More Racism From the Left


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
By Brother Bob


Over at, Jim Nolte had an interesting take on how the lefiverse got all wee-ee'd up last week over something that Fox News Chairman Roger Ailes said regarding President Obama in an excerpt from his upcoming book that appeared in Vanity Fair. The quote that started this controversy was this:

"Obama’s the one who never worked a day in his life. He never earned a penny that wasn’t public money. How many fund-raisers does he attend every week? How often does he play basketball and golf? I wish I had that kind of time. He’s lazy, but the media won’t report that.' He noticed my arched eyebrows and added, 'I didn’t come up with that. Obama said that, to Barbara Walters."
What Ailes was referring to was an interview that Obama did with Barbara Walters back in 2011:
BARBARA WALTERS: Okay. What's the trait you most deplore in yourself and the trait you most deplore in others?

WALTERS: You're lazy?

OBAMA: You know, it's interesting. There is a deep down, underneath all the work I do, I think there's a laziness in me. I mean, it's, it's probably from, you know, growing up in Hawaii, and it's sunny outside and sitting on the beach.
The president wasn't the lone target, as Ailes would also call Newt Gingrch a pr**k, and referred to Vice President Biden "As dumb as an ashtray".
CNN weighed in, first by selectively editing out that last sentence of Ailes' to try to put a racist spin on the remarks when they discussed this with 9/11 Truther Van Jones.

MSNBC had its resident experts on being racists, Sharpton and Toure discuss these comments. Like CNN, they also left off that last sentence of Ailes', and also failed to cite the Walters interview that was the source of that observation.'s Joe Newby documented their analysis:

“This sort of ‘lazy’ term is something we heard flung at us as black people going back to slavery,” Touré told Sharpton, “which, of course, you know, we perceive them as being guilty of not wanting to work. Of course they didn’t want to work. They were slaves.”
Touré then claimed that everyone on "the Fox side of the aisle," meaning conservatives, hold the same view of black people while offering no proof of his assertion.

“But this is a revolutionary thing that they’re doing,” he added, “saying ‘We’re going to get out of all of the work that we can,’ and then this stupid idea follows us since then. It’s this really disgusting, accessing stereotypes, red meat sort of dog whistle. On the Fox side of the aisle, they say yes, that’s right. This is what we think of black people already. And, on our side, we’re like ‘What are you talking about?'
Let's look at how one more lefty outlet covered the story. The Huffington Post's Robert Elsiberg had this to offer:
Though his quote is likely to get a lot of outraged attention, I actually find it very positive and encouraging. After all, the good news is that Mr. Ailes didn't call the president shiftless, and say too that he has good rhythm, shuffles and likes watermelon.
Besides... well, sure he's lazy. Aren't all black people lazy in Roger Ailes Land, over there on the far right?
and went on to add
Still, Mr. Ailes does have his "Fox News" facts screwed on straight, when he empirically shows the president, proof positive, as one of those freeloading 47 percent who never earned a penny that wasn't public money. Guilty as changed, other than the time he worked at the Sidley Austin law firm in Chicago, and the Miner, Barnhill & Galland law firm, and taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago for 12 years. And ran Illinois Project Vote, a non-profit organization which is totally different from "public money," but still.... Other than all that, Roger Ailes has it spot-on right, at least by "Fox News" standards, that Barack Obama never earned a penny that wasn't public money.
And spot on, too, that he "never worked a day in his life." All that law firm time, and teaching, and running a non-profit business stuff? And being an Illinois state senator, and a U.S. senator, and President of the United States. That's not work. Work?! That's the stuff of dreams. And dreams are just a fantasy, fluff, goofing off. It's just being lazy.
Now that we've looked at the silliness that came out of the left let's look at each one. First, CNN's selective editing doesn't do them any favors in their quest to pretend that they're an actual serious news network and not a leftist outlet, not to mention interviewing a racist 9/11 truther as their expert.
MSNBC didn't help their side either, by putting assumptions in Ailes' mouth based on their own personal racist perceptions that they wished conservatives shared. Elsiberg does more of the same, but then as evidence cites the great "work" that the president did. Um, what actual tasks did he complete, or what papers did he write, and where are the former students and professors with their glowing testimonials? If the president "ran" a non-profit how is it that he is completely ignorant as to the concept of what a budget is? This would be a great time to provide concrete examples of what Obama accomplished at *any* of his past jobs, although actually 2008 would have been a better time for that.


Read more:
More Racism From the Left [Reader Post] | Flopping Aces
By Brother Bob


Over at, Jim Nolte had an interesting take on how the lefiverse got all wee-ee'd up last week over something that Fox News Chairman Roger Ailes said regarding President Obama in an excerpt from his upcoming book that appeared in Vanity Fair. The quote that started this controversy was this:

"Obama’s the one who never worked a day in his life. He never earned a penny that wasn’t public money. How many fund-raisers does he attend every week? How often does he play basketball and golf? I wish I had that kind of time. He’s lazy, but the media won’t report that.' He noticed my arched eyebrows and added, 'I didn’t come up with that. Obama said that, to Barbara Walters."
What Ailes was referring to was an interview that Obama did with Barbara Walters back in 2011:
BARBARA WALTERS: Okay. What's the trait you most deplore in yourself and the trait you most deplore in others?

WALTERS: You're lazy?

OBAMA: You know, it's interesting. There is a deep down, underneath all the work I do, I think there's a laziness in me. I mean, it's, it's probably from, you know, growing up in Hawaii, and it's sunny outside and sitting on the beach.
The president wasn't the lone target, as Ailes would also call Newt Gingrch a pr**k, and referred to Vice President Biden "As dumb as an ashtray".
CNN weighed in, first by selectively editing out that last sentence of Ailes' to try to put a racist spin on the remarks when they discussed this with 9/11 Truther Van Jones.

MSNBC had its resident experts on being racists, Sharpton and Toure discuss these comments. Like CNN, they also left off that last sentence of Ailes', and also failed to cite the Walters interview that was the source of that observation.'s Joe Newby documented their analysis:

“This sort of ‘lazy’ term is something we heard flung at us as black people going back to slavery,” Touré told Sharpton, “which, of course, you know, we perceive them as being guilty of not wanting to work. Of course they didn’t want to work. They were slaves.”
Touré then claimed that everyone on "the Fox side of the aisle," meaning conservatives, hold the same view of black people while offering no proof of his assertion.

“But this is a revolutionary thing that they’re doing,” he added, “saying ‘We’re going to get out of all of the work that we can,’ and then this stupid idea follows us since then. It’s this really disgusting, accessing stereotypes, red meat sort of dog whistle. On the Fox side of the aisle, they say yes, that’s right. This is what we think of black people already. And, on our side, we’re like ‘What are you talking about?'
Let's look at how one more lefty outlet covered the story. The Huffington Post's Robert Elsiberg had this to offer:
Though his quote is likely to get a lot of outraged attention, I actually find it very positive and encouraging. After all, the good news is that Mr. Ailes didn't call the president shiftless, and say too that he has good rhythm, shuffles and likes watermelon.
Besides... well, sure he's lazy. Aren't all black people lazy in Roger Ailes Land, over there on the far right?
and went on to add
Still, Mr. Ailes does have his "Fox News" facts screwed on straight, when he empirically shows the president, proof positive, as one of those freeloading 47 percent who never earned a penny that wasn't public money. Guilty as changed, other than the time he worked at the Sidley Austin law firm in Chicago, and the Miner, Barnhill & Galland law firm, and taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago for 12 years. And ran Illinois Project Vote, a non-profit organization which is totally different from "public money," but still.... Other than all that, Roger Ailes has it spot-on right, at least by "Fox News" standards, that Barack Obama never earned a penny that wasn't public money.
And spot on, too, that he "never worked a day in his life." All that law firm time, and teaching, and running a non-profit business stuff? And being an Illinois state senator, and a U.S. senator, and President of the United States. That's not work. Work?! That's the stuff of dreams. And dreams are just a fantasy, fluff, goofing off. It's just being lazy.
Now that we've looked at the silliness that came out of the left let's look at each one. First, CNN's selective editing doesn't do them any favors in their quest to pretend that they're an actual serious news network and not a leftist outlet, not to mention interviewing a racist 9/11 truther as their expert.
MSNBC didn't help their side either, by putting assumptions in Ailes' mouth based on their own personal racist perceptions that they wished conservatives shared. Elsiberg does more of the same, but then as evidence cites the great "work" that the president did. Um, what actual tasks did he complete, or what papers did he write, and where are the former students and professors with their glowing testimonials? If the president "ran" a non-profit how is it that he is completely ignorant as to the concept of what a budget is? This would be a great time to provide concrete examples of what Obama accomplished at *any* of his past jobs, although actually 2008 would have been a better time for that.


Read more:
More Racism From the Left [Reader Post] | Flopping Aces

And that is why the republican party is old bitter pasty faced bible thumping gun clutching white people?

Senator Lindsay Graham: “The demographics race we’re losing badly,” said Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (S.C.). “We’re not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term.”

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