More Stupid Trump Voters now crying at their own choice...

You left out going back on what he said about China and him looking for big trouble with NK and their mad man

I probably left out 90% of Trumps flip-flops. The man has the stability of hot jello. If you started a thread on each of trumps flip-flops, the place would need a bigger server.

flash ,please ,,,,that crooked hillary was nothing but a ctock of shit made up by the same pepole perhaps that made up lets make America great again ,,,,,,,,,Real great by changing every position he ran on

You must have been out of the country for the last 20 years or else be like many Moon Bats that only get their news from Comedy Central, Mother Jones and Rachael Maddow. I think her extensive record of dishonesty and corruption pretty well makes her eligible for the moniker of Crooked Hillary.

The filthy ass bitch had more baggage than Delta Airlines and ran on a platform to increase taxes, let in a million damn Muslims, demonize the NRA and have open borders. She is really a nasty woman, in addition to being being investigated by the FBI.

You may or may not like Trump. I didn't vote for him because he is a big government Liberal that will do nothing to dismantle this stupid welfare state we have. However, he is a saint compared to that corrupt, dishonest and incompetent piece of shit Crooked Hillary, the Bitch of Benghazi.
The only signs of crying I see from Trump voters are the tears of joy for knowing that Crooked Hillary is not President.

You keep saying you didn't vote for the clown, but what about those that did, who know see Trump flip-flopping on NATO, expanding the war in Afghanistan, kicking out Assad, and most of his foreign policy.

I didn't vote for him so I don't have to answer for anything. Go ask the Trump voters about that.

I am just glad that Crooked Hillary didn't win. Any American would have been. She would have been a disaster, probably worse than Obama if that is possible.
The only signs of crying I see from Trump voters are the tears of joy for knowing that Crooked Hillary is not President.

You keep saying you didn't vote for the clown, but what about those that did, who know see Trump flip-flopping on NATO, expanding the war in Afghanistan, kicking out Assad, and most of his foreign policy.

I didn't vote for him so I don't have to answer for anything. Go ask the Trump voters about that.

I am just glad that Crooked Hillary didn't win. Any American would have been. She would have been a disaster, probably worse than Obama if that is possible.
Worse than Obama?? Perhaps you mean worse than GWB He is the title holder And crooked hillary is just BS
Like I said, not smart enough. Thanks for proving it again.
You don't mind if I keep trying ,,,,to measure up to your standards??

Starting with a coherent thought would help.
Pred I swear I'm trying,,,,,How's this? How can you support someone who flip flopped on almost everything he ran on? and does he still like Wikki Leaks after what top man in CIA said about them recently?

I don't support a man who has flip flopped on almost everything he ran on. That only exists in your head. I don't know what Trump thinks about Wikileaks. Ask him.
It was on TV for weeks ,,him spouting out how great they were especially helping him out with Clinton

So, why did you ask me about it if you already knew?
Pred I swear I'm trying,,,,,How's this? How can you support someone who flip flopped on almost everything he ran on?

They'll stand behind Trump no matter which direction he reverses himself on. They just need a few hours to look up new talking points to support Trumps new position.

What exactly has he reversed on?
Let's go to the latest reversal China was the enemy ,screwing us left and right NOW? they're our best friends ?How about when obama was president the nitwit wanted a strong dollar Now he says he wants a weak one and there's so much more
You don't mind if I keep trying ,,,,to measure up to your standards??

Starting with a coherent thought would help.
Pred I swear I'm trying,,,,,How's this? How can you support someone who flip flopped on almost everything he ran on? and does he still like Wikki Leaks after what top man in CIA said about them recently?

I don't support a man who has flip flopped on almost everything he ran on. That only exists in your head. I don't know what Trump thinks about Wikileaks. Ask him.
It was on TV for weeks ,,him spouting out how great they were especially helping him out with Clinton

So, why did you ask me about it if you already knew?
Because you said you had no idea of what he said about Wiki Leaks and I found that very strange coming from one so up on our political discourse
Pred I swear I'm trying,,,,,How's this? How can you support someone who flip flopped on almost everything he ran on?

They'll stand behind Trump no matter which direction he reverses himself on. They just need a few hours to look up new talking points to support Trumps new position.

What exactly has he reversed on?
Let's go to the latest reversal China was the enemy ,screwing us left and right NOW? they're our best friends ?How about when obama was president the nitwit wanted a strong dollar Now he says he wants a weak one and there's so much more

Not at all a reversal. First of all, they were screwing us and Trump went to meet with them and discuss it. He says they had a heart meeting about it. There is not yet any evidence that his talk has helped or not helped. He says everything's fine now, that was the point of his prior statements. They were bad, he straightened them out, now they aren't bad anymore. Not a reversal.

I do not recall what he said when 0bama was POTUS but maybe you do not understand economics. As the economy changes, sometimes slowly, sometimes overnight, the position of the dollar changes. Again, Norma a reversal just economic knowledge and proper adjustments.

You should stop listening to the left wing talking points and think.
Starting with a coherent thought would help.
Pred I swear I'm trying,,,,,How's this? How can you support someone who flip flopped on almost everything he ran on? and does he still like Wikki Leaks after what top man in CIA said about them recently?

I don't support a man who has flip flopped on almost everything he ran on. That only exists in your head. I don't know what Trump thinks about Wikileaks. Ask him.
It was on TV for weeks ,,him spouting out how great they were especially helping him out with Clinton

So, why did you ask me about it if you already knew?
Because you said you had no idea of what he said about Wiki Leaks and I found that very strange coming from one so up on our political discourse

Yeah well I forget things that don't matter at all.
Politico and NPR?


They quoted Trump, it's not opinion, i'ts a listing of quotes.

On the border wall:

“Jeb Bush just talked about my border proposal to build a "fence." It's not a fence, Jeb, it's a WALL, and there's a BIG difference!” (Twitter, August 25, 2015)

“There could be some fencing.” (60 Minutes, November 13, 2016)

On the Electoral College:

“The electoral college is a disaster for democracy.” (Twitter, November 06, 2012)

“The Electoral College is actually genius in that it brings all states, including the smaller ones, into play. Campaigning is much different!” (Twitter, November 15, 2016)

“I'd rather do the popular vote.” Says he was "never a fan of the electoral college." (New York Times, November 22, 2016)

On the Trump University lawsuit:

“Trump University has a 98% approval rating. I could have settled but won't out of principle!” (Twitter, February 29, 2016)

“I don't settle cases…I won’t settle because it’s an easy case to win in court.” (Morning Joe, March 3, 2016)

“I settled the Trump University lawsuit for a small fraction of the potential award because as President I have to focus on our country” (Twitter, November 19, 2016)

On torture:

“Torture works. OK, folks? You know, I have these guys—‘Torture doesn’t work!’—believe me, it works. And waterboarding is your minor form. Some people say it’s not actually torture. Let’s assume it is. But they asked me the question: What do you think of waterboarding? Absolutely fine. But we should go much stronger than waterboarding.” (South Carolina, February 17, 2016)

“[Mattis] said, ‘I’ve never found it to be useful…Give me a pack of cigarettes and a couple of beers and I’ll do better.’…I was very impressed by that answer… [Torture is] not going to make the kind of a difference that a lot of people are thinking.’’ (New York Times, November 22, 2016)

Worse than Obama?? Perhaps you mean worse than GWB He is the title holder And crooked hillary is just BS

Bush did OK for six years until that filthy 2006 Democrat elected Congress took over led by Barney Queerboy, Tits Peloski, Dirty Harry and that asshole Senator from Illinois. Then the CRA chickens came home to roost and the economy tanked. Who would have ever thunk that the Democrat plan started by Jimmy Carter use government pressure to force lenders to give credit to people that had neither the means or the inclination to pay back the debt would cause economic problems?

Then we had eight years of that Obama asshole where poverty increased, family income decreased, debt skyrocketed, economic growth was dismal, income disparity grew, health care tanked and we had the worst foreign policy imaginable.That is disaster under any definition.

Right in the center of that disaster as Secretary of State was that filthy bitch Crooked Hillary who has failed at everything she has ever attempted. Imagine being so damn sorry that she lost two attempts at being President. Once to a dumbass affirmative action community organizer and once to a reality star.
2. China

"On day one of a Trump administration, the U.S. Treasury Department will designate China a currency manipulator." — Nov. 9, 2015, in a Wall Street Journal op-ed.

'The Art Of The Deal' Prevails In U.S.-China Talks, For Now At Least

"I will direct the Secretary of the Treasury to label China a currency manipulator." — Trump in his"Contract with the American Voter" as point No. 3 of his "seven actions to protect American workers." He called that plan "my pledge to you."


"They're not currency manipulators." — Trump in an interview with the Wall Street Journal on Wednesday.
Bush did OK for six years until that filthy 2006 Democrat elected Congress took over led by Barney Queerboy, Tits Peloski, Dirty Harry and that asshole Senator from Illinois.

What does the congress elected in 2006, whose first budget was FY 2008, explain the Bush recession of 2007?

Maybe the FY 2008 budget time traveled to start the Bush recession?

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