More Stupid Trump Voters now crying at their own choice...


Worse than Obama?? Perhaps you mean worse than GWB He is the title holder And crooked hillary is just BS

Bush did OK for six years until that filthy 2006 Democrat elected Congress took over led by Barney Queerboy, Tits Peloski, Dirty Harry and that asshole Senator from Illinois. Then the CRA chickens came home to roost and the economy tanked. Who would have ever thunk that the Democrat plan started by Jimmy Carter use government pressure to force lenders to give credit to people that had neither the means or the inclination to pay back the debt would cause economic problems?

Then we had eight years of that Obama asshole where poverty increased, family income decreased, debt skyrocketed, economic growth was dismal, income disparity grew, health care tanked and we had the worst foreign policy imaginable.That is disaster under any definition.

Right in the center of that disaster as Secretary of State was that filthy bitch Crooked Hillary who has failed at everything she has ever attempted. Imagine being so damn sorry that she lost two attempts at being President. Once to a dumbass affirmative action community organizer and once to a reality star.
Any good that happened under bush was because Clinton didn't leave a pile of crap to clean up like gwb left obama AND bush did ok for 6 years ?? Starting a bs war didn't make a dent with you??

Worse than Obama?? Perhaps you mean worse than GWB He is the title holder And crooked hillary is just BS

Bush did OK for six years until that filthy 2006 Democrat elected Congress took over led by Barney Queerboy, Tits Peloski, Dirty Harry and that asshole Senator from Illinois. Then the CRA chickens came home to roost and the economy tanked. Who would have ever thunk that the Democrat plan started by Jimmy Carter use government pressure to force lenders to give credit to people that had neither the means or the inclination to pay back the debt would cause economic problems?

Then we had eight years of that Obama asshole where poverty increased, family income decreased, debt skyrocketed, economic growth was dismal, income disparity grew, health care tanked and we had the worst foreign policy imaginable.That is disaster under any definition.

Right in the center of that disaster as Secretary of State was that filthy bitch Crooked Hillary who has failed at everything she has ever attempted. Imagine being so damn sorry that she lost two attempts at being President. Once to a dumbass affirmative action community organizer and once to a reality star.
Any good that happened under bush was because Clinton didn't leave a pile of crap to clean up like gwb left obama AND bush did ok for 6 years ?? Starting a bs war didn't make a dent with you??

Clinton left Bush a mess. Give me a break. He left him a stock market crash, the dot bombs & 9/11.
Politico and NPR?


They quoted Trump, it's not opinion, i'ts a listing of quotes.

On the border wall:

“Jeb Bush just talked about my border proposal to build a "fence." It's not a fence, Jeb, it's a WALL, and there's a BIG difference!” (Twitter, August 25, 2015)

“There could be some fencing.” (60 Minutes, November 13, 2016)

On the Electoral College:

“The electoral college is a disaster for democracy.” (Twitter, November 06, 2012)

“The Electoral College is actually genius in that it brings all states, including the smaller ones, into play. Campaigning is much different!” (Twitter, November 15, 2016)

“I'd rather do the popular vote.” Says he was "never a fan of the electoral college." (New York Times, November 22, 2016)

On the Trump University lawsuit:

“Trump University has a 98% approval rating. I could have settled but won't out of principle!” (Twitter, February 29, 2016)

“I don't settle cases…I won’t settle because it’s an easy case to win in court.” (Morning Joe, March 3, 2016)

“I settled the Trump University lawsuit for a small fraction of the potential award because as President I have to focus on our country” (Twitter, November 19, 2016)

On torture:

“Torture works. OK, folks? You know, I have these guys—‘Torture doesn’t work!’—believe me, it works. And waterboarding is your minor form. Some people say it’s not actually torture. Let’s assume it is. But they asked me the question: What do you think of waterboarding? Absolutely fine. But we should go much stronger than waterboarding.” (South Carolina, February 17, 2016)

“[Mattis] said, ‘I’ve never found it to be useful…Give me a pack of cigarettes and a couple of beers and I’ll do better.’…I was very impressed by that answer… [Torture is] not going to make the kind of a difference that a lot of people are thinking.’’ (New York Times, November 22, 2016)

Lol, you couldn't have made this easier.

On the border wall. Jeb called it a fence, it isn't a fence nor would it be a fence if a small portion of it was fence.

On the electoral college. A flip flop? Or was he ignorant of their actual function in 2012 and actually saw the reason for their existence played out in his own election? It's thin to call that a flip flop in light of what happened.

On the Trump University lawsuit, its more likely that he is now following his lawyers advice. But I'll give you that one.

On torture. Really? You do realize that two different people are being quoted right?

That was laughable, really. I warned you against listening to left wing nutter news sources.

Politico? NPR? Lol. Like I said, it only exists in your head.

So basically there are two VERY thin very weak flip flops and I'm supposed to abandon Trump?

Worse than Obama?? Perhaps you mean worse than GWB He is the title holder And crooked hillary is just BS

Bush did OK for six years until that filthy 2006 Democrat elected Congress took over led by Barney Queerboy, Tits Peloski, Dirty Harry and that asshole Senator from Illinois. Then the CRA chickens came home to roost and the economy tanked. Who would have ever thunk that the Democrat plan started by Jimmy Carter use government pressure to force lenders to give credit to people that had neither the means or the inclination to pay back the debt would cause economic problems?

Then we had eight years of that Obama asshole where poverty increased, family income decreased, debt skyrocketed, economic growth was dismal, income disparity grew, health care tanked and we had the worst foreign policy imaginable.That is disaster under any definition.

Right in the center of that disaster as Secretary of State was that filthy bitch Crooked Hillary who has failed at everything she has ever attempted. Imagine being so damn sorry that she lost two attempts at being President. Once to a dumbass affirmative action community organizer and once to a reality star.
Any good that happened under bush was because Clinton didn't leave a pile of crap to clean up like gwb left obama AND bush did ok for 6 years ?? Starting a bs war didn't make a dent with you??

Clinton left Bush a mess. Give me a break. He left him a stock market crash, the dot bombs & 9/11.
A mess soggy?
GOP front-runner, real estate mogul and reality television star Donald Trump has vowed to be "the greatest jobs president that God ever created." To do so, he'd need to unseat former Democratic President Bill Clinton, who averaged nearly 242,000 monthly job gains during his eight years in the White House.

Trump's Republican rival Jeb Bush has promised 4 percent annual gross domestic product growth if he's elected to office. But four of the five presidents who have overseen the largest average economic expansions since World War II have been Democrats – John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson, Clinton and Jimmy Carter.


Presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson ran away with average economic growth during their presidencies, while Barack Obama and George W. Bush struggled.

Over the last six decades or so, history has tended to favor Democratic presidents in terms of economic performance. The country's unemployment rate has been lower at the end of every Democrat's tenure since Kennedy took office in 1961. Ronald Reagan, meanwhile, is the only GOP president since Dwight Eisenhower took office in 1953 who can say the same.

But how much do presidents actually impact the economy? Are Democratic policies actually better for domestic growth?

Not necessarily, according to a study conducted last year by researchers at Princeton University.

AND bush did ok for 6 years ?? Starting a bs war didn't make a dent with you??

Captain Edward John Smith did a great job crossing the atlantic for the first half of the Titanics trip.

Captain Hazelwood did a great job the first few years with the Exxon Valdez

Germany did a great job with WWII from 1939 to 1944
Lol, you couldn't have made this easier.

On the border wall. Jeb called it a fence, it isn't a fence nor would it be a fence if a small portion of it was fence.

Don't forget who was going to pay for it. Before it was mexico, now it's the american taxpayer.
On the electoral college. A flip flop? Or was he ignorant of their actual function in 2012 and actually saw the reason for their existence played out in his own election? It's thin to call that a flip flop in light of what happened.

Still a complete flip-flop

On the Trump University lawsuit, its more likely that he is now following his lawyers advice. But I'll give you that one.

That was just 4 and you're admitting to half.
Lol, you couldn't have made this easier.

On the border wall. Jeb called it a fence, it isn't a fence nor would it be a fence if a small portion of it was fence.

Don't forget who was going to pay for it. Before it was mexico, now it's the american taxpayer.
On the electoral college. A flip flop? Or was he ignorant of their actual function in 2012 and actually saw the reason for their existence played out in his own election? It's thin to call that a flip flop in light of what happened.

Still a complete flip-flop

On the Trump University lawsuit, its more likely that he is now following his lawyers advice. But I'll give you that one.

That was just 4 and you're admitting to half.

Did you see the proposed budget? Did you notice that there was zero dollars set aside for the wall? That means that it has yet to be decided where that money is coming from. It could still be Mexico, where it isn't coming from yet, is the taxpayer. Not at all a flip flop.

You continue to believe rather than think. That is something I cannot help you with, you do not want to be helped. You will continue to live lies, and reality will continue to bitch slap you. Good luck with that.

"The President must get Congressional approval before attacking Syria-big mistake if he does not!" — Aug. 30, 2013, in a tweet after Assad used chemical weapons and President Obama was deciding if he would strike unilaterally. Obama wound up going to Congress, did not get approval and did not strike despite, saying use of chemical weapons would be a "red line."

On The Record: President Trump Vs. Private Citizen Trump On Syria


"President Obama, do not attack Syria. There is no upside and tremendous downside. Save your 'powder' for another (and more important) day!" — Sept. 7, 2013, in a tweet.


"Assad choked out the lives of innocent men, women and children. It was a slow and brutal death for so many. Even beautiful babies were cruelly murdered in this very barbaric attack. No child of God should ever suffer such horror. Tonight I ordered a targeted military strike on the airfield in Syria from where the chemical attack was launched. It is in this vital national security interest of the United States to prevent and deter the spread and use of deadly chemical weapons." — April 6, in a speech announcing U.S. military action against Syria.

Worse than Obama?? Perhaps you mean worse than GWB He is the title holder And crooked hillary is just BS

Bush did OK for six years until that filthy 2006 Democrat elected Congress took over led by Barney Queerboy, Tits Peloski, Dirty Harry and that asshole Senator from Illinois. Then the CRA chickens came home to roost and the economy tanked. Who would have ever thunk that the Democrat plan started by Jimmy Carter use government pressure to force lenders to give credit to people that had neither the means or the inclination to pay back the debt would cause economic problems?

Then we had eight years of that Obama asshole where poverty increased, family income decreased, debt skyrocketed, economic growth was dismal, income disparity grew, health care tanked and we had the worst foreign policy imaginable.That is disaster under any definition.

Right in the center of that disaster as Secretary of State was that filthy bitch Crooked Hillary who has failed at everything she has ever attempted. Imagine being so damn sorry that she lost two attempts at being President. Once to a dumbass affirmative action community organizer and once to a reality star.
Any good that happened under bush was because Clinton didn't leave a pile of crap to clean up like gwb left obama AND bush did ok for 6 years ?? Starting a bs war didn't make a dent with you??

Where were you in 1999 ....jail?

What do you think Bush Jr. Cut taxes for the heck of it or could we possibly have been in a mini recession?

Did you see the proposed budget? Did you notice that there was zero dollars set aside for the wall? That means that it has yet to be decided where that money is coming from.

Occams Razor, it means Trump flip-flopped on building the wall.

"The President must get Congressional approval before attacking Syria-big mistake if he does not!" — Aug. 30, 2013, in a tweet after Assad used chemical weapons and President Obama was deciding if he would strike unilaterally. Obama wound up going to Congress, did not get approval and did not strike despite, saying use of chemical weapons would be a "red line."

On The Record: President Trump Vs. Private Citizen Trump On Syria


"President Obama, do not attack Syria. There is no upside and tremendous downside. Save your 'powder' for another (and more important) day!" — Sept. 7, 2013, in a tweet.


"Assad choked out the lives of innocent men, women and children. It was a slow and brutal death for so many. Even beautiful babies were cruelly murdered in this very barbaric attack. No child of God should ever suffer such horror. Tonight I ordered a targeted military strike on the airfield in Syria from where the chemical attack was launched. It is in this vital national security interest of the United States to prevent and deter the spread and use of deadly chemical weapons." — April 6, in a speech announcing U.S. military action against Syria.

Not a flip flop. You understand that that was 2013 right. Times, war, nations, and situations change. He's responding to those changes. Now if he said that one month ago, you'd have a flip flop but you don't now. But hey, I know you'll just continue to lie to yourself.
Did you see the proposed budget? Did you notice that there was zero dollars set aside for the wall? That means that it has yet to be decided where that money is coming from.

Occams Razor, it means Trump flip-flopped on building the wall.

No, the government is right now, taking bids on its construction. Really dude, stop listening to talking points and learn something on your own.
Did you see the proposed budget? Did you notice that there was zero dollars set aside for the wall? That means that it has yet to be decided where that money is coming from.

Occams Razor, it means Trump flip-flopped on building the wall.

No, the government is right now, taking bids on its construction. Really dude, stop listening to talking points and learn something on your own.

He is an idiot they recieved over 700 designs for the wall from around the world

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