy" countries have been building up more fuel fired power plant capacity, ranging from coal to natural and fracked shale gas.
"sustainable energy"...another feel good knee jerk liberal buzzword.
Solar can`t even sustain you for 24 consecutive hours on any given day and if wind farms could then nobody would build any more fossil fuel or coal fired power plants. Same goes for the transportation sector."Sustainable" battery power that can`t "sustain" you beyond a couple of hours driving time either.
I`m still waiting for that "alternative" you kept bragging about, when I posted what it really takes to make wind and solar a commercially usable power source and how entire mountain ranges in Germany are decapitated and excavated for that purpose.
In most areas of the US you don`t even have a suitable terrain to build these pumped high elevation storage basins....and that`s where the heaviest & most energy intensive industrial users are.
And I guarantee you that the state counties which have the suitable terrain will say "not in my backyard"...just like Europeans react now.
There are already threads for this topic...this one is about the crap reports the IPCC has published and the fact that there is nothing but "grey data" and silence to "explain" why none of it materialized.
Not only are the skeptics winning, the IPCC has become so irrelevant in the news media, that none of those who had been invited to the conference even bothered to show up !

Sustainable energy is an absolutely necessary and unavoidable transition for humanity.

The IPCC is the source of knowledge on the economic consequences of going through that transition more slowly or rapidly.

Denialists advise slowly, based only on what they wish was true.

Scientists advise that slowly is very costly and are putting knowledge to work figuring out the details.

That is the topic here.
This says: "I oppose the Constitution of the United States". That says "I hate this nation". That says "If I only had the balls, I'd be a traitor".

I am not an American. But I am unable to accept that politically appointed group of lawyers is infallible. Or that a different bunch would not come to quite different conclusions.

So distrusting your Supreme Court - or mine, or anyone's - does not make a person a traitor, even if his distrust is misplaced. If his distrust IS justified it makes him a wise patriot.

Many of our elected officials, and all of our military, pledge to support or uphold, and defend, the Constitution of the United States. Carefully chosen words.

If your point is that only actions, not thoughts, would be evidence of that, I agree.

If however your thought is that you can be a US patriot but against the Constitution, I disagree.

When one is loyal to a business, they are disloyal to their competitors. Make more money regardless of the cost to others. So their goal is to optimize their business, which could be one person.

Business people know that a constant battle in large companies is optimization of the whole company, not some department or individual.

So in business, families, all organizations, there are many potentially conflicting levels to be optimized.

That's why for a country to be strong, business has to be strong and government equally strong.

Government is the big picture that includes all of the people and all of the companies and all special interests and it is optimized through law, including the Constitution.

So being loyal to a country, but disloyal to her laws, is nonsensical to me.

Laws are passed that are unethical. Thus no one is compelled to follow them That is the essence of "jury nullification".. Look it up.
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