More proof Trump thinks Trumpettes are stupid.

This whole thread is nothing but a shit pot. And you don't seem to mind the lies told about Trump.

But that's not at all surprising.
Funny chit. The lies told about Trump? You mean the lies told by Trump.

What lies are being told bout Trump?
You don't even read your own posts?

That would explain a lot, actually.
You forgot to list some of these lies told about Trump.

Couldn't find one?
Here's some. You will not accept they're lies, because of your irrational hatred.

There is no proof Trump is a billionaire at all.

Trump was handed millions from his father along with business contacts & several bailouts. Good businessmen don't cheat their subcontractors & don't have to lie to sell units in their buildings. Good businessmen donl;t need to bully people.

No one said Trump said all were rapists but he did infer that most were. "bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people." So he most people were bringing in drugs. criminals & rapists and only some were good people.

AS for what he said about John McCain: "He’s not a war hero,” said Trump. “He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.” So not only did your hero trash McCain's service but all POWs.

Oh, and yes, Trump is a draft dodger.
/—-/ There is no proof you are alive. You could be IA or a bot. Who knows?
Help them fight the cartels, help make their countries safer for their people & thereby reduce the need to flee.

Cartels own the politicians. So how would you help them? Send in the marines?

I've said before that's pretty much what you'd have to do. Have the military fly into Mexico and bomb the cartel compounds. Of course, doing that without the permission of the Mexican government would be an act of war.

And with the Mexican Govt under the influence of the cartels you would never get that permission. Hence you build a wall and try to protect your borders or declare war on Mexico.

Building a wall will not keep the cartels out of the country

So everyone should tear down the fences around their property and keep their doors unlocked because they "wil not keep" criminals out?
Wrong again, anus breath!

I never liked McCain politically, but I refuse to let people get away with lying about anyone. There are probably millions out there that still blame McCain for the fire on the USS Forrestal because they refuse to even bother researching the facts.

I was serving fro 1978 to 1994 on active duty and stayed in the IRR another 7 years.

Now, what were you bitching about? Oh, that's right. You are off topic for the thread and trying to stir the shit pot. Carry on, dumbass!
This whole thread is nothing but a shit pot. And you don't seem to mind the lies told about Trump.

But that's not at all surprising.

Where have I said anything of the sort, dumbass? Quote it or withdraw your statement.
Where have you corrected anyone for lying about Trump?

All day every day. Now,stop deflecting and show where I have supported people lying about Trump. dumbass! You accused me of it, now prove it!
RealDave has told lies about Trump in this very thread.

You have not corrected him.

I have that moron on ignore. Maybe you should too, instead of accusing people of doing something they did not do.
Note how Trumpettes don't care how Trump trashes the Constitution.

Trump says he will divert money Congress designated to the military. This is money the military does not need.

Yet military bases are still not repaired from a Hurricane 6 months earlier because they don't have funding.

Is it you hate our troops? Is it you hate the Constitution? Is it you are actually so stupid that you think this all will help the current mess at our border with Mexico? Is it you think this wall is worth cutting funding to illegal drug screening at crossing points?

Note how Democrats hate half of America.
Note how Trumpettes don't care how Trump trashes the Constitution.

Trump says he will divert money Congress designated to the military. This is money the military does not need.

Yet military bases are still not repaired from a Hurricane 6 months earlier because they don't have funding.

Is it you hate our troops? Is it you hate the Constitution? Is it you are actually so stupid that you think this all will help the current mess at our border with Mexico? Is it you think this wall is worth cutting funding to illegal drug screening at crossing points?

Note how Democrats hate half of America.

Only stupid asshole people who support a man that trashes our veterans. I guess that includes you?
Help them fight the cartels, help make their countries safer for their people & thereby reduce the need to flee.

Cartels own the politicians. So how would you help them? Send in the marines?

I've said before that's pretty much what you'd have to do. Have the military fly into Mexico and bomb the cartel compounds. Of course, doing that without the permission of the Mexican government would be an act of war.

And with the Mexican Govt under the influence of the cartels you would never get that permission. Hence you build a wall and try to protect your borders or declare war on Mexico.

Building a wall will not keep the cartels out of the country

So everyone should tear down the fences around their property and keep their doors unlocked because they "wil not keep" criminals out?

Just those with 40' concrete walls. Trump wanted 40' concrete walls. Did you forget that?
Democrats have funded border fencing in the past.
Cartels own the politicians. So how would you help them? Send in the marines?

I've said before that's pretty much what you'd have to do. Have the military fly into Mexico and bomb the cartel compounds. Of course, doing that without the permission of the Mexican government would be an act of war.

And with the Mexican Govt under the influence of the cartels you would never get that permission. Hence you build a wall and try to protect your borders or declare war on Mexico.

Building a wall will not keep the cartels out of the country

So everyone should tear down the fences around their property and keep their doors unlocked because they "wil not keep" criminals out?

Just those with 40' concrete walls. Trump wanted 40' concrete walls. Did you forget that?
Democrats have funded border fencing in the past.

You didn't answer my question you just pivoted to wall height. Nancy Pelosi says NO! Call her, stop crying to me.
Note how Trumpettes don't care how Trump trashes the Constitution.

Trump says he will divert money Congress designated to the military. This is money the military does not need.

Yet military bases are still not repaired from a Hurricane 6 months earlier because they don't have funding.

Is it you hate our troops? Is it you hate the Constitution? Is it you are actually so stupid that you think this all will help the current mess at our border with Mexico? Is it you think this wall is worth cutting funding to illegal drug screening at crossing points?

Note how Democrats hate half of America.

Only stupid asshole people who support a man that trashes our veterans. I guess that includes you?

Yeah, only a stupid asshole that supported Obama who called our military 'corpses' ......what a lame fucking idiot.
I've said before that's pretty much what you'd have to do. Have the military fly into Mexico and bomb the cartel compounds. Of course, doing that without the permission of the Mexican government would be an act of war.

And with the Mexican Govt under the influence of the cartels you would never get that permission. Hence you build a wall and try to protect your borders or declare war on Mexico.

Building a wall will not keep the cartels out of the country

So everyone should tear down the fences around their property and keep their doors unlocked because they "wil not keep" criminals out?

Just those with 40' concrete walls. Trump wanted 40' concrete walls. Did you forget that?
Democrats have funded border fencing in the past.

You didn't answer my question you just pivoted to wall height. Nancy Pelosi says NO! Call her, stop crying to me.
You are the one dodging.

The Trump Wall is a 40' concrete wall. This is what he wanted built. Look at the examples he had built.

Now you claim Trump just wanted a border fence? It is you who hase pivoted.

Democrats voted for border security that included fixing & replacing fences but Trump vetoes it because he did not get his 40' wall.

So when will you people quit lying about this? Democrats voted against a 40' concrete run in circles claiming Democrats don't want border security.
Note how Trumpettes don't care how Trump trashes the Constitution.

Trump says he will divert money Congress designated to the military. This is money the military does not need.

Yet military bases are still not repaired from a Hurricane 6 months earlier because they don't have funding.

Is it you hate our troops? Is it you hate the Constitution? Is it you are actually so stupid that you think this all will help the current mess at our border with Mexico? Is it you think this wall is worth cutting funding to illegal drug screening at crossing points?

Note how Democrats hate half of America.

Only stupid asshole people who support a man that trashes our veterans. I guess that includes you?

Yeah, only a stupid asshole that supported Obama who called our military 'corpses' ......what a lame fucking idiot.
So mispronouncing a word running by on a screen is worse than trashing our vets? Really?
'vets' all got paid for the jobs that they voluntarily signed up to do RDave . I don't understand this 'vet' worship . Its like Worshiping Police or Firemen [government men] that simply do their jobs and are paid by their Citizen taxpaying bosses that pay their wages RDave .
Note how Trumpettes don't care how Trump trashes the Constitution.

Trump says he will divert money Congress designated to the military. This is money the military does not need.

Yet military bases are still not repaired from a Hurricane 6 months earlier because they don't have funding.

Is it you hate our troops? Is it you hate the Constitution? Is it you are actually so stupid that you think this all will help the current mess at our border with Mexico? Is it you think this wall is worth cutting funding to illegal drug screening at crossing points?

Protecting the nation is more important than repairing useless military bases.

Yep, we all know that the military does not protect th So fuck you & your lying ways.

e nation! :21::21::21::21::21::21:

They do if they build the wall.

But keeping democrat voters out angers RealDunce.

Here is what you assfucks are too stupid to get.

Trump's wall is a very ineffective use our money at the border.

Democrats fund border security & always have. Trump rejected that funding because he wanted his wall.

Then he violated the Constitution & stole money from the military. And you love him for it. This is how stupid you are..

1. You and your democrats don't want a secure border. You are happy to throw some money at the problem, to give yourself political cover, provided it does not actually work.

2. Your pretense that you give a damn about the money, is laughable.

3. Your pretense that you care about the Constitution is laughable.

4. Your pretense that you care about the Military is laughable.

5. You are the stupid one.
Note how Trumpettes don't care how Trump trashes the Constitution.

Trump says he will divert money Congress designated to the military. This is money the military does not need.

Yet military bases are still not repaired from a Hurricane 6 months earlier because they don't have funding.

Is it you hate our troops? Is it you hate the Constitution? Is it you are actually so stupid that you think this all will help the current mess at our border with Mexico? Is it you think this wall is worth cutting funding to illegal drug screening at crossing points?

Protecting the nation is more important than repairing useless military bases.

Yep, we all know that the military does not protect the nation! :21::21::21::21::21::21:
------------------------------------ they do the job as ordered by the Civilian 'CiC' orders to do after they stop whining about missing 'thanksgiving' with their families . And they get paid to do the jobs that they Volunteered to do GGator .
Note how Trumpettes don't care how Trump trashes the Constitution.

Trump says he will divert money Congress designated to the military. This is money the military does not need.

Yet military bases are still not repaired from a Hurricane 6 months earlier because they don't have funding.

Is it you hate our troops? Is it you hate the Constitution? Is it you are actually so stupid that you think this all will help the current mess at our border with Mexico? Is it you think this wall is worth cutting funding to illegal drug screening at crossing points?

Protecting the nation is more important than repairing useless military bases.

Yep, we all know that the military does not protect the nation! :21::21::21::21::21::21:

Considering the ongoing invasion over the southern border, no, it does not.

Sadly, they are not allowed to protect the southern border. The lawmakers you vote for will not allow it.

You give me a candidate that supports letting them actually protect the border, and I'll vote for them in a heartbeat.

That fact that that the political class as a whole has failed on this issue, is not my fault.
Note how Trumpettes don't care how Trump trashes the Constitution.

Trump says he will divert money Congress designated to the military. This is money the military does not need.

Yet military bases are still not repaired from a Hurricane 6 months earlier because they don't have funding.

Is it you hate our troops? Is it you hate the Constitution? Is it you are actually so stupid that you think this all will help the current mess at our border with Mexico? Is it you think this wall is worth cutting funding to illegal drug screening at crossing points?

Protecting the nation is more important than repairing useless military bases.
I was right. You assfucks do hate the military. So what if our troops must live in deplorable conditions so Littledick Donnie can keep a stupid campaign promise & trash the Constitution.

Wow. THat is some of the stupidest "logic" I have ever seen.

Your politics make a lot more sense, now that I see who stupid you are.

The base was in bad shape since the Hurricane. Evidently the militasy had no money to fix it. Butt hey, the found money for the wall.

The Wall is more important. Shut the base down if necessary.
Cartels own the politicians. So how would you help them? Send in the marines?

I've said before that's pretty much what you'd have to do. Have the military fly into Mexico and bomb the cartel compounds. Of course, doing that without the permission of the Mexican government would be an act of war.

And with the Mexican Govt under the influence of the cartels you would never get that permission. Hence you build a wall and try to protect your borders or declare war on Mexico.

Building a wall will not keep the cartels out of the country

So everyone should tear down the fences around their property and keep their doors unlocked because they "wil not keep" criminals out?

Just those with 40' concrete walls. Trump wanted 40' concrete walls. Did you forget that?
Democrats have funded border fencing in the past.
---------------------------- Go TRUMP !!
Note how Trumpettes don't care how Trump trashes the Constitution.

Trump says he will divert money Congress designated to the military. This is money the military does not need.

Yet military bases are still not repaired from a Hurricane 6 months earlier because they don't have funding.

Is it you hate our troops? Is it you hate the Constitution? Is it you are actually so stupid that you think this all will help the current mess at our border with Mexico? Is it you think this wall is worth cutting funding to illegal drug screening at crossing points?

Protecting the nation is more important than repairing useless military bases.
I was right. You assfucks do hate the military. So what if our troops must live in deplorable conditions so Littledick Donnie can keep a stupid campaign promise & trash the Constitution.

Wow. THat is some of the stupidest "logic" I have ever seen.

Your politics make a lot more sense, now that I see who stupid you are.

The base was in bad shape since the Hurricane. Evidently the militasy had no money to fix it. Butt hey, the found money for the wall.
-------------------------------------- Go TRUMP !!
Note how Trumpettes don't care how Trump trashes the Constitution.

Trump says he will divert money Congress designated to the military. This is money the military does not need.

Yet military bases are still not repaired from a Hurricane 6 months earlier because they don't have funding.

Is it you hate our troops? Is it you hate the Constitution? Is it you are actually so stupid that you think this all will help the current mess at our border with Mexico? Is it you think this wall is worth cutting funding to illegal drug screening at crossing points?

Protecting the nation is more important than repairing useless military bases.
I was right. You assfucks do hate the military. So what if our troops must live in deplorable conditions so Littledick Donnie can keep a stupid campaign promise & trash the Constitution.

Wow. THat is some of the stupidest "logic" I have ever seen.

Your politics make a lot more sense, now that I see who stupid you are.

The base was in bad shape since the Hurricane. Evidently the militasy had no money to fix it. Butt hey, the found money for the wall.

The Wall is more important. Shut the base down if necessary.
More important only to Trump & his band of dumbass followers because of a campaign promise.

A 40' concrete was not not a good way to spend border security money.

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