More Repub election deceit

Perhaps the most duplicitous aspect of the Repub's attempt to change the KS constitution related to abortion was putting it on the primary ballot rather than the general election ballot. Their thinking, Dems hardly had any candidates on the ballot so mostly Repubs will show up to vote. Their miscalculation, the anger generated by the SC decision and the bipartisan rejection of a rollback of women's rights.

Something Fishy’s Going On​

Someone’s sending anonymous texts to Kansas voters urging them to vote “yes” on a constitutional amendment on abortion rights on today’s ballot in the state, which the text falsely claims “will give women a choice.”

  • “Vote YES to protect women’s health,” the anonymous text says, per the Kansas City Star.
  • Yeah, that’s a straight-up lie: Voting “yes” means adding language to the state’s constitution stating that it does not guarantee Kansans’ right to an abortion and allows the issue to go to the legislature, where the GOP majority will be empowered to pass an abortion ban. A “no” vote leaves the Kansas constitution as it is.

They don't seem to feel comfortable with the prospects for election results unless they are cheating.
Is that like calling the new bill in Congress the “Inflation Reduction Bill”, it won’t reduce inflation, it is a flat out lie. This happens on both sides of the aisle and is deceit and it is a common tool. Your outrage and blaming just Republicans for this BS is also just as deceitful, but I get it, that’s how you roll.
Perhaps the most duplicitous aspect of the Repub's attempt to change the KS constitution related to abortion was putting it on the primary ballot rather than the general election ballot. Their thinking, Dems hardly had any candidates on the ballot so mostly Repubs will show up to vote. Their miscalculation, the anger generated by the SC decision and the bipartisan rejection of a rollback of women's rights.
do you have a copy of the language on the ballot?

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