More Stupid Trump Voters now crying at their own choice...

Did you see the proposed budget? Did you notice that there was zero dollars set aside for the wall? That means that it has yet to be decided where that money is coming from.

Occams Razor, it means Trump flip-flopped on building the wall.

No, the government is right now, taking bids on its construction. Really dude, stop listening to talking points and learn something on your own.

He is an idiot they are recieved over 700 designs for the wall from around the world

Is he an idiot or just someone so butthurt over the loss last November and the prospect that Trump will make this country great again that he's willing to believe anything that supports his desires? Or....both?
Did you see the proposed budget? Did you notice that there was zero dollars set aside for the wall? That means that it has yet to be decided where that money is coming from.

Occams Razor, it means Trump flip-flopped on building the wall.

No, the government is right now, taking bids on its construction. Really dude, stop listening to talking points and learn something on your own.

He is an idiot they are recieved over 700 designs for the wall from around the world

Is he an idiot or just someone so butthurt over the loss last November and the prospect that Trump will make this country great again that he's willing to believe anything that supports his desires? Or....both.

They are programmed to be against anything Trump does even if it benefits their bottom line, just like the democrats opposed repealing Obama care and it cost them over 900 seats federal and state wide
Bush did OK for six years until that filthy 2006 Democrat elected Congress took over led by Barney Queerboy, Tits Peloski, Dirty Harry and that asshole Senator from Illinois.

What does the congress elected in 2006, whose first budget was FY 2008, explain the Bush recession of 2007?

Maybe the FY 2008 budget time traveled to start the Bush recession?

It was not the Bush recession when he and the Republican Congress had everything going OK until those filthy ass Democrats took over in 2007. Democrats screw up everything they touch, especially the economy.

Obama has been a disaster for this country with increased poverty, more people on welfare, millions of illegals flooding in, tremendous debt, dismal economic growth, decreasing family income and increased income disparity, not to mention the tremendous dishonesty in government we got from the asshole administration. I know Moon Bats don't ever like to take responsibility for anything but this crap of trying to blame Bush for the failures of those Libtard nitwits Obama brought into the government.

It remains to be seen how effective Trump will be. He has only been in office a couple of months. However, one thing we all know for sure is that he will be better than that Crooked Hillary asshole with her dishonesty, corruption, incompetency and despicable extreme far Left mindset. I mean she ran on a platform to raise taxes. How stupid is that?
Did you see the proposed budget? Did you notice that there was zero dollars set aside for the wall? That means that it has yet to be decided where that money is coming from.

Occams Razor, it means Trump flip-flopped on building the wall.

No, the government is right now, taking bids on its construction. Really dude, stop listening to talking points and learn something on your own.

He is an idiot they are recieved over 700 designs for the wall from around the world

Is he an idiot or just someone so butthurt over the loss last November and the prospect that Trump will make this country great again that he's willing to believe anything that supports his desires? Or....both.

They are programmed to be against anything Trump does even if it benefits their bottom line, just like the democrats opposed repealing Obama care and it cost them over 900 seats federal and state wide

Well those are products of them living the lies they tell themselves daily. They still believe that if you tell a lie enough times it becomes truth. It becomes truth to them, but reality always disagrees.

Clinton left Bush a mess. Give me a break. He left him a stock market crash, the dot bombs & 9/11.

Can you imagine what a mess the economy would have been under Slick Willie had not the American people elected Newt and that 1994 Republican Congress. They saved Slick Willie's butt.

The 1994 Republican Congress saved the economy after Clinton's filthy tax increase. The 2006 elected Democrat Congress destroyed the economy after Bush's tax decrease.
Not a flip flop. You understand that that was 2013 right. Times, war, nations, and situations change. He's responding to those changes. Now if he said that one month ago, you'd have a flip flop but you don't now. But hey, I know you'll just continue to lie to yourself.

Both were said after Assad used poison gas on his people. One in 2013 one in 2017. The only thing different was who was sitting in the big chair. Hence the 180 degree flio-flop.

Worse than Obama?? Perhaps you mean worse than GWB He is the title holder And crooked hillary is just BS

Bush did OK for six years until that filthy 2006 Democrat elected Congress took over led by Barney Queerboy, Tits Peloski, Dirty Harry and that asshole Senator from Illinois. Then the CRA chickens came home to roost and the economy tanked. Who would have ever thunk that the Democrat plan started by Jimmy Carter use government pressure to force lenders to give credit to people that had neither the means or the inclination to pay back the debt would cause economic problems?

Then we had eight years of that Obama asshole where poverty increased, family income decreased, debt skyrocketed, economic growth was dismal, income disparity grew, health care tanked and we had the worst foreign policy imaginable.That is disaster under any definition.

Right in the center of that disaster as Secretary of State was that filthy bitch Crooked Hillary who has failed at everything she has ever attempted. Imagine being so damn sorry that she lost two attempts at being President. Once to a dumbass affirmative action community organizer and once to a reality star.
Any good that happened under bush was because Clinton didn't leave a pile of crap to clean up like gwb left obama AND bush did ok for 6 years ?? Starting a bs war didn't make a dent with you??

Where were you in 1999 ....jail?

What do you think Bush Jr. Cut taxes for the heck of it or could we possibly have been in a mini recession?

You mean the taxes cut for the wealthy while all others got spit?? Those cuts ? Or do you mean the 300 bucks he sent ??
It was not the Bush recession when he and the Republican Congress had everything going OK until those filthy ass Democrats took over in 2007.

The democrats first budget was FY 2008, the Bush recession started in 2007.

Worse than Obama?? Perhaps you mean worse than GWB He is the title holder And crooked hillary is just BS

Bush did OK for six years until that filthy 2006 Democrat elected Congress took over led by Barney Queerboy, Tits Peloski, Dirty Harry and that asshole Senator from Illinois. Then the CRA chickens came home to roost and the economy tanked. Who would have ever thunk that the Democrat plan started by Jimmy Carter use government pressure to force lenders to give credit to people that had neither the means or the inclination to pay back the debt would cause economic problems?

Then we had eight years of that Obama asshole where poverty increased, family income decreased, debt skyrocketed, economic growth was dismal, income disparity grew, health care tanked and we had the worst foreign policy imaginable.That is disaster under any definition.

Right in the center of that disaster as Secretary of State was that filthy bitch Crooked Hillary who has failed at everything she has ever attempted. Imagine being so damn sorry that she lost two attempts at being President. Once to a dumbass affirmative action community organizer and once to a reality star.
Any good that happened under bush was because Clinton didn't leave a pile of crap to clean up like gwb left obama AND bush did ok for 6 years ?? Starting a bs war didn't make a dent with you??

Where were you in 1999 ....jail?

What do you think Bush Jr. Cut taxes for the heck of it or could we possibly have been in a mini recession?

You mean the taxes cut for the wealthy while all others got spit?? Those cuts ? Or do you mean the 300 bucks he sent ??

The tax cuts that Obama made permanent except for the 2% payroll tax Obama raised.
Not a flip flop. You understand that that was 2013 right. Times, war, nations, and situations change. He's responding to those changes. Now if he said that one month ago, you'd have a flip flop but you don't now. But hey, I know you'll just continue to lie to yourself.

Both were said after Assad used poison gas on his people. One in 2013 one in 2017. The only thing different was who was sitting in the big chair. Hence the 180 degree flio-flop.

That is just bull shut for the very logical and factual reasons I already used to debunk it. But hey, go on lying to yourself.....
I must say it's been fun being with all you smart people and republicans this afternoon ,,but I need to get ready for happy hour and dinner

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