More proof Trump thinks Trumpettes are stupid.

The Trump created Crisis.

Pretty sure illegals in the US stand at 20mil? You’re a moron. Started way before Trump.
Trump changed policy & held all those caught trying to cross the border. Any idiot would know this would end up filling up all the space we had to hold these people. Add in those asking for asylum. Then add in all the children he took. Trump created this mess. He has no clue how to fix it. He cut funding to the Central American countries so they less able to provide safety for ther people which will drive more asylum seekers.

This is what you get when you elect a President who knows basically nothing but thinks he knows everything.
Ladies and gentlemen, this pissant is on record as opposing taking children away from sex traffickers.

You're a piece of shit.
So you are actually so fucking stupid that you think families were all sex traffickers,. Just how up Trumop's ass is your head?
Not what I said, you retard. Can you stop lying for two minutes in a row?
Well, actually you did. say it. Learn not to be such a dick.
The Trump created Crisis.

Pretty sure illegals in the US stand at 20mil? You’re a moron. Started way before Trump.
Trump changed policy & held all those caught trying to cross the border. Any idiot would know this would end up filling up all the space we had to hold these people. Add in those asking for asylum. Then add in all the children he took. Trump created this mess. He has no clue how to fix it. He cut funding to the Central American countries so they less able to provide safety for ther people which will drive more asylum seekers.

This is what you get when you elect a President who knows basically nothing but thinks he knows everything.

Plus Trump keeps saying he;s going to close the border which makes the frightened people who fear for their lives run now, BEFORE the border is closed.
Mexico offered them jobs and support.

Weird how they turned all that down, innit?
It is weird that Mexico behaved more like a word leader than than assfuck Trump made America look like..
How many refugees have you invited to live with you in your mom's basement, boy?
I have always cared about our troops & veterans.

You voted for a man who thought himself too important to be drafted & then trashed the military service of veterans, gold Star Families & even called a soldier's widow a liar on the very day she met her husbands coffin get unloaded upon his return home.

So don't you dare pretend you give a rart's ass about our troops.
Ok, Dave. Have you ever served?
I have never served, I never had to write a fake doctpr's excuse not to serve and I have NEVER EVER trashed rthe service pf anyone who did.

So fuick off you TYrump suckimng POS>
I served in uniform for 20 years. Your contempt for the military is plain.

You, boy, can eat shit.

What uniform was that, the one they give you in prison?

Because what kind a veteran would vote for & support a draft dodging, Veteran trashing POS **** Trump.

While he paid off a doctor to give an excuse of bone spurs to avoid the Vietnam draft.

He trashed McCain's military service.

He trashed all POWs.

He trashed a Gold Star Family.

HE called a widow of a soldier a liar on the day shew met his coffin at the airport.,

And YOU love him for it.
United States Air Force, 1991 - 2011.

Run along, boy.

So you support draft dodging, wimpy assed little rich kids trashing your fellow vets?
Pretty sure illegals in the US stand at 20mil? You’re a moron. Started way before Trump.
Trump changed policy & held all those caught trying to cross the border. Any idiot would know this would end up filling up all the space we had to hold these people. Add in those asking for asylum. Then add in all the children he took. Trump created this mess. He has no clue how to fix it. He cut funding to the Central American countries so they less able to provide safety for ther people which will drive more asylum seekers.

This is what you get when you elect a President who knows basically nothing but thinks he knows everything.

Plus Trump keeps saying he;s going to close the border which makes the frightened people who fear for their lives run now, BEFORE the border is closed.
Mexico offered them jobs and support.

Weird how they turned all that down, innit?
It is weird that Mexico behaved more like a word leader than than assfuck Trump made America look like..
How many refugees have you invited to live with you in your mom's basement, boy?

I suppoirt our country welcoming some of the world
s refugees as we also help fix the situations that create them.

My "Mommy's dead. I have worked every day of my life since got my college degrees. So shove thgs crap up your ass.
What do you care about our military? You're a worthless leftist traitor hack.
I have always cared about our troops & veterans.

You voted for a man who thought himself too important to be drafted & then trashed the military service of veterans, gold Star Families & even called a soldier's widow a liar on the very day she met her husbands coffin get unloaded upon his return home.

So don't you dare pretend you give a rart's ass about our troops.
Ok, Dave. Have you ever served?
I have never served, I never had to write a fake doctpr's excuse not to serve and I have NEVER EVER trashed rthe service pf anyone who did.

So fuick off you TYrump suckimng POS>
I served in uniform for 20 years. Your contempt for the military is plain.

You, boy, can eat shit.

What uniform was that, the one they give you in prison?

Because what kind a veteran would vote for & support a draft dodging, Veteran trashing POS **** Trump.

While he paid off a doctor to give an excuse of bone spurs to avoid the Vietnam draft.

He trashed McCain's military service.

He trashed all POWs.

He trashed a Gold Star Family.

HE called a widow of a soldier a liar on the day shew met his coffin at the airport.,

And YOU love him for it.

Yet you had no problem voting for the draft dodging and criminal clintons. Go figure.

Pentagon shifting $1.5 billion to border wall construction

House passes plus-upped disaster aid package

"he House passed a $19.1 billion disaster aid package to help victims of recent storms and flooding rebuild, with the price tag growing by about $1.8 billion on the floor through amendments to add funds for repairing damaged military facilities, highways, levees, dams and more."

The military found 1,5 billion that ot did not need to build the wall while they were in Congress begging for 1.8 billion more to repairs from hurricane damage.

(Sometimes I forget how uninformed Trumpettes are as they continually whine for links on what should be common knowledge)

Stupid is not knowing how federal appropriations and budgets work, that's the slot you fit nicely.


This from a person who thinks the President can defy Congress & take funding budgeted to the military & use it for other uses top placarte his feeble minded base.

The law gives him the authority to do exactly that, within limits, I'm not aware he's exceeded those limits. If he does, get back to me.

He declared the border situation a national emergency so he could defy Congress.

It is an emergency dumb ass, and he acted within the law. If congress doesn't like it, they can change the freaking law.


An emergency is a situation where there is not time for Congress to consider it. Not when Congress considered itr & said no.
feck those refugeee invaders and their widdle papoose / baby invaders RDave .
I have always cared about our troops & veterans.

You voted for a man who thought himself too important to be drafted & then trashed the military service of veterans, gold Star Families & even called a soldier's widow a liar on the very day she met her husbands coffin get unloaded upon his return home.

So don't you dare pretend you give a rart's ass about our troops.
Ok, Dave. Have you ever served?
I have never served, I never had to write a fake doctpr's excuse not to serve and I have NEVER EVER trashed rthe service pf anyone who did.

So fuick off you TYrump suckimng POS>
I served in uniform for 20 years. Your contempt for the military is plain.

You, boy, can eat shit.

What uniform was that, the one they give you in prison?

Because what kind a veteran would vote for & support a draft dodging, Veteran trashing POS **** Trump.

While he paid off a doctor to give an excuse of bone spurs to avoid the Vietnam draft.

He trashed McCain's military service.

He trashed all POWs.

He trashed a Gold Star Family.

HE called a widow of a soldier a liar on the day shew met his coffin at the airport.,

And YOU love him for it.

Yet you had no problem voting for the draft dodging and criminal clintons. Go figure.

1) I never voted for Bill Clinton

2) Clinton us nit running around trashing veterans
Pretty sure illegals in the US stand at 20mil? You’re a moron. Started way before Trump.
Trump changed policy & held all those caught trying to cross the border. Any idiot would know this would end up filling up all the space we had to hold these people. Add in those asking for asylum. Then add in all the children he took. Trump created this mess. He has no clue how to fix it. He cut funding to the Central American countries so they less able to provide safety for ther people which will drive more asylum seekers.

This is what you get when you elect a President who knows basically nothing but thinks he knows everything.
Ladies and gentlemen, this pissant is on record as opposing taking children away from sex traffickers.

You're a piece of shit.
So you are actually so fucking stupid that you think families were all sex traffickers,. Just how up Trumop's ass is your head?
Not what I said, you retard. Can you stop lying for two minutes in a row?
Well, actually you did. say it. Learn not to be such a dick.
I never said "all", you lying sack of shit.

So do you support doing something about child sex trafficking or not?
Ok, Dave. Have you ever served?
I have never served, I never had to write a fake doctpr's excuse not to serve and I have NEVER EVER trashed rthe service pf anyone who did.

So fuick off you TYrump suckimng POS>
I served in uniform for 20 years. Your contempt for the military is plain.

You, boy, can eat shit.

What uniform was that, the one they give you in prison?

Because what kind a veteran would vote for & support a draft dodging, Veteran trashing POS **** Trump.

While he paid off a doctor to give an excuse of bone spurs to avoid the Vietnam draft.

He trashed McCain's military service.

He trashed all POWs.

He trashed a Gold Star Family.

HE called a widow of a soldier a liar on the day shew met his coffin at the airport.,

And YOU love him for it.
United States Air Force, 1991 - 2011.

Run along, boy.

So you support draft dodging, wimpy assed little rich kids trashing your fellow vets?
I opposed McCain since his first campaign for President. He sold out his fellow POWs and MIAs.

But you wouldn't know anything about that, do you, boy?
Trump changed policy & held all those caught trying to cross the border. Any idiot would know this would end up filling up all the space we had to hold these people. Add in those asking for asylum. Then add in all the children he took. Trump created this mess. He has no clue how to fix it. He cut funding to the Central American countries so they less able to provide safety for ther people which will drive more asylum seekers.

This is what you get when you elect a President who knows basically nothing but thinks he knows everything.

Plus Trump keeps saying he;s going to close the border which makes the frightened people who fear for their lives run now, BEFORE the border is closed.
Mexico offered them jobs and support.

Weird how they turned all that down, innit?
It is weird that Mexico behaved more like a word leader than than assfuck Trump made America look like..
How many refugees have you invited to live with you in your mom's basement, boy?

I suppoirt our country welcoming some of the world
s refugees as we also help fix the situations that create them.

My "Mommy's dead. I have worked every day of my life since got my college degrees. So shove thgs crap up your ass.
So, you want other people to do what you're not willing to do. Typical.
I have never served, I never had to write a fake doctpr's excuse not to serve and I have NEVER EVER trashed rthe service pf anyone who did.

So fuick off you TYrump suckimng POS>
I served in uniform for 20 years. Your contempt for the military is plain.

You, boy, can eat shit.

What uniform was that, the one they give you in prison?

Because what kind a veteran would vote for & support a draft dodging, Veteran trashing POS **** Trump.

While he paid off a doctor to give an excuse of bone spurs to avoid the Vietnam draft.

He trashed McCain's military service.

He trashed all POWs.

He trashed a Gold Star Family.

HE called a widow of a soldier a liar on the day shew met his coffin at the airport.,

And YOU love him for it.
United States Air Force, 1991 - 2011.

Run along, boy.

So you support draft dodging, wimpy assed little rich kids trashing your fellow vets?
I opposed McCain since his first campaign for President. He sold out his fellow POWs and MIAs.

But you wouldn't know anything about that, do you, boy?
He stayed when they wanted to free him
Stupid is not knowing how federal appropriations and budgets work, that's the slot you fit nicely.


This from a person who thinks the President can defy Congress & take funding budgeted to the military & use it for other uses top placarte his feeble minded base.

The law gives him the authority to do exactly that, within limits, I'm not aware he's exceeded those limits. If he does, get back to me.

He declared the border situation a national emergency so he could defy Congress.

It is an emergency dumb ass, and he acted within the law. If congress doesn't like it, they can change the freaking law.


An emergency is a situation where there is not time for Congress to consider it. Not when Congress considered itr & said no.

Wrong again you commie shit head, the law gives the discretion to the president, and the commies in congress couldn't muster to support to override a veto. Of course you had no problem with your mulatto messiah using his pen to go around congress multiple times. So just STFU you hypocritical commie.

BTW he gave congress every opportunity to act, they preferred to play politics.

I served in uniform for 20 years. Your contempt for the military is plain.

You, boy, can eat shit.

What uniform was that, the one they give you in prison?

Because what kind a veteran would vote for & support a draft dodging, Veteran trashing POS **** Trump.

While he paid off a doctor to give an excuse of bone spurs to avoid the Vietnam draft.

He trashed McCain's military service.

He trashed all POWs.

He trashed a Gold Star Family.

HE called a widow of a soldier a liar on the day shew met his coffin at the airport.,

And YOU love him for it.
United States Air Force, 1991 - 2011.

Run along, boy.

So you support draft dodging, wimpy assed little rich kids trashing your fellow vets?
I opposed McCain since his first campaign for President. He sold out his fellow POWs and MIAs.

But you wouldn't know anything about that, do you, boy?
He stayed when they wanted to free him
He sold out his fellow POWs.
What uniform was that, the one they give you in prison?

Because what kind a veteran would vote for & support a draft dodging, Veteran trashing POS **** Trump.

While he paid off a doctor to give an excuse of bone spurs to avoid the Vietnam draft.

He trashed McCain's military service.

He trashed all POWs.

He trashed a Gold Star Family.

HE called a widow of a soldier a liar on the day shew met his coffin at the airport.,

And YOU love him for it.
United States Air Force, 1991 - 2011.

Run along, boy.

So you support draft dodging, wimpy assed little rich kids trashing your fellow vets?
I opposed McCain since his first campaign for President. He sold out his fellow POWs and MIAs.

But you wouldn't know anything about that, do you, boy?
He stayed when they wanted to free him
He sold out his fellow POWs.
By staying not going ??? That's selling out ?? The torture he went through ,,that's selling out?? and speaking of draft dodging ?? The scumbag trumps name comes up
Ok, Dave. Have you ever served?
I have never served, I never had to write a fake doctpr's excuse not to serve and I have NEVER EVER trashed rthe service pf anyone who did.

So fuick off you TYrump suckimng POS>
I served in uniform for 20 years. Your contempt for the military is plain.

You, boy, can eat shit.

What uniform was that, the one they give you in prison?

Because what kind a veteran would vote for & support a draft dodging, Veteran trashing POS **** Trump.

While he paid off a doctor to give an excuse of bone spurs to avoid the Vietnam draft.

He trashed McCain's military service.

He trashed all POWs.

He trashed a Gold Star Family.

HE called a widow of a soldier a liar on the day shew met his coffin at the airport.,

And YOU love him for it.

Yet you had no problem voting for the draft dodging and criminal clintons. Go figure.

1) I never voted for Bill Clinton

2) Clinton us nit running around trashing veterans

What weren't you old enough, the bitch didn't want anyone in uniform around her, she hated the military then and still does, the fucking wimp willie couldn't even control his woman.

I have never served, I never had to write a fake doctpr's excuse not to serve and I have NEVER EVER trashed rthe service pf anyone who did.

So fuick off you TYrump suckimng POS>
I served in uniform for 20 years. Your contempt for the military is plain.

You, boy, can eat shit.

What uniform was that, the one they give you in prison?

Because what kind a veteran would vote for & support a draft dodging, Veteran trashing POS **** Trump.

While he paid off a doctor to give an excuse of bone spurs to avoid the Vietnam draft.

He trashed McCain's military service.

He trashed all POWs.

He trashed a Gold Star Family.

HE called a widow of a soldier a liar on the day shew met his coffin at the airport.,

And YOU love him for it.

Yet you had no problem voting for the draft dodging and criminal clintons. Go figure.

1) I never voted for Bill Clinton

2) Clinton us nit running around trashing veterans

What weren't you old enough, the bitch didn't want anyone in uniform around her, she hated the military then and still does, the fucking wimp willie couldn't even control his woman.

She hated the military ?? Are they still outlawing masturbation in Texas ?

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