More Tales Of White Supremacy And White Privilege

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That's from my families facebook page. See all those beautiful people? They are from 4 generations of my family. About half that group, not all obviously, but roughly half are millionaires. And there are many more that live far away, and could not make it there in 2017..

And why are they millionaires?
Was it because they forced slaves to work for them? No.
Was it because they got so many government benefits? probably not.
Was it because they robbed people and looted stores? I doubt it.

Was it because they were smart, innovative and worked hard? Probably that's it.

Yup. All true. Let's see... we have a glassware engineer, two pediatricians, a doctor, a pipe-fitter, some welders, a couple of farmers, one works for the city sewer system, and fixes both electrical and plumbing under the city.

Between hard work, and wisely investing in debt-free land purchases..... yeah. That's how you end up millionaires.
Dude. YOu look sad. You want to dig into the study to find a by school breakdown, ask for the link, and I will give it to you.
Pretending that I have not more than met your challenge, is making you look stupider than normal.
Stop listening to Ben Shapiro, Richard Spencer, or reading the Breitbart website dude

Why should anybody do that?
OK. Carry on listening them lol

We will.
Wow, such a professional victim mentality you have..
I AM a victim. You are 100% correct about my victim hood. So why won't u address the current state of systematic white supremacy ?
It's not whitey blowing out the brains of black kids. Y'all are shooting each other. That's not whitey's fault
And how does a black person who has killed another black person affect white people ?

Because don't sit here and act like you care if a black person has killed another black person
You're very ill.
And how does a black person who has killed another black person affect white people ?

Because don't sit here and act like you care if a black person has killed another black person

Are you saying that Black Lives Don't Matter? Well Damn!
And how does a black person who has killed another black person affect white people ?

Because don't sit here and act like you care if a black person has killed another black person

Are you saying that Black Lives Don't Matter? Well Damn!
Never said that.

White pp generally speaking are not bothered if a black person kills a black person.

So why are you talking about something that dont bother uout ?

Affer all if someone said "Why are white ppl worrying about Muslims n 9-11 when whites have killed more whites than Muslims have ever killed"

You would have a problem with that.
Dude. YOu look sad. You want to dig into the study to find a by school breakdown, ask for the link, and I will give it to you.
Pretending that I have not more than met your challenge, is making you look stupider than normal.
Stop listening to Ben Shapiro, Richard Spencer, or reading the Breitbart website dude

Why should anybody do that?
OK. Carry on listening them lol

We will.
Cool. The past present and future of black ppl concern me the most and in that history white ppl are the main evil.

I don't care about white people the way you do. And I'm sure you don't care about black people the way I do. So at least that's understood.
1. Do you understand the difference between equality of opportunity, and equality of outcome?

2. Peer reviewed academic studies have not only demonstrated that anti-white discrimination takes place in Ivy League admissions, in favor of blacks, but it has very precisely calculated exactly how large the discrimination is as an bonus/demerit to SAT scores.

Your denial is delusional.

1. I understand when I read BULLSHIT. And bullshit bears no resemblance to fact.
If opportunity is not provided, a positive outcome typically is not recognized. Its called linear Even you should know that. There are no statistics that support you assertion of anti white discrimination on a widescale basis.

2. Peer reviewed academic studies still reflect a far lower admission rate for black applicants as well as a very strong possibilty that Asian students are discriminated against
in favor of white students.

You insistence of the existence of anti white discrimination is what's truly delusional. If this was really happening there would be anarchy in the streets.

1. But even if opportunity IS provided, that does not mean that equal outcome will be achieved. Thus you insistence on focusing on outcome as "proof" is just factually wrong.

2. Of course the overall admission rate is lower. Blacks educational outcome, k-12 is abysmal due the the high rate of illegitimacy. But that does not mean the the blacks that apply are not discriminated in favor of, to the tune of an impact of over 300 SAT points.

1. In the majority of situational life experiences, opportunity plays an important part in positive outcome. You are implying that an unusual occurance is responsible for a non existent widespread system of anti white discrimination, and that makes no sense whatsoever.

2. You can't have it both ways. Blacks are not displacing whites in college admissions or in the workforce.

If you are so concerned about college admissions for white students who do not come from wealthy families, your concerns would be more logical if they were directed at the obvious favors granted to students who are the beneficiaries of "legacy admissions", or Ivy Leaugue athletes
who play water polo or Lacrosse.

Those are the fat cats who get the legitimate favors based on nepotism, not the MINUSCULE numbers of impoverished black or brown students who get a one in a million chance to attend college and possibly break the cycle of generational poverty that he or she otherwise would have likely been destined to live in. And even with the chance to attend college will be less likely to be hired at the same compensation for the same job that a white applicant with no college would.

There is no anti white discrimination.

College Sports Are Affirmative Action for Rich White Students

1. Equal opportunity and unequal outcomes is not unusual. I had an equal opportunity to apply to play college football. That does not mean that I had an equal chance of an "equal outcome". My talents, abilities, gifts, what have you, were such that I was NOT going to be on the college football team, not matter how "equal" my opportunity to try.

2. Dude. The reason I keep bringing up Ivy League admissions, is not because I am especially concerned about ivy league admissions, but because the admission process is so well documented so we can see how much discrimination there is IN OUR SOCIETY, for blacks at the expense of whites.

I've told you this before. This is a limited example where we can easily see not only that there is a problem, but that the problem is across the board, and quite large.

1. The fact is that opportunity and outcome are more often than not aligned, more so in academics as opposed to sports. What is the primary reason that most students attend college? To develop a skillset and level of expertise to meet the demands of a chosen field. Statistics do not support the assertion that the pool of candidates from colleges nationwide is being shifted by the displacement of potential white students. In fact, labor statistics state the exact opposite.

2. By choosing Ivy Leaugue colleges as your "control sample", all that you did was to prove the opposite of of what you are attempting to. Black students are underrepresented at the majority of those schools, and have been for generations, in spite of affirmative action.

Even in the ONE 15 year old study that you keep referring to, there has been literally no change in the presence of white or black students since the study was conducted.

3. The only noticeable difference in the presence of minorities in Ivy League colleges in decades is the spike in Asian students. Truthfully, they are discriminated against in favor of white students far more than whites being impacted by a small fraction of black students.

This "Black Bogeyman", that is "stealing opportunities" from "poor maligned, victimized" white people, that you are attempting to create does not exist.

There is no anti white discrimination.

1. What do you mean, "opportunity and out come are not aligned"?

2. Nope. THe widespread and very high level of anti-White Discrimination was documented. YOur stonewalling on this is either dishonestly or delusion on your part.

3. The effective 310 sat point bonus that black skin gets you has been documented and is a hard fact. Your denial of this is just you being either dishonest or delusional.
Dude. YOu look sad. You want to dig into the study to find a by school breakdown, ask for the link, and I will give it to you.
Pretending that I have not more than met your challenge, is making you look stupider than normal.
Stop listening to Ben Shapiro, Richard Spencer, or reading the Breitbart website dude

Why should anybody do that?
OK. Carry on listening them lol

We will.
Cool. The past present and future of black ppl concern me the most and in that history white ppl are the main evil.

I don't care about white people the way you do. And I'm sure you don't care about black people the way I do. So at least that's understood.

Your racism is noted and held against you.

You are a bad person.
It's good that you are honest about having no white friends. but dayum....
You are one dumb ass MoFo.

a LOT of white people sacrificed to help set black people free in Colonial America and ever since.
Yep, there's a lot of racist ass hole white people. A lot. But not ALL. Not even close.
In your 1 cubic inch mind all white people are equally bad. That's just STUPID !!!!!

Fools like YOU make white people that gave up a lot to help blacks sorry they did .
1. I understand when I read BULLSHIT. And bullshit bears no resemblance to fact.
If opportunity is not provided, a positive outcome typically is not recognized. Its called linear Even you should know that. There are no statistics that support you assertion of anti white discrimination on a widescale basis.

2. Peer reviewed academic studies still reflect a far lower admission rate for black applicants as well as a very strong possibilty that Asian students are discriminated against
in favor of white students.

You insistence of the existence of anti white discrimination is what's truly delusional. If this was really happening there would be anarchy in the streets.

1. But even if opportunity IS provided, that does not mean that equal outcome will be achieved. Thus you insistence on focusing on outcome as "proof" is just factually wrong.

2. Of course the overall admission rate is lower. Blacks educational outcome, k-12 is abysmal due the the high rate of illegitimacy. But that does not mean the the blacks that apply are not discriminated in favor of, to the tune of an impact of over 300 SAT points.

1. In the majority of situational life experiences, opportunity plays an important part in positive outcome. You are implying that an unusual occurance is responsible for a non existent widespread system of anti white discrimination, and that makes no sense whatsoever.

2. You can't have it both ways. Blacks are not displacing whites in college admissions or in the workforce.

If you are so concerned about college admissions for white students who do not come from wealthy families, your concerns would be more logical if they were directed at the obvious favors granted to students who are the beneficiaries of "legacy admissions", or Ivy Leaugue athletes
who play water polo or Lacrosse.

Those are the fat cats who get the legitimate favors based on nepotism, not the MINUSCULE numbers of impoverished black or brown students who get a one in a million chance to attend college and possibly break the cycle of generational poverty that he or she otherwise would have likely been destined to live in. And even with the chance to attend college will be less likely to be hired at the same compensation for the same job that a white applicant with no college would.

There is no anti white discrimination.

College Sports Are Affirmative Action for Rich White Students

1. Equal opportunity and unequal outcomes is not unusual. I had an equal opportunity to apply to play college football. That does not mean that I had an equal chance of an "equal outcome". My talents, abilities, gifts, what have you, were such that I was NOT going to be on the college football team, not matter how "equal" my opportunity to try.

2. Dude. The reason I keep bringing up Ivy League admissions, is not because I am especially concerned about ivy league admissions, but because the admission process is so well documented so we can see how much discrimination there is IN OUR SOCIETY, for blacks at the expense of whites.

I've told you this before. This is a limited example where we can easily see not only that there is a problem, but that the problem is across the board, and quite large.

1. The fact is that opportunity and outcome are more often than not aligned, more so in academics as opposed to sports. What is the primary reason that most students attend college? To develop a skillset and level of expertise to meet the demands of a chosen field. Statistics do not support the assertion that the pool of candidates from colleges nationwide is being shifted by the displacement of potential white students. In fact, labor statistics state the exact opposite.

2. By choosing Ivy Leaugue colleges as your "control sample", all that you did was to prove the opposite of of what you are attempting to. Black students are underrepresented at the majority of those schools, and have been for generations, in spite of affirmative action.

Even in the ONE 15 year old study that you keep referring to, there has been literally no change in the presence of white or black students since the study was conducted.

3. The only noticeable difference in the presence of minorities in Ivy League colleges in decades is the spike in Asian students. Truthfully, they are discriminated against in favor of white students far more than whites being impacted by a small fraction of black students.

This "Black Bogeyman", that is "stealing opportunities" from "poor maligned, victimized" white people, that you are attempting to create does not exist.

There is no anti white discrimination.

1. What do you mean, "opportunity and out come are not aligned"?

2. Nope. THe widespread and very high level of anti-White Discrimination was documented. YOur stonewalling on this is either dishonestly or delusion on your part.

3. The effective 310 sat point bonus that black skin gets you has been documented and is a hard fact. Your denial of this is just you being either dishonest or delusional.

1. Pay attention, and read what I stated. I stated that opportunity and outcome "ARE MORE OFTEN THAN NOT, ALIGNED." Which is a fact.

2. The so called "widespead anti white discrimination" that you are angry about, resides
in your mind, not in reality. There are no statistics in existence that even remotely support that such discrimination exists. What you say has been "documented" certainly has not had any long term or short term effect on the white population in the job market. The white population in this country has NEVER been marginalized as an entire group by lawful discrimination.
And for you to even imply that this is the case, is dishonesty on YOUR part.

3. You posted ONE single study from 15 years ago, and nothing recent to support your "conspiracy theory". Which is exactly what your grievance is..

Lastly, I dont put ANY credence into speculation, but I do recognize "effect caused by action". There is NO residual past effect or any current effect caused by any anti white discrimination, because it does not exist in a country that was founded by white people, for white people.

That is not dishonest. It is the truth.

Suck it up and get over it. You are not a victim.
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1. But even if opportunity IS provided, that does not mean that equal outcome will be achieved. Thus you insistence on focusing on outcome as "proof" is just factually wrong.

2. Of course the overall admission rate is lower. Blacks educational outcome, k-12 is abysmal due the the high rate of illegitimacy. But that does not mean the the blacks that apply are not discriminated in favor of, to the tune of an impact of over 300 SAT points.

1. In the majority of situational life experiences, opportunity plays an important part in positive outcome. You are implying that an unusual occurance is responsible for a non existent widespread system of anti white discrimination, and that makes no sense whatsoever.

2. You can't have it both ways. Blacks are not displacing whites in college admissions or in the workforce.

If you are so concerned about college admissions for white students who do not come from wealthy families, your concerns would be more logical if they were directed at the obvious favors granted to students who are the beneficiaries of "legacy admissions", or Ivy Leaugue athletes
who play water polo or Lacrosse.

Those are the fat cats who get the legitimate favors based on nepotism, not the MINUSCULE numbers of impoverished black or brown students who get a one in a million chance to attend college and possibly break the cycle of generational poverty that he or she otherwise would have likely been destined to live in. And even with the chance to attend college will be less likely to be hired at the same compensation for the same job that a white applicant with no college would.

There is no anti white discrimination.

College Sports Are Affirmative Action for Rich White Students

1. Equal opportunity and unequal outcomes is not unusual. I had an equal opportunity to apply to play college football. That does not mean that I had an equal chance of an "equal outcome". My talents, abilities, gifts, what have you, were such that I was NOT going to be on the college football team, not matter how "equal" my opportunity to try.

2. Dude. The reason I keep bringing up Ivy League admissions, is not because I am especially concerned about ivy league admissions, but because the admission process is so well documented so we can see how much discrimination there is IN OUR SOCIETY, for blacks at the expense of whites.

I've told you this before. This is a limited example where we can easily see not only that there is a problem, but that the problem is across the board, and quite large.

1. The fact is that opportunity and outcome are more often than not aligned, more so in academics as opposed to sports. What is the primary reason that most students attend college? To develop a skillset and level of expertise to meet the demands of a chosen field. Statistics do not support the assertion that the pool of candidates from colleges nationwide is being shifted by the displacement of potential white students. In fact, labor statistics state the exact opposite.

2. By choosing Ivy Leaugue colleges as your "control sample", all that you did was to prove the opposite of of what you are attempting to. Black students are underrepresented at the majority of those schools, and have been for generations, in spite of affirmative action.

Even in the ONE 15 year old study that you keep referring to, there has been literally no change in the presence of white or black students since the study was conducted.

3. The only noticeable difference in the presence of minorities in Ivy League colleges in decades is the spike in Asian students. Truthfully, they are discriminated against in favor of white students far more than whites being impacted by a small fraction of black students.

This "Black Bogeyman", that is "stealing opportunities" from "poor maligned, victimized" white people, that you are attempting to create does not exist.

There is no anti white discrimination.

1. What do you mean, "opportunity and out come are not aligned"?

2. Nope. THe widespread and very high level of anti-White Discrimination was documented. YOur stonewalling on this is either dishonestly or delusion on your part.

3. The effective 310 sat point bonus that black skin gets you has been documented and is a hard fact. Your denial of this is just you being either dishonest or delusional.

1. Pay attention, and read what I stated. I stated that opportunity and outcome "ARE MORE OFTEN THAN NOT, ALIGNED." Which is a fact.

2. The so called "widespead anti white discrimination" that you are angry about, resides
in your mind, not in reality. There are no statistics in existence that even remotely support that such discrimination exists. What you say has been "documented" certainly has not had any long term or short term effect on the white population in the job market. The white population in this country has NEVER been marginalized as an entire group by lawful discrimination.
And for you to even imply that this is the case, is dishonesty on YOUR part.

3. You posted ONE single study from 15 years ago, and nothing recent to support your "conspiracy theory". Which is exactly what your grievance is..

Lastly, I dont put ANY credence into speculation, but I do recognize "effect caused by action". There is NO residual past effect or any current effect caused by any anti white discrimination, because it does not exist in a country that was founded by white people, for white people.

That is not dishonest. It is the truth.

Suck it up and get over it. You are not a victim.
The very thought that white people are discriminated against in this country for anything is laughable, ludicrous, and obviously the result of some low hanging fruit white boy that is too lazy to get of his ass..
  • Thanks
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1. But even if opportunity IS provided, that does not mean that equal outcome will be achieved. Thus you insistence on focusing on outcome as "proof" is just factually wrong.

2. Of course the overall admission rate is lower. Blacks educational outcome, k-12 is abysmal due the the high rate of illegitimacy. But that does not mean the the blacks that apply are not discriminated in favor of, to the tune of an impact of over 300 SAT points.

1. In the majority of situational life experiences, opportunity plays an important part in positive outcome. You are implying that an unusual occurance is responsible for a non existent widespread system of anti white discrimination, and that makes no sense whatsoever.

2. You can't have it both ways. Blacks are not displacing whites in college admissions or in the workforce.

If you are so concerned about college admissions for white students who do not come from wealthy families, your concerns would be more logical if they were directed at the obvious favors granted to students who are the beneficiaries of "legacy admissions", or Ivy Leaugue athletes
who play water polo or Lacrosse.

Those are the fat cats who get the legitimate favors based on nepotism, not the MINUSCULE numbers of impoverished black or brown students who get a one in a million chance to attend college and possibly break the cycle of generational poverty that he or she otherwise would have likely been destined to live in. And even with the chance to attend college will be less likely to be hired at the same compensation for the same job that a white applicant with no college would.

There is no anti white discrimination.

College Sports Are Affirmative Action for Rich White Students

1. Equal opportunity and unequal outcomes is not unusual. I had an equal opportunity to apply to play college football. That does not mean that I had an equal chance of an "equal outcome". My talents, abilities, gifts, what have you, were such that I was NOT going to be on the college football team, not matter how "equal" my opportunity to try.

2. Dude. The reason I keep bringing up Ivy League admissions, is not because I am especially concerned about ivy league admissions, but because the admission process is so well documented so we can see how much discrimination there is IN OUR SOCIETY, for blacks at the expense of whites.

I've told you this before. This is a limited example where we can easily see not only that there is a problem, but that the problem is across the board, and quite large.

1. The fact is that opportunity and outcome are more often than not aligned, more so in academics as opposed to sports. What is the primary reason that most students attend college? To develop a skillset and level of expertise to meet the demands of a chosen field. Statistics do not support the assertion that the pool of candidates from colleges nationwide is being shifted by the displacement of potential white students. In fact, labor statistics state the exact opposite.

2. By choosing Ivy Leaugue colleges as your "control sample", all that you did was to prove the opposite of of what you are attempting to. Black students are underrepresented at the majority of those schools, and have been for generations, in spite of affirmative action.

Even in the ONE 15 year old study that you keep referring to, there has been literally no change in the presence of white or black students since the study was conducted.

3. The only noticeable difference in the presence of minorities in Ivy League colleges in decades is the spike in Asian students. Truthfully, they are discriminated against in favor of white students far more than whites being impacted by a small fraction of black students.

This "Black Bogeyman", that is "stealing opportunities" from "poor maligned, victimized" white people, that you are attempting to create does not exist.

There is no anti white discrimination.

1. What do you mean, "opportunity and out come are not aligned"?

2. Nope. THe widespread and very high level of anti-White Discrimination was documented. YOur stonewalling on this is either dishonestly or delusion on your part.

3. The effective 310 sat point bonus that black skin gets you has been documented and is a hard fact. Your denial of this is just you being either dishonest or delusional.

1. Pay attention, and read what I stated. I stated that opportunity and outcome "ARE MORE OFTEN THAN NOT, ALIGNED." Which is a fact.

2. The so called "widespead anti white discrimination" that you are angry about, resides
in your mind, not in reality. There are no statistics in existence that even remotely support that such discrimination exists. What you say has been "documented" certainly has not had any long term or short term effect on the white population in the job market. The white population in this country has NEVER been marginalized as an entire group by lawful discrimination.
And for you to even imply that this is the case, is dishonesty on YOUR part.

3. You posted ONE single study from 15 years ago, and nothing recent to support your "conspiracy theory". Which is exactly what your grievance is..

Lastly, I dont put ANY credence into speculation, but I do recognize "effect caused by action". There is NO residual past effect or any current effect caused by any anti white discrimination, because it does not exist in a country that was founded by white people, for white people.

That is not dishonest. It is the truth.

Suck it up and get over it. You are not a victim.


This brother looks kind of white.

He is white. And so what's your point because more unnamed blacks are shot.

Is there any possibility at all that more "unarmed" blacks do the stupid shit that puts them in harms way, where they can have a higher chance of being shot?

I've yet to see anyone of any race get shot, when they are in complete compliance and cooperate with the cops.

This brother looks kind of white.

He is white. And so what's your point because more unnamed blacks are shot.

Is there any possibility at all that more "unarmed" blacks do the stupid shit that puts them in harms way, where they can have a higher chance of being shot?

I've yet to see anyone of any race get shot, when they are in complete compliance and cooperate with the cops.

Well things just don't work the same for blacks.


This brother looks kind of white.

He is white. And so what's your point because more unnamed blacks are shot.

Is there any possibility at all that more "unarmed" blacks do the stupid shit that puts them in harms way, where they can have a higher chance of being shot?

I've yet to see anyone of any race get shot, when they are in complete compliance and cooperate with the cops.

Well things just don't work the same for blacks.

Your video does not tell or show what led up to the shooting.
I'm sorry but I didn't even read the whole original post. I as a white female can tell you that white Privledge must mean paying your bills on time and that more is expected of you. No free pass here. I grew up in L.A and went to a school where I was the only white kid. I put up with DAILY bullying and sexual harrassment for being white and the teachers didn't do Jack shit.

By the way if white Privledge does exist then why in the HELL would we want to give it up? So we can make a worse future for our own children? If white people don't look out for their own race NO ONE will. Other races as a whole don't give a shit about white genocide. Whites are being killed for their land in South Africa but no one gives a crap about that. Oh white people deserve it because theyre sooo evil. Sorry but the whites of today don't owe anyone anything. Whites as a whole in the world are actually a minority. If whites don't start sticking up for their own race they will be doomed.
The hundreds of cases of black criminals surviving confrontations with the police don't get any media coverage.
OK. The floor is yours

Show me the hundreds of cases where black men were in armed confrontations with the police and they walked out alive ?
he said criminals--not armed jackasses
so if the black is an armed confrontation with the cops, it's wrong if the cops shoot the jackass???!!!
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