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More Tales Of White Supremacy And White Privilege

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Your IQ must be on par with your dick size. There was no "trial of blood" there were only some planted drops you moron.
The Trial of O. J. Simpson: The Incriminating Evidence

4. Blood evidence:

(1) killer dropped blood near shoe prints at Bundy,
(2) blood dropped at Bundy was of same type as Simpson's (about 0.5% of population would match),
(3) Simpson had fresh cuts on left hand on day after murder,

(4) blood found in Bronco,
(5) blood found in foyer and master bedroom of Simpson home,
(5) blood found on Simpson's driveway,

(6) blood on socks in OJ's home matched Nicole's​
All planted drops which his team pointed out and which is why he got off. :rolleyes:
They didn't plant that blood at Simpson's house too.
They didn't know who was there.

This planted too.
Same link:

6. Shoe evidence:
(1) shoe prints found at Bundy were from a size 12 Bruno Magli shoe,
(2) Bloody shoe impression on Bronco carpet is consistent with a Magli shoe,
(3) Simpson wore a size 12 shoe.​

You 12 IQ Monkey
Youre typing in capitalized letters which means I made you enraged and emotional. How many people wear size 12 Bruno Magli shoe? What Black person wears those types of shoes with a sweat suit? None.

No, he would most likely wear running shoes with a sweat suit. But If OJ did wear a sweat suit the day of the murder, it would only make common sense to take off the clothes he was wearing put them in a plastic bag and dispose of them. And likewise put on something else.... possibly even something that would go with Bruno Magli shoes. Would he be covered in blood though? not necessarily. The coroners report said it appeared Nicole had her throat cut while she was laying face down on the walkway. Meaning whoever did it probably had a knee in her back and pulling her head back by the hair. That person could do that and get minimal blood on themself.
Sounds like a drug gang killing to me.

What does white women fertility rates have to do with anything?
Because white women are not having enough kids. Your race is dying out. We ain't worried. Any women on the planet I impregnate I'm getting a black child. Can you say the same - Todd ?
So what? Who cares? By the way, do you know that a black child adopted by a white family, will have a higher life expectancy, lower drug abuse and criminal record, and generally have a higher education and better paying career?

And the best part is... black children adopted by white families are less likely to be racists against whites. In short, less likely to be like you.
Really well why don't you ask Devonte Hart how wonderful it is to be adopted by white parents ?

Well you can't because he's dead. His white mom drove them off a cliff killing them and all their black adopted kids.



Or how about Katera Baker why don't you ask her how wonderful it is to be adopted by white people ?

Once again. You can't because she's dead.

It was two kids in the car at the same time and the other kid was dropped off at the daycare that they both attend. How was that other kid not forgotten but this baby was? Wouldn’t you see both of them in back seat when you took that one out?


Or why don't you ask the black kid who comic Paula Poundstone adopted ? Because she was charged with molesting and abusing her adopted Black children ? She was allowed to make a plea deal and get a slap on the wrist



Or this couple took their adopted Black child..... To do a photo shoot...... In a COTTON FIELD..


Or why don't ask the black adopted kids of Lemomine Cheeks of Memphis who locked her black adopted kids in cages how wonderful it is to be adopted by white people ?

I'll be happy being the rich, morally superior minority. Better to have 3 white kids that do well, enjoy life, and have love and health.... than 50 bastard children, all hopped up on drugs, stealing and murdering each other, simply so some idiot on a forum somewhere can say "black men can wipe out white, asian and latino races". How dumb is that?
So are you claiming that white people have been morally superior to black people ?

Because white women are not having enough kids. Your race is dying out. We ain't worried. Any women on the planet I impregnate I'm getting a black child. Can you say the same - Todd ?

Ok? So again... what difference does that make to anything I said?

Let's pretend that in 100 years, there are no white people left on the face of the Earth.

So what? As long as my family, and my extended family are happy, wealthy, and doing well... what happens in the future, is for that generation to figure out.


That's from my families facebook page. See all those beautiful people? They are from 4 generations of my family. About half that group, not all obviously, but roughly half are millionaires. And there are many more that live far away, and could not make it there in 2017.

What do I care if in 100 or 200 years the "white race" whatever that means, dies out? Do you see my family here dying out? Dozens of kids. My sister alone, had 6. Four of my relatives have 3 or more.

This picture is out a log cabin property, that has been in the family since before my grand parents were born. It sits on a lake, and every thanksgiving, we gather together as a family reunion every single year.

So spare me your "ya'll going to die out!" routine. You don't scare me. You don't scare my family. You don't scare my relatives. We're doing fine. We're not worried about your "end of the white race" nonsense. As if it matters. Really.... as long as my family and relatives are all doing great, and are happy, and wealthy, and productive....

We really don't care that much about your screaming and wailing.

Now if your screaming and wailing makes you feel better about yourself somehow.... ok I guess. Just seems really sad.
That's from my families facebook page. See all those beautiful people? They are from 4 generations of my family. About half that group, not all obviously, but roughly half are millionaires. And there are many more that live far away, and could not make it there in 2017..

And why are they millionaires?
Was it because they forced slaves to work for them? No.
Was it because they got so many government benefits? probably not.
Was it because they robbed people and looted stores? I doubt it.

Was it because they were smart, innovative and worked hard? Probably that's it.
I wonder if Paul has (or makes) white male friends?

it's hard to believe he has much if any exposure to white people and still feels the way he obviously does.
OJ Simpson loved white people too much to kill TWO white people.
He did. OJ didn't surround himself with black people. He was part of the hollywood set. If OJ didn't have that case. He'd be a black conservative that whites like to trot out to hide their racism behind on fox news to talk about black crime, black single mothers. He'd be another Larry Elder. Hermain Cain, Jesse Lee Peterson

Are you crazy?
Yes but I'm less crazy than you
that is so much crap, I don't know how you can have any credibility.
Nicole & Ron had several other friends who were killed around the same time. One was Ron Goldman's former employer Brett Cantor (center). Brett Cantor was killed with a knife and nearly decapitated a year before Ron & Nicole were killed in the same way


You don't know why someone would kill their X in a jealous rage?
Jealous of what ?

There was no motive. There was no witness. There was no murder weapon.

Here is a transcript of a letter Nicole wrote to OJ trying to get back with him. The prosecution didn't allow this in court. The letter Nicole wrote to OJ destroys your and prosecution jealous rage card motive. That's why the prosecution didn't allow it


WTF color has to do with anything is reserved for the mind of twisted and damaged minds.
If he was white the case would have been thrown out of court. Mark Furhman was asked if he planted the glove. He refused to answer the question on the grounds it might incriminate him.

OJ Simpson didn't kill anybody.

Mark Fuhrman wasn't just a white supremacist. He was a white extremist. These are Fuhrman words about planting evidence on blacks.


This was the lead detective in the case in the OJ Simpson case
He may have been older but as an X elite athlete he was more than capable of overpowering
All that super human negro strength...eh ?

Most men can over power the women they are with not just an athlete. You can say they found blood DNA on OJ's property. But they fail to mention it all had EDTA in it.

EDTA is a chemical used in stored blood.

EDTA isn't found naturally in the body in significant quantities. The fact the blood samples had it proves blood was planted. To this day no one can explain how OJ's blood samples had all those EDTA chemicals in it.


Note, she did not just have her throat cut, she was stabbed 4 times in the neck and then nearly decapitated. Thats not the act of your typical murder. Thats the act of someone with an axe to grind.
Nicole Simpson was involved with several ppl connected to the Mezzaluna Restaurant (where Ron worked) Other waiters there were killed. This is Nicole Simpson with Keith Zlomsowitch & one of his buddies feeling her up. This gives you an idea how they rolled


All that super human negro strength...eh ?

EH? Essien.... no actually not. More like Super Human Football player strength who no- doubtedly would still be very strong even after being retired.

Your also aware that Nicole was a domestic violence victim at the hands of OJ? The cops were called out to their place 8 times before in 1989 he sent her to the hospital.

And then there was the below letter to OJ from Nicole.... also detailing some of the abuse. No motive ? really? it can happen with divorces and relationships with history of violence. It happens all the time. never could explain the cuts on OJ's hand huh? course I remember the claim it got cut on his cell phone.

Editor's Note: As part of CNN.com's new Crime section, we are archiving some of the most interesting content from CourtTVNews.com.

(Court TV) -- A letter to O.J. Simpson from his wife Nicole Brown Simpson detailing her complaints about their abusive marriage.

O.J. --

I think I have to put this all in a letter. A lot of years ago I used to do much better in a letter, I'm gonna try it again now.

I'd like you to keep this letter if we split, so that you'll always know why we split. I'd also like you to keep it if we stay together, as a reminder.

Right now I am so angry! If I didn't know that the courts would take Sydney & Justin away from me if I did this I would (expletive) every guy including some that you know just to let you know how it feels.

Don't Miss
I wish someone could explain all this to me. I see our marriage as a huge mistake & you don't.

I knew what went on in our relationship before we got married. I knew after 6 years that all the things I thought were going on -- were! All the things I gave in to -- all the "I'm sorry for thinking that" "I'm sorry for not believing you" -- "I'm sorry for not trusting you."

I made up with you all the time & even took the blame many times for your cheating. I know this took place because we fought about it alot & even discussed it before we got married with my family & a minister.

OK before the marriage I lived with it & dealt with (illegible) mainly because you finally said that we weren't married at the time.

I assumed that your recurring nasty attitude & mean streak was to cover up your cheating & a general disrespect for women & a lack of manners!

I remember a long time ago a girlfriend of yours wrote you a letter -- she said well you aren't married yet so let's get together. Even she had the same idea of marriage as me. She believed that when you marry you wouldn't be going out anymore -- adultery is a very important thing to many people.

It's one of the 1st 10 things I learned at Sunday school. You said it (illegible) some things you learn at school stick! And the 10 Comandments did! I wanted to be a wonderful wife!

I believed you that it would finally be "you & me against the world" -- that people would be envious or in awe of us because we stuck through it & finally became one a real couple.

I let my guard down -- I thought it was finally gonna be you & me -- you wanted a baby (so you said) & I wanted a baby -- then with each pound you were terrible. You gave me dirty looks looks of disgust -- said mean things to me at times about my appearance walked out on me & lied to me.

I remember one day my mom said "he actually thinks you can have a baby & not get fat." I gained 10 to 15 lbs more that I should have with Sydney. Well that's by the book -- Most women gain twice that. It's not like it was that much -- but you made me feel so ugly! I've battled 10 lbs up & down the scale since I was 15 -- It was no more X-tra weight than was normal for me to be up -- I believe my mom -- you thought a baby weighs 7 lbs & the woman should gain 7 lbs. I'd like to finally tell you that that's not the way it is -- And had you read those books I got you on pregnancy you may have known that.

Talk about feeling alone ....

In between Sydney & justin you say my clothes bothered you -- that my shoes were on the floor that I bugged you -- Wow that's so terrible! Try I had a low self esteem because since we got married I felt like the paragraph above. There was also that time before Justin & after few months Sydney, I felt really good about how I got back into shape and we made out. You beat the holy hell out of me & we lied at the X-ray lab & said I fell off a bike ... Remember!??

Great for my self esteem.

There are a number of other instances that I could talk about that made my marriage so wonderful ... like the televised Clipper game & going to (illegible) before the game & your 40th birthday party & the week leading up to it. But I don't like talking about the past It depressed me.

Then came the pregnancy with Justin & oh how wonderful you treated me again -- I remember swearing to God & myself that under no circumstances would I let you be in that delivery room.

I hated you so much.

And since Justin birth & the mad New Years Eve beat up.

I just don't see how our stories compare -- I was so bad because I wore sweats & left shoes around & didn't keep a perfect house or comb my hair the way you liked it -- or had dinner ready at the precise moment you walked through the door or that I just plain got on your nerves sometimes.

I just don't see how that compares to infidelity, wife beating verbal abuse -- I just don't think everybody goes through this -- And if I wanted to hurt you or had it in me to be anything like the person you are -- I would have done so after the (illegible) incident. But I didn't even do it then. I called the cops to save my life whether you believe it or not. But I didn't pursue anything after that -- I didn't prosecute, I didn't call the press & I didn't make a big charade out of it. I waited for it to die down and asked for it to. But I've never loved you since or been the same.

It made me take a look at my life with you -- my wonderful life with the superstar that wonderful man, O.J. Simpson the father of my kids -- that husband of that terribly insecure (illegible) -- the girl with no self esteem (illegible) of worth -- she must be (illegible) those things to with a guy like that.

It certainly doesn't take a strong person to be with a guy like that and certainly no one would be envious of that life.

I agree after we married things changed -- we couldn't have house fulls of people like I used to have over & barbque for, because I had other responsabilities. I didn't want to go to alot of events & I'd back down at the last minute on fuctions & trips I admit I'm sorry.

I just believe that a relationship is based on trust -- and the last time I trusted you was at our wedding ceremony. it's just so hard for me to trust you again. Even though you say you're a different guy. That O.J. Simpson guy brought me a lot of pain heartache -- I tried so hard with him -- I wanted so to be a good wife. But he never gave me a chance. E-mail to a friend

What does white women fertility rates have to do with anything?
Because white women are not having enough kids. Your race is dying out. We ain't worried. Any women on the planet I impregnate I'm getting a black child. Can you say the same - Todd ?
So what? Who cares? By the way, do you know that a black child adopted by a white family, will have a higher life expectancy, lower drug abuse and criminal record, and generally have a higher education and better paying career?

And the best part is... black children adopted by white families are less likely to be racists against whites. In short, less likely to be like you.
Really well why don't you ask Devonte Hart how wonderful it is to be adopted by white parents ?

Well you can't because he's dead. His white mom drove them off a cliff killing them and all their black adopted kids.



Or how about Katera Baker why don't you ask her how wonderful it is to be adopted by white people ?

Once again. You can't because she's dead.

It was two kids in the car at the same time and the other kid was dropped off at the daycare that they both attend. How was that other kid not forgotten but this baby was? Wouldn’t you see both of them in back seat when you took that one out?


Or why don't you ask the black kid who comic Paula Poundstone adopted ? Because she was charged with molesting and abusing her adopted Black children ? She was allowed to make a plea deal and get a slap on the wrist



Or this couple took their adopted Black child..... To do a photo shoot...... In a COTTON FIELD..


Or why don't ask the black adopted kids of Lemomine Cheeks of Memphis who locked her black adopted kids in cages how wonderful it is to be adopted by white people ?

I'll be happy being the rich, morally superior minority. Better to have 3 white kids that do well, enjoy life, and have love and health.... than 50 bastard children, all hopped up on drugs, stealing and murdering each other, simply so some idiot on a forum somewhere can say "black men can wipe out white, asian and latino races". How dumb is that?
So are you claiming that white people have been morally superior to black people ?

Because white women are not having enough kids. Your race is dying out. We ain't worried. Any women on the planet I impregnate I'm getting a black child. Can you say the same - Todd ?

Ok? So again... what difference does that make to anything I said?

Let's pretend that in 100 years, there are no white people left on the face of the Earth.

So what? As long as my family, and my extended family are happy, wealthy, and doing well... what happens in the future, is for that generation to figure out.

View attachment 240311

That's from my families facebook page. See all those beautiful people? They are from 4 generations of my family. About half that group, not all obviously, but roughly half are millionaires. And there are many more that live far away, and could not make it there in 2017.

What do I care if in 100 or 200 years the "white race" whatever that means, dies out? Do you see my family here dying out? Dozens of kids. My sister alone, had 6. Four of my relatives have 3 or more.

This picture is out a log cabin property, that has been in the family since before my grand parents were born. It sits on a lake, and every thanksgiving, we gather together as a family reunion every single year.

So spare me your "ya'll going to die out!" routine. You don't scare me. You don't scare my family. You don't scare my relatives. We're doing fine. We're not worried about your "end of the white race" nonsense. As if it matters. Really.... as long as my family and relatives are all doing great, and are happy, and wealthy, and productive....

We really don't care that much about your screaming and wailing.

Now if your screaming and wailing makes you feel better about yourself somehow.... ok I guess. Just seems really sad.
I feel sorry for that black kid surrounded by all that.
Dude. YOu look sad. You want to dig into the study to find a by school breakdown, ask for the link, and I will give it to you.
Pretending that I have not more than met your challenge, is making you look stupider than normal.
Stop listening to Ben Shapiro, Richard Spencer, or reading the Breitbart website dude

Why should anybody do that?
OK. Carry on listening them lol
Do you have something against education?
I wonder if Paul has (or makes) white male friends?
No. I don't have any white friends.

Blacks and whites can't be friends in a system of white supremacy. When you look at the way white and black people interact. All I see tacky-ness.

The economic relationship between white and blacks is tacky. The employment relationship is tacky. The police relation realationship is tacky. The prison relationship is tacky......I could go on and on.

But you think black and whites can override all that be friends ? No.

You put 20 white and 20 black people in a room and tell them to interact all you will see fake, phoney tackiness.
it's hard to believe he has much if any exposure to white people and still feels the way he obviously does.
It's precisely because I've been so exposed to white people that I think this way.

I know them. I know them. I fking know them.

I've traveled all over.

I've been to Russia, spent years in Italy, France, Argentina, Australia. I went to a pretty much all white school. Any place that I've worked I've been the only black person (Or one of a few). Went to university with them. Lived in dorms with. Ate with them. Studied them. Drank with them.

U can't be a black man or any non-white person and live in the western world and not know white people.

I know them. I know them. I fking know them.
I wonder if Paul has (or makes) white male friends?
No. I don't have any white friends.

Blacks and whites can't be friends in a system of white supremacy. When you look at the way white and black people interact. All I see tacky-ness.

The economic relationship between white and blacks is tacky. The employment relationship is tacky. The police relation realationship is tacky. The prison relationship is tacky......I could go on and on.

But you think black and whites can override all that be friends ? No.

You put 20 white and 20 black people in a room and tell them to interact all you will see fake, phoney tackiness.
it's hard to believe he has much if any exposure to white people and still feels the way he obviously does.
It's precisely because I've been so exposed to white people that I think this way.

I know them. I know them. I fking know them.

I've traveled all over.

I've been to Russia, spent years in Italy, France, Argentina, Australia. I went to a pretty much all white school. Any place that I've worked I've been the only black person (Or one of a few). Went to university with them. Lived in dorms with. Ate with them. Studied them. Drank with them.

U can't be a black man or any non-white person and live in the western world and not know white people.

I know them. I know them. I fking know them.
When you label an entire ethnic group, you're a bigot. Try getting to know people one on one. I've spent most of my life around white AND black people. I've seen the racists on both sides. I prefer to getting to know people individually.
When you label an entire ethnic group, you're a bigot.
I know I'm racist.

But guess what ?

  • You still get the job
  • You still get the loan
  • You still get the house
  • You still get the car
  • You areas don't get gentrified
  • Your kids don't get their brains blown out
  • No one writes books to prove how stupid whites
  • Every where go in history you're told that people who look like you shaped the world as it is
  • White men are worshipped by women the world over
  • You can go anywhere in the world and no-one would have problem
  • You can date any women in the world and no one would have problem
  • People in hospital would fight harder to said your life
  • You are given the benefit of the doubt
So how is this black bigotry really hurting you ?
Try getting to know people one on one.
But whites dominate black people. So it matters not if a white person is nice. You can kill a black person and as long as you get your lie straight, you'll be fine. You can find that many white people who are very nice on the front end. In fact overly nice at. But if your black that does not change the system. How come these nice white people are never in court when they let these cops who kill black ppl walk free ?
I've spent most of my life around white AND black people. I've seen the racists on both sides. I prefer to getting to know people individually.
There is no such thing as black racism.

Racism on the part of black folks, even the most vicious is pretty powerless.

Let's say there is a black person who hates white people and thinks whites should be killed.

And yet what kind of power does he have? None. He is in a position to kill no one, and if he were to try he would go to jail. Forever. That’s not racism.

Racism is when you can deny people jobs, housing, health care, decent educations, or their physical freedom via the justice system, thereby wrecking their lives. And there are virtually no black folks who can do any of that. But there are white folks in positions to do those things, and who do them regularly.
When you label an entire ethnic group, you're a bigot.
I know I'm racist.

But guess what ?

  • You still get the job
  • You still get the loan
  • You still get the house
  • You still get the car
  • You areas don't get gentrified
  • Your kids don't get their brains blown out
  • No one writes books to prove how stupid whites
  • Every where go in history you're told that people who look like you shaped the world as it is
  • White men are worshipped by women the world over
  • You can go anywhere in the world and no-one would have problem
  • You can date any women in the world and no one would have problem
  • People in hospital would fight harder to said your life
  • You are given the benefit of the doubt
So how is this black bigotry really hurting you ?
Try getting to know people one on one.
But whites dominate black people. So it matters not if a white person is nice. You can kill a black person and as long as you get your lie straight, you'll be fine. You can find that many white people who are very nice on the front end. In fact overly nice at. But if your black that does not change the system. How come these nice white people are never in court when they let these cops who kill black ppl walk free ?
I've spent most of my life around white AND black people. I've seen the racists on both sides. I prefer to getting to know people individually.
There is no such thing as black racism.

Racism on the part of black folks, even the most vicious is pretty powerless.

Let's say there is a black person who hates white people and thinks whites should be killed.

And yet what kind of power does he have? None. He is in a position to kill no one, and if he were to try he would go to jail. Forever. That’s not racism.

Racism is when you can deny people jobs, housing, health care, decent educations, or their physical freedom via the justice system, thereby wrecking their lives. And there are virtually no black folks who can do any of that. But there are white folks in positions to do those things, and who do them regularly.
Wow, such a professional victim mentality you have. It's not whitey blowing out the brains of black kids. Y'all are shooting each other. That's not whitey's fault.
1. Of course the average elderly person of any race is less concerned about opportunities tha tg have already been missed. Furthermore the average elderly black person would likely be guarded about what they would even discuss with you.

Most elderly black people that I know are more concerned about their final years being enjoyable. But if they had an opportunity to live their lives over, they would not view legislation to ensure equality as "favoritism".

2. Yes that is definitely a VERY LIMITED example. There is no evidence that white applicants have been or are being displaced on a broad scale by by black applicants.

1. Do you understand the difference between equality of opportunity, and equality of outcome?

2. Peer reviewed academic studies have not only demonstrated that anti-white discrimination takes place in Ivy League admissions, in favor of blacks, but it has very precisely calculated exactly how large the discrimination is as an bonus/demerit to SAT scores.

Your denial is delusional.

1. I understand when I read BULLSHIT. And bullshit bears no resemblance to fact.
If opportunity is not provided, a positive outcome typically is not recognized. Its called linear Even you should know that. There are no statistics that support you assertion of anti white discrimination on a widescale basis.

2. Peer reviewed academic studies still reflect a far lower admission rate for black applicants as well as a very strong possibilty that Asian students are discriminated against
in favor of white students.

You insistence of the existence of anti white discrimination is what's truly delusional. If this was really happening there would be anarchy in the streets.

1. But even if opportunity IS provided, that does not mean that equal outcome will be achieved. Thus you insistence on focusing on outcome as "proof" is just factually wrong.

2. Of course the overall admission rate is lower. Blacks educational outcome, k-12 is abysmal due the the high rate of illegitimacy. But that does not mean the the blacks that apply are not discriminated in favor of, to the tune of an impact of over 300 SAT points.

1. In the majority of situational life experiences, opportunity plays an important part in positive outcome. You are implying that an unusual occurance is responsible for a non existent widespread system of anti white discrimination, and that makes no sense whatsoever.

2. You can't have it both ways. Blacks are not displacing whites in college admissions or in the workforce.

If you are so concerned about college admissions for white students who do not come from wealthy families, your concerns would be more logical if they were directed at the obvious favors granted to students who are the beneficiaries of "legacy admissions", or Ivy Leaugue athletes
who play water polo or Lacrosse.

Those are the fat cats who get the legitimate favors based on nepotism, not the MINUSCULE numbers of impoverished black or brown students who get a one in a million chance to attend college and possibly break the cycle of generational poverty that he or she otherwise would have likely been destined to live in. And even with the chance to attend college will be less likely to be hired at the same compensation for the same job that a white applicant with no college would.

There is no anti white discrimination.

College Sports Are Affirmative Action for Rich White Students

1. Equal opportunity and unequal outcomes is not unusual. I had an equal opportunity to apply to play college football. That does not mean that I had an equal chance of an "equal outcome". My talents, abilities, gifts, what have you, were such that I was NOT going to be on the college football team, not matter how "equal" my opportunity to try.

2. Dude. The reason I keep bringing up Ivy League admissions, is not because I am especially concerned about ivy league admissions, but because the admission process is so well documented so we can see how much discrimination there is IN OUR SOCIETY, for blacks at the expense of whites.

I've told you this before. This is a limited example where we can easily see not only that there is a problem, but that the problem is across the board, and quite large.

1. The fact is that opportunity and outcome are more often than not aligned, more so in academics as opposed to sports. What is the primary reason that most students attend college? To develop a skillset and level of expertise to meet the demands of a chosen field. Statistics do not support the assertion that the pool of candidates from colleges nationwide is being shifted by the displacement of potential white students. In fact, labor statistics state the exact opposite.

2. By choosing Ivy Leaugue colleges as your "control sample", all that you did was to prove the opposite of of what you are attempting to. Black students are underrepresented at the majority of those schools, and have been for generations, in spite of affirmative action.

Even in the ONE 15 year old study that you keep referring to, there has been literally no change in the presence of white or black students since the study was conducted.

3. The only noticeable difference in the presence of minorities in Ivy League colleges in decades is the spike in Asian students. Truthfully, they are discriminated against in favor of white students far more than whites being impacted by a small fraction of black students.

This "Black Bogeyman", that is "stealing opportunities" from "poor maligned, victimized" white people, that you are attempting to create does not exist.

There is no anti white discrimination.

Last edited:
I wonder if Paul has (or makes) white male friends?
No. I don't have any white friends.

Blacks and whites can't be friends in a system of white supremacy. When you look at the way white and black people interact. All I see tacky-ness.

The economic relationship between white and blacks is tacky. The employment relationship is tacky. The police relation realationship is tacky. The prison relationship is tacky......I could go on and on.

But you think black and whites can override all that be friends ? No.

You put 20 white and 20 black people in a room and tell them to interact all you will see fake, phoney tackiness.
it's hard to believe he has much if any exposure to white people and still feels the way he obviously does.
It's precisely because I've been so exposed to white people that I think this way.

I know them. I know them. I fking know them.

I've traveled all over.

I've been to Russia, spent years in Italy, France, Argentina, Australia. I went to a pretty much all white school. Any place that I've worked I've been the only black person (Or one of a few). Went to university with them. Lived in dorms with. Ate with them. Studied them. Drank with them.

U can't be a black man or any non-white person and live in the western world and not know white people.

I know them. I know them. I fking know them.

I bet I could find some white KKK / Supremecist A-hole someplace in the US who claims he knows Black people... seen them all his life... Fking knows them! .... next racist please
Wow, such a professional victim mentality you have..
I AM a victim. You are 100% correct about my victim hood. So why won't u address the current state of systematic white supremacy ?
It's not whitey blowing out the brains of black kids. Y'all are shooting each other. That's not whitey's fault
And how does a black person who has killed another black person affect white people ?

Because don't sit here and act like you care if a black person has killed another black person

What does white women fertility rates have to do with anything?
Because white women are not having enough kids. Your race is dying out. We ain't worried. Any women on the planet I impregnate I'm getting a black child. Can you say the same - Todd ?
So what? Who cares? By the way, do you know that a black child adopted by a white family, will have a higher life expectancy, lower drug abuse and criminal record, and generally have a higher education and better paying career?

And the best part is... black children adopted by white families are less likely to be racists against whites. In short, less likely to be like you.
Really well why don't you ask Devonte Hart how wonderful it is to be adopted by white parents ?

Well you can't because he's dead. His white mom drove them off a cliff killing them and all their black adopted kids.



Or how about Katera Baker why don't you ask her how wonderful it is to be adopted by white people ?

Once again. You can't because she's dead.

It was two kids in the car at the same time and the other kid was dropped off at the daycare that they both attend. How was that other kid not forgotten but this baby was? Wouldn’t you see both of them in back seat when you took that one out?


Or why don't you ask the black kid who comic Paula Poundstone adopted ? Because she was charged with molesting and abusing her adopted Black children ? She was allowed to make a plea deal and get a slap on the wrist



Or this couple took their adopted Black child..... To do a photo shoot...... In a COTTON FIELD..


Or why don't ask the black adopted kids of Lemomine Cheeks of Memphis who locked her black adopted kids in cages how wonderful it is to be adopted by white people ?

I'll be happy being the rich, morally superior minority. Better to have 3 white kids that do well, enjoy life, and have love and health.... than 50 bastard children, all hopped up on drugs, stealing and murdering each other, simply so some idiot on a forum somewhere can say "black men can wipe out white, asian and latino races". How dumb is that?
So are you claiming that white people have been morally superior to black people ?

Because white women are not having enough kids. Your race is dying out. We ain't worried. Any women on the planet I impregnate I'm getting a black child. Can you say the same - Todd ?

Ok? So again... what difference does that make to anything I said?

Let's pretend that in 100 years, there are no white people left on the face of the Earth.

So what? As long as my family, and my extended family are happy, wealthy, and doing well... what happens in the future, is for that generation to figure out.

View attachment 240311

That's from my families facebook page. See all those beautiful people? They are from 4 generations of my family. About half that group, not all obviously, but roughly half are millionaires. And there are many more that live far away, and could not make it there in 2017.

What do I care if in 100 or 200 years the "white race" whatever that means, dies out? Do you see my family here dying out? Dozens of kids. My sister alone, had 6. Four of my relatives have 3 or more.

This picture is out a log cabin property, that has been in the family since before my grand parents were born. It sits on a lake, and every thanksgiving, we gather together as a family reunion every single year.

So spare me your "ya'll going to die out!" routine. You don't scare me. You don't scare my family. You don't scare my relatives. We're doing fine. We're not worried about your "end of the white race" nonsense. As if it matters. Really.... as long as my family and relatives are all doing great, and are happy, and wealthy, and productive....

We really don't care that much about your screaming and wailing.

Now if your screaming and wailing makes you feel better about yourself somehow.... ok I guess. Just seems really sad.
I feel sorry for that black kid surrounded by all that.

Why? He's actually one of the brightest kids I know. And he hates black racists people, which means he has good moral character. I wager he'll go really far in life.
Wow, such a professional victim mentality you have..
I AM a victim. You are 100% correct about my victim hood. So why won't u address the current state of systematic white supremacy ?
It's not whitey blowing out the brains of black kids. Y'all are shooting each other. That's not whitey's fault
And how does a black person who has killed another black person affect white people ?

Because don't sit here and act like you care if a black person has killed another black person

Pretty sad that you are a victim. I don't see many people who claim to be victims, succeed in life.
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