More stoners = More Democrats just like more illegals = More Democrats

Anyone who smokes that shit really is mentally-unbalanced. May all your stash of dirtweed turn out to have been sprayed with Paraquat, for shits and grins. :biggrin:

Minus the legal issues, I find pot smokers easier to understand than drinkers. I find drunks to be loud, obnoxious, often sweaty and dirty, sometimes violent, and basically very unpleasant to be around. Stoned people can be annoying, messy, leaving food around.....but much less annoying and occasionally dangerous to be around. Add in the bad side effects of alcohol abuse (the headaches, photosensitivity, nausea and vomiting) and marijuana seems like the preferable of the two to me.

I don't drink (I had a sip of champaigne on New Year's, and that was the first alcohol I had consumed in years) and haven't smoked pot in years, either. I've never been big into either. My experience with pot and pot users, compared to drinkers, has clearly been very different than yours. :)

I stopped smoking weed right out of college...the odd thing was I always loved getting high but it always felt like a lowdown, trashy, adolescent thing to do....I decided one day I was gonna grow up and rid myself of any bad habit or vise. I stopped that day and never looked back...I love a high dollar scotch and import beers now.

Why does smoking pot seem lowdown, trashy, and adolescent, but not drinking alcohol? I find that odd.

More than anything I think it was the level of motivation lost when I was high....another major factor was the type of people that live to get stoned weren't really the types I wanted to be like.
So your opposition is more cultural than pharmaceutical. Should your cultural opposition be the rule, or the exception and why?

I don't think many object to marijuana usage for its pharmaceutical long as every 18 year old didn't suddenly come down with glaucoma.
You don’t know my age or anything about me yet you come up with those delusions?
You sound mentally imbalanced..

Anyone who smokes that shit really is mentally-unbalanced. May all your stash of dirtweed turn out to have been sprayed with Paraquat, for shits and grins. :biggrin:

Minus the legal issues, I find pot smokers easier to understand than drinkers. I find drunks to be loud, obnoxious, often sweaty and dirty, sometimes violent, and basically very unpleasant to be around. Stoned people can be annoying, messy, leaving food around.....but much less annoying and occasionally dangerous to be around. Add in the bad side effects of alcohol abuse (the headaches, photosensitivity, nausea and vomiting) and marijuana seems like the preferable of the two to me.

I don't drink (I had a sip of champaigne on New Year's, and that was the first alcohol I had consumed in years) and haven't smoked pot in years, either. I've never been big into either. My experience with pot and pot users, compared to drinkers, has clearly been very different than yours. :)

I stopped smoking weed right out of college...the odd thing was I always loved getting high but it always felt like a lowdown, trashy, adolescent thing to do....I decided one day I was gonna grow up and rid myself of any bad habit or vise. I stopped that day and never looked back...I love a high dollar scotch and import beers now.

Why does smoking pot seem lowdown, trashy, and adolescent, but not drinking alcohol? I find that odd.

Unless you're growing it yourself or getting it from someone who does, you could be supporting people who use murder as a motivational tool. The same people who are behind the Mexican pot trade are also into human smuggling, arms trafficking, and other goodies.

Supporting them could be considered lowdown and trashy.

I actually see that as a good argument for legalization; so many smoke pot even though it is illegal, and the harm using it causes is relatively small, so wouldn't it be better to allow recreational use similarly to alcohol, and cut off that supply of money to the cartels? It wouldn't put them all out of business, but it would hurt.
OK, I only read the title and the OP but not much more, so I'm kind of hitchhiking here.

While I do understand and at times with what I've seen I do agree with the premise and intent of this thread, I'd like to also point something else out.

Most all of my peers have been and some are still 'stoners'. Heck, I like to light up once in a while and it was so cool to be able to walk into a store when I lived in Washington state and just buy a little (and very happily pay the taxes) bit rather than have to do the clandestine give my money to a criminal and wait thing. However, we all also do not buy into the rest of that narrative, if you understand what I mean. We believe in freedom and personal choice. We also recognize that Prohibition didn't work either. Prohibition created quite an underground economy. And the prohibition of marijuana has created one that has lasted way too long and has gained way too much power. It is time for it to end.

Besides, that is one more American industry that could M.A.G.A.
Anyone who smokes that shit really is mentally-unbalanced. May all your stash of dirtweed turn out to have been sprayed with Paraquat, for shits and grins. :biggrin:

Minus the legal issues, I find pot smokers easier to understand than drinkers. I find drunks to be loud, obnoxious, often sweaty and dirty, sometimes violent, and basically very unpleasant to be around. Stoned people can be annoying, messy, leaving food around.....but much less annoying and occasionally dangerous to be around. Add in the bad side effects of alcohol abuse (the headaches, photosensitivity, nausea and vomiting) and marijuana seems like the preferable of the two to me.

I don't drink (I had a sip of champaigne on New Year's, and that was the first alcohol I had consumed in years) and haven't smoked pot in years, either. I've never been big into either. My experience with pot and pot users, compared to drinkers, has clearly been very different than yours. :)

I stopped smoking weed right out of college...the odd thing was I always loved getting high but it always felt like a lowdown, trashy, adolescent thing to do....I decided one day I was gonna grow up and rid myself of any bad habit or vise. I stopped that day and never looked back...I love a high dollar scotch and import beers now.

Why does smoking pot seem lowdown, trashy, and adolescent, but not drinking alcohol? I find that odd.

Unless you're growing it yourself or getting it from someone who does, you could be supporting people who use murder as a motivational tool. The same people who are behind the Mexican pot trade are also into human smuggling, arms trafficking, and other goodies.

Supporting them could be considered lowdown and trashy.

I actually see that as a good argument for legalization; so many smoke pot even though it is illegal, and the harm using it causes is relatively small, so wouldn't it be better to allow recreational use similarly to alcohol, and cut off that supply of money to the cartels? It wouldn't put them all out of business, but it would hurt.

Not going to happen that way. A large portion of Colorado's pot still comes across the Mexican border. The cartels can provide a better product than you can grow in some greenhouse, and can afford to be more competitive, since they're already making money from a bunch of other stuff.
Minus the legal issues, I find pot smokers easier to understand than drinkers. I find drunks to be loud, obnoxious, often sweaty and dirty, sometimes violent, and basically very unpleasant to be around. Stoned people can be annoying, messy, leaving food around.....but much less annoying and occasionally dangerous to be around. Add in the bad side effects of alcohol abuse (the headaches, photosensitivity, nausea and vomiting) and marijuana seems like the preferable of the two to me.

I don't drink (I had a sip of champaigne on New Year's, and that was the first alcohol I had consumed in years) and haven't smoked pot in years, either. I've never been big into either. My experience with pot and pot users, compared to drinkers, has clearly been very different than yours. :)

I stopped smoking weed right out of college...the odd thing was I always loved getting high but it always felt like a lowdown, trashy, adolescent thing to do....I decided one day I was gonna grow up and rid myself of any bad habit or vise. I stopped that day and never looked back...I love a high dollar scotch and import beers now.

Why does smoking pot seem lowdown, trashy, and adolescent, but not drinking alcohol? I find that odd.

More than anything I think it was the level of motivation lost when I was high....another major factor was the type of people that live to get stoned weren't really the types I wanted to be like.
So your opposition is more cultural than pharmaceutical. Should your cultural opposition be the rule, or the exception and why?

I don't think many object to marijuana usage for its pharmaceutical long as every 18 year old didn't suddenly come down with glaucoma.
But you clearly object to recreational use due to cultural points. You say that those who smoke pot are less than worthy citizens. That makes for a lot of less than worthy citizens.

Pot was made illegal due to cultural considerations not pharmaceutical considerations. The medicinal properties are dismissed and old, staid, uninformed cultural considerations are imposed. Why? Tradition? Personal inexperience? Lack of knowledge? What about those reasons is valid?
We must of gotten our stash from different dealers.

How many times have I gotten up in the morning intending to do great things, but got toked up instead, so the whole day kinda went to shit? More than I'd like to remember.

Yep, that's pot - major ambition killer.

How many grand things I worked on all night while I was stoned, only to look at them then next day and wonder "What the fuck"?

Never had that happen.

First off, pot put me to sleep. Secondly, pot so single focuses the mind that generally the single task is meticulous. Of course because you can't multitask, anything more complex than putting cans in straight rows in the cupboard is out.

How many jobs have I been fired from for completely fucking up after toking up at lunch time? Five or six that I can remember.

Well, never had that one happen.

How many stupid hare-brained decisions have I made while stoned on pot? A bunch of them.

What about on booze?

How many times have I seen two potheads ready to fight over a bag of weed or even the last hit off a joint? More than several.


How many times have I seen someone robbed for a single bag of weed? Twice.

I knew a guy who was a pot head who robbed a house. Not sure it was the pot that made him do it, he was just a dick.

How many times have I started out smoking pot in the morning and by evening was out driving around looking for some crackhead bitch on the corner, so I could go to the next level? Way too many.

You were smoking crack, major difference than pot.

How many times have I caught some cruddy cold, cough, or bronchial infection from sharing joints with people who've had God knows what in their mouths at some time? Too many times.

How many times have I mixed alcohol and stayed out all night driving aimlessly? it's a wonder I'm not dead.

Been there more than enough. I hate that shit.

Sounds like you were just out of control in general.

Unless you're growing it yourself or getting it from someone who does, you could be supporting people who use murder as a motivational tool. The same people who are behind the Mexican pot trade are also into human smuggling, arms trafficking, and other goodies.

Supporting them could be considered lowdown and trashy.

Complete bullshit. Virtually all pot is grown in the USA now. It has broken the back of the Mexican cartels who have moved on to heroine because pot is dead.

Unless you're growing it yourself or getting it from someone who does, you could be supporting people who use murder as a motivational tool. The same people who are behind the Mexican pot trade are also into human smuggling, arms trafficking, and other goodies.

Supporting them could be considered lowdown and trashy.

Complete bullshit. Virtually all pot is grown in the USA now. It has broken the back of the Mexican cartels who have moved on to heroine because pot is dead.

Not really. Just a few days ago there was an arrest in Colorado where 212 pounds of cartel pot was confiscated...

Colorado mexican cartel pot arrested - Bing
How many times have I gotten up in the morning intending to do great things, but got toked up instead, so the whole day kinda went to shit? More than I'd like to remember.

Yep, that's pot - major ambition killer.

How many grand things I worked on all night while I was stoned, only to look at them then next day and wonder "What the fuck"?

Never had that happen.

And that's the thing. There are always going to be the dumb shits that take a drink or smoke first thing in the morning who will paint a bad picture of the rest of us who just wish to unwind after a hard days work. While sober.
More Gays and Trannys = More Democrats...etc
It’s no secret to anybody sane....The DNC is on a serious mission to foster and manifest mass degradation within our’s their only hope to stay relevant.
Conversely, the GOP knows that Americans must create a dynamic where we expect better of our fellow Americans...hence the MAGA push.
This is literally a race between Good and Evil...grab your popcorn.
More Gays and Trannys = More Democrats...etc
It’s no secret to anybody sane....The DNC is on a serious mission to foster and manifest mass degradation within our’s their only hope to stay relevant.
Conversely, the GOP knows that Americans must create a dynamic where we expect better of our fellow Americans...hence the MAGA push.
This is literally a race between Good and Evil...grab your popcorn.

Hear the Libs chant “FAKE NEWS”
More Gays and Trannys = More Democrats...etc
It’s no secret to anybody sane....The DNC is on a serious mission to foster and manifest mass degradation within our’s their only hope to stay relevant.
Conversely, the GOP knows that Americans must create a dynamic where we expect better of our fellow Americans...hence the MAGA push.
This is literally a race between Good and Evil...grab your popcorn.
Part of a long term plan to socially ruin a society from within, watch it collapse, and take it over. Then you really live in misery.

This is all it simply is.
More Gays and Trannys = More Democrats...etc
It’s no secret to anybody sane....The DNC is on a serious mission to foster and manifest mass degradation within our’s their only hope to stay relevant.
Conversely, the GOP knows that Americans must create a dynamic where we expect better of our fellow Americans...hence the MAGA push.
This is literally a race between Good and Evil...grab your popcorn.
It means one less wedge issue between REAL liberals and the dog-shit, do-nothing GOP.
More Gays and Trannys = More Democrats...etc
It’s no secret to anybody sane....The DNC is on a serious mission to foster and manifest mass degradation within our’s their only hope to stay relevant.
Conversely, the GOP knows that Americans must create a dynamic where we expect better of our fellow Americans...hence the MAGA push.
This is literally a race between Good and Evil...grab your popcorn.
It means one less wedge issue between REAL liberals and the dog-shit, do-nothing GOP.
I truly wish there were more than 17 "real Liberals".....thought I'd never say that.
More Gays and Trannys = More Democrats...etc
It’s no secret to anybody sane....The DNC is on a serious mission to foster and manifest mass degradation within our’s their only hope to stay relevant.
Conversely, the GOP knows that Americans must create a dynamic where we expect better of our fellow Americans...hence the MAGA push.
This is literally a race between Good and Evil...grab your popcorn.

Michael phelps - greatest swimmer ever - marijuana user

Broke loser - moron addicted to taxpayer funded pills - useless

Parroting Jew fraud of Christian preacher and Fox News equals totally misinformed moron....
More Gays and Trannys = More Democrats...etc
It’s no secret to anybody sane....The DNC is on a serious mission to foster and manifest mass degradation within our’s their only hope to stay relevant.
Conversely, the GOP knows that Americans must create a dynamic where we expect better of our fellow Americans...hence the MAGA push.
This is literally a race between Good and Evil...grab your popcorn.

Michael phelps - greatest swimmer ever - marijuana user

Broke loser - moron addicted to taxpayer funded pills - useless

Parroting Jew fraud of Christian preacher and Fox News equals totally misinformed moron....
That's cute...thanks for proving you super tards always hang your hat on the .00002 filthy dumbmotherfuckers.

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