More Tales Of White Supremacy And White Privilege

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White women speaking the truth

Black folks have to live perfect lives or they will be killed? Were they "perfect" when they were ransacking business in their own neighborhoods? How about when a "brother" got dragged under the wheels of an 18 wheeler when these "perfect living" rioting, blacks attacked a Fed-Ex truck and started trying to break into the cab as other "perfect living" blacks were stealing packages.

WHY OH WHY are some black folks so misunderstood???? My heart broke for the perfect living black lady that posted a FB live video where she was incredulous that some business owners had the audacity to guard their stores from being looted with guns. She decried that these racists felt that their merchandise was more valuable than black just can't make this shit up.
If BLM ( a commie front organization and fundraising apparatus for the democrat communist party) really wants to exact vengeance on their oppressors like the cops that started this shit? Attack them with all you can muster instead of targeting people that are just trying to eek out an existence just like everyone else. Methinks that the militant black commies are using this as an excuse to attack anyone that A: Isn't the same skin tint as you and B: Doesn't have the means to defend themselves against a pack of angry racists that believe that they are justified in being thugs.

Just a thought.....
Dale Smith
Black folks have to live perfect lives or they will be killed? Were they "perfect" when they were ransacking business in their own neighborhoods?

Burn it all down as far as I'm concerned. They're all insured. Plus black people don't own any of it so it's not our businesses to ransack in the first place.

Also most of the looting was done by whites. White people are not in any moral position to accuse black people of looting or ransacking anything when white people have ransacked and looted the world

I don't really care if you don't like the way this was done. But we have highlighted an issue that would not have been highlighted otherwise.

What ? You think a nice well typed out grammatically correct letter pointing out systematic racism sent to the powers that be would have done the job ?

Talk sense. You fool.

If the police were killing unarmed white children and white people at the rates they do black ppl, then white people would be blowing up police stations tomorrow.

White people freak out at even 1% of oppression. This coming from a race of people who were getting out on the streets a few months bk angry at not being able to get a hair cut or play golf



In fact white people picked up guns for this. White people thought it was facism when they could plant seeds in their garden

Only people for whom daily life is pretty easy could believe that the closing of bars, gyms, restaurants, and sporting events was a tragedy.

Ya know who doesn’t think that way?

Black people.

Dale Smith
How about when a "brother" got dragged under the wheels of an 18 wheeler when these "perfect living" rioting, blacks attacked a Fed-Ex truck and started trying to break into the cab as other "perfect living" blacks were stealing packages.

Well of course they're gonna say that. White supremacists and non-black white supremacists always like to claim innocence. Remember there is nothing that makes a white supremacist happier than when he can kill a black person. This guy was ran over by the truck in St Louis.
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Dale Smith
Black folks have to live perfect lives or they will be killed? Were they "perfect" when they were ransacking business in their own neighborhoods?

Burn it all down as far as I'm concerned. Black people down own any of it and most of the looting was done by whites. White people are not in any moral position to accuse black p[eople or looting or ransacking when white people have ransacked and looted the world

I don't care if you like it the way this was. But we have highlighted an issue that would not have been highlighted otherwise.

What ? You think a nice well typed out grammatically correct letter pointing systematic racism sent to the powers that be would have done the job ?

Talk sense. You fool.

If the police were killing unarmed white children and white people at the rates they do black ppl, then white people would be blowing up police stations tomorrow.

White people freak out at even 1% of oppression. This coming from a race of people who were getting out on the streets a few months bk angry at not being able to get a hair cut or play golf
Dale Smith
Remove the mote from your own eye and start taking some responsibility for how blacks act

Look man. The old "It's you're fault that I'm racism" is dead. Long b4 crime stats, IQ stats, sagging pants, rap music whatever you want to throw at black people....white people were racist

Racism - white supremacy exists not because how black people act. Racism exists because black people are black

In fact let's look at black man with no dirt on him - Barack Obama.

He never had kids out of wedlock.
He was Harvard educated.
He committed no crimes.
He never looted or ransacked
He used no slang.
He didn't sag his pants

and say what you want about his presidency.

The fact is.

There was not 1% of personal scandal on that man in his two terms of office.

Did that stop him from getting racism? According to your logic it should have done. Right ?

Wrong. He got it in the neck just like any other black person.

And you do realize that the black people who were lynched and hung in the Jim Crow era were mainly black business owner? Or educated blks who were seen as too uppity ?

It doesn't matter what blk ppl do.

Dale Smith
if you are going to so vehemently play the race and victim card.

The whole deck is racism. And black people are victims.

Dale Smith
You believe that only blacks get treated unfairly by cops

I never said that

Dale Smith
and that they don't shoot and ask questions later on other races INCLUDING whites/

The police don't kill unarmed white ppl in any significant numbers. You will hardly find me a white Tamir rice in the white community.

Yeah whites are also brutalized by police but blacks are the only ones making an effort to change that.

Black ppl are essentially fighting for everyone’s rights and all we get in return is chastisement from those who would also benefit from change.

Its white people that support harsher government policies if they’ll hurt blacks ....even if they could potentially be used against whites too. It’s an example of cutting off your nose to spite your face

Dale Smith
I don't like police brutality regardless of whom it is done to.

White supremacists love police brutality so long as it's black people on the end of it. They don't care if a few whites are killed by police.

They only give a care when the privilege of the police being able to kill blk ppl is threatened.

That's why whites poured thousands over night into Darren Wilson's (killer of Mike Brown) GoFundMe account and the same of many other cops who have killed blk ppl.

Are they pouring thousands into the accounts of the odd white person killed by police ?

I think we both know the answer.

Black ppl are the only ppl who have to regulate this madness. We are ones who everyone is looking to, to lead into decency and morality and justice.

That's why there was demos in Sweden, France, Germany, Australia, Brazil all over the world.

Massive companies like Apple, Pepsi, Coco Cola, Nike, Microsoft spend millions trying influence and mobilize ppl.

A few black men from Minneapolis have done what they can only dream of in a week.

This is not even about George Floyd. This is standing up against anti blackness.

This is a very bad look for the USA. America loves flexing its muscles to other countries about violating human rights. The next time they do that most countries are gonna tell them to f-off

Dale Smith
Cops have become more aggressive and more militarized as if they were about to head over to the Middle East and wage war. I don't like the civil forfeiture laws where they go "fishing" hoping to come across someone that has money on them so they can confiscate it claiming it HAD to be because of illegal activity and if you want to spend a year trying to get some of it back because it was taken with no due process?

And all that is aimed at black people. The police are more miltarized for black people. The police are more aggressive to black people. The police go fishing in black areas. You're not telling me nothing I don't know.

Michael A. Wood Jr was a white retired White American police sergeant he noted what he saw while serving on the Baltimore police force from 2003 to 2014

He confirmed much of what many Black Americans in Baltimore have long known.

The Police :
  • Racially profile.·
  • Lie.
  • Do not see Black and poor people as real human being.
  • Are an occupying force in Black ghettos.
  • See the people there as the enemy, not as citizens to protect and serve.
  • Use unspoken arrest quota.
  • Each officer is expected to make so many arrests a month.
  • Do not care much about the US Constitution.
  • Are badly trained.
  • Fear Black males.
He found that arrests and crime bear little relationship to each other.

When he was put on patrol in a well-to-do White neighbourhood he would go to a nearby Black neighbourhood to make his arrest quota.

Not because there was more crime there but because he could get away with arresting blacks for little things, like throwing a cigarette on the floor or playing basketball in the street. Also the police were told not to enforce drug laws against white people

He did not see himself as racist but took part in a racist institution by following orders. And these orders came from top. Who were supported by politicians who represented not the people but moneyed interests like the prison-industrial complex that need 90% occupancy.

Or white cop Adrian Schoolcraft he logged how the NYPD used to manipulate crime stats. He recorded everything that was said with a small tape recorder while he was on duty.

Police officers were told how many people to stop and search. How many tickets to write. How many arrests to make every month. Meanwhile serious crime was not taken seriously. .

When he had a solid case he went to InternalAffairs. So the police arrived at his door with a dozen policemen. They tore his place apart. They threw him to the ground, beat him up and handcuffed him.

After six days missing his dad found his son at last in a mental ward in Queens NY, where the police had put him.

That's only touching the surface the police plant evidence on suspects to frame them, as with the Ramparts division scandal or they protect drug runners.

The police deal in drugs themselves. Ever heard about New York’s infamous 75th precinct ?

I could go on.

Dale Smith
BTW, I may be a lot of things but "racist" isn't one of them

Every white supremacist say that and most whites frankly say that to.

Dale Smith
and I'll be damned if I will just sit back and allow you and your butthurt pals blame all your ills on "whitey".

And your blaming everything on blackie

Dale Smith
Frankly, I would have too much pride to even insinuate that someone had that kind of power over me.

I don't lie to myself. I'm in a global system of racism -white supremacy

Dale Smith
Remember Reginald Denny? WTF did he have to do with what happened to Rodney King?

Nothing. But what did Rodney King have to do with the police ?

Dale Smith
I LOVE my brothers and sisters that are in this fight regardless of the tint of their skin and they reciprocate in kind.

You're just a racist - white supremacist

Dale Smith
But do you think that just MAYBE the FED-Ex driver was thinking about what happened to Denny when he decided to get out of there ASAP.

Why does that Reg Denny Death pain you so much ? It was 28 years ago.
and I'll be damned if I will just sit back and allow you and your butthurt pals blame all your ills on "whitey".

You'll just have to be damned then because the evidence shows that the root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism.
Dale Smith
Remove the mote from your own eye and start taking some responsibility for how blacks act

Look man. The old "It's you're fault that I'm racism" is dead. Long b4 crime stats, IQ stats, sagging pants, rap music whatever you want to throw at black people....white people were racist

Racism - white supremacy exists not because how black people act. Racism exists because black people are black

In fact let's look at black man with no dirt on him - Barack Obama.

He never had kids out of wedlock.
He was Harvard educated.
He committed no crimes.
He never looted or ransacked
He used no slang.
He didn't sag his pants

and say what you want about his presidency.

The fact is.

There was not 1% of personal scandal on that man in his two terms of office.

Did that stop him from getting racism? According to your logic it should have done. Right ?

Wrong. He got it in the neck just like any other black person.

And you do realize that the black people who were lynched and hung in the Jim Crow era were mainly black business owner? Or educated blks who were seen as too uppity ?

It doesn't matter what blk ppl do.

Dale Smith
if you are going to so vehemently play the race and victim card.

The whole deck is racism. And black people are victims.

Dale Smith
You believe that only blacks get treated unfairly by cops

I never said that

Dale Smith
and that they don't shoot and ask questions later on other races INCLUDING whites/

The police don't kill unarmed white ppl in any significant numbers. You will hardly find me a white Tamir rice in the white community.

Yeah whites are also brutalized by police but blacks are the only ones making an effort to change that.

Black ppl are essentially fighting for everyone’s rights and all we get in return is chastisement from those who would also benefit from change.

Its white people that support harsher government policies if they’ll hurt blacks ....even if they could potentially be used against whites too. It’s an example of cutting off your nose to spite your face

Dale Smith
I don't like police brutality regardless of whom it is done to.

White supremacists love police brutality so long as it's black people on the end of it. They don't care if a few whites are killed by police.

They only give a care when the privilege of the police being able to kill blk ppl is threatened.

That's why whites poured thousands over night into Darren Wilson's (killer of Mike Brown) GoFundMe account and the same of many other cops who have killed blk ppl.

Are they pouring thousands into the accounts of the odd white person killed by police ?

I think we both know the answer.

Black ppl are the only ppl who have to regulate this madness. We are ones who everyone is looking to, to lead into decency and morality and justice.

That's why there was demos in Sweden, France, Germany, Australia, Brazil all over the world.

Massive companies like Apple, Pepsi, Coco Cola, Nike, Microsoft spend millions trying influence and mobilize ppl.

A few black men from Minneapolis have done what they can only dream of in a week.

This is not even about George Floyd. This is standing up against anti blackness.

This is a very bad look for the USA. America loves flexing its muscles to other countries about violating human rights. The next time they do that most countries are gonna tell them to f-off

Dale Smith
Cops have become more aggressive and more militarized as if they were about to head over to the Middle East and wage war. I don't like the civil forfeiture laws where they go "fishing" hoping to come across someone that has money on them so they can confiscate it claiming it HAD to be because of illegal activity and if you want to spend a year trying to get some of it back because it was taken with no due process?

And all that is aimed at black people. The police are more miltarized for black people. The police are more aggressive to black people. The police go fishing in black areas. You're not telling me nothing I don't know.

Michael A. Wood Jr was a white retired White American police sergeant he noted what he saw while serving on the Baltimore police force from 2003 to 2014

He confirmed much of what many Black Americans in Baltimore have long known.

The Police :
  • Racially profile.·
  • Lie.
  • Do not see Black and poor people as real human being.
  • Are an occupying force in Black ghettos.
  • See the people there as the enemy, not as citizens to protect and serve.
  • Use unspoken arrest quota.
  • Each officer is expected to make so many arrests a month.
  • Do not care much about the US Constitution.
  • Are badly trained.
  • Fear Black males.
He found that arrests and crime bear little relationship to each other.

When he was put on patrol in a well-to-do White neighbourhood he would go to a nearby Black neighbourhood to make his arrest quota.

Not because there was more crime there but because he could get away with arresting blacks for little things, like throwing a cigarette on the floor or playing basketball in the street. Also the police were told not to enforce drug laws against white people

He did not see himself as racist but took part in a racist institution by following orders. And these orders came from top. Who were supported by politicians who represented not the people but moneyed interests like the prison-industrial complex that need 90% occupancy.

Or white cop Adrian Schoolcraft he logged how the NYPD used to manipulate crime stats. He recorded everything that was said with a small tape recorder while he was on duty.

Police officers were told how many people to stop and search. How many tickets to write. How many arrests to make every month. Meanwhile serious crime was not taken seriously. .

When he had a solid case he went to InternalAffairs. So the police arrived at his door with a dozen policemen. They tore his place apart. They threw him to the ground, beat him up and handcuffed him.

After six days missing his dad found his son at last in a mental ward in Queens NY, where the police had put him.

That's only touching the surface the police plant evidence on suspects to frame them, as with the Ramparts division scandal or they protect drug runners.

The police deal in drugs themselves. Ever heard about New York’s infamous 75th precinct ?

I could go on.

Dale Smith
BTW, I may be a lot of things but "racist" isn't one of them

Every white supremacist say that and most whites frankly say that to.

Dale Smith
and I'll be damned if I will just sit back and allow you and your butthurt pals blame all your ills on "whitey".

And your blaming everything on blackie

Dale Smith
Frankly, I would have too much pride to even insinuate that someone had that kind of power over me.

I don't lie to myself. I'm in a global system of racism -white supremacy

Dale Smith
Remember Reginald Denny? WTF did he have to do with what happened to Rodney King?

Nothing. But what did Rodney King have to do with the police ?

Dale Smith
I LOVE my brothers and sisters that are in this fight regardless of the tint of their skin and they reciprocate in kind.

You're just a racist - white supremacist

Dale Smith
But do you think that just MAYBE the FED-Ex driver was thinking about what happened to Denny when he decided to get out of there ASAP.

Why does that Reg Denny Death pain you so much ? It was 28 years ago.
Define the significant numbers of unarmed blacks killed by cops. You do know more whites are killed by cops than blacks, don’t you?

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Dale Smith
Remove the mote from your own eye and start taking some responsibility for how blacks act

Look man. The old "It's you're fault that I'm racism" is dead. Long b4 crime stats, IQ stats, sagging pants, rap music whatever you want to throw at black people....white people were racist

Racism - white supremacy exists not because how black people act. Racism exists because black people are black

In fact let's look at black man with no dirt on him - Barack Obama.

He never had kids out of wedlock.
He was Harvard educated.
He committed no crimes.
He never looted or ransacked
He used no slang.
He didn't sag his pants

and say what you want about his presidency.

The fact is.

There was not 1% of personal scandal on that man in his two terms of office.

Did that stop him from getting racism? According to your logic it should have done. Right ?

Wrong. He got it in the neck just like any other black person.

And you do realize that the black people who were lynched and hung in the Jim Crow era were mainly black business owner? Or educated blks who were seen as too uppity ?

It doesn't matter what blk ppl do.

Dale Smith
if you are going to so vehemently play the race and victim card.

The whole deck is racism. And black people are victims.

Dale Smith
You believe that only blacks get treated unfairly by cops

I never said that

Dale Smith
and that they don't shoot and ask questions later on other races INCLUDING whites/

The police don't kill unarmed white ppl in any significant numbers. You will hardly find me a white Tamir rice in the white community.

Yeah whites are also brutalized by police but blacks are the only ones making an effort to change that.

Black ppl are essentially fighting for everyone’s rights and all we get in return is chastisement from those who would also benefit from change.

Its white people that support harsher government policies if they’ll hurt blacks ....even if they could potentially be used against whites too. It’s an example of cutting off your nose to spite your face

Dale Smith
I don't like police brutality regardless of whom it is done to.

White supremacists love police brutality so long as it's black people on the end of it. They don't care if a few whites are killed by police.

They only give a care when the privilege of the police being able to kill blk ppl is threatened.

That's why whites poured thousands over night into Darren Wilson's (killer of Mike Brown) GoFundMe account and the same of many other cops who have killed blk ppl.

Are they pouring thousands into the accounts of the odd white person killed by police ?

I think we both know the answer.

Black ppl are the only ppl who have to regulate this madness. We are ones who everyone is looking to, to lead into decency and morality and justice.

That's why there was demos in Sweden, France, Germany, Australia, Brazil all over the world.

Massive companies like Apple, Pepsi, Coco Cola, Nike, Microsoft spend millions trying influence and mobilize ppl.

A few black men from Minneapolis have done what they can only dream of in a week.

This is not even about George Floyd. This is standing up against anti blackness.

This is a very bad look for the USA. America loves flexing its muscles to other countries about violating human rights. The next time they do that most countries are gonna tell them to f-off

Dale Smith
Cops have become more aggressive and more militarized as if they were about to head over to the Middle East and wage war. I don't like the civil forfeiture laws where they go "fishing" hoping to come across someone that has money on them so they can confiscate it claiming it HAD to be because of illegal activity and if you want to spend a year trying to get some of it back because it was taken with no due process?

And all that is aimed at black people. The police are more miltarized for black people. The police are more aggressive to black people. The police go fishing in black areas. You're not telling me nothing I don't know.

Michael A. Wood Jr was a white retired White American police sergeant he noted what he saw while serving on the Baltimore police force from 2003 to 2014

He confirmed much of what many Black Americans in Baltimore have long known.

The Police :
  • Racially profile.·
  • Lie.
  • Do not see Black and poor people as real human being.
  • Are an occupying force in Black ghettos.
  • See the people there as the enemy, not as citizens to protect and serve.
  • Use unspoken arrest quota.
  • Each officer is expected to make so many arrests a month.
  • Do not care much about the US Constitution.
  • Are badly trained.
  • Fear Black males.
He found that arrests and crime bear little relationship to each other.

When he was put on patrol in a well-to-do White neighbourhood he would go to a nearby Black neighbourhood to make his arrest quota.

Not because there was more crime there but because he could get away with arresting blacks for little things, like throwing a cigarette on the floor or playing basketball in the street. Also the police were told not to enforce drug laws against white people

He did not see himself as racist but took part in a racist institution by following orders. And these orders came from top. Who were supported by politicians who represented not the people but moneyed interests like the prison-industrial complex that need 90% occupancy.

Or white cop Adrian Schoolcraft he logged how the NYPD used to manipulate crime stats. He recorded everything that was said with a small tape recorder while he was on duty.

Police officers were told how many people to stop and search. How many tickets to write. How many arrests to make every month. Meanwhile serious crime was not taken seriously. .

When he had a solid case he went to InternalAffairs. So the police arrived at his door with a dozen policemen. They tore his place apart. They threw him to the ground, beat him up and handcuffed him.

After six days missing his dad found his son at last in a mental ward in Queens NY, where the police had put him.

That's only touching the surface the police plant evidence on suspects to frame them, as with the Ramparts division scandal or they protect drug runners.

The police deal in drugs themselves. Ever heard about New York’s infamous 75th precinct ?

I could go on.

Dale Smith
BTW, I may be a lot of things but "racist" isn't one of them

Every white supremacist say that and most whites frankly say that to.

Dale Smith
and I'll be damned if I will just sit back and allow you and your butthurt pals blame all your ills on "whitey".

And your blaming everything on blackie

Dale Smith
Frankly, I would have too much pride to even insinuate that someone had that kind of power over me.

I don't lie to myself. I'm in a global system of racism -white supremacy

Dale Smith
Remember Reginald Denny? WTF did he have to do with what happened to Rodney King?

Nothing. But what did Rodney King have to do with the police ?

Dale Smith
I LOVE my brothers and sisters that are in this fight regardless of the tint of their skin and they reciprocate in kind.

You're just a racist - white supremacist

Dale Smith
But do you think that just MAYBE the FED-Ex driver was thinking about what happened to Denny when he decided to get out of there ASAP.

Why does that Reg Denny Death pain you so much ? It was 28 years ago.

Look man. The old "It's you're fault that I'm racism" is dead. Long b4 crime stats, IQ stats, sagging pants, rap music whatever you want to throw at black people....white people were racist

Racism - white supremacy exists not because how black people act. Racism exists because black people are black"

Seems to me that angry folks like yourself believe anyone that doesn't see things exactly how YOU see them just MUST be "racist". I simply brought up the fact that BBB (blacks behaving badly) aka "BLM" and their thuggish tactics, gang stalking, threats of intimidation, looting and rioting is a shitty recruiting tool for those like myself that see your side to a certain extent. What am I suppose to say to people that are disgusted at the tactics used like what happened after the Floyd psy-op?
Regardless of the fact that it was staged, the fact remains that the police departments and their "fishing" policies to raise revenue has totally gotten out of hand and it's even worse if you are a black man. They cover each other's ass to the hills and back. It's like a brotherhood and you don't rat out your "brother" in uniform. The word gets around real quick if an officer attempts to expose unethical behavior.

As far as your contention that "white supremacy exists" goes? The very few that believe that ridiculous contention make up a minuscule percentage of the population. They are uneducated, of modest means, have no political clout and uneducated in the tactical weapon that is racial division (one of which there are many) used to keep us from seeing the "man behind the curtain".

"In fact let's look at black man with no dirt on him - Barack Obama.

He never had kids out of wedlock.
He was Harvard educated.
He committed no crimes.
He never looted or ransacked
He used no slang.
He didn't sag his pants

and say what you want about his presidency.

The fact is.

There was not 1% of personal scandal on that man in his two terms of office.

Did that stop him from getting racism? According to your logic it should have done. Right ?"

Obama's mentor ( if not his actual biological father) was Frank Marshall Davis, a known and outspoken communist. Obama admitted that he gravitated towards the socialists/communists when he was in college. He spent millions of dollars in legal fees to keep his school records from public exposure. Didn't he famously say that "The only people that don’t want to disclose the truth, are people with something to hide"? His use of the shakedown of corporations using the IRS as a weapon to get hefty campaign contributions in lieu of a long, drawn out audit and a costly, lengthy court case? Operation Chokepoint? Using the heavy hand of his administration lackeys to prevent businesses from being able to do business with the banks? Lois Lerner and the unfair persecution of those involved in the Taxed Enough Already Party and the delaying( if not outright denying them of their 5013C status PLUS going after outspoken members of the TEA Party in the form of random audits.

What about "Fast and Furious" where guns were deliberately given to Mexican drug cartels and then using the fact that these weapons came from America thus to curb this, even more draconian laws were to be put in place? Then you have the false flag and staged shooting psy-ops in Aurora, Colorado, Newtown, Connecticut, Orlando, Florida? All deep state sanction psy-ops? How about the NDA Act where he cancelled the "Smith-Mundt Act" of 1947 that made these psy-ops "legal" because propaganda by the state was no longer an illegal act against the people?

Benghazi? Libya? The killing of Seal Team Six that knew that the raid on Osama Bin Laden was a fake and that Tim Osman aka "Osama Bin Laden had been dead since December of 2001 and had always been a CIA asset? The fact that he claimed he had no idea that Hillary Clinton was using a non DOT.GOV server even though he had correspondence with her using a different e-mail addy? The intentional spying using fraudulent FISA warrants on anyone associated with the Trump campaign? The creation of ISIS was under the watchful eye of Obama, Holder and Hillary? The doxxing of reporters by getting cellphone records of reporters that were leaking information about the Benghazi fiasco and the false narrative being used to cover up for the fact that the weapons stolen that night ended up in the hands of mercenaries flying under the ISIS flag to continue the PNAC plan in Syria? How deeply shall we dive into this? I know that you want to cling to the illusion that Obama's admin was "pristine" and totally above board...but that isn't the case at all. Obama, the Clintons, the Bush crime family are all inter-connected with serious CIA ties whether you want to believe it or not. They were/are crooks and traitors.

Say what you want about me and cast all the aspersions you want if it justifies your misconceptions. You don't know my story and you don't know all the things I have done for people whose skin tint is different than mine. My parents taught me at an early age by example at what a horrific sin it is to hate someone because of the color of one's skin. As I stated before, you are not going to win many recruits with hateful rhetoric and vitriol. It certainly makes it harder for those like me to defend the injustice of this two-tier "just-us" system.
Anybody can post examples of rudeness.
That wasn't rudeness. That was white supremacy.
and even racial based rudeness and of all different kinds of people.
That wasn't rudeness. That was white supremacy.
However, the media tends to focus on white racism of blacks.
Name one thing that black people (as a group) have stopped white people (as a group) from doing that they had a right to do? For example, denying them the right to work, own a home, live in a certain area, get a just trial, an education, or use any public facility.

Good luck with that.

Yeah sure. A black person can come up to a white person and bash their skull with a rock because he doesn’t like white people but that is not racism because a white person can also do that to a black person.

However white policeman can murder black people on a daily basis and get away with it because there is a system in place that allows them to do it. (the courts, the police, the judge, the prison systems).

White supremacy is Racism. Racism is White Supremacy. White people are the only people on the planet who have devised a system to mistreat people based on skin color alone. This system embraces every aspect of human existence — education, economic, entertainment, labor, law, politics, religion, sex, and war.

That is why black and non-white people can't be racist. We do not have a system — the power or the institutions– that allows us to mistreat people based on color. Of course, black and non-white people can be prejudiced (meaning to pre-judge) someone based on color but that prejudice is limited to what that INDIVIDUAL can do to another INDIVIDUAL.
We all know there is white on white crime. The difference is you don't see hoards of whites protesting police brutality against whites. Which there is more of. Yes, blacks can and are ravists too. Being able to do what other races do is not an exemption from racism. Hating someone just because of their skin color is. Yes, laws. Rules and regulations favored whites IN THE PAST. You have the same rights that I have today.
We all know there is white on white crime. The difference is you don't see hoards of whites protesting police brutality against whites.
That's because the police rarely kill unarmed white people. If the police where killing unarmed white kids, white people would be blowing up police stations tomorrow.

And I respect that.

Most whites can't stand the police. They tolerate them because they kill and harm black people

Which there is more of. Yes, blacks can and are ravists too.
Name one thing that black people (as a group) have stopped white people (as a group) from doing that they had a right to do? For example, denying them the right to work, own a home, live in a certain area, get a just trial, an education, or use any public facility.

Hating someone just because of their skin color is

I don't want black people to hate white people. I want black people to stop loving them

. Yes, laws. Rules and regulations favored whites IN THE PAST. You have the same rights that I have today.
Well if that was the case then there would not have the racial problem
We all know there is white on white crime. The difference is you don't see hoards of whites protesting police brutality against whites.
That's because the police rarely kill unarmed white people. If the police where killing unarmed white kids, white people would be blowing up police stations tomorrow.

And I respect that.

Most whites can't stand the police. They tolerate them because they kill and harm black people

Which there is more of. Yes, blacks can and are ravists too.
Name one thing that black people (as a group) have stopped white people (as a group) from doing that they had a right to do? For example, denying them the right to work, own a home, live in a certain area, get a just trial, an education, or use any public facility.

Hating someone just because of their skin color is

I don't want black people to hate white people. I want black people to stop loving them

. Yes, laws. Rules and regulations favored whites IN THE PAST. You have the same rights that I have today.
Well if that was the case then there would not have the racial problem
No race, as a group, is stopping you from doing anything any other race can do. More unarmed whites are killed by cops than blacks. A lot of the racial problems, especially with cops, are not racial at all. Cops do the same shit to whites, it doesn’t get the media attention. Most whites don’t condone cops harming unarmed people, regardless of color. There are black cops who are brutal too, again, less media coverage.
No race, as a group, is stopping you from doing anything any other race can do.
Well if that was true then we not have any racial problems.

More unarmed whites are killed by cops than blacks.
OK. Show me cases of unarmed white children getting shot and killed by the police.

A lot of the racial problems, especially with cops, are not racial at all.


Cops do the same shit to whites, it doesn’t get the media attention.
If white people object to white people being harmed by the police then white people need to be as vociferous as black people are and protest about police brutality against white people on the same scale that black people do.

If all people get police brutality then wouldn’t you think that white people should be complaining about the police, rather than complaining about black people complaining out the police ?

But the fact is white people will support harsher policies from the police if they’ll hurt black people. White people (Generally) don't mind a few white sacrifices JUST AS LONG as the police harm black people (Especially young black men)

It’s an example of cutting off your nose to spite your face.

But you know white people (unarmed) are not targeted or getting by police/

White people freak out at even 1% of oppression. This coming from a race of people who were getting out on the streets a few months bk angry at not being able to get a hair cut or play golf



In fact white people picked up guns for this. White people thought it was facism when they could plant seeds in their garden

Only people for whom daily life is pretty easy could believe that the closing of bars, gyms, restaurants, and sporting events was a tragedy.

Ya know who doesn’t think that way?

Black people.

Most whites don’t condone cops harming unarmed people, regardless of color. There are black cops who are brutal too, again, less media coverage.
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