More Stupid Trump Voters now crying at their own choice...

It wasn't the budget that caused the recession. It was the Democrat initiated CRA nd the piss poor oversight of the Finance Committee from Barney Queerboy and the Democrat Leadership. Everything was going fine for six years under Bush and then the filthy Democrats took over Congress and everything crashed. .

Actually the tipping point was in 2004-2006 when Bush enacted his 'ownership society' where he promised to put millions more people into their on homes. And three years after fully enacting his policy, Bush plunged the country into recession when the bottom dropped out of the housing market

Subprime mortgage crisis - Wikipedia

A proximate cause was the rise in subprime lending. The percentage of lower-quality subprime mortgages originated during a given year rose from the historical 8% or lower range to approximately 20% from 2004 to 2006, with much higher ratios in some parts of the U.S. A high percentage of these subprime mortgages, over 90% in 2006 for example, were adjustable-rate mortgages.[4] These two changes were part of a broader trend of lowered lending standards and higher-risk mortgage products


The problem happened 2004-2006 before the democrats took over congress in 2007. So blaming the democrats is as stupid an argument as i've ever heard.

The filthy ass CRA Democrat bill to put government pressure on the lenders to give credit to people that normally would not qualify was the root cause of the disaster. Then in 2007 we had Barney Queerboy as chairman of the Finance committee, which provided oversight. What could possibly go wrong? On top of that the government gave assurances that if anything did go wrong then they would cover the lenders with bailouts, which is exactly what happen.

No Moon Bat. That collapse in 2007 was caused by the Democrat' idea of social justice to lend money to people that neither had the means or the ability to pay it back. Those chickens came home to roost and combine that with the incompetent Democrat oversight and that created the disaster.

All you have to do to connect those dots is to look at the government pressure that was used by the CRA to create lax lending practices, the Democrats taking over Congress in 2007 and the bailouts. Dirty government. You can blame Bush for not stopping the CRA when he had a Republican Congress but the much bigger blame goes to the Democrats for creating the mess with the stupid CRA and mismanaging it in the Congressional oversight committees.

Bullshit. The CRA was NOT the cause of the housing bubble. De-regulation meant that Wall Street could make far more money on sub-prime mortgages than conventional mortgages and Goldman Sachs went on a sub-prime spree, packaging the high risk loans into derivatives which they sold for further profit.

Republicans have bent over backwards to pin this on Carter and Clinton pointing out that lame duck Clinton signed the legislation de-regulating the banks, passed by a Republican Congress and Senate, and Carter signed the original CRA. But it wasn't the CRA, and it wasn't Freddie or Fanny Mae, it was Goldman Sachs, Wall Street, and the Republicans that did it.

There was no "deregulation," dumbass.

The Gramm Leach Bliley Act of 1999.

First, the GLB Act of 1999, can't be used to explain a sub-prime bubble that started in 1997.

Second, the GLB Act did nothing..... let me repeat that and make it absolutely clear.... NOTHING..... that had any effect either way on the sub-prime lending, or the vast majority of institutions involved.

If the GLB Act had not been passed.... there is not one aspect of the sub-prime crash that would have changed. Not one. Not even one.

The only connection between GLB Act, and the sub-prime mortgage crash, is one that the left, generally denies.

The Act made all mergers between banks, be required to meet CRA standards before they could be approved.

So if a Bank wanted to do a merge, they had to meet lending standards to minorities and special interest groups.

Gramm had maintained that he did not want anything in the bill that would expand the application of the Community Reinvestment Act because it was, he said, unnecessarily burdensome to banks. He had sought a provision that would exempt thousands of smaller banks from the law.

But the White House found that provision unacceptable and had its own ideas about community lending. It wanted the legislation to prevent any bank with an unsatisfactory record of making loans to the disadvantaged from expanding into new areas, like insurance or securities.

The White House had insisted that the President would veto any legislation that would scale back minority-lending requirements.

Agreement Reached on Overhaul of U.S. Financial System
In effect, the GLB Act INCREASED regulations on banks.

Beyond this, the GLB Act had nothing to do with the crash whatsoever.

The only even attempt to claim a connection, is allowing Insurance,Retail, Commercial, and investment banks to merge.

The problem is, the vast majority of the banks that failed... didn't do that. So they would not have been affected, had the GLB Act never existed.

AIG was only an insurance company. GLB Act did not affect them either way.
Bear Stearns was an investment bank. GLB Act did not affect them either way.
Country Wide was an investment bank. GLB Act did not affect them either way.
Indymac was only Retail. GLB Act did not affect them either way.
Lehman Brothers was only an investment bank. GLB Act did not affect them either way.

Without spending the next 6 pages listing each bank failure, the vast majority were all single business corporations, that would not have been affected by GLB Act at all. Nothing would have changed.

By the way, neither Europe nor Canada, has never had the restrictions on banks, that GLB Act removed.
blah blah blah, the majority of voters in the majority of states proved that Tump won, get the fuck over it, asshole, or fucking leave the country if you don't like the elections here. Tired of the same old talking points , as you sound like a fucking dead parrot being shocked by 10,000 volts. Just as worthless also.

Your boy has no legitimacy. It's why even his own party won't support his agenda.

Mexican Wall- DEAD.
ObamaCare Repeal DEAD.
Tax Reform - DEAD

You see, you can whine all day about winning on a technicality, but the fact is to govern, you need an actual mandate from the people.

The fact is, Republicans in Congress don't want to be caught too close to this guy... And will be the first ones to turn on him when his approval ratings go low enough.

Also nothing like a liberal who owns 2 houses, and not willing to share any of them with illegal future voters, but the rest of US are(Joe is a fucking hypocrite) and how much Joe is a Bigot and he doesn't even know it.

Most of those illegals work for their own homes, and they are just fine. It's dumb ass white trash like you living in a double wide I don't want to share with.

Keep showing US the real you Joe, just like Hillary the slimy, Sickly, crooked vagina candidate did, and why more working blacks and whites moved towards Trump. Yes Joe, you definitely missed out when God was handing out brains.

Buddy, Trump's approval ratings are dropping like a rock. People aren't moving towards him, they are moving away from him or realizing what a huge mistake they made if they voted for him or a third party.
I know of no actual REAL Trump voters who would change their vote if the election were held tomorrow. All of us voted for him for a lot of different reasons, and not all of us are going to get what we want. Despite what the left and their fake news like CNN say, we all know that Trump, even in this short time in office, has done more good for this country that anyone else in our lifetime. All that having to fight the immature, vengeful, and irrational opposition by the butthurt left.

If Trump were so popular, why aren't Republicans in Congress supporting his agenda?

100 days in, the only bit of legislation they've gotten passed is repealling a rule allowing states to not fund Planned Parenthood if they don't want to. They can't even get rid of the FEDERAL supports for PP.

Compare that to Bush or Reagan, who despite having to work with at least one Democratic House of Congress, still managed to get a lot of legislation done.
I know of no actual REAL Trump voters who would change their vote if the election were held tomorrow. All of us voted for him for a lot of different reasons, and not all of us are going to get what we want. Despite what the left and their fake news like CNN say, we all know that Trump, even in this short time in office, has done more good for this country that anyone else in our lifetime. All that having to fight the immature, vengeful, and irrational opposition by the butthurt left.

If Trump were so popular, why aren't Republicans in Congress supporting his agenda?

100 days in, the only bit of legislation they've gotten passed is repealling a rule allowing states to not fund Planned Parenthood if they don't want to. They can't even get rid of the FEDERAL supports for PP.

Compare that to Bush or Reagan, who despite having to work with at least one Democratic House of Congress, still managed to get a lot of legislation done.

Mostly irrelevant nonsense.

Trump has accomplished quite a lot. There are plenty of reasons for us to be happy. I don't expect you to agree, but who the fuck cares about the opinions of a left wing nutter?
I know of no actual REAL Trump voters who would change their vote if the election were held tomorrow. All of us voted for him for a lot of different reasons, and not all of us are going to get what we want. Despite what the left and their fake news like CNN say, we all know that Trump, even in this short time in office, has done more good for this country that anyone else in our lifetime. All that having to fight the immature, vengeful, and irrational opposition by the butthurt left.

If Trump were so popular, why aren't Republicans in Congress supporting his agenda?

100 days in, the only bit of legislation they've gotten passed is repealling a rule allowing states to not fund Planned Parenthood if they don't want to. They can't even get rid of the FEDERAL supports for PP.

Compare that to Bush or Reagan, who despite having to work with at least one Democratic House of Congress, still managed to get a lot of legislation done.

Mostly irrelevant nonsense.

Trump has accomplished quite a lot. There are plenty of reasons for us to be happy. I don't expect you to agree, but who the fuck cares about the opinions of a left wing nutter?
So you have nothing to list???...actually not surprising...
I know of no actual REAL Trump voters who would change their vote if the election were held tomorrow. All of us voted for him for a lot of different reasons, and not all of us are going to get what we want. Despite what the left and their fake news like CNN say, we all know that Trump, even in this short time in office, has done more good for this country that anyone else in our lifetime. All that having to fight the immature, vengeful, and irrational opposition by the butthurt left.

If Trump were so popular, why aren't Republicans in Congress supporting his agenda?

100 days in, the only bit of legislation they've gotten passed is repealling a rule allowing states to not fund Planned Parenthood if they don't want to. They can't even get rid of the FEDERAL supports for PP.

Compare that to Bush or Reagan, who despite having to work with at least one Democratic House of Congress, still managed to get a lot of legislation done.

Mostly irrelevant nonsense.

Trump has accomplished quite a lot. There are plenty of reasons for us to be happy. I don't expect you to agree, but who the fuck cares about the opinions of a left wing nutter?
So you have nothing to list???...actually not surprising...

I have tons. But you won't listen or care.
The people that would be hurt the most by the Trumpcare were the very coal miners that thought he was going to bring their jobs back. When you are that stupid and ignorant, the first con man that comes along is going to take all you have, even if it is just a little. The worst crime you can commit against your children is ignorance.
He has brought those jobs back.

No he has not!

Where do you get this crap?

All he did was give the 1%er mine owners permission to poison the water of the miners and their families.

Coal was killed by fracking and it's not coming back.

Educate yourself.

Sent from my iPad using
Actually the tipping point was in 2004-2006 when Bush enacted his 'ownership society' where he promised to put millions more people into their on homes. And three years after fully enacting his policy, Bush plunged the country into recession when the bottom dropped out of the housing market

Subprime mortgage crisis - Wikipedia

A proximate cause was the rise in subprime lending. The percentage of lower-quality subprime mortgages originated during a given year rose from the historical 8% or lower range to approximately 20% from 2004 to 2006, with much higher ratios in some parts of the U.S. A high percentage of these subprime mortgages, over 90% in 2006 for example, were adjustable-rate mortgages.[4] These two changes were part of a broader trend of lowered lending standards and higher-risk mortgage products


The problem happened 2004-2006 before the democrats took over congress in 2007. So blaming the democrats is as stupid an argument as i've ever heard.

The filthy ass CRA Democrat bill to put government pressure on the lenders to give credit to people that normally would not qualify was the root cause of the disaster. Then in 2007 we had Barney Queerboy as chairman of the Finance committee, which provided oversight. What could possibly go wrong? On top of that the government gave assurances that if anything did go wrong then they would cover the lenders with bailouts, which is exactly what happen.

No Moon Bat. That collapse in 2007 was caused by the Democrat' idea of social justice to lend money to people that neither had the means or the ability to pay it back. Those chickens came home to roost and combine that with the incompetent Democrat oversight and that created the disaster.

All you have to do to connect those dots is to look at the government pressure that was used by the CRA to create lax lending practices, the Democrats taking over Congress in 2007 and the bailouts. Dirty government. You can blame Bush for not stopping the CRA when he had a Republican Congress but the much bigger blame goes to the Democrats for creating the mess with the stupid CRA and mismanaging it in the Congressional oversight committees.

Bullshit. The CRA was NOT the cause of the housing bubble. De-regulation meant that Wall Street could make far more money on sub-prime mortgages than conventional mortgages and Goldman Sachs went on a sub-prime spree, packaging the high risk loans into derivatives which they sold for further profit.

Republicans have bent over backwards to pin this on Carter and Clinton pointing out that lame duck Clinton signed the legislation de-regulating the banks, passed by a Republican Congress and Senate, and Carter signed the original CRA. But it wasn't the CRA, and it wasn't Freddie or Fanny Mae, it was Goldman Sachs, Wall Street, and the Republicans that did it.

There was no "deregulation," dumbass.

The Gramm Leach Bliley Act of 1999.

First, the GLB Act of 1999, can't be used to explain a sub-prime bubble that started in 1997.

Second, the GLB Act did nothing..... let me repeat that and make it absolutely clear.... NOTHING..... that had any effect either way on the sub-prime lending, or the vast majority of institutions involved.

If the GLB Act had not been passed.... there is not one aspect of the sub-prime crash that would have changed. Not one. Not even one.

The only connection between GLB Act, and the sub-prime mortgage crash, is one that the left, generally denies.

The Act made all mergers between banks, be required to meet CRA standards before they could be approved.

So if a Bank wanted to do a merge, they had to meet lending standards to minorities and special interest groups.

Gramm had maintained that he did not want anything in the bill that would expand the application of the Community Reinvestment Act because it was, he said, unnecessarily burdensome to banks. He had sought a provision that would exempt thousands of smaller banks from the law.

But the White House found that provision unacceptable and had its own ideas about community lending. It wanted the legislation to prevent any bank with an unsatisfactory record of making loans to the disadvantaged from expanding into new areas, like insurance or securities.

The White House had insisted that the President would veto any legislation that would scale back minority-lending requirements.

Agreement Reached on Overhaul of U.S. Financial System
In effect, the GLB Act INCREASED regulations on banks.

Beyond this, the GLB Act had nothing to do with the crash whatsoever.

The only even attempt to claim a connection, is allowing Insurance,Retail, Commercial, and investment banks to merge.

The problem is, the vast majority of the banks that failed... didn't do that. So they would not have been affected, had the GLB Act never existed.

AIG was only an insurance company. GLB Act did not affect them either way.
Bear Stearns was an investment bank. GLB Act did not affect them either way.
Country Wide was an investment bank. GLB Act did not affect them either way.
Indymac was only Retail. GLB Act did not affect them either way.
Lehman Brothers was only an investment bank. GLB Act did not affect them either way.

Without spending the next 6 pages listing each bank failure, the vast majority were all single business corporations, that would not have been affected by GLB Act at all. Nothing would have changed.

By the way, neither Europe nor Canada, has never had the restrictions on banks, that GLB Act removed.

This argument is getting as old as if Hitler was a lefty or Righty

Both the Republicans and Democrats were responsible

And Hitler was neither, just nuts
Actually, these conservative posters have me in
They get to make fun of Liberals/Democrats online while voting to lose their land, houses, SS, Medicare, pensions,
More fairly land gas baggery.
Sorry but your attempt at deflection is stupid at best, unless you now want to claim that the people interviewed are telling lies and the lawsuits don't
But please do continue to ride the trump boat...I get to have the last laugh...
Prove they are taking away SS.

How is it you fools don't know what your owners have said?

McConnell, LyinRyan, other R congress and drumpf have said that's what they want.

Go back and watch the very first R debate, where drumpf says wages are too high, working class has it too easy, SS, Medicare, Medicaid have to go and minimum wage with it.

Sent from my iPad using
The people that would be hurt the most by the Trumpcare were the very coal miners that thought he was going to bring their jobs back. When you are that stupid and ignorant, the first con man that comes along is going to take all you have, even if it is just a little. The worst crime you can commit against your children is ignorance.
He has brought those jobs back.

No he has not!

Where do you get this crap?

All he did was give the 1%er mine owners permission to poison the water of the miners and their families.

Coal was killed by fracking and it's not coming back.

Educate yourself.

Sent from my iPad using

One of many and I suggest you pick up a copy of a newspaper once and a while, you cherry pick to much what you want to read on the internet
Actually, these conservative posters have me in
They get to make fun of Liberals/Democrats online while voting to lose their land, houses, SS, Medicare, pensions,
Which cartoon show did you get that from?

Iceweasel want paying attention when drump said he wants to make it easier to force people off their own, hard earned, private property.

That's okay though because RWNJs like Iceweasel are in favor of Americans losing their homes to drumpf's follies.

Sent from my iPad using

Nope. Never ceases to amaze me that you twits don't fact-check yourselves.

Trump's border wall will require fight to take private land - Chicago ...
Mar 21, 2017 - Trump's border wall will require fight to take private land ... Donald Trump will have to seize private land in order to build a border wall. ... To build the wall along the nearly 2,000-mile border — and fulfill a key campaign ...
Trump budget includes eminent domain for border-wall land ...
Mar 16, 2017 - "The United States of America is acquiring property along itsborder with ... fights with landowners from Texas to California over theseizure of private ... A boy watching US workers build a section of a US-Mexico border wall.
Private land could be seized to build Trump's border wall ::
The federal government could seize private land to build President Donald Trump's proposed wall along the US-Mexico border.
Donald Trump's Border Wall Puts Residents at Risk of Losing Their ...
Apr 6, 2017 - Building a physical barrier along the border is a tall order: it ... to seize property from private landowners and turn it over to a privatedeveloper. ... “If they're building a wall in Texas, it means they are buildingon private land, ...
The people that would be hurt the most by the Trumpcare were the very coal miners that thought he was going to bring their jobs back. When you are that stupid and ignorant, the first con man that comes along is going to take all you have, even if it is just a little. The worst crime you can commit against your children is ignorance.
He has brought those jobs back.

No, he hasn't. He just SAID he would.

This argument is getting as old as if Hitler was a lefty or Righty

Both the Republicans and Democrats were responsible

And Hitler was neither, just nuts

The CRA was a Democrat sponsored bill that was simply stupid. It was a bill to use government pressure to lenders to give credit to minorities that had neither the means nor the inclination to pay back the money. That idiot Jimmy Carter wanted to do it for social justice reason and like all Libtard ideas it was a disaster.

The Republicans could have either diminished it or done away with it when the controlled Congress and the Presidency but they didn't so they bear some responsibility. Bush warned the Democrats that there was going to be a failure but did nothing of substance to put pressure on them. Slick Willie actually expanded the program when that idiot was President.

With the government putting pressure on the lenders to give credit to everybody and their little brown dog and then promising to cover loses it was inevitable that there was going to be a failure.

The Democrats were primarily responsible for the economic failure in 2007 and 2008. The Republicans knew better but didn't have the courage to put a stop to it. A failure of government. We see it all the time. Fuck the government.

This argument is getting as old as if Hitler was a lefty or Righty

Both the Republicans and Democrats were responsible

And Hitler was neither, just nuts

The CRA was a Democrat sponsored bill that was simply stupid. It was a bill to use government pressure to lenders to give credit to minorities that had neither the means nor the inclination to pay back the money. That idiot Jimmy Carter wanted to do it for social justice reason and like all Libtard ideas it was a disaster.

The Republicans could have either diminished it or done away with it when the controlled Congress and the Presidency but they didn't so they bear some responsibility. Bush warned the Democrats that there was going to be a failure but did nothing of substance to put pressure on them. Slick Willie actually expanded the program when that idiot was President.

With the government putting pressure on the lenders to give credit to everybody and their little brown dog and then promising to cover loses it was inevitable that there was going to be a failure.

The Democrats were primarily responsible for the economic failure in 2007 and 2008. The Republicans knew better but didn't have the courage to put a stop to it. A failure of government. We see it all the time. Fuck the government.

Heck a recent post by the dragon lady she said the right was blaming all the way to Carter... I didn't even know their was a connection to him about it.

Past history to much blame to go around

Heck a recent post by the dragon lady she said the right was blaming all the way to Carter... I didn't even know their was a connection to him about it.

Past history to much blame to go around

It was that idiot Jimmy Carter's big idea.

Like all idiot Libtards he thought that it was unfair that worthless minorities couldn't get credit to buy a big house. So he came up with this brilliant idea to use the government to put pressure on lenders to give credit to people that ordinarily could not qualify. That was the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA). What could possibly go wrong?

The Republicans knew it was bad news but didn't have the courage to tell the filthy Democrats to shove it.

The Democrats are primarily responsible for the credit collapse. The Republicans helped them out by not telling them to take their stupid Libtard program and shove it up their Moon Bat ass. Not that much different from the stupid Democrats and their batshit crazy Obamacare and the Republicans not having the courage to stop it.
SWEET IRONY. These Trump Voters FORCED to SELL Their Land to Build The WALL, "We Can't Believe It!"

So now these Trump voters are losing their land to build the wall they voted
I guess they believed that Trump sees them differently from Black people, Asians, Hispanics, etc.

All of these idiots lost in court...I have no sympathy for them....

Here is the latest!

Trump’s base turns on him

Donald Trump’s true believers are losing the faith.

As Trump struggles to keep his campaign promises and flirts with political moderation, his most steadfast supporters — from veteran advisers to anti-immigration activists to the volunteers who dropped their jobs to help elect him — are increasingly dismayed by the direction of his presidency.

It was like, here’s the chance to do something different. And that’s why people’s hopes are dashed,” said Lee Stranahan, who, as a former writer at Breitbart News, once worked with Bannon. “There was always the question of, ‘Did he really believe this stuff?’ Apparently, the answer is, ‘Not as much as you’d like.’”
Last edited:
The filthy ass CRA Democrat bill to put government pressure on the lenders to give credit to people that normally would not qualify was the root cause of the disaster. Then in 2007 we had Barney Queerboy as chairman of the Finance committee, which provided oversight. What could possibly go wrong? On top of that the government gave assurances that if anything did go wrong then they would cover the lenders with bailouts, which is exactly what happen.

No Moon Bat. That collapse in 2007 was caused by the Democrat' idea of social justice to lend money to people that neither had the means or the ability to pay it back. Those chickens came home to roost and combine that with the incompetent Democrat oversight and that created the disaster.

All you have to do to connect those dots is to look at the government pressure that was used by the CRA to create lax lending practices, the Democrats taking over Congress in 2007 and the bailouts. Dirty government. You can blame Bush for not stopping the CRA when he had a Republican Congress but the much bigger blame goes to the Democrats for creating the mess with the stupid CRA and mismanaging it in the Congressional oversight committees.

Bullshit. The CRA was NOT the cause of the housing bubble. De-regulation meant that Wall Street could make far more money on sub-prime mortgages than conventional mortgages and Goldman Sachs went on a sub-prime spree, packaging the high risk loans into derivatives which they sold for further profit.

Republicans have bent over backwards to pin this on Carter and Clinton pointing out that lame duck Clinton signed the legislation de-regulating the banks, passed by a Republican Congress and Senate, and Carter signed the original CRA. But it wasn't the CRA, and it wasn't Freddie or Fanny Mae, it was Goldman Sachs, Wall Street, and the Republicans that did it.

There was no "deregulation," dumbass.

The Gramm Leach Bliley Act of 1999.

First, the GLB Act of 1999, can't be used to explain a sub-prime bubble that started in 1997.

Second, the GLB Act did nothing..... let me repeat that and make it absolutely clear.... NOTHING..... that had any effect either way on the sub-prime lending, or the vast majority of institutions involved.

If the GLB Act had not been passed.... there is not one aspect of the sub-prime crash that would have changed. Not one. Not even one.

The only connection between GLB Act, and the sub-prime mortgage crash, is one that the left, generally denies.

The Act made all mergers between banks, be required to meet CRA standards before they could be approved.

So if a Bank wanted to do a merge, they had to meet lending standards to minorities and special interest groups.

Gramm had maintained that he did not want anything in the bill that would expand the application of the Community Reinvestment Act because it was, he said, unnecessarily burdensome to banks. He had sought a provision that would exempt thousands of smaller banks from the law.

But the White House found that provision unacceptable and had its own ideas about community lending. It wanted the legislation to prevent any bank with an unsatisfactory record of making loans to the disadvantaged from expanding into new areas, like insurance or securities.

The White House had insisted that the President would veto any legislation that would scale back minority-lending requirements.

Agreement Reached on Overhaul of U.S. Financial System
In effect, the GLB Act INCREASED regulations on banks.

Beyond this, the GLB Act had nothing to do with the crash whatsoever.

The only even attempt to claim a connection, is allowing Insurance,Retail, Commercial, and investment banks to merge.

The problem is, the vast majority of the banks that failed... didn't do that. So they would not have been affected, had the GLB Act never existed.

AIG was only an insurance company. GLB Act did not affect them either way.
Bear Stearns was an investment bank. GLB Act did not affect them either way.
Country Wide was an investment bank. GLB Act did not affect them either way.
Indymac was only Retail. GLB Act did not affect them either way.
Lehman Brothers was only an investment bank. GLB Act did not affect them either way.

Without spending the next 6 pages listing each bank failure, the vast majority were all single business corporations, that would not have been affected by GLB Act at all. Nothing would have changed.

By the way, neither Europe nor Canada, has never had the restrictions on banks, that GLB Act removed.

This argument is getting as old as if Hitler was a lefty or Righty

Both the Republicans and Democrats were responsible

And Hitler was neither, just nuts

I don't care about political parties.

I'm talking about the ideology. The claim that there was "deregulation" and if only we had more regulation, then we would have solved this.... is proven false.

Regulation never solves anything. Before this crash, we had the most highly regulated banking system in the world.

More regulated than Europe, more than the UK, more than Canada, more than anywhere.

Yet the crash originated here in the US.

Now if you want to look at what policies started the housing bubble, then you need to go back to the Clinton Administration.

That's not partisanship. That's fact. If you want to argue the facts don't matter, and do this copout game of "Well... everyone is to blame!".... Then all you are doing is begging for another crash in the future. Not because democrats blaw blaw blaw blaw..... not because of that. But because when you do this "everyone is to blame" copout, you end up not finding the policies that caused the problem.

The problem started in 1997, when the Clinton Administration, pushed banks, and sued banks, and guaranteed sub-prime loans. This legitimized the market, and the result was a massive price bubble that eventually exploded in 2007. Fact. I can point citations and references for each of those claims. (all of which have been posted on this thread, possibly twice now).

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