More Stupid Trump Voters now crying at their own choice...

SWEET IRONY. These Trump Voters FORCED to SELL Their Land to Build The WALL, "We Can't Believe It!"

So now these Trump voters are losing their land to build the wall they voted
I guess they believed that Trump sees them differently from Black people, Asians, Hispanics, etc.

All of these idiots lost in court...I have no sympathy for them....

I don't recall any of you douche bag snowflakes whining about eminent domain when it was used to build a new airport in Denver. You never complain when it's used to build a new Highway.

CNN found on family that found itself in a difficult situation. There is nothing in the video about them being Trump voters.

It's total bullshit, in other words.
SWEET IRONY. These Trump Voters FORCED to SELL Their Land to Build The WALL, "We Can't Believe It!"

So now these Trump voters are losing their land to build the wall they voted
I guess they believed that Trump sees them differently from Black people, Asians, Hispanics, etc.

All of these idiots lost in court...I have no sympathy for them....

I don't recall any of you douche bag snowflakes whining about eminent domain when it was used to build a new airport in Denver. You never complain when it's used to build a new Highway.

CNN found on family that found itself in a difficult situation. There is nothing in the video about them being Trump voters.

It's total bullshit, in other words.

In other words, like the new breed of stupid white racists you are too stupid to read the article heading OR listen to the participants list themselves as trump

No wonder you people are afraid of diversity...
SWEET IRONY. These Trump Voters FORCED to SELL Their Land to Build The WALL, "We Can't Believe It!"

So now these Trump voters are losing their land to build the wall they voted
I guess they believed that Trump sees them differently from Black people, Asians, Hispanics, etc.

All of these idiots lost in court...I have no sympathy for them....

I don't recall any of you douche bag snowflakes whining about eminent domain when it was used to build a new airport in Denver. You never complain when it's used to build a new Highway.

CNN found on family that found itself in a difficult situation. There is nothing in the video about them being Trump voters.

It's total bullshit, in other words.

In other words, like the new breed of stupid white racists you are too stupid to read the article heading OR listen to the participants list themselves as trump

No wonder you people are afraid of diversity...

"Racist?" What have I said that was in any way racist? Like a typical snowflake, when your propaganda falls flat on its face, you jump immediately to playing the race card. That's why a call people like you "douche bags." That's what you are.

I watched most of the video, and not once did they people who owned the farm claim to be Trump voters.

You mean the taxes cut for the wealthy while all others got spit?? Those cuts ? Or do you mean the 300 bucks he sent ??

I am not what someone would cause wealthy but I got a nice tax cut under Bush. It really pisses you Libtards off when people get taxes cut proportionally to what they pay in, doesn't it? You greedy little assholes thinks that is unfair, don't you? You want somebody else to pay your government bills for you, don't you?

You ingrates always seem to forget that Bush's tax rates took millions of you Moon Bats off having to pay income taxes. Now almost half of Americans don't have to pay but that is not good enough for you greedy little pricks, is it?
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It was not the Bush recession when he and the Republican Congress had everything going OK until those filthy ass Democrats took over in 2007.

The democrats first budget was FY 2008, the Bush recession started in 2007.

You are confused Moon Bat

It wasn't the budget that caused the recession. It was the Democrat initiated CRA and the piss poor oversight of the Finance Committee from Barney Queerboy and the Democrat Leadership. Everything was going fine for six years under Bush and then the filthy Democrats took over Congress and everything crashed. We should never elect Democrats. They fuck everything up. Obama really screwed everything up with increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendous debt, dismal economic growth, a flood of illegals, increased income disparity and a disastrous health care bill. It all started when the Democrats took over Congress in 2007 and Obama made it worse as President. Only an idiot would vote for a Democrat.
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It wasn't the budget that caused the recession. It was the Democrat initiated CRA nd the piss poor oversight of the Finance Committee from Barney Queerboy and the Democrat Leadership. Everything was going fine for six years under Bush and then the filthy Democrats took over Congress and everything crashed. .

Actually the tipping point was in 2004-2006 when Bush enacted his 'ownership society' where he promised to put millions more people into their on homes. And three years after fully enacting his policy, Bush plunged the country into recession when the bottom dropped out of the housing market

Subprime mortgage crisis - Wikipedia

A proximate cause was the rise in subprime lending. The percentage of lower-quality subprime mortgages originated during a given year rose from the historical 8% or lower range to approximately 20% from 2004 to 2006, with much higher ratios in some parts of the U.S. A high percentage of these subprime mortgages, over 90% in 2006 for example, were adjustable-rate mortgages.[4] These two changes were part of a broader trend of lowered lending standards and higher-risk mortgage products


The problem happened 2004-2006 before the democrats took over congress in 2007. So blaming the democrats is as stupid an argument as i've ever heard.
In 2004, the Federal Bureau of Investigation warned of an "epidemic" in mortgage fraud, an important credit risk of nonprime mortgage lending, which, they said, could lead to "a problem that could have as much impact as the S&L crisis".[123][124][125][126] Despite this, the Bush administration prevented states from investigating and prosecuting predatory lenders by invoking a banking law from 1863 "to issue formal opinions preempting all state predatory lending laws, thereby rendering them inoperative
It wasn't the budget that caused the recession. It was the Democrat initiated CRA nd the piss poor oversight of the Finance Committee from Barney Queerboy and the Democrat Leadership. Everything was going fine for six years under Bush and then the filthy Democrats took over Congress and everything crashed. .

Actually the tipping point was in 2004-2006 when Bush enacted his 'ownership society' where he promised to put millions more people into their on homes. And three years after fully enacting his policy, Bush plunged the country into recession when the bottom dropped out of the housing market

Subprime mortgage crisis - Wikipedia

A proximate cause was the rise in subprime lending. The percentage of lower-quality subprime mortgages originated during a given year rose from the historical 8% or lower range to approximately 20% from 2004 to 2006, with much higher ratios in some parts of the U.S. A high percentage of these subprime mortgages, over 90% in 2006 for example, were adjustable-rate mortgages.[4] These two changes were part of a broader trend of lowered lending standards and higher-risk mortgage products


The problem happened 2004-2006 before the democrats took over congress in 2007. So blaming the democrats is as stupid an argument as i've ever heard.

The filthy ass CRA Democrat bill to put government pressure on the lenders to give credit to people that normally would not qualify was the root cause of the disaster. Then in 2007 we had Barney Queerboy as chairman of the Finance committee, which provided oversight. What could possibly go wrong? On top of that the government gave assurances that if anything did go wrong then they would cover the lenders with bailouts, which is exactly what happen.

No Moon Bat. That collapse in 2007 was caused by the Democrat' idea of social justice to lend money to people that neither had the means or the ability to pay it back. Those chickens came home to roost and combine that with the incompetent Democrat oversight and that created the disaster.

All you have to do to connect those dots is to look at the government pressure that was used by the CRA to create lax lending practices, the Democrats taking over Congress in 2007 and the bailouts. Dirty government. You can blame Bush for not stopping the CRA when he had a Republican Congress but the much bigger blame goes to the Democrats for creating the mess with the stupid CRA and mismanaging it in the Congressional oversight committees.
Actually the tipping point was in 2004-2006 when Bush enacted his 'ownership society'
Subprime mortgage crisis - Wikipedia

A proximate cause was the rise in subprime lending. The percentage of lower-quality subprime mortgages originated during a given year rose from the historical 8% or lower range to approximately 20% from 2004 to 2006,

The problem happened 2004-2006 before the democrats took over congress in 2007. So blaming the democrats is as stupid an argument as i've ever heard.

The filthy ass CRA Democrat bill to put government pressure on the lenders to give credit to people that normally would not qualify was the root cause of the disaster. Then in 2007 we had Barney Queerboy as chairman of the Finance committee, which provided oversight. What could possibly go wrong? On top of that the government gave assurances that if anything did go wrong then they would cover the lenders with bailouts, which is exactly what happen..

The economics of 2004-2006 is what cause it. The Bush administration blocking predatory lending laws enacted by the states let it flourish. Yet you blame the 2007 recession on the Democrats who didn't run things during the 2004-2006 period that caused the financial crisis.

People like you deserve to be called stupid.
All you have to do to connect those dots is to look at the government pressure that was used by the CRA to create lax lending practices, .

2004-2006 the republicans were solidly in charge of the federal government. They ran the whole ball of enchiladas.
CNN is fake news. These are probably CNN employees being forced to pretend they're "Trump voters" who "regret" their vote. It's like when CNN interviewed their own cameraman at a riot, and Don Lemon idiotically commented that he knew that cameraman.
Just remember this Liberals and Democrats......

Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and a few other "top dog Democrats" made a fortune during the Obama years......but how'd YOU do ?

I think it's safe to say....not nearly as good as they did.
It wasn't the budget that caused the recession. It was the Democrat initiated CRA nd the piss poor oversight of the Finance Committee from Barney Queerboy and the Democrat Leadership. Everything was going fine for six years under Bush and then the filthy Democrats took over Congress and everything crashed. .

Actually the tipping point was in 2004-2006 when Bush enacted his 'ownership society' where he promised to put millions more people into their on homes. And three years after fully enacting his policy, Bush plunged the country into recession when the bottom dropped out of the housing market

Subprime mortgage crisis - Wikipedia

A proximate cause was the rise in subprime lending. The percentage of lower-quality subprime mortgages originated during a given year rose from the historical 8% or lower range to approximately 20% from 2004 to 2006, with much higher ratios in some parts of the U.S. A high percentage of these subprime mortgages, over 90% in 2006 for example, were adjustable-rate mortgages.[4] These two changes were part of a broader trend of lowered lending standards and higher-risk mortgage products


The problem happened 2004-2006 before the democrats took over congress in 2007. So blaming the democrats is as stupid an argument as i've ever heard.

The filthy ass CRA Democrat bill to put government pressure on the lenders to give credit to people that normally would not qualify was the root cause of the disaster. Then in 2007 we had Barney Queerboy as chairman of the Finance committee, which provided oversight. What could possibly go wrong? On top of that the government gave assurances that if anything did go wrong then they would cover the lenders with bailouts, which is exactly what happen.

No Moon Bat. That collapse in 2007 was caused by the Democrat' idea of social justice to lend money to people that neither had the means or the ability to pay it back. Those chickens came home to roost and combine that with the incompetent Democrat oversight and that created the disaster.

All you have to do to connect those dots is to look at the government pressure that was used by the CRA to create lax lending practices, the Democrats taking over Congress in 2007 and the bailouts. Dirty government. You can blame Bush for not stopping the CRA when he had a Republican Congress but the much bigger blame goes to the Democrats for creating the mess with the stupid CRA and mismanaging it in the Congressional oversight committees.

Bullshit. The CRA was NOT the cause of the housing bubble. De-regulation meant that Wall Street could make far more money on sub-prime mortgages than conventional mortgages and Goldman Sachs went on a sub-prime spree, packaging the high risk loans into derivatives which they sold for further profit.

Republicans have bent over backwards to pin this on Carter and Clinton pointing out that lame duck Clinton signed the legislation de-regulating the banks, passed by a Republican Congress and Senate, and Carter signed the original CRA. But it wasn't the CRA, and it wasn't Freddie or Fanny Mae, it was Goldman Sachs, Wall Street, and the Republicans that did it.
It wasn't the budget that caused the recession. It was the Democrat initiated CRA nd the piss poor oversight of the Finance Committee from Barney Queerboy and the Democrat Leadership. Everything was going fine for six years under Bush and then the filthy Democrats took over Congress and everything crashed. .

Actually the tipping point was in 2004-2006 when Bush enacted his 'ownership society' where he promised to put millions more people into their on homes. And three years after fully enacting his policy, Bush plunged the country into recession when the bottom dropped out of the housing market

Subprime mortgage crisis - Wikipedia

A proximate cause was the rise in subprime lending. The percentage of lower-quality subprime mortgages originated during a given year rose from the historical 8% or lower range to approximately 20% from 2004 to 2006, with much higher ratios in some parts of the U.S. A high percentage of these subprime mortgages, over 90% in 2006 for example, were adjustable-rate mortgages.[4] These two changes were part of a broader trend of lowered lending standards and higher-risk mortgage products


The problem happened 2004-2006 before the democrats took over congress in 2007. So blaming the democrats is as stupid an argument as i've ever heard.

The filthy ass CRA Democrat bill to put government pressure on the lenders to give credit to people that normally would not qualify was the root cause of the disaster. Then in 2007 we had Barney Queerboy as chairman of the Finance committee, which provided oversight. What could possibly go wrong? On top of that the government gave assurances that if anything did go wrong then they would cover the lenders with bailouts, which is exactly what happen.

No Moon Bat. That collapse in 2007 was caused by the Democrat' idea of social justice to lend money to people that neither had the means or the ability to pay it back. Those chickens came home to roost and combine that with the incompetent Democrat oversight and that created the disaster.

All you have to do to connect those dots is to look at the government pressure that was used by the CRA to create lax lending practices, the Democrats taking over Congress in 2007 and the bailouts. Dirty government. You can blame Bush for not stopping the CRA when he had a Republican Congress but the much bigger blame goes to the Democrats for creating the mess with the stupid CRA and mismanaging it in the Congressional oversight committees.

Bullshit. The CRA was NOT the cause of the housing bubble. De-regulation meant that Wall Street could make far more money on sub-prime mortgages than conventional mortgages and Goldman Sachs went on a sub-prime spree, packaging the high risk loans into derivatives which they sold for further profit.

Republicans have bent over backwards to pin this on Carter and Clinton pointing out that lame duck Clinton signed the legislation de-regulating the banks, passed by a Republican Congress and Senate, and Carter signed the original CRA. But it wasn't the CRA, and it wasn't Freddie or Fanny Mae, it was Goldman Sachs, Wall Street, and the Republicans that did it.

There was no "deregulation," dumbass.
It wasn't the budget that caused the recession. It was the Democrat initiated CRA nd the piss poor oversight of the Finance Committee from Barney Queerboy and the Democrat Leadership. Everything was going fine for six years under Bush and then the filthy Democrats took over Congress and everything crashed. .

Actually the tipping point was in 2004-2006 when Bush enacted his 'ownership society' where he promised to put millions more people into their on homes. And three years after fully enacting his policy, Bush plunged the country into recession when the bottom dropped out of the housing market

Subprime mortgage crisis - Wikipedia

A proximate cause was the rise in subprime lending. The percentage of lower-quality subprime mortgages originated during a given year rose from the historical 8% or lower range to approximately 20% from 2004 to 2006, with much higher ratios in some parts of the U.S. A high percentage of these subprime mortgages, over 90% in 2006 for example, were adjustable-rate mortgages.[4] These two changes were part of a broader trend of lowered lending standards and higher-risk mortgage products


The problem happened 2004-2006 before the democrats took over congress in 2007. So blaming the democrats is as stupid an argument as i've ever heard.

In 2004, the Federal Bureau of Investigation warned of an "epidemic" in mortgage fraud, an important credit risk of nonprime mortgage lending, which, they said, could lead to "a problem that could have as much impact as the S&L crisis".[123][124][125][126] Despite this, the Bush administration prevented states from investigating and prosecuting predatory lenders by invoking a banking law from 1863 "to issue formal opinions preempting all state predatory lending laws, thereby rendering them inoperative

Actually the tipping point was in 2004-2006 when Bush enacted his 'ownership society'
Subprime mortgage crisis - Wikipedia

A proximate cause was the rise in subprime lending. The percentage of lower-quality subprime mortgages originated during a given year rose from the historical 8% or lower range to approximately 20% from 2004 to 2006,

The problem happened 2004-2006 before the democrats took over congress in 2007. So blaming the democrats is as stupid an argument as i've ever heard.

The filthy ass CRA Democrat bill to put government pressure on the lenders to give credit to people that normally would not qualify was the root cause of the disaster. Then in 2007 we had Barney Queerboy as chairman of the Finance committee, which provided oversight. What could possibly go wrong? On top of that the government gave assurances that if anything did go wrong then they would cover the lenders with bailouts, which is exactly what happen..

The economics of 2004-2006 is what cause it. The Bush administration blocking predatory lending laws enacted by the states let it flourish. Yet you blame the 2007 recession on the Democrats who didn't run things during the 2004-2006 period that caused the financial crisis.

People like you deserve to be called stupid.

Ignoring your opinion.... everything you said here, is true.

The only problem is, you are ignoring specific facts, that would change the conclusion.

The housing bubble started in 1997. Period.


Before Bush got involved..... the housing bubble started in 1997, and the largest increase in prices, happened between 1997 and 2004. Not after 2004 to 2007.

This is an unavoidable fact, that you can't explain away with "Republicans this, and Bush that" type of logic.

Moreover, the entire government, not just Bush, was involved in protecting the "goal of more home ownership".

Barney Frank was chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, and openly proclaimed that they intended to continue to push for home ownership.

Now, if you could point to democrats all warning, and opposing Bush, and pushing for tighter controls on so-called predatory lending..... ok. You would have a point.

In reality, it was the Democrats who started off saying they wanted to lower the standards for people to get mortgages. Which is exactly why they opposed clamping down on so-called "predatory" lending. They openly said, if they stopped those lenders from giving out these loans, it would deny credit to exactly the group of people they wanted to "protect" (aka get credit to).

Throughout our battles with the OCC and the banks, the mantra of the banks and their defenders was that efforts to curb predatory lending would deny access to credit to the very consumers the states were trying to protect.
Eliot Spitzer - Predatory Lenders' Partner in Crime

You tell banks to make loans to people who did not qualify for traditional prime rate loans.
Then you try and file lawsuits against banks to make those loans, calling them "predatory".
Then you are shocked the government opposes those lawsuits, and supports the banks making those loans.

Are you schizophrenic?

Oh and by the way......... did you read your own link? Let me help you out....

In 2003, during the height of the predatory lending crisis, the OCC invoked a clause from the 1863 National Bank Act to issue formal opinions preempting all state predatory lending laws, thereby rendering them inoperative. The OCC also promulgated new rules that prevented states from enforcing any of their own consumer protection laws against national banks. The federal government's actions were so egregious and so unprecedented that all 50 state attorneys general, and all 50 state banking superintendents, actively fought the new rules.​

The OCC. That is the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. 2003 is when this happened.

Do you know who was the controller of currency in 2003?

John D. Hawke, Jr.

Do you know who appointed John D Hawke Jr? Bill Clinton in 1998. Not only that, but he was a recces appointment. The Republicans didn't even get to debate him.


.... fail.... failtastic..... You lose. Not even a Bush guy.
It wasn't the budget that caused the recession. It was the Democrat initiated CRA nd the piss poor oversight of the Finance Committee from Barney Queerboy and the Democrat Leadership. Everything was going fine for six years under Bush and then the filthy Democrats took over Congress and everything crashed. .

Actually the tipping point was in 2004-2006 when Bush enacted his 'ownership society' where he promised to put millions more people into their on homes. And three years after fully enacting his policy, Bush plunged the country into recession when the bottom dropped out of the housing market

Subprime mortgage crisis - Wikipedia

A proximate cause was the rise in subprime lending. The percentage of lower-quality subprime mortgages originated during a given year rose from the historical 8% or lower range to approximately 20% from 2004 to 2006, with much higher ratios in some parts of the U.S. A high percentage of these subprime mortgages, over 90% in 2006 for example, were adjustable-rate mortgages.[4] These two changes were part of a broader trend of lowered lending standards and higher-risk mortgage products


The problem happened 2004-2006 before the democrats took over congress in 2007. So blaming the democrats is as stupid an argument as i've ever heard.

The filthy ass CRA Democrat bill to put government pressure on the lenders to give credit to people that normally would not qualify was the root cause of the disaster. Then in 2007 we had Barney Queerboy as chairman of the Finance committee, which provided oversight. What could possibly go wrong? On top of that the government gave assurances that if anything did go wrong then they would cover the lenders with bailouts, which is exactly what happen.

No Moon Bat. That collapse in 2007 was caused by the Democrat' idea of social justice to lend money to people that neither had the means or the ability to pay it back. Those chickens came home to roost and combine that with the incompetent Democrat oversight and that created the disaster.

All you have to do to connect those dots is to look at the government pressure that was used by the CRA to create lax lending practices, the Democrats taking over Congress in 2007 and the bailouts. Dirty government. You can blame Bush for not stopping the CRA when he had a Republican Congress but the much bigger blame goes to the Democrats for creating the mess with the stupid CRA and mismanaging it in the Congressional oversight committees.

Bullshit. The CRA was NOT the cause of the housing bubble. De-regulation meant that Wall Street could make far more money on sub-prime mortgages than conventional mortgages and Goldman Sachs went on a sub-prime spree, packaging the high risk loans into derivatives which they sold for further profit.

Republicans have bent over backwards to pin this on Carter and Clinton pointing out that lame duck Clinton signed the legislation de-regulating the banks, passed by a Republican Congress and Senate, and Carter signed the original CRA. But it wasn't the CRA, and it wasn't Freddie or Fanny Mae, it was Goldman Sachs, Wall Street, and the Republicans that did it.

There was no "deregulation," dumbass.

The Gramm Leach Bliley Act of 1999.

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