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More Tales Of White Supremacy And White Privilege

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Then, like I said before. You people are dying, and you deserve it. You are getting what you asked for.
White Women have lower fertility rates


Black men can wipe out white, Asian and Latino races biologically. I put my seed in any women. I'll get a black child. White men can only have a white child with a white woman. Black people can even
have white children with black women.

You put all the races into a pot and mix them up. You'd get a black man or women. The black man and women are the mothers and fathers of humanity. So therefore because of genetic dominance of black men that is why during slavery the black man's penis was cut off, that's why you had all the miscegenation laws.

The root of racism is fear, fear of white genetic annihilation. White folks are the real numerical minority in the world.

Whites are painfully aware of this numerical imbalance.

And uneasy about it. This unease can be seen in their efforts to constantly project themselves as victims when they are, more times than not, the aggressor. Their attempt to portray themselves as superior beings. The white man’s obsession with creating more weapons to use to fight wars against countries full of people of color. The funneling of guns and drugs into black communities, the funding and supplying of internecine warfare in Africa and Haiti, the Ku Klux Klan, white folks promoting abortion and contraception to black people

Racism is a behavioral system for the survival of White people so the expectation white people will change this behavior is highly unlikely.
And we are not complaining about it. You don't see white people marching down the streets going "black people are violent!".
Now you are being intellectual dishonest.

Whenever black folks do something wrong ?


If gang violence heats up in America’s inner cities ? Front-page news. Unacceptably high dropout rates ? Yep, you can read all about it. Drugs, crime, out-of-wedlock childbirth? Yes, yes, and more yes

Whites never tires of bringing negativity when it comes to black people. Local television news make the first 5-10 minutes of each newscast with crime stories and they make sure they're always black.
It's black people protesting.... when you guys kill yourselves more than we do. That's a statistical fact.
And how does black commit a crime against black people affect white people ?
This happened in Brixton in England the other day. He gives it the whole "White men created civilization" and "England is being ruined immigrants"

Where to begin ?

And see this is the thing.

About the lie of "Well you know if black people just worked hard. We'd be fine"

Here you have black people working in low paid jobs in McDonalds and I'm pretty sure all the top heads of McDonalds are all white, but he's still not happy

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Then, like I said before. You people are dying, and you deserve it. You are getting what you asked for.
White Women have lower fertility rates


Black men can wipe out white, Asian and Latino races biologically. I put my seed in any women. I'll get a black child. White men can only have a white child with a white woman. Black people can even
have white children with black women.

You put all the races into a pot and mix them up. You'd get a black man or women. The black man and women are the mothers and fathers of humanity. So therefore because of genetic dominance of black men that is why during slavery the black man's penis was cut off, that's why you had all the miscegenation laws.

The root of racism is fear, fear of white genetic annihilation. White folks are the real numerical minority in the world.

Whites are painfully aware of this numerical imbalance.

And uneasy about it. This unease can be seen in their efforts to constantly project themselves as victims when they are, more times than not, the aggressor. Their attempt to portray themselves as superior beings. The white man’s obsession with creating more weapons to use to fight wars against countries full of people of color. The funneling of guns and drugs into black communities, the funding and supplying of internecine warfare in Africa and Haiti, the Ku Klux Klan, white folks promoting abortion and contraception to black people

Racism is a behavioral system for the survival of White people so the expectation white people will change this behavior is highly unlikely.
And we are not complaining about it. You don't see white people marching down the streets going "black people are violent!".
Now you are being intellectual dishonest.

Whenever black folks do something wrong ?


If gang violence heats up in America’s inner cities ? Front-page news. Unacceptably high dropout rates ? Yep, you can read all about it. Drugs, crime, out-of-wedlock childbirth? Yes, yes, and more yes

Whites never tires of bringing negativity when it comes to black people. Local television news make the first 5-10 minutes of each newscast with crime stories and they make sure they're always black.
It's black people protesting.... when you guys kill yourselves more than we do. That's a statistical fact.
And how does black commit a crime against black people affect white people ?
Wo, hey, yo gramma be like bad.
Then, like I said before. You people are dying, and you deserve it. You are getting what you asked for.
White Women have lower fertility rates


Black men can wipe out white, Asian and Latino races biologically. I put my seed in any women. I'll get a black child. White men can only have a white child with a white woman. Black people can even
have white children with black women.

You put all the races into a pot and mix them up. You'd get a black man or women. The black man and women are the mothers and fathers of humanity. So therefore because of genetic dominance of black men that is why during slavery the black man's penis was cut off, that's why you had all the miscegenation laws.

The root of racism is fear, fear of white genetic annihilation. White folks are the real numerical minority in the world.

Whites are painfully aware of this numerical imbalance.

And uneasy about it. This unease can be seen in their efforts to constantly project themselves as victims when they are, more times than not, the aggressor. Their attempt to portray themselves as superior beings. The white man’s obsession with creating more weapons to use to fight wars against countries full of people of color. The funneling of guns and drugs into black communities, the funding and supplying of internecine warfare in Africa and Haiti, the Ku Klux Klan, white folks promoting abortion and contraception to black people

Racism is a behavioral system for the survival of White people so the expectation white people will change this behavior is highly unlikely.
And we are not complaining about it. You don't see white people marching down the streets going "black people are violent!".
Now you are being intellectual dishonest.

Whenever black folks do something wrong ?


If gang violence heats up in America’s inner cities ? Front-page news. Unacceptably high dropout rates ? Yep, you can read all about it. Drugs, crime, out-of-wedlock childbirth? Yes, yes, and more yes

Whites never tires of bringing negativity when it comes to black people. Local television news make the first 5-10 minutes of each newscast with crime stories and they make sure they're always black.
It's black people protesting.... when you guys kill yourselves more than we do. That's a statistical fact.
And how does black commit a crime against black people affect white people ?


What does white women fertility rates have to do with anything?

Black men can wipe out white, Asian and Latino races biologically. I put my seed in any women. I'll get a black child. White men can only have a white child with a white woman. Black people can even have white children with black women.

So what? Who cares? By the way, do you know that a black child adopted by a white family, will have a higher life expectancy, lower drug abuse and criminal record, and generally have a higher education and better paying career?

And the best part is... black children adopted by white families are less likely to be racists against whites. In short, less likely to be like you.

Beside that..... is the purpose to have more black people, even if their lives are terrible?

I'll be happy being the rich, morally superior minority. Better to have 3 white kids that do well, enjoy life, and have love and health.... than 50 bastard children, all hopped up on drugs, stealing and murdering each other, simply so some idiot on a forum somewhere can say "black men can wipe out white, asian and latino races". How dumb is that?

This is why your communities suck.
1. And I stated that I have found that such elderly black people are pretty happy just being treated as equals, and don't seem to need nor expect, nor want, special favoritism based on their being black.

2. ONE small limited example, of hard evidence of documented discrimination is the discrimination show in Ivy League admissions.

1. Of course the average elderly person of any race is less concerned about opportunities tha tg have already been missed. Furthermore the average elderly black person would likely be guarded about what they would even discuss with you.

Most elderly black people that I know are more concerned about their final years being enjoyable. But if they had an opportunity to live their lives over, they would not view legislation to ensure equality as "favoritism".

2. Yes that is definitely a VERY LIMITED example. There is no evidence that white applicants have been or are being displaced on a broad scale by by black applicants.

1. Do you understand the difference between equality of opportunity, and equality of outcome?

2. Peer reviewed academic studies have not only demonstrated that anti-white discrimination takes place in Ivy League admissions, in favor of blacks, but it has very precisely calculated exactly how large the discrimination is as an bonus/demerit to SAT scores.

Your denial is delusional.

1. I understand when I read BULLSHIT. And bullshit bears no resemblance to fact.
If opportunity is not provided, a positive outcome typically is not recognized. Its called linear Even you should know that. There are no statistics that support you assertion of anti white discrimination on a widescale basis.

2. Peer reviewed academic studies still reflect a far lower admission rate for black applicants as well as a very strong possibilty that Asian students are discriminated against
in favor of white students.

You insistence of the existence of anti white discrimination is what's truly delusional. If this was really happening there would be anarchy in the streets.

1. But even if opportunity IS provided, that does not mean that equal outcome will be achieved. Thus you insistence on focusing on outcome as "proof" is just factually wrong.

2. Of course the overall admission rate is lower. Blacks educational outcome, k-12 is abysmal due the the high rate of illegitimacy. But that does not mean the the blacks that apply are not discriminated in favor of, to the tune of an impact of over 300 SAT points.

1. In the majority of situational life experiences, opportunity plays an important part in positive outcome. You are implying that an unusual occurance is responsible for a non existent widespread system of anti white discrimination, and that makes no sense whatsoever.

2. You can't have it both ways. Blacks are not displacing whites in college admissions or in the workforce.

If you are so concerned about college admissions for white students who do not come from wealthy families, your concerns would be more logical if they were directed at the obvious favors granted to students who are the beneficiaries of "legacy admissions", or Ivy Leaugue athletes
who play water polo or Lacrosse.

Those are the fat cats who get the legitimate favors based on nepotism, not the MINUSCULE numbers of impoverished black or brown students who get a one in a million chance to attend college and possibly break the cycle of generational poverty that he or she otherwise would have likely been destined to live in. And even with the chance to attend college will be less likely to be hired at the same compensation for the same job that a white applicant with no college would.

There is no anti white discrimination.

College Sports Are Affirmative Action for Rich White Students

1. Equal opportunity and unequal outcomes is not unusual. I had an equal opportunity to apply to play college football. That does not mean that I had an equal chance of an "equal outcome". My talents, abilities, gifts, what have you, were such that I was NOT going to be on the college football team, not matter how "equal" my opportunity to try.

2. Dude. The reason I keep bringing up Ivy League admissions, is not because I am especially concerned about ivy league admissions, but because the admission process is so well documented so we can see how much discrimination there is IN OUR SOCIETY, for blacks at the expense of whites.

I've told you this before. This is a limited example where we can easily see not only that there is a problem, but that the problem is across the board, and quite large.
Our current policies are putting good black students into elite colleges where they cannot compete, and fucking up their lives, while denying good white and asian students the slots that should be theirs.
I swear - Brains aren't everything. In your case they're nothing.

Name the Ivy Universities that let black people with lower scores than whites ?

The fact you is can't do this so just tap out.

Now until you name the Ivy Universities that let's black people with lower scores than whites then all this is "Last Man Talking Contest"

I've met guys like you all my life.

One of those pseudo-intellectual types who pretend to be an expert at something

But the truth your just an amateur gunslinger. All you do is close your eyes then point and shoot.

But whenever you come trying to shoot that sh!t at me I always go for the heavy snark because in a full-on blast the person with the bigger gun is more likely to leave a smoking bullet-ridden avatar on the ground.

And besides, at that point I know the convo is over, so might as well have some fun.

Dude. I linked to studies showing that the Ivy League as a whole discriminates in favor of blacks, and provided you a link to the study, so if you want to dig into it to find any break down by individual schools, you can go to town.

Your denial at this point is just moronic stonewalling, designed to fool primarily yourself, and any other willful dupes who might read this and WANT very strongly to pretend that this racist discrimination is not happening.

What does white women fertility rates have to do with anything?
Because white women are not having enough kids. Your race is dying out. We ain't worried. Any women on the planet I impregnate I'm getting a black child. Can you say the same - Todd ?
So what? Who cares? By the way, do you know that a black child adopted by a white family, will have a higher life expectancy, lower drug abuse and criminal record, and generally have a higher education and better paying career?

And the best part is... black children adopted by white families are less likely to be racists against whites. In short, less likely to be like you.
Really well why don't you ask Devonte Hart how wonderful it is to be adopted by white parents ?

Well you can't because he's dead. His white mom drove them off a cliff killing them and all their black adopted kids.



Or how about Katera Baker why don't you ask her how wonderful it is to be adopted by white people ?

Once again. You can't because she's dead.

It was two kids in the car at the same time and the other kid was dropped off at the daycare that they both attend. How was that other kid not forgotten but this baby was? Wouldn’t you see both of them in back seat when you took that one out?


Or why don't you ask the black kid who comic Paula Poundstone adopted ? Because she was charged with molesting and abusing her adopted Black children ? She was allowed to make a plea deal and get a slap on the wrist



Or this couple took their adopted Black child..... To do a photo shoot...... In a COTTON FIELD..


Or why don't ask the black adopted kids of Lemomine Cheeks of Memphis who locked her black adopted kids in cages how wonderful it is to be adopted by white people ?

I'll be happy being the rich, morally superior minority. Better to have 3 white kids that do well, enjoy life, and have love and health.... than 50 bastard children, all hopped up on drugs, stealing and murdering each other, simply so some idiot on a forum somewhere can say "black men can wipe out white, asian and latino races". How dumb is that?
So are you claiming that white people have been morally superior to black people ?
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Dude. I linked to studies showing that the Ivy League as a whole discriminates in favor of blacks, and provided you a link to the study, so if you want to dig into it to find any break down by individual schools, you can go to town.

Your denial at this point is just moronic stonewalling, designed to fool primarily yourself, and any other willful dupes who might read this and WANT very strongly to pretend that this racist discrimination is not happening.
Name me an Ivy University that let's black people in with lowers scores than white people.
Dude. I linked to studies showing that the Ivy League as a whole discriminates in favor of blacks, and provided you a link to the study, so if you want to dig into it to find any break down by individual schools, you can go to town.

Your denial at this point is just moronic stonewalling, designed to fool primarily yourself, and any other willful dupes who might read this and WANT very strongly to pretend that this racist discrimination is not happening.
Name me an Ivy University that let's black people in with lowers scores than white people.

THe Ivy League as a whole.
Dude. I linked to studies showing that the Ivy League as a whole discriminates in favor of blacks, and provided you a link to the study, so if you want to dig into it to find any break down by individual schools, you can go to town.

Your denial at this point is just moronic stonewalling, designed to fool primarily yourself, and any other willful dupes who might read this and WANT very strongly to pretend that this racist discrimination is not happening.
Name me an Ivy University that let's black people in with lowers scores than white people.

THe Ivy League as a whole.
Name me one.

Name an Ivy university which you think let's in black people with lower scores than whites ?

What you so scared of ?
Dude. I linked to studies showing that the Ivy League as a whole discriminates in favor of blacks, and provided you a link to the study, so if you want to dig into it to find any break down by individual schools, you can go to town.

Your denial at this point is just moronic stonewalling, designed to fool primarily yourself, and any other willful dupes who might read this and WANT very strongly to pretend that this racist discrimination is not happening.
Name me an Ivy University that let's black people in with lowers scores than white people.

THe Ivy League as a whole.
Name me one.

Name an Ivy university which you think let's in black people with lower scores than whites ?

What you so scared of ?

1. I have posted and linked a study showing that all of them, as a group do so.

2. I'm not afraid of anything in the context of this question. It is a stupid question, one designed to dodge and deflect from the truth, not reveal it.
1. I have posted and linked a study showing that all of them, as a group do so.
You posted a link to a group students who wrote thesis about minorities getting into universities that means nothing.

You don't name a university. Because you know if did, you'd be sunk. That's why you try be vague and evasive.

If you’re saying black people get into Ivy League universities with lower scores than whites. Then that's an exceptionally radical statement. So it needs exceptionally radical proof to back it up. Proof you don't have.

I’ve also noticed with these thesis there always has to be at least one mention of “liberals” or “lefties”

You will never find such mention in serious scientific publications.

What I don't get is this ? Why can't you just say "N*ggers are stupid" Why all these theories ? But I guess you need a new theory of racism that allows you to separate yourselves from the blue collar stormfronters.

So let me take a wild guess. You’ll concede that blacks are better at bouncing balls, running fast, and brute strength and also funny, but not that smart. Right ? Asians are human calculators and are therefore good at science. They’re smart, but can’t think individually and aren’t creative.

But whites are really the genetically chosen ones.

What a surprise

The people who have the best mix of genes and abilities to make them the natural leaders of the world. Their genetics makes them overall dominant, even if they do make a few small concessions to other races here and there.
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How Colonialism Affected the Rwandan Genocide

The events that took place in the heart of Rwanda during 1994 were atrocious. More than 800,000 Tutsi were hacked and massacred at the hands and machetes of extremist Hutu while the entire world stood by and watched. How did it come to this? How could such hatred lead to the slaughter of nearly 1 million Tutsi? The roots of the carnage can be tied to European colonialism in Rwanda. Through racist ideologies that led to a distinct classification of Hutu and Tutsi and a falsified history of Rwanda, Europeans successfully birthed an ethnic divide that ultimately led to the Rwandan Genocide.

So exactly what role did European colonialism of Rwanda play in the ethnic divide of Hutu and Tutsi? A new kind of racism was brought to Rwanda upon the arrival of Europeans in the 20th century. Colonists assumed their own superiority and valued those physically and geographically close to themselves. From this racism the Hamitic hypothesis was born.

According to the Hamitic hypothesis pastoralists from the north had brought civilization to the rest of the continent through conquest or infiltration (History and Society: Hamitic Hypothesis). In other words, the Tutsi (more commonly tall, narrow-featured and elegant) came in from Ethiopia and brought civilization to the Hutu (The Ungodly Missionary Legacy). The Tutsi were the ideal Hamites. Additionally, Tutsi even wore togas as a part of their daily attire. This in itself was confirmation to Europeans of a faint connection with the Roman colonies of North Africa (Dikötter, 1485).

Thereupon, pigeonholed intellectual and moral qualities were ascribed to the Hutu and Tutsi. The Tutsi, being most like the Europeans, were labelled the more intelligent of the two and were naturally born to rule. While on the other hand, the Hutu were labelled as dumb, but good-natured and loyal subjects. Once in practice these postulations limited posts in office along with the higher education necessary to fill the positions.
This gave the Tutsi unavoidable admission into occupations in the administration. And to further ensure that entrance was limited to Tutsi alone, each person was branded Hutu, Tutsi, or Twa at birth. Even though these political ethnic groups existed before the colonial period, the racist ideology of the Europeans had sweeping ramifications, breeding the idea of a superior race. This was solidified by European colonial policies and internalized by Rwandans themselves (Michelle, Change.org).

Over the course of European occupation in Rwanda, elitism was successfully refashioned into racism. By preventing Hutu access to higher education and administrative jobs, they were essentially closed off from the political arena and representation in such. Moreover, the documentation of ‘ethnic groups’ enhanced the importance of these rigid classifications. No longer was there flexibility between groups. Ethnic boundaries were clearly defined. So Hutu, excommunicated from power experienced the solidarity of the oppressed. Over time this rift, this pronounced separateness between Hutu and Tutsi, blossomed into hatred. Why? Because of the Europeans who came to colonize and bring the wealth of western knowledge, but instead brought racist ideologies.

How Colonialism Affected the Rwandan Genocide

You understand nothing. You are just another white racist idiot that justifies this comment.

"Because most whites have not been trained to think with complexity about racism, and because it benefits white dominance not to do so, we have a very limited understanding of it (Kumashiro, 2009; LaDuke, 2009). We are the least likely to see, comprehend, or be invested in validating people of color’s assertions of racism and being honest about their consequences (King, 1991). At the same time, because of white social, economic, and political power within a white dominant culture, whites are the group in the position to legitimize people of color’s assertions of racism.Being in this position engenders a form of racial arrogance, and in this racial arrogance, whites have little compunction about debating the knowledge of people who have thought deeply about race through research, study, peer-reviewed scholarship, deep and on-going critical self-reflection, interracial relationships, and lived experience (Chinnery, 2008). This expertise is often trivialized and countered with simplistic platitudes, such as “people just need to see each other as individuals” or “see each other as humans” or “take personal responsibility.”

White lack of racial humility often leads to declarations of disagreement when in fact the problem is that we do not understand. Whites generally feel free to dismiss informed perspectives rather than have the humility to acknowledge that they are unfamiliar, reflect on them further, seek more information, or sustain a dialogue (DiAngelo & Sensoy, 2009)."

You just made my case........up to 1,000,000 blacks killed by other blacks (your post is a valid excuse?????)
Once again I ask you.....

Why don't Black Lives Matter TO YOU ????

Because all you're doing is explaining why they don't.
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You posted a link to a group students who wrote thesis about minorities getting into universities that means nothing.

You don't name a university. Because you know if did, you'd be sunk. That's why you try be vague and evasive.

If you’re saying black people get into Ivy League universities with lower scores than whites. Then that's an exceptionally radical statement. So it needs exceptionally radical proof to back it up. Proof you don't have.

I’ve also noticed with these thesis there always has to be at least one mention of “liberals” or “lefties”

You will never find such mention in serious scientific publications.

What I don't get is this ? Why can't you just say "N*ggers are stupid" Why all these theories ? But I guess you need a new theory of racism that allows you to separate yourselves from the blue collar stormfronters.

So let me take a wild guess. You’ll concede that blacks are better at bouncing balls, running fast, and brute strength and also funny, but not that smart. Right ? Asians are human calculators and are therefore good at science. They’re smart, but can’t think individually and aren’t creative.

But whites are really the genetically chosen ones.

What a surprise

The people who have the best mix of genes and abilities to make them the natural leaders of the world. Their genetics makes them overall dominant, even if they do make a few small concessions to other races here and there.

Why is it that all the nations with the top 10 GDP's are either white or Asian? WHY?

Why isn't there at least ONE Black nation in the top 10?

Much of what you sarcastically said is ironically true.

And please don't make the mistake that IM2 always makes and assume to know my race, TY
Yeah, that photo shoot of the little black girl in a cotton field does make you wonder. Insensitive if not intentional.

Paul, has anyone at this forum claimed there are NO BAD WHITE PEOPLE?

There definitely ARE. But that doesn't mean they ALL are...or even that MOST of them are.
How 'bout that black guy up in Sumter county with 160 acres, huh? He got it from his grandpappy, Black privilege?

How 'bout my friend down there in the city with a 100-year old house that was paid for in the 40s that his mama left him and his brother. Black privilege?

I'd say it was The American Dream, but maybe it's just me.

I'd say that you are trying to use micro level examples to argue against a macro level problem.

In 2011, DEMOS did a study named “The Racial Wealth Gap, Why Policy Matters”, which discussed the racial wealth gap, the problems associated with it and solutions and outcomes if the gap did not exist. In this study DEMOS determined that the racial wealth gap was primarily driven by policy decisions.

“The U.S. racial wealth gap is substantial and is driven by public policy decisions. According to our analysis of the SIPP data, in 2011 the median white household had $111,146 in wealth holdings, compared to just $7,113 for the median Black household and $8,348 for the median Latino household. From the continuing impact of redlining on American homeownership to the retreat from desegregation in public education, public policy has shaped these disparities, leaving them impossible to overcome without racially-aware policy change.”

“Eliminating disparities in homeownership rates and returns would substantially reduce the racial wealth gap. While 73 percent of white households owned their own homes in 2011, only 47 percent of Latinos and 45 percent of Blacks were homeowners. In addition, Black and Latino homeowners saw less return in wealth on their investment in homeownership: for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Black households as a result of homeownership, median white households accrue $1.34; meanwhile for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Latino households as a result of homeownership, median white households accrue $1.54.”

“If public policy successfully eliminated racial disparities in homeownership rates, so that Blacks and Latinos were as likely as white households to own their homes, median Black wealth would grow $32,113 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 31 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $29,213 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 28 percent.”

“If public policy successfully equalized the return on homeownership, so that Blacks and Latinos saw the same financial gains as whites as a result of being homeowners, median Black wealth would grow $17,113 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 16 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $41,652 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 41 percent.”

“Eliminating disparities in college graduation and the return on a college degree would have a modest direct impact on the racial wealth gap. In 2011, 34 percent of whites had completed four-year college degrees compared to just 20 percent of Blacks and 13 percent of Latinos. In addition, Black and Latino college graduates saw a lower return on their degrees than white graduates: for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Black households associated with a college degree, median white households accrue $11.49. Meanwhile for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Latino households associated with a college degree, median white households accrue $13.33.”

If public policy successfully eliminated racial disparities in college graduation rates, median Black wealth would grow $1,313 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 1 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $3,528 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 3 percent. “

If public policy successfully equalized the return to college graduation, median Black wealth would grow $10,786 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 10 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $5,878 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 6 percent.”

Eliminating disparities in income—and even more so, the wealth return on income—would substantially reduce the racial wealth gap. Yet in 2011, the median white household had an income of $50,400 a year compared to just $32,028 for Blacks and $36,840 for Latinos. Black and Latino households also see less of a return than white households on the income they earn: for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Black households associated with a higher income, median white households accrue $4.06. Meanwhile, for every $1 in wealth that accrues to median Latino households associated with higher income, median white households accrue $5.37.”

If public policy successfully eliminated racial disparities in income, median Black wealth would grow $11,488 and the wealth gap between Black and white households would shrink 11 percent. Median Latino wealth would grow $8,765 and the wealth gap with white households would shrink 9 percent.”

If public policy successfully equalized the return to income, so that each additional dollar of income going to Black and Latino households was converted to wealth at the same rate as white households, median Black wealth would grow $44,963 and median Latino wealth would grow $51,552. This would shrink the wealth gap with white households by 43 and 50 percent respectively.”

The Racial Wealth Gap: Why Policy Matters

TL; DR Cut n Paste hackjob.
Why is it that all the nations with the top 10 GDP's are either white or Asian? WHY?
Well you know the answer to this question and the cynical tone in the way you asked me the question does not erase the fact that you know.

It's because the white man went into the lands of black people, robbed them of their land, killed them, destroyed them, dominated them, subjugated them and put them under their yoke and way.

So whites are in the superior position because of the wickedness and under-handness of the white man the world over
Why isn't there at least ONE Black nation in the top 10?
Again you know the answer to this question and the cynical tone in the way you asked me the question does not erase the fact that you know.

It's because the white man went into the lands of black people, robbed them of their land, killed them, destroyed them, dominated them, subjugated them and put them under their yoke and way.

So whites are in the superior position because of the wickedness and under-handness of the white man the world over
Much of what you sarcastically said is ironically true.
Everything that I said is true
And please don't make the mistake that IM2 always makes and assume to know my race, TY
I'm assuming that you're not white. Otherwise you would not have said something like this.
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1. I have posted and linked a study showing that all of them, as a group do so.
You posted a link to a group students who wrote thesis about minorities getting into universities that means nothing.

You don't name a university. Because you know if did, you'd be sunk. That's why you try be vague and evasive.

If you’re saying black people get into Ivy League universities with lower scores than whites. Then that's an exceptionally radical statement. So it needs exceptionally radical proof to back it up. Proof you don't have.

I’ve also noticed with these thesis there always has to be at least one mention of “liberals” or “lefties”

You will never find such mention in serious scientific publications.

What I don't get is this ? Why can't you just say "N*ggers are stupid" Why all these theories ? But I guess you need a new theory of racism that allows you to separate yourselves from the blue collar stormfronters.

So let me take a wild guess. You’ll concede that blacks are better at bouncing balls, running fast, and brute strength and also funny, but not that smart. Right ? Asians are human calculators and are therefore good at science. They’re smart, but can’t think individually and aren’t creative.

But whites are really the genetically chosen ones.

What a surprise

The people who have the best mix of genes and abilities to make them the natural leaders of the world. Their genetics makes them overall dominant, even if they do make a few small concessions to other races here and there.
Is English your second language?
Why is it that all the nations with the top 10 GDP's are either white or Asian? WHY?
Well you know the answer to this question and the cynical tone in the way you asked me the question does not erase the fact that you know.

It's because the white man went into the lands of black people, robbed of their land, killed them, destroyed them, dominated them, subjugated them and put them under their yoke and way.

So whites are in the superior position because of the wickedness and under-handness of the white man the world over
Why isn't there at least ONE Black nation in the top 10?
Again you know the answer to this question and the cynical tone in the way you asked me the question does not erase the fact that you know.

It's because the white man went into the lands of black people, robbed of their land, killed them, destroyed them, dominated, subjugated them and put them under their yoke and way.

So whites are in the superior position because of the wickedness and under-handness of the white man the world over
Much of what you sarcastically said is ironically true.
Everything that I said is true
And please don't make the mistake that IM2 always makes and assume to know my race, TY
I'm assuming that you're not white. Otherwise you would not have said something like this.
You're a racist.
Well you know the answer to this question and the cynical tone in the way you asked me the question does not erase the fact that you know.

It's because the white man went into the lands of black people, robbed them of their land, killed them, destroyed them, dominated them, subjugated them and put them under their yoke and way.

No blacks owned land in America before whites did, derp! There were no "lands of black people" in America for whites to rob them of.
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