More proof Trump thinks Trumpettes are stupid.

Sadly, they are not allowed to protect the southern border. The lawmakers you vote for will not allow it.

You give me a candidate that supports letting them actually protect the border, and I'll vote for them in a heartbeat.

That fact that that the political class as a whole has failed on this issue, is not my fault.

Border security funding was passed in a bipartian bill & Trump vetoed it., So maybe its your fat assed POI orange buddy that wants to waste money so more effective measures are less funded to allow more people to come in to dupe his feeble minded base. After all, Trump is giving these people free bus rides into our cities.

Any bill that did not include full funding for the Wall, from sea to fucking shining sea was a piece of garbage, written by pieces of shit.

The illegals are being released because the system is flooded, purposefully, and activist judges who ally with the invaders order them released into the country.

Even Littledick Donnie was not going to build his 40' concrete wall border to border.

The bill passed both houses. LD Donnie vetoed border security funding so maybe he wants open borders.

No one is buying your shit. You are lying. I know it. YOu know it. You know I know it.

Who are you trying to fool?
I spoke the truth. If you are not lying, you must be really stupid.
They do if they build the wall.

But keeping democrat voters out angers RealDunce.

Here is what you assfucks are too stupid to get.

Trump's wall is a very ineffective use our money at the border.

Democrats fund border security & always have. Trump rejected that funding because he wanted his wall.

Then he violated the Constitution & stole money from the military. And you love him for it. This is how stupid you are..

1. You and your democrats don't want a secure border. You are happy to throw some money at the problem, to give yourself political cover, provided it does not actually work.

2. Your pretense that you give a damn about the money, is laughable.

3. Your pretense that you care about the Constitution is laughable.

4. Your pretense that you care about the Military is laughable.

5. You are the stupid one.
1) You lie because Democrats funded border security - they did not fund Trump's 40' wall. Republicans ran Congress for 2 years under Trump, why the fuck diodn't trhey fund the wall? Why did they secure the border? Your own party failed & you sit on your ignorant ass & blame Democrats.

2) I want a balanced budget. I am willing to pay higher taxes to get it,. Clinton balanced the budget & I guarantee you voted for Bush who ran on giving the tax money back instead of paying down the debt. Likely because you value your wallet over our country. Republicans love to run up the debt - unfunded tax cuts, unfunded wars, unfunded spending. So Fuck you, It is you that votes for debt.

3) I am not supporting Trumps trashing of the Constitution. That would be you.

4) My father served in WWII as did his brothers. I did not serve, but I NEVER EVER trashed the military service of our veteran heroes. That would be you when you voted for & support Trump.

1. THe dems piss money at the problem to give themselves political cover as they work to give amnesty to the tens of millions illegals here and still coming.

2. Your pretense that you care about the budget is laughable.

3. Your pretense that you, a liberal, care about the Constitution is laughable.

4. Any conversations between you and the voices in your head, keep to yourself.

The Democrats want the DACA people protected, You asshatswant to prosecute childsren for the crimes of their parents.

I don't vote for those that run up the debt, you do.

I am not the one supporting Trump. That would be you.I am smarty enough to recognize Trump for the lying POS he his while you worship every word out of his mouth. You have no basis to talk about anyone else's intelligence.

The Political Class as a whole wants Amnesty for all of them, and to let the border open for the rest of time.

The Dems and the GOP both have tried this shit.

For you to pretend otherwise, is proof of you being either completely stupid, or completely dishonest.
You give me a candidate that supports letting them actually protect the border, and I'll vote for them in a heartbeat.

That fact that that the political class as a whole has failed on this issue, is not my fault.

Border security funding was passed in a bipartian bill & Trump vetoed it., So maybe its your fat assed POI orange buddy that wants to waste money so more effective measures are less funded to allow more people to come in to dupe his feeble minded base. After all, Trump is giving these people free bus rides into our cities.

Any bill that did not include full funding for the Wall, from sea to fucking shining sea was a piece of garbage, written by pieces of shit.

The illegals are being released because the system is flooded, purposefully, and activist judges who ally with the invaders order them released into the country.

Even Littledick Donnie was not going to build his 40' concrete wall border to border.

The bill passed both houses. LD Donnie vetoed border security funding so maybe he wants open borders.

No one is buying your shit. You are lying. I know it. YOu know it. You know I know it.

Who are you trying to fool?
I spoke the truth. If you are not lying, you must be really stupid.

Millions and millions of illegals living in this country,and you don't see a need to change anything.

You are the one lying or stupid.
Let me know when you put on the uniform and offered to defend the Constitution with your life.
I was drafted and didn't use some bs excuse for getting out Was there when JFK was killed
Thank you for your service. Did you serve with anyone with bone spurs? Hint: No, you didn't. That's because it's a disqualifying condition.
I did serve with some one involved in a tank explosion and was still serving so they could care for him he could kick a football 80 yards
Okay. What's that got to do with the subject at hand?
What I related was with some one who really had a need Your AH in the presidency is a slacker a yellow bellied pos
Then don't vote for him, you little snot.

But don't even for a second believe your irrational hatred will inspire anyone else to drop their support for him.

In the end, you're just a petulant child. I'd tell you to grow up, but if you haven't by now, you're never going to.
This whole thread is nothing but a shit pot. And you don't seem to mind the lies told about Trump.

But that's not at all surprising.

Where have I said anything of the sort, dumbass? Quote it or withdraw your statement.
Where have you corrected anyone for lying about Trump?

All day every day. Now,stop deflecting and show where I have supported people lying about Trump. dumbass! You accused me of it, now prove it!
RealDave has told lies about Trump in this very thread.

You have not corrected him.

I have that moron on ignore. Maybe you should too, instead of accusing people of doing something they did not do.
Oh, he's not been the only one lying about Trump in this thread. But you're still strangely silent.
I was drafted and didn't use some bs excuse for getting out Was there when JFK was killed
Thank you for your service. Did you serve with anyone with bone spurs? Hint: No, you didn't. That's because it's a disqualifying condition.
I did serve with some one involved in a tank explosion and was still serving so they could care for him he could kick a football 80 yards
Okay. What's that got to do with the subject at hand?
What I related was with some one who really had a need Your AH in the presidency is a slacker a yellow bellied pos
Then don't vote for him, you little snot.

But don't even for a second believe your irrational hatred will inspire anyone else to drop their support for him.

In the end, you're just a petulant child. I'd tell you to grow up, but if you haven't by now, you're never going to.
I just hope that you republicans get control of your minds The ah fawns over dictators a loose cannon that always goes off half cocked
whatever the TRUMP decides to do concerning invading third worlders is , will be much better than the 'dems' or the 'bush family' or 'hilary' would do and you get to pay for it RDave . [chuckle]
They are not invading. They just want their families to live away from the danger in their home countries.
Fight for their homeland. That's what they should be doing.
Remember, these are brown people. White Liberals believe they can't do anything for themselves, and need to be taken care of.
whatever the TRUMP decides to do concerning invading third worlders is , will be much better than the 'dems' or the 'bush family' or 'hilary' would do and you get to pay for it RDave . [chuckle]
They are not invading. They just want their families to live away from the danger in their home countries.
Fight for their homeland. That's what they should be doing.
Remember, these are brown people. White Liberals believe they can't do anything for themselves, and need to be taken care of.
Your ancestors must have owned slaves
Thank you for your service. Did you serve with anyone with bone spurs? Hint: No, you didn't. That's because it's a disqualifying condition.
I did serve with some one involved in a tank explosion and was still serving so they could care for him he could kick a football 80 yards
Okay. What's that got to do with the subject at hand?
What I related was with some one who really had a need Your AH in the presidency is a slacker a yellow bellied pos
Then don't vote for him, you little snot.

But don't even for a second believe your irrational hatred will inspire anyone else to drop their support for him.

In the end, you're just a petulant child. I'd tell you to grow up, but if you haven't by now, you're never going to.
I just hope that you republicans get control of your minds The ah fawns over dictators a loose cannon that always goes off half cocked
You need to get control over your writing. You're incoherent.
whatever the TRUMP decides to do concerning invading third worlders is , will be much better than the 'dems' or the 'bush family' or 'hilary' would do and you get to pay for it RDave . [chuckle]
They are not invading. They just want their families to live away from the danger in their home countries.
Fight for their homeland. That's what they should be doing.
Remember, these are brown people. White Liberals believe they can't do anything for themselves, and need to be taken care of.
Your ancestors must have owned slaves
It's certainly possible. My family's from Massachusetts.

Meanwhile, white liberals have a colonialist attitude towards minorities. You really do believe minorities can't succeed without white liberals' help.

And, oh, man, the abuse they heap upon minorities who ungratefully don't think as white liberals insist they should!

NOTE: Your acknowledgement is neither required nor expected. Reality doesn't give a shit about your butthurt.
whatever the TRUMP decides to do concerning invading third worlders is , will be much better than the 'dems' or the 'bush family' or 'hilary' would do and you get to pay for it RDave . [chuckle]
They are not invading. They just want their families to live away from the danger in their home countries.
Fight for their homeland. That's what they should be doing.
Remember, these are brown people. White Liberals believe they can't do anything for themselves, and need to be taken care of.
Your ancestors must have owned slaves

And your's must have practiced inbreeding - substantially..
whatever the TRUMP decides to do concerning invading third worlders is , will be much better than the 'dems' or the 'bush family' or 'hilary' would do and you get to pay for it RDave . [chuckle]
They are not invading. They just want their families to live away from the danger in their home countries.
Fight for their homeland. That's what they should be doing.
Remember, these are brown people. White Liberals believe they can't do anything for themselves, and need to be taken care of.
Your ancestors must have owned slaves

And your's must have practiced inbreeding - substantially..
LOL I AM NOT a republican
You asshatswant to prosecute childsren for the crimes of their parents.
Do you support reparations for descendants of slaves? Do you support hiring quotas for minorities? Do you support Affirmative Action? Do you support relaxed qualification standards for minorities?
NO but I'm still a Dem
Ooooh. You're a Thoughtcriminal. You're going to burst into flames, speaking such apostasy aloud.

And I wasn't asking you, genius.
They are not invading. They just want their families to live away from the danger in their home countries.
Fight for their homeland. That's what they should be doing.
Remember, these are brown people. White Liberals believe they can't do anything for themselves, and need to be taken care of.
Your ancestors must have owned slaves

And your's must have practiced inbreeding - substantially..
LOL I AM NOT a republican

Exactly, Cleetus....

Does the term "aunt mommy" have any special meaning for you?
You asshatswant to prosecute childsren for the crimes of their parents.
Do you support reparations for descendants of slaves? Do you support hiring quotas for minorities? Do you support Affirmative Action? Do you support relaxed qualification standards for minorities?
NO but I'm still a Dem
I'm an American. You're my enemy.
And where will you go when they come for you? You're as American as I' am the man in the moon Face it BS you're nothing but a trump kiss ass
You asshatswant to prosecute childsren for the crimes of their parents.
Do you support reparations for descendants of slaves? Do you support hiring quotas for minorities? Do you support Affirmative Action? Do you support relaxed qualification standards for minorities?
NO but I'm still a Dem
I'm an American. You're my enemy.
And where will you go when they come for you? You're as American as I' am the man in the moon Face it BS you're nothing but a trump kiss ass

You already said you are an enemy of America.

Not that anyone here didn't already know that.
You asshatswant to prosecute childsren for the crimes of their parents.
Do you support reparations for descendants of slaves? Do you support hiring quotas for minorities? Do you support Affirmative Action? Do you support relaxed qualification standards for minorities?
NO but I'm still a Dem
I'm an American. You're my enemy.
And where will you go when they come for you? You're as American as I' am the man in the moon Face it BS you're nothing but a trump kiss ass
No one is coming for me.

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